FACT 8,275 returns with $10 million+ income in 2009 paid HIGHER % then 140 million!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In 2009! Down LOAD THIS FILE from the IRS for tax year 2009!

SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
Total returns over $10 million reported income 8,274
Total returns UNDER $10 million 140,485,855

Total Reported taxes paid Over $10 million income
Total taxable gross income $204.3 billion
Total taxes paid on above $53.7 billion
Total % of gross paid in taxes 26.33%

For the rest of the tax payers total report income $4.656 TRILLION
Total taxes paid by rest of tax payers total taxes $812 Billion!!
Total % of gross taxable income for the REST of the taxpayers 17.44%

Those wealthy 400 you wrote about PAID 26%
while the rest of us paid 17%

IRS reports 8,275 returns paid 26.3% of income in taxes..
IRS reports all the rest 140 million paid 17.44%!!!!

OH by the way OBAMA paid 26% NOT 39%!!!
A) I am not one of the 8,275 with incomes of $10 million+!
B) I am not a Paid shill for these "evil..wealthy..rich bastards!"
C) I just don't like unsubstantiated hysterical,hyperbolic wild statements.

I took the time as anyone with some common sense and downloaded the actual
IRS data... If idiots would take the time and read the facts maybe we wouldn't be in
the financial mess we are in now!

I mean we have an IDIOT President who took $245,000 deductions just like all the other millionaires did BUT this HYPOCRITE criticizes the others while HE DID IT!!

THat is just so over the top stupid and he is suppose to be the "smartest" President?
Why doesn't he encourage the Buffetts, the Gates those "billionaires" including himself NOT to take the deductions! Just simple pay the 39% he keeps complaining about!
His $1.7 million income in 2010 would cover the additional $100K and maybe he could also stop flying around the frigging Country and stay in the WH for awhile!
In 2009! Down LOAD THIS FILE from the IRS for tax year 2009!

SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income
Total returns over $10 million reported income 8,274
Total returns UNDER $10 million 140,485,855

Total Reported taxes paid Over $10 million income
Total taxable gross income $204.3 billion
Total taxes paid on above $53.7 billion
Total % of gross paid in taxes 26.33%

For the rest of the tax payers total report income $4.656 TRILLION
Total taxes paid by rest of tax payers total taxes $812 Billion!!
Total % of gross taxable income for the REST of the taxpayers 17.44%

Those wealthy 400 you wrote about PAID 26%
while the rest of us paid 17%

IRS reports 8,275 returns paid 26.3% of income in taxes..
IRS reports all the rest 140 million paid 17.44%!!!!

OH by the way OBAMA paid 26% NOT 39%!!!
SHIT ONLY 26% :cool:
when you make ten million a year its pretty easy to still get buy after paying that.
when you make ten million a year its pretty easy to still get buy after paying that.

Whatever they pay is too much since paying taxes to liberal bureaucrats merely represents a transfer of money from those who know how to invest and earn money to those who don't.
Then move if you believe that lie.

Try a country with a small government like Somalia
when you make ten million a year its pretty easy to still get buy after paying that.

Whatever they pay is too much since paying taxes to liberal bureaucrats merely represents a transfer of money from those who know how to invest and earn money to those who don't.
Try a country with a small government like Somalia

Jefferson worshiped small government, but obviously not all small government. In fact law and order, unlike Somalia, is a Republican value more than Democratic one.

Liberals like big government, and did spy for Stalin, but hopefully don't like all big governments.
your repeting yourself.

BTW we can do it how ever the American people vote to do it.

You are only one voter.
Try a country with a small government like Somalia

Jefferson worshiped small government, but obviously not all small government. In fact law and order, unlike Somalia, is a Republican value more than Democratic one.

Liberals like big government, and did spy for Stalin, but hopefully don't like all big governments.

Yes we know you hate EVERYONE who doesnt agree with you politically.

Spouting insane right wing talking points doesnt make you correct.

It is all empty rethoric meaning nothing but that you have allowed yourself to be brain washed.
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I wonder how soon after the Bush tax cuts end will it be before
the Lefties start pushing for another tax increase on the wealthy.
Millionaires will NEVER pay enough in taxes according to the Liberals...

It's just the way it is.

more stupid meaningless lies.

Its why your party is dying

Again.. is 26.3% more then 17.4%?

If you agree that is true.. then why do you persist in the myth the wealthy pay less taxes??
These are the FACTS.. the REAL dollars paid by those making over $10 million and the rest of us..
Maybe you should start small and agree.. 26.3% is larger then 17.4%!
Again.. is 26.3% more then 17.4%?

If you agree that is true.. then why do you persist in the myth the wealthy pay less taxes??
These are the FACTS.. the REAL dollars paid by those making over $10 million and the rest of us..
Maybe you should start small and agree.. 26.3% is larger then 17.4%!

Actually (not to nit pick), it's somewhat misleading to base your percentages on taxable income, the amount after all deductions. The AGI (adjusted gross income, before most deductions) of those over $10 million is $240,133,885,000, leaving the actual percentage of taxes paid as 22.4%. This reflects a total of about $36 billion in deductions, you know, these rich folks.
By the same math, the total AGI of all other taxpayers was 7,585,255,291,000, of which over $1 trillion had no tax at all (mainly returns under $50,000), and the resulting actual percentage of tax paid by all of those under $10 million, based on the $7.6 trillion AGI and the $812 billion in tax paid is 10.71%. Even if you take out the $1 trillion that were not taxable, the amount of deductions and credits taken by the "under $10 million" set amounted to over $2 trillion! Those at $10 million and above better hire H&R Block; they don't seem to be getting as good advice as Joe Sixpack!
Again.. is 26.3% more then 17.4%?

If you agree that is true.. then why do you persist in the myth the wealthy pay less taxes??
These are the FACTS.. the REAL dollars paid by those making over $10 million and the rest of us..
Maybe you should start small and agree.. 26.3% is larger then 17.4%!

Actually (not to nit pick), it's somewhat misleading to base your percentages on taxable income, the amount after all deductions. The AGI (adjusted gross income, before most deductions) of those over $10 million is $240,133,885,000, leaving the actual percentage of taxes paid as 22.4%. This reflects a total of about $36 billion in deductions, you know, these rich folks.
By the same math, the total AGI of all other taxpayers was 7,585,255,291,000, of which over $1 trillion had no tax at all (mainly returns under $50,000), and the resulting actual percentage of tax paid by all of those under $10 million, based on the $7.6 trillion AGI and the $812 billion in tax paid is 10.71%. Even if you take out the $1 trillion that were not taxable, the amount of deductions and credits taken by the "under $10 million" set amounted to over $2 trillion! Those at $10 million and above better hire H&R Block; they don't seem to be getting as good advice as Joe Sixpack!

No question you are right. I didn't want to confuse some of the real idiots here that INSIST those evil wealthy rich people couldn't possibly be paying more in taxes!

I should have used as you suggested AGI...
The main point also is again these idiots DEFEND Obama who took $245k in charitable deductions and then has the gall to complain about "millionaires and billionaires" while taking the same deductions!

That message should be used by the GOP against Obama as it is extremely easy to show the hypocrisy!
mmmmmm GOP Kool-Aid tastes good!

mmmmmm GOP Kool-Aid tastes good!


So you believe that the IRS has lied when their actual figures show
that 8,274 returns of $10 million or more each paid 26.33% of their income in taxes?
You believe that the rest of the 140+ million paid 17.4% is a lie?

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