Faked,Mocked,Phony and a Sham !


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
PLUS for those paying real attention,this new Device
also creates On Purpose,Unreal,Bogus,Counterfeit reality.
The Better to make one feel as if they just visited
Emerald City where following the Yellow Brick Road
in order to have a visit with the Great Professor Marvel
in the Land of Oz.Dint accomplish as advertised.
Because there was a Professor Marvel but he was
hidden behind his curtain using a very loud speaker
barking out orders as if meaning well.
But as most kids came to understand thanks to the
dutiful cognition of Dorothy from Kansas it was
ALL an act.Was not real.Thank Disney for that
classic 1939 Movie - The Wizard of Oz -.Knowing not that
in production it was purposedly Disney-proffed.Because "many scenes
had to be trimmed down { edited out } of said film because they were too
intense for children and families. "
" Thats a Good Thing " Yes dearie pooh {Martha Stewart }
However today is NOT 1939 and there no longer exists great
Americans like Walt Disney.
The question should exist ... So how do Earthlings know who and
what to listen to_Or should we bank on Robots like AI
to influence our every thought and actions.
I mean,lets Get real.If - Twilight Zone - creator Rod Serling were
around he'd have little choice but to make sure Mr. Artificial Intelligence
knew the ground rules.Backwards,forwards and sideways.
Do Not mess around with Mother Nature, nor Americans as if
trying to find the next version or cure-all like the discovery
of the First True Antibiotic or Pencillin.
Going on 100 Years { 1928 }.
Got dat .... Mister Artificial Intelligence!
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I mean if these A.I. inventions are so brilliant and
convincing I'd like to offer a case example.
Where an Artificial Intelligence creature can realistically
make the case they can talk just like J.F.K. Jr.
Where the affliction{ Spasmodic Dysphonia } is realized
and believable.Then of course moving on to the next test.
To Mimic Joe Biden's apparent affliction{s}.Concentrating on just a few.

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