Facts on the UFOs

How do you project an image in space and do you think a NASA astronaut is that stupid?
Occam's Razor means we look for the most probable solution before looking at less probable solutions.

A projected image is more probable than a spaceship from a faraway planet.
I bet the Nordics rule the universe and thiers no black people shooting each other

The visitors from other planets have been dinking around Earth for quite a while without making real contact with us.

Or -- the aliens have made contact but the governments of the world are keeping it a secret.

Or -- there are no aliens, there is some other explanation for all the sightings.
Not when it violates many of the conditions where it was seen. That doesn't mean there are spaceships from Mars, it just means the projection theory is stupid. Projected on what?
If the projection was a hologram you wouldn't need something to project it on.
These are established

1) they can go up to 20 Mach

2) they have been observed by both radar and IR

3) they can submerge in the ocean

4) they leave zero emissions and do not cause sonic booms

5) Their G force is several hundred times the gravity of earth
Established where and how ???
Perhaps a link or two~three ...
Yes and take out the US govt !!

You can’t fly it as the G force would turn your body into soap
I couldn’t fly in it unless it has some way to control G-force. However I could control the drone from outside.

If the projection was a hologram you wouldn't need something to project it on.

How do you project a hologram a mile into the sky and as bright as Venus, that moves around the city and state at Mach 20, weaves between trees, is seen by pilots above the clouds, and can be seen in orbit with astronauts from space?

I want to see THAT projector!

And never mind when multiple UFOs are playing around in complex patterns!
How do you project a hologram a mile into the sky and as bright as Venus, that moves around the city and state at Mach 20, weaves between trees, is seen by pilots above the clouds, and can be seen in orbit with astronauts from space?

I want to see THAT projector!

And never mind when multiple UFOs are playing around in complex patterns!
A projected image is more likely than a real spacecraft because said spacecraft is moving Mach 20, according to OP, without creating sonic boom and at that speed any living pilot would be squashed to jelly.
A projected image is more likely than a real spacecraft ]
MEANINGLESS BABBLE. Reality and facts are not determined by their numerical likelihood. There is no technology we have that would make all UFOs just "projected images." Who was projecting UFOS then 50 years ago? 100 years ago? Hundreds of years ago? People have been reporting UFOs for thousands of years.

because said spacecraft is moving Mach 20, according to OP, without creating sonic boom and at that speed any living pilot would be squashed to jelly.
Yes, for US, based on OUR limited technology. And all UFOs don't fly at Mach 20, some of them hover or float along in the dark almost unseen against the dark sky drifting silently like a balloon. How do you project black on black?

How do you project a UFO that an entire military base in England near the Rendlesham forest saw deep in the woods over two nights, walked up to and put their hands on?

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