Fast Track to a Strong Limb Tree


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
For the poor people democRats and other vermin will pass a stimulus bill this week WITH $12.6 billion to bail out democRat states Chucky Schumer state of New Yor won'y owe a dime, paid in full We can't forget about penny-less San Francisco Pelosi's district who gets $600 million. But it's all for the poor people . Just ask any something for nothing or you owe me democRat and they will tell ya. The democRats saved us all.

Georgia just had 400,000 votes disqualified 2 days ago and right here in Maricopa C ounty here in Arizona they found a dumpster full of shredded ballots which would be alright if they were from a past election but since some have been put back together that isn't the case. Now I know the lame stream media won't say a word about this but thelame stream media don't run the show so I wonder how long before China Joe realizes he has those troops on the wrong side of the wire. .When the troops hand China Joe over to the people they will have Joe looking like a Mississippi wind chime Because Americans don't like tyrants or criminals, and they really hate pedafiles.

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