Factory construction booming under Joe!

Way less than today, moron. The deficit in 1993 was tiny compared to the post Newt era.

You are trying to claim Democrats are fiscally conservative, and that is your level of credibility as a Zionist Fascist liar and traitor.
Why are you coming back with bullshit narrative?

Data, links....

This isn't about your self esteem, or your ability to hack up the crap you've been convinced to believe.
Factory construction is booming in the US as the stimulus money in the CHIPS act is being allocated to bring manufacturing back home from China. The numbers are impressive.

Thanks Joe!

The U.S. is building factories at a wildly fast rate (msn.com)

According to data from the Census Bureaureleased last week, construction spending by U.S. manufacturers more than doubled over the past year. For April 2023, the annual rate reached nearly $190 billion compared with $90 billion in June 2022, with manufacturing accounting for around 13% of non-government construction. The US government has offered billions of dollars in subsidies for the production of electric vehicles and solar panels to compete with countries such as China and to fortify US leadership in sectors including clean energy. According to the World Bank, China makes up around 30% of global value added from manufacturing, about double the U.S. Over the last few decades, Asia has taken up a greater share of global factory manufacturing.

Factories are being constructed everywhere from deserts to resort towns as the U.S. tries to bring back manufacturing of goods commonly imported from lower-cost countries. Many battery and electric vehicle factories have popped up in the Rust Belt, while solar panel and renewable energy factories now span much of the South and Southeast.

The U.S. has added around 800,000 jobs in manufacturing employment over the past two years, employing around 13 million workers per the May Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report. However, according to the National Association of Manufacturers, the manufacturing skills gap — caused by the labor market's struggle to find workers with highly technical and manual expertise — could lead to 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030.

Manufacturing, though, has accelerated its move back to the US from other countries over the past year. According to Kearney's 2022 Reshoring Index, 96% of American companies have shifted production to the US or are evaluating reshoring operations — a spike from 78% in the 2021 index. The sudden rise in factory construction corresponds with passage of the CHIPS and Science Act in July 2022, which provided $280 billion in funding to boost manufacturing of semiconductors, as well as the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022. The IRA has sought to create new jobs in manufacturing, construction, and renewable energy, estimated to create up to 1.5 million jobs by 2030
Although I’m a conservative, I give credit where credit is due. Thank you, Joe Biden.
So why does Grifty get credit for his yuge economy?
It's tongue in cheek. The president gets credit and blame for the economy, but everyone forgets the role Congress plays. TRUMP! gets credit because he actively worked both with and against Congress to get done what he wanted. Quid Pro is doing, well, very little.
The teabaggers in congress opposed everything Biden proposed, now they jump to take credit.

House Republicans tout infrastructure funding they voted ...

View attachment 815080
https://abcnews.go.com › Politics › story
Jan 24, 2022 — House Republicans who voted against the infrastructure bill have been touting funding for their state that came from it.

Just like their dear leader.
That's politics for ya. They're always going to do that. What counts is the bills they pass and put on the president's desk, because all he can do is sign or veto.
Factory construction is booming in the US as the stimulus money in the CHIPS act is being allocated to bring manufacturing back home from China. The numbers are impressive.

Thanks Joe!

The U.S. is building factories at a wildly fast rate (msn.com)

According to data from the Census Bureaureleased last week, construction spending by U.S. manufacturers more than doubled over the past year. For April 2023, the annual rate reached nearly $190 billion compared with $90 billion in June 2022, with manufacturing accounting for around 13% of non-government construction. The US government has offered billions of dollars in subsidies for the production of electric vehicles and solar panels to compete with countries such as China and to fortify US leadership in sectors including clean energy. According to the World Bank, China makes up around 30% of global value added from manufacturing, about double the U.S. Over the last few decades, Asia has taken up a greater share of global factory manufacturing.

Factories are being constructed everywhere from deserts to resort towns as the U.S. tries to bring back manufacturing of goods commonly imported from lower-cost countries. Many battery and electric vehicle factories have popped up in the Rust Belt, while solar panel and renewable energy factories now span much of the South and Southeast.

The U.S. has added around 800,000 jobs in manufacturing employment over the past two years, employing around 13 million workers per the May Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report. However, according to the National Association of Manufacturers, the manufacturing skills gap — caused by the labor market's struggle to find workers with highly technical and manual expertise — could lead to 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030.

Manufacturing, though, has accelerated its move back to the US from other countries over the past year. According to Kearney's 2022 Reshoring Index, 96% of American companies have shifted production to the US or are evaluating reshoring operations — a spike from 78% in the 2021 index. The sudden rise in factory construction corresponds with passage of the CHIPS and Science Act in July 2022, which provided $280 billion in funding to boost manufacturing of semiconductors, as well as the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022. The IRA has sought to create new jobs in manufacturing, construction, and renewable energy, estimated to create up to 1.5 million jobs by 2030
Foreign investment numbers in China have dropped 4 quarters in a row. It is becoming an international pariah.
Although I’m a conservative, I give credit where credit is due. Thank you, Joe Biden.
If you were a true conservative, you would realize that the president is not in total control of the economy. Quid Pro wasn't in total control of the economy when inflation kicked off, but he certainly played a role when he explicitly targeted the energy sector for destruction. He had a compliant congress he could count on to back him up.
Why are you coming back with bullshit narrative?

Data, links....

This isn't about your self esteem, or your ability to hack up the crap you've been convinced to believe.

Group 8 Timeline | Timetoast timelines

The U.S. National Debt Has Grown By More Than A Trillion Dollars In The ...

When COVID hit, GDP was only 2.4%. That's it. That's not "booming".

And that's WITH TRILLIONS of support from the Fed, Trump begging the Fed for MORE support, a MANUFACTURING RECESSION, and Trump's wild spending.

Those are the facts in Normal World.

2.4%. That's it. Look it up.
2023 GDP is 1.6%
Trump delivered a damaged economy to Biden......whose had to clean up Trump's mess.

Trump delivered an unemployment rate of 6.3%. Biden has it down to between 3.4 to 3.7%.

With Biden's 3.4% in April being the second lowest unemployment rate we've seen since 1969
None of this is true

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