Fairfax County Virginia schools inform students they’re ‘privileged’ if they’re a ‘military kid,’ or ‘white,’ ‘male,’ or ‘Christian’

What the blue-burb fuck?

In Virginia, the Fairfax County Public Schools’ curriculum is employing the disturbing and biased use of “privilege” bingo where children are awarded points if they are white, male, Christian, a military kid, employed, or “feel represented in the media.”


Fairfax schools inform students they're 'privileged' if they're a 'military kid,' or 'white,' 'male,' or 'Christian'
“But, but, but, CRT doesn’t exist! It’s a RWNJ conspiracy theory!”
This isn't current event, it's an opinion piece by someone named Teressa Monroe-Hamilton. If Ms. Hamilton is offended by the 9-11 tribute and appreciation by the school of so-called Military kids too bad but there is no factual indication that the school awards points for being male and Christian.
Maybe I'm looking at it all wrong, I mean I could really rack-up some points (17 counting the free space) and in the real world the most points wins right? ;)
17 for me, and I didn't count the free space. Wait, we were supposed to count the free space??! I bet every single kid taking that test asked the teacher that.

I SURE don't feel represented by the media, though!! Damn Leftists.
What the blue-burb fuck?

In Virginia, the Fairfax County Public Schools’ curriculum is employing the disturbing and biased use of “privilege” bingo where children are awarded points if they are white, male, Christian, a military kid, employed, or “feel represented in the media.”


Fairfax schools inform students they're 'privileged' if they're a 'military kid,' or 'white,' 'male,' or 'Christian'

I like how being "employed" is privilege. Do the teachers know this?
17 for me, and I didn't count the free space. Wait, we were supposed to count the free space??! I bet every single kid taking that test asked the teacher that.

I SURE don't feel represented by the media, though!! Damn Leftists.
I counted it but I thought it could have meant a "Safe Space" but i wanted to take a unearned privilege point away from some Beta. ;)
The only solution to this is for conservatives to take over the local school boards

it will take years to accomplish but its worth the effort
The democrat former governor of Va. authorized the arrest of parents who spoke up at school board meetings. They even locked up the father of a girl who was raped by a confused boy in a skirt because they didn't like what he said. Now the crazy angry left comes up with a bull shit fake story alleging some complicated point system in a school that allegedly favors military kids in order to undermine a republican governor. No surprise here.

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