Facebook uncovers "Russia"-funded misinformation campaign

You are forgetting the WALL.

Build the WALL. MAGA!!!!!!!

The wall is never getting built.

Most illegals come in validly with visas that expire.

Now, what you guys should concentrate on are the people who employ them.... but you guys are too much dupes to do that

But isn't that the whole reason of the wall to keep people happy who have no desire to know the truth about things, because they already "know" what they want to believe. A wall is visual, something they can see.

It's like locking up people with mental problems instead of spending money on it before it becomes a problem. You can SEE people in prisons, it makes you feel good. Giving money to people you just make the simple assumption they're lazy feels bad.
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.

Youd better tell nat4900 this is a non-issue, he's already ordered his "Impeach Trump, Inaugerate Hillary" party hats
Those investigating are indicating Trump team likely coordinated, so they believe a CRIME was committed...that's why the investigation is just ramping up, from what I've surmised.
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
except that fake news isn't a russian thing. we do it, they do it, thousands of sites out there do it.

to illustrate my point - pee-gate. that was fake news born from 4chan that was billed as fake but the left didn't care. they ran with it cause they liked it and knew it would cause damage regardless.

if russia trolled us - score for russia.
Israel pays people to promote pro-Israel values and views on the Internet. If it's okay for Antichrist, why not Russia, if Russia is doing it too? The US government spends billions doing it.
Well, seeing how ads basically buy elections, it's actually a big deal.

The problem here is that the Russians can't hope to outspend the Koch Brothers and others out there who will basically be telling America what to think, and there are enough lemmings who will be hypnotized into jumping off the cliff the money tells them to jump off.

Then why didn't Hillary win? She spent far more than Trump did. Funny how all that Clinton money being spent isn't magically hypnotizing people into jumping off a cliff, but Republican money somehow does.

So which is it? Are Republicans able to hypnotize people through ads and Dems aren't (even though Dems tell everyone what they want to hear, "more free stuff for you")? Or are you just full of it?

Because it's not a simple case of money automatically buys you support.

Also Trump managed to harness part of the media to work for him.

The problem here seems to be you want a simple answer. But you won't get simple, but life isn't simple.

You're the one that stated money basically buys elections. You got called out and can't explain why Dems spending money is OK, but Republicans spending money on campaigns and ads is "telling America what to think".

Well I'm not wrong. The problem is you have just taken what I said and made it very simple.

I didn't say Democrats spending money is okay and Republicans spending it is "telling America what to think", did I?

The simple fact is that Trump went into an election with money. He also went into the election with name recognition. Name recognition can often cost people a lot of money. Trump's money and he TV entertainment job had already bought this.

He also managed to harness the power of the media, get it working for him. He took a big risk in doing what he did, but it worked for him. He didn't need to spend the money. But Trump isn't ordinary and most people wouldn't have gotten away with what he did. So while Trump spent less money, we don't actually know how much money was spent by super PAC and the like.

This is the problem here.

There were two sides to the whole affair. There were those who didn't want Trump in the Republican Party, and those who once Trump was candidate, didn't want Hillary to be President. They wanted that Supreme Court justice and thought they could live with Trump for four years.

The Koch Brothers, as an example because they appear to be spending the most amount of money on politics, got the power to spend unlimited amounts of money on politics through the Supreme Court. I'd assume they take it very seriously to keep the Supreme Court right wing.

I'd say Trump being President is less important to them than who sits on the Supreme Court.

Let's try this

Tracking the 2016 Presidential Money Race

Trump raised $82 million for super PACS, $564 million for campaign spending. Yet the Koch Brothers poured in $900 million. So not all the money thre Republicans spent went on Trump.

In fact I think the Koch Brothers are spending lots of money on POLICIES rather than on the politicians necessarily.

How The Koch Brothers Are Secretly Manipulating The 2016 Election (VIDEO)

This article has plenty of evidence for that.

So they push for the Supreme Court justice, this benefits Trump directly. How many people voted for issues like that rather than actually wanting Trump to be President?

You are forgetting the WALL.

Build the WALL. MAGA!!!!!!!

we don't have the money to do it...we have Harvey at the tune of $100 billion, we have Irma heading our way, we are 20 trillion in debt and our yearly interest rate payment is $350 billion a year that comes out of the budget, we've got seniors/boomers all retiring and the money the federal budget has borrowed from social security all those decades, has to be paid back...we have an antiquated electric grid and the inability to supply the electricity we need in this digital age let alone it survive an emp attack or solar flares, we have bridges collapsing, schools that need rebuilding that have been there a half century or century.....

repairing any one of those things mentioned will give this nation a greater return on investment than a wall across our entire southern border...we need to use technology and ingenuity to build a security fence system that would cost a lot less.....in only the areas where needed at this point and go after the EMPLOYERS who hire the illegals, to curb the flow....it'll cost less....
Israel pays people to promote pro-Israel values and views on the Internet. If it's okay for Antichrist, why not Russia, if Russia is doing it too? The US government spends billions doing it.
Israel , and USA fight for OWN INTERESTS with truth . ulus of juchi with THE WORST LIES OUT THERE

The crucifixion of a 3-year old, the U.S. helped Kiev shoot ... - StopFake
Перакласці гэтую старонку
31.07.2014 - A pro-Russia rebel in Lysychansk, Ukraine, holds up posters on July 26 that ... of a 3-year-old boy, who was crucified in the crowded main square of ... Why does the Kremlin's propaganda seem more effective now than it was ...

Ridiculous lie on Russian TV: a child was crucified in ... - YouTube
upload_2017-9-7_15-21-28.jpeg▶ 2:09

Russia keeps exciting hatred to Ukrainians by staging fake news. This time Russia decided to humiliate ...
my question is simple, how we can keep our forum from paid - Olgino trolls and misinformation?

Facebook says it has discovered a Russian-funded campaign to promote divisive social and political messages on its network.

The company said $100,000 (£77,000) was spent on about 3,000 ads over a two-year period, ending in May 2017.

The ads did not back any political figures specifically, but instead posted on topics including immigration, race and equal rights.

Facebook said it was co-operating with a US investigation into the matter.

The advertisements directed users towards around 470 accounts that spread false information or were otherwise in breach of Facebook’s terms and conditions, the site said.

“The ads and accounts appeared to focus on amplifying divisive social and political messages across the ideological spectrum,” the company said in a blog post published on Wednesday."

Facebook uncovers Russia-funded misinformation campaign - BBC News
Could you believe that? After all the times they made denials?
my question is simple, how we can keep our forum from paid - Olgino trolls and misinformation?

Facebook says it has discovered a Russian-funded campaign to promote divisive social and political messages on its network.

The company said $100,000 (£77,000) was spent on about 3,000 ads over a two-year period, ending in May 2017.

The ads did not back any political figures specifically, but instead posted on topics including immigration, race and equal rights.

Facebook said it was co-operating with a US investigation into the matter.

The advertisements directed users towards around 470 accounts that spread false information or were otherwise in breach of Facebook’s terms and conditions, the site said.

“The ads and accounts appeared to focus on amplifying divisive social and political messages across the ideological spectrum,” the company said in a blog post published on Wednesday."

Facebook uncovers Russia-funded misinformation campaign - BBC News
Could you believe that? After all the times they made denials?

its official,
of cos i do believe....
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
except that fake news isn't a russian thing. we do it, they do it, thousands of sites out there do it.

to illustrate my point - pee-gate. that was fake news born from 4chan that was billed as fake but the left didn't care. they ran with it cause they liked it and knew it would cause damage regardless.

if russia trolled us - score for russia.
is pee-gate, the golden showers rumor? at least they STATED it was NOT verified... fake news does not do that, they tell you it is true with not even a fine print disclaimer.
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
except that fake news isn't a russian thing. we do it, they do it, thousands of sites out there do it.

to illustrate my point - pee-gate. that was fake news born from 4chan that was billed as fake but the left didn't care. they ran with it cause they liked it and knew it would cause damage regardless.

if russia trolled us - score for russia.
is pee-gate, the golden showers rumor? at least they STATED it was NOT verified... fake news does not do that, they tell you it is true with not even a fine print disclaimer.
they didn't have to state it or even use it. 4chan said when they wrote it how full of shit they were. but they used it anyway.

why? it's fake?

if this is headed into a "only 1 side does fake news" convo let me know and i'll bow out now.
Sad the radical left, which is all of the left these days.

Not at all. There are plenty of moderate democrats still out there, except that their party has been hijacked and taken over by the radical socialist anarchists of Europe who have infiltrated the universities, media and various institutions and brainwashed legions of the weak-minded who now preach their modality of hatred, contempt, violence and overthrow of America. They try to claim that America has already been turned upside down (even though just a few months ago under Obama, it was doing just fine), and they are here to save it now and turn it right again.

They eat their own, and if you are still a normal, clear-thinking, reasonable Democrat, you either hide your head, keep your thoughts to yourself and stay below the radar out of sight, or they will attack you vociferously. They won't disagree with you, they will eat you, seek to destroy you. Look at how they attacked one of the Democrat's own strongest allies and advocates, Alan Dershowitz himself! He tried to use reason, common sense and logic in speaking to some important matters recently and made some very well made points and was immediately set upon by the hounds of the Left surrounding him like a hungry pack, calling him a racist and other vile names. He quickly learned that you just don't step out of line.

Good! Good! That is how the Left creates some of your best conservatives! By taking former democrats and showing them FIRST HAND the hypocrisy and illness of the Left by actually trying to think clearly and independently in an effort to help the party they loved and instead getting soundly and badly bitten just for stepping out and not marching to the enforced beat of group-think. Facts don't matter to the Radical Left and when facts don't matter to someone, there is NO CHANCE of having any sort of meaningful dialog with these people; like a mad dog, they just need put out of their misery. Maybe the most humane thing possible might be to give them all lobotomies, then put them out in the fields picking cotton and tomatoes, just as they would have all of their beneficiaries do.
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I don't think Trump's motive in helping the Orange One is to have it off with him. He owns his ass, and Ivanka and Jared, and the werewolf sons, but that's another matter. (-
Sad the radical left, which is all of the left these days.

Not at all. There are plenty of moderate democrats still out there, except that their party has been hijacked and taken over by the radical socialist anarchists of Europe who have infiltrated the universities, media and various institutions and brainwashed legions of the weak-minded who now preach their modality of hatred, contempt, violence and overthrow of America. They try to claim that America has already been turned upside down (even though just a few months ago under Obama, it was doing just fine), and they are here to save it now and turn it right again.

They eat their own, and if you are still a normal, clear-thinking, reasonable Democrat, you either hide your head, keep your thoughts to yourself and stay below the radar out of sight, or they will attack you vociferously. They won't disagree with you, they will eat you, seek to destroy you. Look at how they attacked one of the Democrat's own strongest allies and advocates, Alan Dershowitz himself! He tried to use reason, common sense and logic in speaking to some important matters recently and made some very well made points and was immediately set upon by the hounds of the Left surrounding him like a hungry pack, calling him a racist and other vile names. He quickly learned that you just don't step out of line.

Good! Good! That is how the Left creates some of your best conservatives! By taking former democrats and showing them FIRST HAND the hypocrisy and illness of the Left by actually trying to think clearly and independently in an effort to help the party they loved and instead getting soundly and badly bitten just for stepping out and not marching to the enforced beat of group-think. Facts don't matter to the Radical Left and when facts don't matter to someone, there is NO CHANCE of having any sort of meaningful dialog with these people; like a mad dog, they just need put out of their misery. Maybe the most humane thing possible might be to give them all lobotomies, then put them out in the fields picking cotton and tomatoes, just as they would have all of their beneficiaries do.
There maybe some moderates in the democrat party, but as you say, they are hiding their heads, for damn good reason.

I am thinking that it is time for a true third party. Now is the time to start it, not wait until before the next election so forming one would just ensure a democrat victory.

But it won't happen the establishment is just too powerful.
Less than 500 accounts, but how many idiots buy into it?
Millions of idiots buy into it. Quite a few tards on this forum parrot Russian disinformation on a regular basis.
What is alarming is that, based on the responses here, they don't even know what this thread is about. They can't distinguish between divisiveness and a political point of view. This is scarier than Irma.
So the Russians were behind the unfounded allegations of Russian meddling in the last election? It gets stranger and stranger. Maybe Facebook just doesn't want to let it go. The alleged Russia/Trump connection is the last forlorn hope of an angry leaderless borderline crazy left wing.
For months Facebook has denied that any Russian entity bought adds on Facebook--that were false adds against Hillary Clinton. They admit that an a Russian company did it out of St. Petersburg. Now the interesting part of this is that Foreigners cannot spend any money on an American election. If there was any American that knew about this, they will be charged with a crime.

"Facebook reps told congressional investigators Wednesday that it had unwittingly sold ads during the presidential election to a Russian company that was targeting voters, a new report said Wednesday.

The officials said that they traced the ad sales worth $100,000 to a shadowy Russian “troll farm” with a history of pushing pro-Kremlin propaganda, The Washington Post reported, citing sources.

Some of the 3,300 ads, which first appeared in the summer of 2015, named eventual nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton by name, the paper said.

Facebook came clean as congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller are probing Russian meddling in the US election and whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign

The president has denied the allegations of potential collusion, dismissing them as “fake news” and “a hoax.”"


Tell us how these ads made you flip your vote
they didn't push ads, they pushed fake news and directed it towards people and right wing media sites on the net who were susceptible to the topic of the fake news propaganda Russia pushed...derogatory fake news on gun control, on BLM, on lgbt, on transgender, on the wall, on illegals, on SC Justice picks etc etc etc.... spent $100,000 on it...

it's not a crime unless Trump team conspired with them and/ or directed the ads or promised something like sanctions being removed from Russia... a quid pro quo or colluding with them. for campaign help.
What fake news was reported about Hillary?

I am really surprised by the responses on this thread. This news was out in January of this year, it's just that FACEBOOK continually denied that Russians were buying adds on their site, until they were called before the Congressional judicial team just two days ago. We even had a hearing in the Senate over all the FAKE news spread on social media outlets in January or February of this year.

It didn't flip my vote because (I can tell which articles are FAKE and which ones AREN'T) because I read the Washington Post, the NYT and watch multiple sources of news on T.V., including National news, CNN, FOX News and MSNBC. I am not attached to the hip to any of them.

But these adds were professionally done & I imagine the younger generation (who depend on social media outlets for their nightly broadcast) & people who live on FB probably did read them and it swayed their vote. All 3200 adds of them.

One of the adds was Hillary Clinton & John Podesta were running a child sex operation out of a pizza joint in Washington D.C. The owners were getting death threats, and one guy walked in their loaded to the hilt, fired a couple of shots, and could have easily killed a lot of people.

"Edgar Maddison Welch, 28, walked into D.C. pizza restaurant Comet Ping Pong armed with an assault rifle on Dec. 4, apparently to "investigate" a fake internet conspiracy. Here's what we know about him so far. (Deirdra O'Regan/The Washington Post)

The incident caused panic, with several businesses going into lockdown as police swarmed the neighborhood after receiving the call shortly before 3 p.m."

N.C. man told police he went to D.C. pizzeria with gun to investigate conspiracy theory

Last edited:
"Russian propagandist site RT (Formerly Russia Today) published a story claiming that the Ukrainian popular greeting – Glory to Ukraine! – is “a well-known slogan used by World War II Nazi collaborators”. This greeting in fact came into use well before WWII and it became popular again in Ukraine after the 2013-2014 Maidan protests."


"Scores of Russian media disseminated stories this week claiming that the US were conducting secret biological experiments in Ukraine resulting in some of the recent outbreaks of certain diseases in the country. All the publications use the same source for this fake story, the hacker group Cyber Berkut."


Fake: Ukraine a US Biological Testing Site

"Russian Defense Ministry’s television channel Zvezda published a story on its web site claiming that Ukraine is killing its citizens by depriving them of medical help. Twisting the truth and manipulating quotes and figures Zvezda criticizes Ukraine’s Health Ministry and the reforms that acting Health Minister Ulana Suprun is enacting."

"StopFake #145 [ENG] with Luc Chenier

The latest edition of StopFake News with Kyiv Post CEO Luc Chenier. Among the disinformation debunked is a story a fringe American web site claiming that the US supports right radicals and fascists in Ukraine, we set the record straight on the Ukrainian navy which is definitely alive and kicking and deforestation in Ukraine, who’s doing it and who’s lying about it."



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