Facebook uncovers "Russia"-funded misinformation campaign

What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

You're a fucking retard if you think buying an ad on Facebook is proof of "Russia interference in our election".
They did not buy just one add, and Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg.
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

Buying ads vs funding groups in Syria to whack the leader of the country? Funding the coup in the Ukraine? Ditto Libya and Egypt? The list is quite long. Goes back many a year.

Who is the hostile fucking nation?
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

You're a fucking retard if you think buying an ad on Facebook is proof of "Russia interference in our election".
They did not buy just one add, and Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg.

What are the ads? I haven't seen anyone put them up yet.
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

You're a fucking retard if you think buying an ad on Facebook is proof of "Russia interference in our election".

ada on Facebook, is a small part of K-Kleptocracy war on Democracy , and Free world

The Threat of Kleptocracy: States Bordering the "Russian" Federation ...
upload_2017-9-7_23-31-7.jpeg▶ 2:59:45

Hudson Institute's Kleptocracy Initiative hosts a discussion of the threats posed by kleptocracy to states ...

Weaponizing Kleptocracy: Putin's Hybrid Warfare - YouTube
upload_2017-9-7_23-31-48.jpeg▶ 1:28:29

Soon after Russia's annexation of Crimea in 2014, experts began using the term “hybrid warfare” to describe the ...


The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: Russia's Road to Terror ...
upload_2017-9-7_23-32-50.jpeg▶ 1:47:00

The Less You Know, the Better You Sleep: Russia's Road to Terror and ... from Moscow told him that the ...
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

You're a fucking retard if you think buying an ad on Facebook is proof of "Russia interference in our election".
They did not buy just one add, and Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg.

What are the ads? I haven't seen anyone put them up yet.
I read somewhere that Facebook was refusing to release them over its PRIVACY policies. It will probably take a while before they get leaked or published in one of the investigative reports. The Facebook operation was a recon and fishing expedition for bigger operations.

Are you familiar with the Ogino St. Petersburg troll farm tiny? It is well worth knowing about that operation for an understanding of this topic. It is key.
Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

You're a fucking retard if you think buying an ad on Facebook is proof of "Russia interference in our election".
They did not buy just one add, and Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg.

What are the ads? I haven't seen anyone put them up yet.
I read somewhere that Facebook was refusing to release them over its PRIVACY policies. It will probably take a while before they get leaked or published in one of the investigative reports. The Facebook operation was a recon and fishing expedition for bigger operations.

Are you familiar with the Ogino St. Petersburg troll farm tiny? It is well worth knowing about that operation for an understanding of this topic. It is key.
I suspect tinydancer posts from there.
Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

You're a fucking retard if you think buying an ad on Facebook is proof of "Russia interference in our election".
They did not buy just one add, and Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg.

What are the ads? I haven't seen anyone put them up yet.
I read somewhere that Facebook was refusing to release them over its PRIVACY policies. It will probably take a while before they get leaked or published in one of the investigative reports. The Facebook operation was a recon and fishing expedition for bigger operations.

Are you familiar with the Ogino St. Petersburg troll farm tiny? It is well worth knowing about that operation for an understanding of this topic. It is key.

a great story, brave girl Lyudmila Savchuk won her case against Olgino troll-house .

"This non-descript office building in Moscow is where the Kremlin houses its army of thousands of internet trolls. They have become infamous over the last year; spamming the World Wide Web with lies, misinformation and propaganda. But this part of the Kremlin's hybrid warfare aginast Ukraine and the West at large has been exposed by a Russian journalist. Lyudmila Savchuk calls it a troll factory and says she had spent two months there as an employee documenting the process of creating a wave of pro-Kremlin propaganda. "They get work specifications. There are several main topics including Ukraine, USA and the EU - in general all main topics which are on the agenda - and also Russian opposition. Main opposition figures are regularly insulted and discredited on the Internet." According to Savchuk, she and her fellow colleagues worked under tight control and signed a non-disclosure agreement. She also says the comments were made not only in Russian but in several other languages across different platforms."
Buying ads on a website. Gee what an act of war.

By the way, is Facebook giving back the money, or are they conspirators with "hostile foreign power"?
Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

You're a fucking retard if you think buying an ad on Facebook is proof of "Russia interference in our election".
They did not buy just one add, and Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg.

What are the ads? I haven't seen anyone put them up yet.
I read somewhere that Facebook was refusing to release them over its PRIVACY policies. It will probably take a while before they get leaked or published in one of the investigative reports. The Facebook operation was a recon and fishing expedition for bigger operations.

Are you familiar with the Ogino St. Petersburg troll farm tiny? It is well worth knowing about that operation for an understanding of this topic. It is key.

Hey, we already know you tards are okay with a hostile power interfering our election.

It wasn't necessary for you to tell us again, traitor.

You're a fucking retard if you think buying an ad on Facebook is proof of "Russia interference in our election".
They did not buy just one add, and Facebook is just the tip of the iceberg.

What are the ads? I haven't seen anyone put them up yet.
I read somewhere that Facebook was refusing to release them over its PRIVACY policies. It will probably take a while before they get leaked or published in one of the investigative reports. The Facebook operation was a recon and fishing expedition for bigger operations.

Are you familiar with the Ogino St. Petersburg troll farm tiny? It is well worth knowing about that operation for an understanding of this topic. It is key.
I suspect tinydancer posts from there.

by the way, have you ever played with Kremlin trolls Olgno (vata) Bingo?

i did )) its funny:=)

"By Andrey Soshnikov, BBC Russian Service

The Internet Research Agency is one of the many names used by a media conglomerate known informally as the "Russian troll factory".

The wider operation is linked to Russian businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin, a friend of President Vladimir Putin since the 1990s.

His nickname is "Putin's cook" since he was actually a cook, whose food was admired by the president.

The business has never publicly been declared but is thought to be building pro-Kremlin public opinion via a big number of fake internet identities. Such activity is sometimes known as astro-turfing or internet sock-puppeting.

Russian trolls also engage in cyberbullying and harassing people with democratic views on the internet.

Although Mr Prigozhin has never acknowledged his involvement, about a dozen whistleblowers from the "troll factory" have talked to the media.

At least one popular pro-Trump, anti-Clinton Facebook community called Secured Borders was managed from the operation, according a report by RBC magazine.

Secured Borders boasted 140,000 subscribers.
One of its posts, published at the height of the election campaign and heavily advertised on Facebook, reached four million people on the social network. It was "liked" more than 300,000 times and shared more than 80,000 times.

The Secured Borders community has since been deleted."
I read somewhere that Facebook was refusing to release them over its PRIVACY policies. It will probably take a while before they get leaked or published in one of the investigative reports. The Facebook operation was a recon and fishing expedition for bigger operations.

That was before facebook admitted they took Russian money. What they did was illegal, and their only hope is to cooperate.
Less than 500 accounts, but how many idiots buy into it? There may be a few enemies of this country on this board, here to stir shit up, but what's sad is how many well intentioned people buy it and start spreading it. That ends up being lots lots more than 500.

Hilary spent 1.2 Billion Dollars on her campaign.....

do you really think 100,000 dollars over a two year period is a problem...?
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Yeah....you guys caught them.....100,000 dollars...over 2 years....

Hilary spent 1.2 billion dollars on her campaign......

I can see how nimrods like you can't see the pointlessness of this revelation about Russia...

Hillary Clinton breaks President Obama’s 2012 spending record with $1.2 billion campaign

can you tell us about Sputnik.ru, RT.ru and other Kremlin propaganda outlets yearly budgets?
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Yeah....you guys caught them.....100,000 dollars...over 2 years....

Hilary spent 1.2 billion dollars on her campaign......

I can see how nimrods like you can't see the pointlessness of this revelation about Russia...

Hillary Clinton breaks President Obama’s 2012 spending record with $1.2 billion campaign

can you tell us about Sputnik.ru, RT.ru and other Kremlin propaganda outlets yearly budgets?

Hmmmm...from your original post....you quoted they spent a grand total of 100,000 dollars over 2 years.......can you compare that to the 1.2 billion dollars hilary spent to lose to Trump?

Or how does that compare to the 145 million dollars hilary got from Putin?
What are the odds Trump does not make even so much as a single tweet about this hostile act by a hostile foreign power?

Yeah....you guys caught them.....100,000 dollars...over 2 years....

Hilary spent 1.2 billion dollars on her campaign......

I can see how nimrods like you can't see the pointlessness of this revelation about Russia...

Hillary Clinton breaks President Obama’s 2012 spending record with $1.2 billion campaign

can you tell us about Sputnik.ru, RT.ru and other Kremlin propaganda outlets yearly budgets?

Hmmmm...from your original post....you quoted they spent a grand total of 100,000 dollars over 2 years.......can you compare that to the 1.2 billion dollars hilary spent to lose to Trump?

Or how does that compare to the 145 million dollars hilary got from Putin?

"145 million dollars hilary got from Putin" LOL )))
feel free use this story as well "
Ukrainian “punishers” are fighting to get slaves, - new portion of bullshit from Russian TV."
Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
except that fake news isn't a russian thing. we do it, they do it, thousands of sites out there do it.

to illustrate my point - pee-gate. that was fake news born from 4chan that was billed as fake but the left didn't care. they ran with it cause they liked it and knew it would cause damage regardless.

if russia trolled us - score for russia.
is pee-gate, the golden showers rumor? at least they STATED it was NOT verified... fake news does not do that, they tell you it is true with not even a fine print disclaimer.
they didn't have to state it or even use it. 4chan said when they wrote it how full of shit they were. but they used it anyway.

why? it's fake?

if this is headed into a "only 1 side does fake news" convo let me know and i'll bow out now.
btw, no official has said it was fake. Only donald has said it was fake and he has lied so much, like the boy who cried wolf, that no one in their right mind would believe him.

Intelligence officials have said they do not know if the golden showers accusation is fake or real...they said they have not even tried to verify that aspect of the Dossier.

The golden showers story is of no concern, it is everything else in the Dossier that they are verifying that is the problem.

And no official has been able to present one iota of evidence either. You would think that after months and months of "investigations" they would be able to present something. So far all that has been shown is the provably false reporting from the various msm outlets.

Not too compelling a case to hang your hat on.
You know when people's response is just to laugh and nothing more, that they don't have anything to say.
Maybe because the post is so stupid that laughter is all it deserves.

And how is the post stupid? It's taken a news story, a real news story, about something that isn't fake.

Really, if the only thought through your brain is "Maybe because the post is so stupid that laughter is all it deserves." then I might find a quote from Mr T
omg, not ads! anything but that!

Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.
Considering that Madame Resident Clintoon spent 1.2 billion on the election, maybe trying to buy elections doesn't work so well.

Actually it works really well. It's not a 100% cert because there are plenty of other factors involved.

The actual amounts of money spent on the election will be unknown. This is part of the problem. Trump spent X amount of money. The Republicans spend X amount of money, but more money than that was spent on the Republican campaign.

For example, the Koch brothers could have spend lots of money on campaigns, like the campaign to make sure the Supreme Court didn't get a Democrat appointed judge. Now, none of this money will be seen as campaign financing, therefore people won't see it as having been spent on the election, but could potentially have tipped millions of votes.

Or we could just look at the simple stuff and forget reality.

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