Fat Bastardo Here

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Herzlich Willkommen beim USMB, Herr Fat Bastardo!

Ich hoffe, Du genießt Deine Zeit hier in Hülle und Fülle.

Falls Du Twinkies brauchen solltest, frag doch mal TemplarKormac, der hat eine Faible für so etwas...

Hast nicht gewußt, daß diese Seite in der Wirklichkeit eine Deutsche-Seite ist, nicht wahr?

Und alle, die hier herumschwimmen, sind sehr, sehr schlank!!!


Now, start learning German really, really fast!!!

It would be faster for him to just eat a small German.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
bullshit sonny....bill brought us peace and prosperity that shit ya conservatives talk about but cant seem to do
What did Bill do about our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies? What did he do about our closed plants and factories? What did he do about alternative energy? What did he do about infrastructure? What did he do about government corruption? What did he do about the injustices in our judicial system? What did he do about illegal immigration? What did he do about fair taxation across the board? What did he do about poverty and homelessness? What did he do about affordable health care for all Americans? What did he do about eminent domain? What did he do about securing our borders and ports? .............. What exactly did he do?
Deutsch, sonny, Deutsch!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
bullshit sonny....bill brought us peace and prosperity that shit ya conservatives talk about but cant seem to do
What did Bill do about our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies? What did he do about our closed plants and factories? What did he do about alternative energy? What did he do about infrastructure? What did he do about government corruption? What did he do about the injustices in our judicial system? What did he do about illegal immigration? What did he do about fair taxation across the board? What did he do about poverty and homelessness? What did he do about affordable health care for all Americans? What did he do about eminent domain? What did he do about securing our borders and ports? .............. What exactly did he do?
Deutsch, sonny, Deutsch!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Meaning what? In English ?
My favorites presidents of all time are William Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt. In more modern times I like Bill the "Big Dog" Clinton.

I will be discussing important issues and the most important issue that the corporate media ignores is the medical holocaust which kills at least 1 million Americans per year and maims millions more. If anyone here defends doctors and their loathsome industry be prepared for a not so gentle fact enema and reality check.


Fat Bastardo...one of many meat faced Americans.

You like Slick Willie Clinton huh? a mass murderer who did the same thing DICK Nixon did.Nixon expanded the vietnam war to get everybodys attention away from the watergate scandal.Billy boy did the same thing starting a war to get everybodys attention away from monica.

Not to mention if your a friend of Bills you wind up as a mysterious dead body.Ask vince foster and ron brown and many others who knew too much about his scandals and paid the price for it as a result not to mention the many people in arkansas including kids he had killed off because for witnessing the CIA he allowed to smuggle drugs into mena arkansas in exchange for weapons to be shipped to the contras in Nicuagua.an operation that he was running with his buddy Vice President George Bush at the time when Bush was VP and he was governor of arkansas.

you might take a couple hours here to get educated on this.

Here we go again,have you seen that video by chance? you should watch it if you havent.Its an old video from the past but i know you will still be blown away by it.
My favorites presidents of all time are William Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt. In more modern times I like Bill the "Big Dog" Clinton.

I will be discussing important issues and the most important issue that the corporate media ignores is the medical holocaust which kills at least 1 million Americans per year and maims millions more. If anyone here defends doctors and their loathsome industry be prepared for a not so gentle fact enema and reality check.


Fat Bastardo...one of many meat faced Americans.
Welcome to USMB.

I hope you've had all of your shots, although I suspect you need a rather large needle.

My favorites presidents of all time are William Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt. In more modern times I like Bill the "Big Dog" Clinton.

I will be discussing important issues and the most important issue that the corporate media ignores is the medical holocaust which kills at least 1 million Americans per year and maims millions more. If anyone here defends doctors and their loathsome industry be prepared for a not so gentle fact enema and reality check.


Fat Bastardo...one of many meat faced Americans.

You like Slick Willie Clinton huh? a mass murderer who did the same thing DICK Nixon did.Nixon expanded the vietnam war to get everybodys attention away from the watergate scandal.Billy boy did the same thing starting a war to get everybodys attention away from monica.

Not to mention if your a friend of Bills you wind up as a mysterious dead body.Ask vince foster and ron brown and many others who knew too much about his scandals and paid the price for it as a result not to mention the many people in arkansas including kids he had killed off because for witnessing the CIA he allowed to smuggle drugs into mena arkansas in exchange for weapons to be shipped to the contras in Nicuagua.an operation that he was running with his buddy Vice President George Bush at the time when Bush was VP and he was governor of arkansas.

you might take a couple hours here to get educated on this.

If there was anything to the Vince Foster thing Ken Starr would have nailed him. There is nothing there.

Monica Lewinsky was a blip on the screen. Nixon had a mistress, Pappy Bush was a pedophile , Kennedy had a mistress, Bush/Shrub had a mistress, as did FDR.

As to getting educated, based on what you wrote I think it would be best if I Fat Bastardo did the educating. First off when you make a statement post a link. Repeating Fox News propaganda and Alex Jones ravings are not facts.

If the CIA wanted to give weapons to the Contra they would have just done it and nobody would ever know.
My favorites presidents of all time are William Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt. In more modern times I like Bill the "Big Dog" Clinton.

I will be discussing important issues and the most important issue that the corporate media ignores is the medical holocaust which kills at least 1 million Americans per year and maims millions more. If anyone here defends doctors and their loathsome industry be prepared for a not so gentle fact enema and reality check.


Fat Bastardo...one of many meat faced Americans.
You are holocausting yourself with your obesity.
So....it begs the question why his son was voted in to office twice.

Technically speaking Bush was not elected by the people. Gore had more votes. His brother Jeb rigged Florida. W did go AWOL though.
My favorites presidents of all time are William Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt. In more modern times I like Bill the "Big Dog" Clinton.

I will be discussing important issues and the most important issue that the corporate media ignores is the medical holocaust which kills at least 1 million Americans per year and maims millions more. If anyone here defends doctors and their loathsome industry be prepared for a not so gentle fact enema and reality check.


Fat Bastardo...one of many meat faced Americans.
You are holocausting yourself with your obesity.

Actually I have not been overweight for several years but as the leader of the fat acceptance movement I have an image to maintain. AND BTW if you get personal with the insults I will trash your heroes like that pedophile draft dodger Ted Nugent.

Gluttony is a very Republican virtue. See what I mean?




My favorites presidents of all time are William Howard Taft and Teddy Roosevelt. In more modern times I like Bill the "Big Dog" Clinton.

I will be discussing important issues and the most important issue that the corporate media ignores is the medical holocaust which kills at least 1 million Americans per year and maims millions more. If anyone here defends doctors and their loathsome industry be prepared for a not so gentle fact enema and reality check.


Fat Bastardo...one of many meat faced Americans.

You like Slick Willie Clinton huh? a mass murderer who did the same thing DICK Nixon did.Nixon expanded the vietnam war to get everybodys attention away from the watergate scandal.Billy boy did the same thing starting a war to get everybodys attention away from monica.

Not to mention if your a friend of Bills you wind up as a mysterious dead body.Ask vince foster and ron brown and many others who knew too much about his scandals and paid the price for it as a result not to mention the many people in arkansas including kids he had killed off because for witnessing the CIA he allowed to smuggle drugs into mena arkansas in exchange for weapons to be shipped to the contras in Nicuagua.an operation that he was running with his buddy Vice President George Bush at the time when Bush was VP and he was governor of arkansas.

you might take a couple hours here to get educated on this.

If there was anything to the Vince Foster thing Ken Starr would have nailed him. There is nothing there.

Monica Lewinsky was a blip on the screen. Nixon had a mistress, Pappy Bush was a pedophile , Kennedy had a mistress, Bush/Shrub had a mistress, as did FDR.

As to getting educated, based on what you wrote I think it would be best if I Fat Bastardo did the educating. First off when you make a statement post a link. Repeating Fox News propaganda and Alex Jones ravings are not facts.

If the CIA wanted to give weapons to the Contra they would have just done it and nobody would ever know.

oh man your in denial mode.lol. amazing how when these uncomfortable facts are exposed people assume i get it from alex jones and FOX.fox is a CIA mouthpiece so thats the last media source i listen to.hannity and colmes and o'reily are CIA plants dude.:biggrin:

starr? you cant be serious?:lmao: He was never serious on ever trying to expose anything.:lmao:

arkansas state troopers told independent investigaters they had knowledge of clintons drug smuggling activites and as a result,were flown into washington and were willing to testify about this but congress never called them in to testify,you are not aware of this because it wasnt reported in the LAMESTREAM media. i knew about this way before i even knew alex jones dude:lmao:

one of his very own body guards that served in the white house with him testified before an arkansas grand jury about all this and the guy in that video who wrote a book about it called CLINTON BUSH AND THE CIA,he tried to sue clinton for trying to implicate him in the drug smuggling.He was too naive though to understand that presidents can get with anything in the world, naive that there is one different law for politicians than there is us.

that arkansas state trooper backed up what terry reed the guy in the video said about Bush and clinton involved in drug smuggling.

clinton sent him on an one of those assignments for the CIA not bothering to tell him what the CIA was really doing and when he discovered that clinton lied to him and found out what the CIA was really up to,he was livid with him and confronted him yelling at him for getting him involved with the CIA's drug smuggling and clinton replied saying-Hey dont wory,my buddie Bush knows all about this.

the bushs and clintons have been long time pals forever having been photographed golfing together and canoeing trips.barbara has said clinton is like a second son to her.

click on this link,you can see that arkansas state trooper indeed knew clinton very well.

L. D. Brown has been a witness to almost all of the alleged offenses circling around Bill Clinton in Arkansas: misuse of state funds for sexual liasons, Whitewater, illegal campaign fundraising and bribery, as well as cocaine use and cocaine smuggling. Through his cooperation with prosecutors and congressional investigators, Brown has learned the inside story on Robert Fiske's and Kenneth Starr's operations and on congressional hearings. But most of all, L. D. Brown can tell the story of the methods used by the Clinton White House to control potentially damaging witnesses. Most of what is written in this book has been told under the penalty of perjury to investigators for Congress and the Office of Independent Counsel. Documentation for many events has been included in an appendix. However incredible as some details may seem, they are backed up by evidence including recent disclosures confirming an incident involving Brown in England.
Crossfire Witness in the Clinton Investigation L. D. Brown 9781582750033 Amazon.com Books

dude stop being afraid and living in denial that you liked a murderer and take the time to watch the damn video.:rolleyes-41:

oh and here is the proof in the pudding that the mass murderers,the clintons and bushs are very good pals. here is clinton and bush even confessing they are good pals.:biggrin::lmao:

americans worst nightmare will happen again im sure with another clinton or bush in office,that seems to be their plan.

if your too afraid to look at something that tears down what you have been programmed and conditioned to believe.well then the government loves you for being afraid.they count on it and your making it easy for them to get away with their crimes by burrying your head in the sand with that ostrich..:thup:
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So....it begs the question why his son was voted in to office twice.

Technically speaking Bush was not elected by the people. Gore had more votes. His brother Jeb rigged Florida. W did go AWOL though.

You are a moron. I'd suggest a remedial class on The Constitution, but I doubt you have the reading comprehension abilities to benefit from it.
Bush was a pedophile??? First I ever heard of it.

Google it. Not W but his pappy. According to the Washington Times a right leaning newspaper Pappy was running a sex ring out of the Reagan Whitehouse. LINK


you ever do any research,many credible people have come forward over the years despite being afraid of being ridiculed to talk about this truth here.
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