CDZ Farmegeddon Series.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
I've been watching, and it's really an eye opener hopefully for anyone that watches it also. I ran a small farm a while back, and I can relate to the content of the series big time.

It really shows that our politicians having been possibly corrupted or brainwashed by corporate farming in whose alledged interest is to destroy any and all competition at all cost around them, and sadly with these politicians approval ???..... These politicians could possibly be highly corrupted in the situation now, and are working against American's interest and concerns on food safety or freedom to run small farms in America. Otherwise a blind eye is turned toward corporate practices in which become corrupt in trying to sustain their big bigger biggest is better interest in which they have in sustaining a global advantage.

So in order to be so big, and to be a huge producer in the world, they have to destroy all local interest whom want to carry on the traditional traditions that once empowered American's, and ultimately gave American's their independence ??

Growing chickens to full size in weeks is something people are ok with ? Using anti-biotics in animals is ok with everyone ? Using pesticides by the tons is ok with people ? Killing the fields with chemicals like they are doing now is ok with everybody ? Watching your loved ones die or be diagnosed with cancer at rates higher than ever because of higher diagnosis rates is ok with people ? Watching America get gobbled up by huge corporations ultimately controlled by government as seen in communism is ok with people ?? The attack on guns and everything else can be tied to the direction this nation is being taken in, but the poor beat down American's just haven't been able to stand against it all. Why ? Because it's your own brother selling you out that's why.

Lord let thine enemy be that of a stranger, in so that I might see him coming for me, and let it not be thy brother for whom I cannot see coming for me.

Open your eyes America, open your eyes.

Oh and as a child I was thought to be cured from my asthma, and it was all because my family fed me raw milk from the dairy farm we lived on. It's what I am told today by my family members, and I believe it. They had to take me to the emergency room when I had breathing issues, and it was told that when I was fed raw milk from the dairy I got better, and even overcame the problem.

It seems the problem is that the regulations instead of being helpful to make sure that products were safe regardless of where the products came from, instead just attempted to simplify it all by destroying the little guy in favor of fewer farms to deal with, but by doing so it stopped freedom of choice for consumers, and created a conflicts of interest relationship between the few that could easily corrupt both sides now in cohoots with each other in a powerful way.

The evidence being looked back on now could show alot of things. Not sure what the answer is in this so called global enviroment being lived in today.

I'm in favor of safety regulations of course, but are regulations being weaponized for other purposes when such power is used ?? I can see both sides interest in it all, but what are the answers that best suits the American interest first, and the global interest second ??
I've been watching, and it's really an eye opener hopefully for anyone that watches it also. I ran a small farm a while back, and I can relate to the content of the series big time.

It really shows that our politicians having been possibly corrupted or brainwashed by corporate farming in whose alledged interest is to destroy any and all competition at all cost around them, and sadly with these politicians approval ???..... These politicians could possibly be highly corrupted in the situation now, and are working against American's interest and concerns on food safety or freedom to run small farms in America. Otherwise a blind eye is turned toward corporate practices in which become corrupt in trying to sustain their big bigger biggest is better interest in which they have in sustaining a global advantage.

So in order to be so big, and to be a huge producer in the world, they have to destroy all local interest whom want to carry on the traditional traditions that once empowered American's, and ultimately gave American's their independence ??

Growing chickens to full size in weeks is something people are ok with ? Using anti-biotics in animals is ok with everyone ? Using pesticides by the tons is ok with people ? Killing the fields with chemicals like they are doing now is ok with everybody ? Watching your loved ones die or be diagnosed with cancer at rates higher than ever because of higher diagnosis rates is ok with people ? Watching America get gobbled up by huge corporations ultimately controlled by government as seen in communism is ok with people ?? The attack on guns and everything else can be tied to the direction this nation is being taken in, but the poor beat down American's just haven't been able to stand against it all. Why ? Because it's your own brother selling you out that's why.

Lord let thine enemy be that of a stranger, in so that I might see him coming for me, and let it not be thy brother for whom I cannot see coming for me.

Open your eyes America, open your eyes.

Oh and as a child I was thought to be cured from my asthma, and it was all because my family fed me raw milk from the dairy farm we lived on. It's what I am told today by my family members, and I believe it. They had to take me to the emergency room when I had breathing issues, and it was told that when I was fed raw milk from the dairy I got better, and even overcame the problem.

It seems the problem is that the regulations instead of being helpful to make sure that products were safe regardless of where the products came from, instead just attempted to simplify it all by destroying the little guy in favor of fewer farms to deal with, but by doing so it stopped freedom of choice for consumers, and created a conflicts of interest relationship between the few that could easily corrupt both sides now in cohoots with each other in a powerful way.

The evidence being looked back on now could show alot of things. Not sure what the answer is in this so called global enviroment being lived in today.

I'm in favor of safety regulations of course, but are regulations being weaponized for other purposes when such power is used ?? I can see both sides interest in it all, but what are the answers that best suits the American interest first, and the global interest second ??

thanks for bringing this up,,,

this is a very important issue not to just americans but to the whole world when governments want to control the production of food,,
I am in the process of closing my remodel business and starting a small farm so I have been youtubing the heck out of it and found canada is in the same boat,,

it was pointed out by a guy in canada how all this is directly connected to agenda 21 and agenda 2030 where they are trying to push people into the citys where they can be easier controlled,,

I could go on for hrs about how big ag is more of a danger to the food supply than small local farms
I've been watching, and it's really an eye opener hopefully for anyone that watches it also. I ran a small farm a while back, and I can relate to the content of the series big time.

It really shows that our politicians having been possibly corrupted or brainwashed by corporate farming in whose alledged interest is to destroy any and all competition at all cost around them, and sadly with these politicians approval ???..... These politicians could possibly be highly corrupted in the situation now, and are working against American's interest and concerns on food safety or freedom to run small farms in America. Otherwise a blind eye is turned toward corporate practices in which become corrupt in trying to sustain their big bigger biggest is better interest in which they have in sustaining a global advantage.

So in order to be so big, and to be a huge producer in the world, they have to destroy all local interest whom want to carry on the traditional traditions that once empowered American's, and ultimately gave American's their independence ??

Growing chickens to full size in weeks is something people are ok with ? Using anti-biotics in animals is ok with everyone ? Using pesticides by the tons is ok with people ? Killing the fields with chemicals like they are doing now is ok with everybody ? Watching your loved ones die or be diagnosed with cancer at rates higher than ever because of higher diagnosis rates is ok with people ? Watching America get gobbled up by huge corporations ultimately controlled by government as seen in communism is ok with people ?? The attack on guns and everything else can be tied to the direction this nation is being taken in, but the poor beat down American's just haven't been able to stand against it all. Why ? Because it's your own brother selling you out that's why.

Lord let thine enemy be that of a stranger, in so that I might see him coming for me, and let it not be thy brother for whom I cannot see coming for me.

Open your eyes America, open your eyes.

Oh and as a child I was thought to be cured from my asthma, and it was all because my family fed me raw milk from the dairy farm we lived on. It's what I am told today by my family members, and I believe it. They had to take me to the emergency room when I had breathing issues, and it was told that when I was fed raw milk from the dairy I got better, and even overcame the problem.

It seems the problem is that the regulations instead of being helpful to make sure that products were safe regardless of where the products came from, instead just attempted to simplify it all by destroying the little guy in favor of fewer farms to deal with, but by doing so it stopped freedom of choice for consumers, and created a conflicts of interest relationship between the few that could easily corrupt both sides now in cohoots with each other in a powerful way.

The evidence being looked back on now could show alot of things. Not sure what the answer is in this so called global enviroment being lived in today.

I'm in favor of safety regulations of course, but are regulations being weaponized for other purposes when such power is used ?? I can see both sides interest in it all, but what are the answers that best suits the American interest first, and the global interest second ??

Beagle, my aunt and Uncle were sharecroppers down on the Delmarva as were their daughter miles away where her family produced chickens for Purdue. Without a doubt much of the health problems of today are caused by the food we eat, a corporate product for profit. But then giving that it is all overseen by the Food and Drug Administration, who allies DRUGS with our food, can anyone really be surprised?

I go to my doctor for problems and all he can offer is drugs. Drugs that usually don't even work. Asked about a natural holistic solution like natural foods, vitamins, herbs, minerals, etc., all you can get out of him is a blank stare.

The entire government-corporate mentality is to make you sick so that then they can MANAGE your problem, not keep you well. Worse, they are openly hostile to the small farmer.
They have been destroying the family farms since government decided if they could control the food they could control the world. Backyard gardens were common when I was growing up and so was food sharing from those gardens.

The people in the cities are the ones who will pay the price when it all goes down to the wire. They want cheap food so they get cheap food and all that comes along with it.

Doctors that offer natural solutions for health issues are rare and hard to find these days. If you don't go along with big pharma programming and chemicalization of everything then you are the one considered nuts. People ten to twenty and even thirty years younger than we are have a chitload of health problems and most doctors and the pharmaceutical companies have a problem solver pill for it all.

Clean water and clean food is worth a lot more than commercialized versions but most are just trying to keep a roof over their heads and even those in government positions will fight to keep this current corrupt system going for what they believe will bring them more comfort.
They have been destroying the family farms since government decided if they could control the food they could control the world. Backyard gardens were common when I was growing up and so was food sharing from those gardens.

The people in the cities are the ones who will pay the price when it all goes down to the wire. They want cheap food so they get cheap food and all that comes along with it.

Doctors that offer natural solutions for health issues are rare and hard to find these days. If you don't go along with big pharma programming and chemicalization of everything then you are the one considered nuts. People ten to twenty and even thirty years younger than we are have a chitload of health problems and most doctors and the pharmaceutical companies have a problem solver pill for it all.

Clean water and clean food is worth a lot more than commercialized versions but most are just trying to keep a roof over their heads and even those in government positions will fight to keep this current corrupt system going for what they believe will bring them more comfort.
Yep the over exposure to all these things could lead to more diagnosis of chronic illnesses over time, and more cancers. It all leads to shorter and shorter life spans also. Many seem to be dying at higher numbers due to cronic illnesses or cancer these days, and of course the government then races frantically to find cures for the unnatural diseases that have been created due to putting greed and world interest first, and American interest second. Between the farmers using chemicals more and more, the utilities doing the same, and citizen's using round up by the gallons, citizen's using chemicals in lakes and ponds to control weeds,aquatic grass, lilly pads etc. It's no wonder our natural local water ways or systems are possibly streaming with carcinogen's and etc these days.
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Going to places or homesteads where people create these natural beautiful seemingly untouched by modern day society or industrialization, makes us marvel at the beauty and magnificence of such places. Yet we then return to our utopic fake crowded apartment living, concrete jungles or poisoned communities thinking wow, what happened to us, and where are we heading next ?? This isn't a promotion of global warming or climate at all, but it's more of a position taken on what effects our lives that we can slowly change if somehow move into a direction as a United America instead of operating as individuals who have no voice on the matters. We can make American lives better if we try.
Corporations with the help of government have been trying to kill the little guy for a long time, remember the big push in the 80s small farmers and ranchers are a plus on many levels. watch out for big brother.
They have been destroying the family farms since government decided if they could control the food they could control the world. Backyard gardens were common when I was growing up and so was food sharing from those gardens.

The people in the cities are the ones who will pay the price when it all goes down to the wire. They want cheap food so they get cheap food and all that comes along with it.

Doctors that offer natural solutions for health issues are rare and hard to find these days. If you don't go along with big pharma programming and chemicalization of everything then you are the one considered nuts. People ten to twenty and even thirty years younger than we are have a chitload of health problems and most doctors and the pharmaceutical companies have a problem solver pill for it all.

Clean water and clean food is worth a lot more than commercialized versions but most are just trying to keep a roof over their heads and even those in government positions will fight to keep this current corrupt system going for what they believe will bring them more comfort.
Yep the over exposure to all these things could lead to more diagnosis of chronic illnesses over time, and more cancers. It all leads to shorter and shorter life spans also. Many seem to be dying at higher numbers due to cronic illnesses or cancer these days, and of course the government then races frantically to find cures for the unnatural diseases that have been created due to putting greed and world interest first, and American interest second. Between the farmers using chemicals more and more, the utilities doing the same, and citizen's using round up by the gallons, citizen's using chemicals in lakes and ponds to control weeds,aquatic grass, lilly pads etc. It's no wonder our natural local water ways or systems are possibly streaming with carcinogen's and etc these days.
Not only the chemicals. These designer diseases they are creating and shooting in via vaccines is a travesty on humanity. Boy start mentioning that and hear the big pharma creeps coming out of the woodwork. GMO diseases are a huge threat and our government is experimenting on every human and animal that they can convince 'Its good for your health'.
Corporations with the help of government have been trying to kill the little guy for a long time, remember the big push in the 80s small farmers and ranchers are a plus on many levels. watch out for big brother.
The banks killed small farmers just like it did to the housing industry. Making loans that couldn't be paid back if the slightest glich happened. Well the farmers were given loans that were highly volatile, and just a small bump in the road caused catastrophic events that started a domino affect to take place on famers who fell for it all. And how convenient it was that these corporations were there to just gobble them right up.

It's almost as if government, the banks, and corporations were all in cohoots together in the lead up to NAFTA etc. Had to get compliance in order to make the overall agenda work right ? Now take the logic and apply it to the other lead ups we've seen, and think hmmmm.
Corporations with the help of government have been trying to kill the little guy for a long time, remember the big push in the 80s small farmers and ranchers are a plus on many levels. watch out for big brother.
Yep I remember Farm-aid that was trying to save the small farmers, but what became of that ?
Farm bankrupties were at an all time high last year. Rural suicides remain high. And we have the head of the Agricultural Department making demoralizing comments like this to small farmers:

"In America, the big get bigger and the small go out," Perdue said after an appearance at the World Dairy Expo in Madison. "I don't think in America we, for any small business, we have a guaranteed income or guaranteed profitability."

U.S. Agriculture Secretary: Family farms might not survive

That's about as clear a 'go fuck yourself' to the small farmer as I've heard in recent memory.
Farm bankrupties were at an all time high last year. Rural suicides remain high. And we have the head of the Agricultural Department making demoralizing comments like this to small farmers:

"In America, the big get bigger and the small go out," Perdue said after an appearance at the World Dairy Expo in Madison. "I don't think in America we, for any small business, we have a guaranteed income or guaranteed profitability."

U.S. Agriculture Secretary: Family farms might not survive

That's about as clear a 'go fuck yourself' to the small farmer as I've heard in recent memory.
It's a crying shame, and the nation is heading in a very bad direction or has been for a long long time. Hold on to our pants and shirt, because it may be all anyone has left in the end.
Farm bankrupties were at an all time high last year. Rural suicides remain high. And we have the head of the Agricultural Department making demoralizing comments like this to small farmers:

"In America, the big get bigger and the small go out," Perdue said after an appearance at the World Dairy Expo in Madison. "I don't think in America we, for any small business, we have a guaranteed income or guaranteed profitability."

U.S. Agriculture Secretary: Family farms might not survive

That's about as clear a 'go fuck yourself' to the small farmer as I've heard in recent memory.
It won't stop with the farms.
I've been watching, and it's really an eye opener hopefully for anyone that watches it also. I ran a small farm a while back, and I can relate to the content of the series big time.

It really shows that our politicians having been possibly corrupted or brainwashed by corporate farming in whose alledged interest is to destroy any and all competition at all cost around them, and sadly with these politicians approval ???..... These politicians could possibly be highly corrupted in the situation now, and are working against American's interest and concerns on food safety or freedom to run small farms in America. Otherwise a blind eye is turned toward corporate practices in which become corrupt in trying to sustain their big bigger biggest is better interest in which they have in sustaining a global advantage.

So in order to be so big, and to be a huge producer in the world, they have to destroy all local interest whom want to carry on the traditional traditions that once empowered American's, and ultimately gave American's their independence ??

Growing chickens to full size in weeks is something people are ok with ? Using anti-biotics in animals is ok with everyone ? Using pesticides by the tons is ok with people ? Killing the fields with chemicals like they are doing now is ok with everybody ? Watching your loved ones die or be diagnosed with cancer at rates higher than ever because of higher diagnosis rates is ok with people ? Watching America get gobbled up by huge corporations ultimately controlled by government as seen in communism is ok with people ?? The attack on guns and everything else can be tied to the direction this nation is being taken in, but the poor beat down American's just haven't been able to stand against it all. Why ? Because it's your own brother selling you out that's why.

Lord let thine enemy be that of a stranger, in so that I might see him coming for me, and let it not be thy brother for whom I cannot see coming for me.

Open your eyes America, open your eyes.

Oh and as a child I was thought to be cured from my asthma, and it was all because my family fed me raw milk from the dairy farm we lived on. It's what I am told today by my family members, and I believe it. They had to take me to the emergency room when I had breathing issues, and it was told that when I was fed raw milk from the dairy I got better, and even overcame the problem.

It seems the problem is that the regulations instead of being helpful to make sure that products were safe regardless of where the products came from, instead just attempted to simplify it all by destroying the little guy in favor of fewer farms to deal with, but by doing so it stopped freedom of choice for consumers, and created a conflicts of interest relationship between the few that could easily corrupt both sides now in cohoots with each other in a powerful way.

The evidence being looked back on now could show alot of things. Not sure what the answer is in this so called global enviroment being lived in today.

I'm in favor of safety regulations of course, but are regulations being weaponized for other purposes when such power is used ?? I can see both sides interest in it all, but what are the answers that best suits the American interest first, and the global interest second ??

Does it not seem that it is in the best interest of everyone to vote for the most unintelligent leader? Ironic isn't it? It's like we need someone as stupid as obama.... but just slightly smarter as Bush?
The biggest food-related problem in the US is obesity. I suppose that you could argue that Big Ag is responsible for making food so cheap!
The biggest food-related problem in the US is obesity. I suppose that you could argue that Big Ag is responsible for making food so cheap!
No, big government along with corporate greed is responsible for that in many different ways as we know of now. Hmmm is this response of yours some kind of sarcasm in regards to the thread or what ??
The biggest food-related problem in the US is obesity. I suppose that you could argue that Big Ag is responsible for making food so cheap!
No, big government along with corporate greed is responsible for that in many different ways as we know of now. Hmmm is this response of yours some kind of sarcasm in regards to the thread or what ??

Farming is an essential activity, but always blaming "corporate greed" for one's personal problems is a canard. Do you drive a car or shop online or at Costco? None of this would be possible with corporations. Of course their lenders and shareholders expect a return on their investment; wouldn't you?

P.S. Most family farms operate as corporations, too. Are they also "greedy" to expect to make a profit?
The biggest food-related problem in the US is obesity. I suppose that you could argue that Big Ag is responsible for making food so cheap!
No, big government along with corporate greed is responsible for that in many different ways as we know of now. Hmmm is this response of yours some kind of sarcasm in regards to the thread or what ??

Farming is an essential activity, but always blaming "corporate greed" for one's personal problems is a canard. Do you drive a car or shop online or at Costco? None of this would be possible with corporations. Of course their lenders and shareholders expect a return on their investment; wouldn't you?

P.S. Most family farms operate as corporations, too. Are they also "greedy" to expect to make a profit?
Good grief.... Your attempt to simplistically write this post in order that the poor ole serfs can understand the poor corporate side of things (as if they do no wrong ever), is noted.

There is a side to all cases, studies, and situations, but you attempt to attack the Messengers as if they are wrong and the big guy is right. Okie dokie if you want to take that position in life then so be it.

By the way, your analogy or thinking behind your little dig that someone might be blaming someone or studying things because of some kind of failure in life, uhhh is laughable. I won't get into our successes in life, but if our successes equates to failure in life, then I guess we are a failure in your thoughts. Rotflmbo. Why trying to protect corporations as if we couldn't make it without disconnecting their bad side from their good side ? You against tweaking things in order to stop abuse, and to make that which we live with better for us to live with ?
You against tweaking things in order to stop abuse, and to make that which we live with better for us to live with ?

What, specifically, would you like to tweak?

I am in favor of much stricter regulation of Board membership and their relation to Officers of publicly traded corporations. There should be a firewall between these two groups, and Board members should liable for failing to provide sufficient oversight of corporate activities.

How about you?

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