False accuasation of Rape and the irresponsible reporting

Should come to no surprise to anyone who's been around a few decades. Rolling Stone Magazine has always been full of shit...........a rag with a captive audience of the hopelessly duped PC assholes.:up: If you buy anything outside of the music articles.................

The media has much to answer for, when it creates a circus like this. Or when it capitalizes on race issues like Garner and Brown deaths and feed into the frenzy of idiots instead of casting a critical eye and verify facts. I miss Walter Cronkite, Rodger Mudd, Frank Mcgee, and the old school reporters
You miss Walter Cronkite, Minister of Propaganda for the Viet Cong?
I am disgusted with how this fraternity was slandered by a reckless agenda driven radical feminist "journalist", I hope this fraternity takes Rolling Stone to the cleaners and this journalist never gets work again. The silver lining is that this is one of many examples accumulating recently of a left wing media ignoring facts and just publishing stories that fit their NARRATIVE. Even some left wing true believers now some are still defending Rolling Stone, saying, "well whether this rape occurred is irrelevant, its AWARENESS about RAPE CULTURE that counts".

They are like religious fanatics, the more devout they are, the more absurd of myths they need to believe to feed their world view.
I am disgusted with how this fraternity was slandered by a reckless agenda driven radical feminist "journalist", I hope this fraternity takes Rolling Stone to the cleaners and this journalist never gets work again. .

I'm sure that she'd fit right in at MSNBC.
Rolling Stone apologizes for discrepancies in UVA rape story - Yahoo News

A paper chose to take the word of one person and her supporters and ran a story of a gang rape. They never once approached any of the supposed assaulters and never once fact checked the story.

And now they are forced to post an apology when all they had to do was actually do their job and investigate the claim.
At least they posted an apology. I hope the accuser is charged.

I agree. I remember when Nancy Grace was raking the Duke lacrosse team over the coals, night after night. When the case was dropped, instead of issuing an apology she just didn't show up for work the next day, and pretended nothing happened on her next broadcast. That's despicable.

Running with the story like Rolling Stone did was a mistake, but at least they manned up about it, and apologized.
Nancy Grace is pond scum.
Personally, I think all false media given on tv, newspapers, magazines, and on the internet..should be subject to slander and inciting hate (crimes) due to false stories being printed or uttered to millions.

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