Faster than light observed at NASA.

Cool Pappa Bell was faster than light 70 years ago. They say he was so fast that he could turn the bedroom light switch off and then be under the covers before the room got dark.
Like i said when the observations do not fit into your religious parameters you ignore and mock it to protect your religion
What I said is urban legend and has nothing to do with religion. Cool Papa Bell played baseball in the negro league from 1922-1946. They say he was the fastest man that ever lived. He hit one up the middle once and was called out when the ball hit him sliding into second.
So suddenly you have no opinion on the science that turns einstein into a nothing
I never did have an opinion about it. I'm not qualified to call Einstein a dummy, period. And if we got along with Einstein's theory of relativity all these years and it's the basis for modern physics, why should I get uptight about some alleged finding? Maybe it's right and maybe it's wrong and maybe it's different in the galaxy they were observing. I wish you well in your search for truth.
Einstein was and always will be the fool who claimed that the universe was not expanding according to his physics. I find it comical that you and others take his physics fully seriously when according to what you believe now he was totally wrong
Einstein thought he was right based on what was observable at the time.

Obviously, we can see more of the universe now.

About 20 years ago I bought a 1902 world atlas at an estate sale. It was a magnificent work. But it was based on what we knew at the time. And at the time, we know the only timely means of travelling across the US (which had only 45 states) was by rail, and the entire universe was only 100,000 light years across. Currently, the furthest galaxy we're seen is 133,000 times further than that.

So, yeah, it's no huge surprise the ideas about the universe change the more we can see of it.
you said that entanglement could not send information
That is a lie. I said entanglement could not be used for communication faster than light.
So this entire abiogenesis conversation is happening because you humiliated yourself at not knowing that images of animals are considered information
That is a lie. You started a topic on negative outlook. I demonstrated you have a negative outlook. Here:
My negative outlook?? That's the pot calling the kettle black. You have a totally negative outlook on abiogenesis.
Having demonstrated you have a negative outlook we can abort that topic, unless you really want to continue it.

BTW, nice pictures to demonstrate an interesting aspect of entanglement. But it does not demonstrate that it is faster than light.
Nope, the code in DNA is information, it is a complicated molecular code. Combine any and every chemical you choose, you will get chemical reactions of all types, but you will never get a complicated string of base 4 codes needed to form life. (you will never get one string either)

This is not science because there is no evidence to show that this could happen, science requires evidence gathered and proved. Shit mitochondria under electron examination is made of what appear to be molecular motors. DNA is engineering, not in any way natural. When we go to Mars we will reengineer the DNA for the new environment.

You lack imagination. You think life in it's final form must suddenly pop up for abiogenesis to be valid. Look up Markov Chains. Chains of many small steps can precede the first stage of life.

A card game where all four players are dealt a royal flush is highly improbable. If there are trillions of trillions of card games being played continually for millions of years, the low probability becomes almost a certainty. That also holds for a small chain of DNA starting a crude spark of life. Evolution does the rest.

In short, Abiogenesis does not violate physics. Superluminal information transfer does.

The really funny thing here is that you switched this conversation to abiogenesis after you said that entanglement could not send information, then I proved that it already had. So this entire abiogenesis conversation is happening because you humiliated yourself at not knowing that images of animals are considered information and as such I was correct and you are stuck behind the 8 ball

Schrödinger's cat caught on quantum film

Schrödinger’s cat is the poster child for quantum weirdness. Now it has been immortalised in a portrait created by one of the theory’s strangest consequences: quantum entanglement.

These images were generated using a cat stencil and entangled photons. The really spooky part is that the photons used to generate the image never interacted with the stencil, while the photons that illuminated the stencil were never seen by the camera.

When two separate particles are entangled, measurements of their physical properties are correlated, and they effectively share a single quantum state. Gabriela Barreto Lemos at the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna and her colleagues used this quantum connection between particles to make these images of a cat without directly photographing it.

To do it, the researchers created yellow and red pairs of entangled photons. The yellow photons were fired at the cat stencil, while the red photons were sent to the camera. Thanks to their entanglement, the red photons formed the image of the cat because of the quantum link to their yellow twins.

The silicon stencil was transparent to red light and the camera could only detect red light. This demonstrates that the technique can image objects that are invisible to the detected photons

Read more:

LOL so you think the parts of DNA could have formed and then combined themselves in the right order to form anything.

Please demonstrate

You are posting one-time information. You sent the cat that was already created. However, if the person who received it changes a particle, then the particles are not entangled anymore and thus you can't communicate.
What laws of chemistry? Abiogenesis does not happen outside the cell. It's chemistry inside the cell. Atheists are usually wrong.
If you are going to start this atheist crap, I'm not interested.
Relativity is shit.
QM is shit.
Space time and QM are hopelessly entangled, interdependent shit. Much like Republicans and Democrats. Best to forget them and move forward with what was fairly common knowledge before either thought conspiracy distracted everything.
What laws of chemistry? Abiogenesis does not happen outside the cell. It's chemistry inside the cell. Atheists are usually wrong.
If you are going to start this atheist crap, I'm not interested.

First, you didn't answer my question about what laws of chemistry causes abiogenesis? Even with your Markov chains.

Next, I made a statement that atheists are usually wrong. Now, you are upset that I am discussing atheists. Is it because I pointed out that you were WRONG haha.
First, you didn't answer my question about what laws of chemistry causes abiogenesis? Even with your Markov chains.

Next, I made a statement that atheists are usually wrong. Now, you are upset that I am discussing atheists. Is it because I pointed out that you were WRONG haha.
For a Christian, you are quite an asshole.
That is a lie. I said entanglement could not be used for communication faster than light.

I think that's what you said or meant with instant communication. I would say it's one-time instant communication. Not two-way.

ETA: But the receiver would have to know when you took the measurement, so something would have be set up in advance.
Like i said when the observations do not fit into your religious parameters you ignore and mock it to protect your religion
What I said is urban legend and has nothing to do with religion. Cool Papa Bell played baseball in the negro league from 1922-1946. They say he was the fastest man that ever lived. He hit one up the middle once and was called out when the ball hit him sliding into second.
So suddenly you have no opinion on the science that turns einstein into a nothing
I never did have an opinion about it. I'm not qualified to call Einstein a dummy, period. And if we got along with Einstein's theory of relativity all these years and it's the basis for modern physics, why should I get uptight about some alleged finding? Maybe it's right and maybe it's wrong and maybe it's different in the galaxy they were observing. I wish you well in your search for truth.
Einstein was and always will be the fool who claimed that the universe was not expanding according to his physics. I find it comical that you and others take his physics fully seriously when according to what you believe now he was totally wrong
Einstein thought he was right based on what was observable at the time.

Obviously, we can see more of the universe now.

About 20 years ago I bought a 1902 world atlas at an estate sale. It was a magnificent work. But it was based on what we knew at the time. And at the time, we know the only timely means of travelling across the US (which had only 45 states) was by rail, and the entire universe was only 100,000 light years across. Currently, the furthest galaxy we're seen is 133,000 times further than that.

So, yeah, it's no huge surprise the ideas about the universe change the more we can see of it.
And now DeGrasse Tyson says that there is no universe, or more precisely that it and we are computer simulations on a hard drive. Why? because exactly ZERO of Einstein's math adds up, as the math says 85 percent of the universe is missing. The other think being speculated now is that expansion is happening from outside the universe.

All nonsense

Probability is real. Particulate electrons (and photons) are simply not.
No less of an authority than Albert Einstein was always uncomfortable with the whole wave function/probability distribution/fundamental uncertainty "thing" which is central to quantum mechanics. As he once famously said, "God does not play dice". However, the indeterminacy of quantum mechanics comes straight from the basic mathematics of the theory, and as Niels Bohr famously replied to Einstein, "God not only plays dice, he throws them where they cannot be seen".

The theory of quantum mechanics can be reformatted, so to speak, such that the electron does have a specific, but unknown position, as opposed to being everywhere at once with differing probabilities. Such theories are called hidden variable theories, for the obvious reason. In most situations standard quantum mechanics and the hidden variable theories predict exactly the same thing, so there isn't much practical difference between the two. However, there are complicated, somewhat exotic situations in which they do not predict the same outcome, and physicists have examined these. The experiments are challenging to carry out, and one or two have in fact seemed to favor hidden variables over quantum mechanics. However, the great bulk of the experiments favor standard quantum mechanics, and as time goes by quantum mechanics is lengthening its lead over hidden variables. It would seem that the Universe is perfectly happy to be a place where "particles", at the most smallest and most fundamental level, simply do not exist.
Lol, be my guest and demonstrate abiogenesis
Abiogenesis, what ever it was, followed laws of chemistry. Superluminal information transfer does not.

What laws of chemistry? Abiogenesis does not happen outside the cell. It's chemistry inside the cell. Atheists are usually wrong.
All the laws of any and every chemical reaction. No chemical reaction can produce complicated or very simple code. Only intelligence does this
First, you didn't answer my question about what laws of chemistry causes abiogenesis? Even with your Markov chains.

Next, I made a statement that atheists are usually wrong. Now, you are upset that I am discussing atheists. Is it because I pointed out that you were WRONG haha.
For a Christian, you are quite an asshole.

If it's to demonstrate that abiogenesis does not happen, then I am willing to be called a Christian arse hole. What Pasteur showed was only life begats life, but the evolutionists continue to believe in their abiogenesis as "faith based" science. You're the one who brought up abiogenesis.

I am willing to agree with you on the "instant" or "FTL" communication using quantum entanglement. It's not really a good medium for communications except for one time or you take measurements every hour on the hour, but I'm not sure what information one could get out of that.
You couldn't get 5G internet on your phone 20 years ago either.

Could you
They have already sent entangled photon images, I say one color for 0 and another color for 1
Quantum Photo Finish |

Or would you only need one color because 1 color could be 2 colors at the same time?
The example you cite is an imaging application not an instant communication application.

You cannot use entanglement for instant communication.
Yea you did say that entanglement can not be used for communication.

Look don't fret, no one has ever beaten me, so you never had the chance really.

You will adjust, I adjusted a couple of law firms and the feds too.
Lol, be my guest and demonstrate abiogenesis
Abiogenesis, what ever it was, followed laws of chemistry. Superluminal information transfer does not.

What laws of chemistry? Abiogenesis does not happen outside the cell. It's chemistry inside the cell. Atheists are usually wrong.
All the laws of any and every chemical reaction. No chemical reaction can produce complicated or very simple code. Only intelligence does this

Not intelligence. The design of the system shows intelligence behind it. Only life can begat other life. Only through a living cell, can a chemical reaction occur to align the DNA to form another living organism. This is impossible outside the cell. Even if you have the same chemicals outside the cell, it does not happen. This was shown by experiment, too. With Darwin, he was handed a living cell in order to explain how ToE works.

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