False accuasation of Rape and the irresponsible reporting


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Rolling Stone apologizes for discrepancies in UVA rape story - Yahoo News

A paper chose to take the word of one person and her supporters and ran a story of a gang rape. They never once approached any of the supposed assaulters and never once fact checked the story.

And now they are forced to post an apology when all they had to do was actually do their job and investigate the claim.
Rolling Stone apologizes for discrepancies in UVA rape story - Yahoo News

A paper chose to take the word of one person and her supporters and ran a story of a gang rape. They never once approached any of the supposed assaulters and never once fact checked the story.

And now they are forced to post an apology when all they had to do was actually do their job and investigate the claim.
At least they posted an apology. I hope the accuser is charged.

I agree. I remember when Nancy Grace was raking the Duke lacrosse team over the coals, night after night. When the case was dropped, instead of issuing an apology she just didn't show up for work the next day, and pretended nothing happened on her next broadcast. That's despicable.

Running with the story like Rolling Stone did was a mistake, but at least they manned up about it, and apologized.
Hmmmm...why do I think that the fraternity in question was not a minority fraternity?
Rolling Stone apologizes for discrepancies in UVA rape story - Yahoo News

A paper chose to take the word of one person and her supporters and ran a story of a gang rape. They never once approached any of the supposed assaulters and never once fact checked the story.

And now they are forced to post an apology when all they had to do was actually do their job and investigate the claim.
At least they posted an apology. I hope the accuser is charged.

I agree. I remember when Nancy Grace was raking the Duke lacrosse team over the coals, night after night. When the case was dropped, instead of issuing an apology she just didn't show up for work the next day, and pretended nothing happened on her next broadcast. That's despicable.

Running with the story like Rolling Stone did was a mistake, but at least they manned up about it, and apologized.

Al Sharpton never apologized either.
Rolling Stone apologizes for discrepancies in UVA rape story - Yahoo News

A paper chose to take the word of one person and her supporters and ran a story of a gang rape. They never once approached any of the supposed assaulters and never once fact checked the story.

And now they are forced to post an apology when all they had to do was actually do their job and investigate the claim.

I read the entire article a couple of weeks ago. Given that one of my nieces was given a roofie in her drink and woke up in a strange place after attending a frat party at Chico State a few years ago, I don't doubt that campus rape happens.

And then there's the UVA fraternity song which sort of weakens their defense, too. This sort of mentality is how it begins.

She's a helluva twat from Agnes Scott, she'll fuck for 50 cents.
She'll lay her ass upon the grass, her panties on the fence.
You supply the liquor, and she'll supply the lay.
And if you can't get it up, you sunuva bitch, you're not from UVA.

All you girls from Mary Washington and RMWC, never let a Cavalier an inch above your knee.
He'll take you to his fraternity house and fill you full of beer.
And soon you'll be the mother of a bastard Cavalier!

A hundred Delta Gammas, a thousand AZDsTen thousand Pi Phi bitches who get down on their knees
But the ones that we hold true, the ones that we hold dear
Are the ones who stay up late at night, and take it in the rear.

All the first-year women are morally uptight.
They'll never do a single thing unless they know it's right.
But then they come to Rugby Road and soon they've seen the light.
And you never know how many men they'll bring home every night.

Read more: A Rape on Campus A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA Rolling Stone
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"Rugby Road"

I suppose this is still better than what happened on University of Texas campus when frat boys just used to drag live animals from their car bumpers down Guadalupe Blvd. and group-pee on fraternity newbies.
Ya cause lying about rape is just such a remedial action after all. She claimed a party happened when none did and she first claimed 5 guys raped her then 7. Further when she finally named one of them it seems he was NEVER a member of the Frat she accused. Further that frat does not have pledges in the fall as she claimed.
You'll never see Fox Noise apologize, even when they outright lie. I watched a few nights ago when they chided Obama's meeting on Ferguson at the White House. They said, "...no one from Ferguson attended the meeting or was invited". Liars. That's rapper T-Dubb-O from St. Louis sitting next to de Blasio.

Ya cause lying about rape is just such a remedial action after all. She claimed a party happened when none did and she first claimed 5 guys raped her then 7. Further when she finally named one of them it seems he was NEVER a member of the Frat she accused. Further that frat does not have pledges in the fall as she claimed.

This situation happened two years ago, plenty of time for those accused to reinvent and rewrite history since there's obviously no documentation of a bunch of 18-year-old boys getting drunk....again.

And event the UVA prez says they have a problem:

"""U-Va. President Teresa A. Sullivan said late Friday that the developments will not alter the university’s focus on “one of the most difficult and critical issues facing higher education today: sexual violence on college campuses.”
You'll never see Fox Noise apologize, even when they outright lie. I watched a few nights ago when they chided Obama's meeting on Ferguson at the White House. They said, "...no one from Ferguson attended the meeting or was invited". Liars. That's rapper T-Dubb-O from St. Louis sitting next to de Blasio.

Amazing. I was not aware that Ferguson was ACTUALLY St. Louis........In your own post no doubt.
I was listening to MSNBC discussing this and they had guests on saying that false accusations of rape are just a myth. These people live in their fantasy world where punishing false rape claims will "discourage" victims from coming forward.
You'll never see Fox Noise apologize, even when they outright lie. I watched a few nights ago when they chided Obama's meeting on Ferguson at the White House. They said, "...no one from Ferguson attended the meeting or was invited". Liars. That's rapper T-Dubb-O from St. Louis sitting next to de Blasio.

Sorry you don't get to change the subject after defending a liar about rape.
The media has much to answer for, when it creates a circus like this. Or when it capitalizes on race issues like Garner and Brown deaths and feed into the frenzy of idiots instead of casting a critical eye and verify facts. I miss Walter Cronkite, Rodger Mudd, Frank Mcgee, and the old school reporters
You'll never see Fox Noise apologize, even when they outright lie. I watched a few nights ago when they chided Obama's meeting on Ferguson at the White House. They said, "...no one from Ferguson attended the meeting or was invited". Liars. That's rapper T-Dubb-O from St. Louis sitting next to de Blasio.

Fox chided Obama for NOT inviting ANYONE from the FERGUSON POLICE DEPARTMENT. Fox was well aware that the local politicians from Ferguson were invited and attended.

Yesterday you posted that Bill O'Reilly is a far right radical so you either don't watch Fox news or you're a flat out liar.
You'll never see Fox Noise apologize, even when they outright lie. I watched a few nights ago when they chided Obama's meeting on Ferguson at the White House. They said, "...no one from Ferguson attended the meeting or was invited". Liars. That's rapper T-Dubb-O from St. Louis sitting next to de Blasio.

Fox chided Obama for NOT inviting ANYONE from the FERGUSON POLICE DEPARTMENT. Fox was well aware that the local politicians from Ferguson were invited and attended.

Yesterday you posted that Bill O'Reilly is a far right radical so you either don't watch Fox news or you're a flat out liar.

Flat out liar. And an angry asshat as well. One of the most miserable posters here.
You'll never see Fox Noise apologize, even when they outright lie. I watched a few nights ago when they chided Obama's meeting on Ferguson at the White House. They said, "...no one from Ferguson attended the meeting or was invited". Liars. That's rapper T-Dubb-O from St. Louis sitting next to de Blasio.


Haven't seen breitbart apologize for their silly lie about Muslim prayer cloths being found on our southern border. Or, Allan West for repeating the same lie.

And which RW nutter site said that Loretta Lynch was the same as the woman who worked with the Clintons? Sorry, can't remember cuz all the RW lips just kinda run together.

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You'll never see Fox Noise apologize, even when they outright lie. I watched a few nights ago when they chided Obama's meeting on Ferguson at the White House. They said, "...no one from Ferguson attended the meeting or was invited". Liars. That's rapper T-Dubb-O from St. Louis sitting next to de Blasio.



(wonder if he gave an OFF CUFF performance after the meeting as a tribute to the dead THUG?)
I am also thinking of the Duke Lacrosse team false accusations, but then I am also thinking of Bill Cosby. Say it ain't so, Bill!

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