Fact Check: Biden Claims ‘Immigration Has Always Been Essential to America’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Fact Check: Biden Claims ‘Immigration Has Always Been Essential to America’
Fact Check: Biden Claims 'Immigration Has Always Been Essential' (breitbart.com)
28 Apr 2021 ~~ By Neil Munro

President Joe Biden said in his 2021 speech to Congress,
“Immigration has always been essential to America.”

VERDICT: FALSE. The United States won World War II, created a middle-class economy, invented many new technologies, revived racial equality, and landed astronauts on the moon during the long period of low migration between 1925 and 1970.

From the 1840s onward, waves of European immigrants flooded into the emerging industrial economy, helping to fill factories providing a cornucopia of goods, including rivers of cheap autos from Detroit factories in the early 1900s.
But public pressure forced Congress to sharply reduce migration in 1924.
The number of new immigrants was 800,000 in 1921 — but it quickly dropped by more than 90 percent, to just 29,000 in 1934 and 39,000 in 1945.
The resident population of immigrant Americans dropped from 14 million in 1920 to 9.6 million in 1970.
In 1955, pro-migration groups began claiming the United States was a “Nation of Immigrants,” but immigrants were only 7 percent of the population in 1955, down from 15 percent in 1910.
New arrivals slowly rose amid the Cold War as Congress welcomed people fleeing communism. In 1957, for example, Hungarian migrants fleeting the Soviet takeover helped bump new arrivals to 327,000.
But U.S. inventions and productivity continued to boom during this low-migration period.

Legal Immigration has helped America. Illegal Immigration destroys it. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat know that, yet they continue to push illegal immigration for power over the citizens of America.
There was a time, where America as a new nation had vast unpopulated areas to populate, a voracious need for unskilled and semi-skilled labor in industry, and even a need for cannon fodder (during the Civil War).
None of that applies now.
America no longer has a need for legal immigrants. Meanwhile, Illegal immigration is a great threat to national security and we
Legal immigration exists to serve the Republic and its Citizens, not the immigrant.
The only immigrants that should be allowed in the US are ones who Legally come, bring some sort of capital with them: money, patents, talent, or advanced training and education. No legal immigrant is allowed into the US if they cannot support themselves or will displace an American from his job.
Illegal immigration is the antithesis and usurper of American Constitutional Law.
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The United States won World War II, created a middle-class economy, invented many new technologies, revived racial equality, and landed astronauts on the moon during the long period of low migration between 1925 and 1970.

After 100 plus years of the largest mass immigration in human history.


The soldiers who won that war, the workers who built that economy, the scientists who invented those technologies and put men on The Moon were all immigrants, or descendants so immigrants.

Unless your name is Running Bear (or something similar) you are an immigrant.
Fact Check: Biden Claims ‘Immigration Has Always Been Essential to America’
Fact Check: Biden Claims 'Immigration Has Always Been Essential' (breitbart.com)
28 Apr 2021 ~~ By Neil Munro

President Joe Biden said in his 2021 speech to Congress,
“Immigration has always been essential to America.”

VERDICT: FALSE. The United States won World War II, created a middle-class economy, invented many new technologies, revived racial equality, and landed astronauts on the moon during the long period of low migration between 1925 and 1970.

From the 1840s onward, waves of European immigrants flooded into the emerging industrial economy, helping to fill factories providing a cornucopia of goods, including rivers of cheap autos from Detroit factories in the early 1900s.
But public pressure forced Congress to sharply reduce migration in 1924.
The number of new immigrants was 800,000 in 1921 — but it quickly dropped by more than 90 percent, to just 29,000 in 1934 and 39,000 in 1945.
The resident population of immigrant Americans dropped from 14 million in 1920 to 9.6 million in 1970.
In 1955, pro-migration groups began claiming the United States was a “Nation of Immigrants,” but immigrants were only 7 percent of the population in 1955, down from 15 percent in 1910.
New arrivals slowly rose amid the Cold War as Congress welcomed people fleeing communism. In 1957, for example, Hungarian migrants fleeting the Soviet takeover helped bump new arrivals to 327,000.
But U.S. inventions and productivity continued to boom during this low-migration period.

Legal Immigration has helped America. Illegal Immigration destroys it. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat know that, yet they continue to push illegal immigration for power over the citizens of America.
There was a time, where America as a new nation had vast unpopulated areas to populate, a voracious need for unskilled and semi-skilled labor in industry, and even a need for cannon fodder (during the Civil War).
None of that applies now.
America no longer has a need for legal immigrants. Meanwhile, Illegal immigration is a great threat to national security and we
Legal immigration exists to serve the Republic and its Citizens, not the immigrant.
The only immigrants that should be allowed in the US are ones who Legally come, bring some sort of capital with them: money, patents, talent, or advanced training and education. No legal immigrant is allowed into the US if they cannot support themselves or will displace an American from his job.
Illegal immigration is the antithesis and usurper of American Constitutional Law.

Your family came here legally? Where are you papers?
Fact Check: Biden Claims ‘Immigration Has Always Been Essential to America’
Fact Check: Biden Claims 'Immigration Has Always Been Essential' (breitbart.com)
28 Apr 2021 ~~ By Neil Munro

President Joe Biden said in his 2021 speech to Congress,
“Immigration has always been essential to America.”

VERDICT: FALSE. The United States won World War II, created a middle-class economy, invented many new technologies, revived racial equality, and landed astronauts on the moon during the long period of low migration between 1925 and 1970.

From the 1840s onward, waves of European immigrants flooded into the emerging industrial economy, helping to fill factories providing a cornucopia of goods, including rivers of cheap autos from Detroit factories in the early 1900s.
But public pressure forced Congress to sharply reduce migration in 1924.
The number of new immigrants was 800,000 in 1921 — but it quickly dropped by more than 90 percent, to just 29,000 in 1934 and 39,000 in 1945.
The resident population of immigrant Americans dropped from 14 million in 1920 to 9.6 million in 1970.
In 1955, pro-migration groups began claiming the United States was a “Nation of Immigrants,” but immigrants were only 7 percent of the population in 1955, down from 15 percent in 1910.
New arrivals slowly rose amid the Cold War as Congress welcomed people fleeing communism. In 1957, for example, Hungarian migrants fleeting the Soviet takeover helped bump new arrivals to 327,000.
But U.S. inventions and productivity continued to boom during this low-migration period.

Legal Immigration has helped America. Illegal Immigration destroys it. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat know that, yet they continue to push illegal immigration for power over the citizens of America.
There was a time, where America as a new nation had vast unpopulated areas to populate, a voracious need for unskilled and semi-skilled labor in industry, and even a need for cannon fodder (during the Civil War).
None of that applies now.
America no longer has a need for legal immigrants. Meanwhile, Illegal immigration is a great threat to national security and we
Legal immigration exists to serve the Republic and its Citizens, not the immigrant.
The only immigrants that should be allowed in the US are ones who Legally come, bring some sort of capital with them: money, patents, talent, or advanced training and education. No legal immigrant is allowed into the US if they cannot support themselves or will displace an American from his job.
Illegal immigration is the antithesis and usurper of American Constitutional Law.

Your family came here legally? Where are you papers?

Indeed, both sides of my family came through Ellis Island at the turn of the century. Their names are listed there. I also have my grandfather's naturalization papers dated 1914.
How about you can you trace the method of entry for your family?
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The United States won World War II, created a middle-class economy, invented many new technologies, revived racial equality, and landed astronauts on the moon during the long period of low migration between 1925 and 1970.

After 100 plus years of the largest mass immigration in human history.

View attachment 485823

The soldiers who won that war, the workers who built that economy, the scientists who invented those technologies and put men on The Moon were all immigrants, or descendants so immigrants.

Unless your name is Running Bear (or something similar) you are an immigrant.

You left out the prime words.... LEGAL Immigration.
Fact Check: Biden Claims ‘Immigration Has Always Been Essential to America’
Fact Check: Biden Claims 'Immigration Has Always Been Essential' (breitbart.com)
28 Apr 2021 ~~ By Neil Munro

President Joe Biden said in his 2021 speech to Congress,
“Immigration has always been essential to America.”

VERDICT: FALSE. The United States won World War II, created a middle-class economy, invented many new technologies, revived racial equality, and landed astronauts on the moon during the long period of low migration between 1925 and 1970.

From the 1840s onward, waves of European immigrants flooded into the emerging industrial economy, helping to fill factories providing a cornucopia of goods, including rivers of cheap autos from Detroit factories in the early 1900s.
But public pressure forced Congress to sharply reduce migration in 1924.
The number of new immigrants was 800,000 in 1921 — but it quickly dropped by more than 90 percent, to just 29,000 in 1934 and 39,000 in 1945.
The resident population of immigrant Americans dropped from 14 million in 1920 to 9.6 million in 1970.
In 1955, pro-migration groups began claiming the United States was a “Nation of Immigrants,” but immigrants were only 7 percent of the population in 1955, down from 15 percent in 1910.
New arrivals slowly rose amid the Cold War as Congress welcomed people fleeing communism. In 1957, for example, Hungarian migrants fleeting the Soviet takeover helped bump new arrivals to 327,000.
But U.S. inventions and productivity continued to boom during this low-migration period.

Legal Immigration has helped America. Illegal Immigration destroys it. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat know that, yet they continue to push illegal immigration for power over the citizens of America.
There was a time, where America as a new nation had vast unpopulated areas to populate, a voracious need for unskilled and semi-skilled labor in industry, and even a need for cannon fodder (during the Civil War).
None of that applies now.
America no longer has a need for legal immigrants. Meanwhile, Illegal immigration is a great threat to national security and we
Legal immigration exists to serve the Republic and its Citizens, not the immigrant.
The only immigrants that should be allowed in the US are ones who Legally come, bring some sort of capital with them: money, patents, talent, or advanced training and education. No legal immigrant is allowed into the US if they cannot support themselves or will displace an American from his job.
Illegal immigration is the antithesis and usurper of American Constitutional Law.

Your family came here legally? Where are you papers?

Indeed, both sides of my family came through Ellis Island at the turn of the century. Their names are listed there. I also have my grandfather's naturalization papers dated 1914.
How about you can you trace the method of entry for your family?
They immigrated. We didn't need them either. Leave immediately.
The United States won World War II, created a middle-class economy, invented many new technologies, revived racial equality, and landed astronauts on the moon during the long period of low migration between 1925 and 1970.

After 100 plus years of the largest mass immigration in human history.

View attachment 485823

The soldiers who won that war, the workers who built that economy, the scientists who invented those technologies and put men on The Moon were all immigrants, or descendants so immigrants.

Unless your name is Running Bear (or something similar) you are an immigrant.

You left out the prime words.... LEGAL Immigration.

Illegal Immigration is not immigration any more than a drug dealer is a businessman.
Common sense says immigration is good when a country is first being started. But once a country has been around for say 200 years, and excessive amount of immigration can be devastating to the natives and country. The globalists know this.
The United States won World War II, created a middle-class economy, invented many new technologies, revived racial equality, and landed astronauts on the moon during the long period of low migration between 1925 and 1970.

After 100 plus years of the largest mass immigration in human history.

View attachment 485823

The soldiers who won that war, the workers who built that economy, the scientists who invented those technologies and put men on The Moon were all immigrants, or descendants so immigrants.

Unless your name is Running Bear (or something similar) you are an immigrant.

Actually there was a moratorium on immigration for 20 years before WW II and 20 years afterwards as well. EHnet. has several studies that show mass unrestricted immigration was actually bad for native Americans, from 1820 on. The average height and weight of natives fell over 15% on average, and life spans were shortened by about the same percentage. There was always demands for more, as the epidemics and poor diet killed off so many and big corporations could recruit entire towns in Europe to work in their sweatshops here, by lying to them and making them essentially slaves via company housing and company stores, and paying them in company scrip worthless outside of company stores. Ship passage got very cheap by the steam era, something like $10, and you could borrow that from the company of course, and probably never be able to pay it back.
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Common sense says immigration is good when a country is first being started. But once a country has been around for say 200 years, and excessive amount of immigration can be devastating to the natives and country. The globalists know this.

Nah. Excessive immigration was already a problem before the Civil War. In fact the Civil War was one product of mass immigration; it was the ignorant immigrant votes Lincoln relied on to get elected, relying on their racism to scare them into thinking blacks were going to swarm north and lower their wages even more competing with slaves. Their platforn was a white nationalist platform, promising to keep slaves and blacks in the South and out of the northern states and the new territories.
If the whatever it is, 8-9-10 million illegal workers left today, where would the markets be today? If not for the migrant workers every year where would the markets be today?

If we removed 10-15 million consumers tomorrow where would the markets be? What would we do if we had to step up and pay all these people a legal wage? Could we even do that?
If the whatever it is, 8-9-10 million illegal workers left today, where would the markets be today? If not for the migrant workers every year where would the markets be today?

If we removed 10-15 million consumers tomorrow where would the markets be? What would we do if we had to step up and pay all these people a legal wage? Could we even do that?

lol another rubbish argument. We need less strain on our social networks, not 50 times more; all they do is create inflation and an artificially higher costs. housing, social services, food,etc., working class Americans rely on for survival, and destroy their wages to boot, if they can get hired at all any more in the traditional jobs the working poor used to rely on to advance or help their children advance to upper lower class or even middle class status. That's why latino activists like Cesar Chavez and others in the 1950's and 1960's so adamantly opposed the criminal illegal immigration encouraged by corporate farms and construction companies and warehouses. You morons think everybody is going to go to 'college n stuff', never mind how far they have to dumb 'college' down, rendering it useless as a measure of education for everybody.
Immigration should be used to acquire people with certain skills that we need. We don't need unskilled, illiterate, diseased, criminal liabilities. That's what Biden is allowing in the current border crisis he caused.

They now use green cards to import indentured servants, and ignore American citizens with those skill sets, making a mockery of those who beleive the 'job shortages' bullshit and spend years and 10's of thousands of bucks on degrees for jobs that don't exist.
If the whatever it is, 8-9-10 million illegal workers left today, where would the markets be today? If not for the migrant workers every year where would the markets be today?

If we removed 10-15 million consumers tomorrow where would the markets be? What would we do if we had to step up and pay all these people a legal wage? Could we even do that?

lol another rubbish argument. We need less strain on our social networks, not 50 times more; all they do is create inflation and an artificially higher costs. housing, social services, food,etc., working class Americans rely on for survival, and destroy their wages to boot, if they can get hired at all any more in the traditional jobs the working poor used to rely on to advance or help their children advance to upper lower class or even middle class status. That's why latino activists like Cesar Chavez and others in the 1950's and 1960's so adamantly opposed the criminal illegal immigration encouraged by corporate farms and construction companies and warehouses. You morons think everybody is going to go to 'college n stuff', never mind how far they have to dumb 'college' down, rendering it useless as a measure of education for everybody.

Destroy wages and cause inflation.............OK. Don't expect me to take your rant seriously.
If the whatever it is, 8-9-10 million illegal workers left today, where would the markets be today? If not for the migrant workers every year where would the markets be today?

If we removed 10-15 million consumers tomorrow where would the markets be? What would we do if we had to step up and pay all these people a legal wage? Could we even do that?

lol another rubbish argument. We need less strain on our social networks, not 50 times more; all they do is create inflation and an artificially higher costs. housing, social services, food,etc., working class Americans rely on for survival, and destroy their wages to boot, if they can get hired at all any more in the traditional jobs the working poor used to rely on to advance or help their children advance to upper lower class or even middle class status. That's why latino activists like Cesar Chavez and others in the 1950's and 1960's so adamantly opposed the criminal illegal immigration encouraged by corporate farms and construction companies and warehouses. You morons think everybody is going to go to 'college n stuff', never mind how far they have to dumb 'college' down, rendering it useless as a measure of education for everybody.

Destroy wages and cause inflation.............OK. Don't expect me to take your rant seriously.

Like I give a fuck about some commie's opinions; you don't know squat about economics in the first place, or our history either.
Fact Check: Biden Claims ‘Immigration Has Always Been Essential to America’
Fact Check: Biden Claims 'Immigration Has Always Been Essential' (breitbart.com)
28 Apr 2021 ~~ By Neil Munro

President Joe Biden said in his 2021 speech to Congress,
“Immigration has always been essential to America.”

VERDICT: FALSE. The United States won World War II, created a middle-class economy, invented many new technologies, revived racial equality, and landed astronauts on the moon during the long period of low migration between 1925 and 1970.

From the 1840s onward, waves of European immigrants flooded into the emerging industrial economy, helping to fill factories providing a cornucopia of goods, including rivers of cheap autos from Detroit factories in the early 1900s.
But public pressure forced Congress to sharply reduce migration in 1924.
The number of new immigrants was 800,000 in 1921 — but it quickly dropped by more than 90 percent, to just 29,000 in 1934 and 39,000 in 1945.
The resident population of immigrant Americans dropped from 14 million in 1920 to 9.6 million in 1970.
In 1955, pro-migration groups began claiming the United States was a “Nation of Immigrants,” but immigrants were only 7 percent of the population in 1955, down from 15 percent in 1910.
New arrivals slowly rose amid the Cold War as Congress welcomed people fleeing communism. In 1957, for example, Hungarian migrants fleeting the Soviet takeover helped bump new arrivals to 327,000.
But U.S. inventions and productivity continued to boom during this low-migration period.

Legal Immigration has helped America. Illegal Immigration destroys it. Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat know that, yet they continue to push illegal immigration for power over the citizens of America.
There was a time, where America as a new nation had vast unpopulated areas to populate, a voracious need for unskilled and semi-skilled labor in industry, and even a need for cannon fodder (during the Civil War).
None of that applies now.
America no longer has a need for legal immigrants. Meanwhile, Illegal immigration is a great threat to national security and we
Legal immigration exists to serve the Republic and its Citizens, not the immigrant.
The only immigrants that should be allowed in the US are ones who Legally come, bring some sort of capital with them: money, patents, talent, or advanced training and education. No legal immigrant is allowed into the US if they cannot support themselves or will displace an American from his job.
Illegal immigration is the antithesis and usurper of American Constitutional Law.

Your family came here legally? Where are you papers?

Indeed, both sides of my family came through Ellis Island at the turn of the century. Their names are listed there. I also have my grandfather's naturalization papers dated 1914.
How about you can you trace the method of entry for your family?
No, my family came over before there were closed borders. Inn other words before the era of the Civil War....They were immigrants. The ones who provided sons and daughters to help fight the wars in the US. Half of them were those vile Irish people hated.
If the whatever it is, 8-9-10 million illegal workers left today, where would the markets be today? If not for the migrant workers every year where would the markets be today?

If we removed 10-15 million consumers tomorrow where would the markets be? What would we do if we had to step up and pay all these people a legal wage? Could we even do that?

lol another rubbish argument. We need less strain on our social networks, not 50 times more; all they do is create inflation and an artificially higher costs. housing, social services, food,etc., working class Americans rely on for survival, and destroy their wages to boot, if they can get hired at all any more in the traditional jobs the working poor used to rely on to advance or help their children advance to upper lower class or even middle class status. That's why latino activists like Cesar Chavez and others in the 1950's and 1960's so adamantly opposed the criminal illegal immigration encouraged by corporate farms and construction companies and warehouses. You morons think everybody is going to go to 'college n stuff', never mind how far they have to dumb 'college' down, rendering it useless as a measure of education for everybody.

Destroy wages and cause inflation.............OK. Don't expect me to take your rant seriously.

Like I give a fuck about some commie's opinions; you don't know squat about economics in the first place, or our history either.
If it is commie why do the workers not control the means of production?
If the whatever it is, 8-9-10 million illegal workers left today, where would the markets be today? If not for the migrant workers every year where would the markets be today?

If we removed 10-15 million consumers tomorrow where would the markets be? What would we do if we had to step up and pay all these people a legal wage? Could we even do that?

lol another rubbish argument. We need less strain on our social networks, not 50 times more; all they do is create inflation and an artificially higher costs. housing, social services, food,etc., working class Americans rely on for survival, and destroy their wages to boot, if they can get hired at all any more in the traditional jobs the working poor used to rely on to advance or help their children advance to upper lower class or even middle class status. That's why latino activists like Cesar Chavez and others in the 1950's and 1960's so adamantly opposed the criminal illegal immigration encouraged by corporate farms and construction companies and warehouses. You morons think everybody is going to go to 'college n stuff', never mind how far they have to dumb 'college' down, rendering it useless as a measure of education for everybody.
The colleges which do much of the research in the US for the products and medicines you enjoy?

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