Extremists and the wider community - accountability.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Looking at the terrorist attack in a wider context.

This was one of a number of cowardly attacks by right wing nutters. In fact the body count on this one could have been a lot worse. I was shocked at the sight of heavily armed crazies who are avowed haters of non white people. They were marching through the streets in broad daylight intimidating local people. It was a shocking sight.

It was clear that the local police had not got control of the situation and tragedy ensued.

I think that the right has a duty to sort out its own. Although the perps are few they are seemingly backed up by a silent majority of folk who are nodding quietly with a grim satisfaction.

Their leaders reactions range from approval,to weasel words condemning all violence.

The right wing needs to prove that they belong in the US by rooting out these crazies and reporting them to the proper authorities.

They also need to ditch their religion of hate and embrace secular, modern, western values.

Its the only way they can ever belong.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.
So it was only the alt right that was violent, in videos I saw it looked like violence from both sides

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So it was only the alt right that was violent, in videos I saw it looked like violence from both sides

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The two sides are as follows.
Hate filled extremists and..................people who do not like hate filled extremists.
Its time to pick your side.
Looking at the terrorist attack in a wider context.

This was one of a number of cowardly attacks by right wing nutters. In fact the body count on this one could have been a lot worse. I was shocked at the sight of heavily armed crazies who are avowed haters of non white people. They were marching through the streets in broad daylight intimidating local people. It was a shocking sight.

It was clear that the local police had not got control of the situation and tragedy ensued.

I think that the right has a duty to sort out its own. Although the perps are few they are seemingly backed up by a silent majority of folk who are nodding quietly with a grim satisfaction.

Their leaders reactions range from approval,to weasel words condemning all violence.

The right wing needs to prove that they belong in the US by rooting out these crazies and reporting them to the proper authorities.

They also need to ditch their religion of hate and embrace secular, modern, western values.

Its the only way they can ever belong.

That's what the LEFT need to do with Antifa, you idiot of another kind. All the nationwide political violence, destruction and threats have been from LEFTISTS, you lying, lying drooling vegetable. Our internal goings-on ARE NOT A WELSHMAN'S BUSINESS!!! Get a fucking LIFE, you stalker-voyeur!!! No American cares what your snobby, elitist, Islam-fellatrix ass thinks about ANYTHING!!! I doubt you've ever been here.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.

Silly guy. You just responded to a post about RW extremist violence by saying that extremists from all sides need to be reigned in. You might as well be Trump's speech writer.
Looking at the terrorist attack in a wider context.

This was one of a number of cowardly attacks by right wing nutters. In fact the body count on this one could have been a lot worse. I was shocked at the sight of heavily armed crazies who are avowed haters of non white people. They were marching through the streets in broad daylight intimidating local people. It was a shocking sight.

It was clear that the local police had not got control of the situation and tragedy ensued.

I think that the right has a duty to sort out its own. Although the perps are few they are seemingly backed up by a silent majority of folk who are nodding quietly with a grim satisfaction.

Their leaders reactions range from approval,to weasel words condemning all violence.

The right wing needs to prove that they belong in the US by rooting out these crazies and reporting them to the proper authorities.

They also need to ditch their religion of hate and embrace secular, modern, western values.

Its the only way they can ever belong.

That's what the LEFT need to do with Antifa, you idiot of another kind. All the nationwide political violence, destruction and threats have been from LEFTISTS, you lying, lying drooling vegetable. Our internal goings-on ARE NOT A WELSHMAN'S BUSINESS!!! Get a fucking LIFE, you stalker-voyeur!!! No American cares what your snobby, elitist, Islam-fellatrix ass thinks about ANYTHING!!! I doubt you've ever been here.

Oh look! Deflection. Shocking.
Police didn't have the situation under control? Nope, they were told to stand back so that Antifa could beat out the Nazis and cause chaos as usual. In fact, the police pushed the supremacists to the violent Antifa members.

If you want to see a situation where police doesn't have the situation under control, check the Antifa riots of Hamburg.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.

Silly guy. You just responded to a post about RW extremist violence by saying that extremists from all sides need to be reigned in. You might as well be Trump's speech writer.
Nope, I'm Hitler.

I didn't die that day in Germany.

The Regressives don't like it when you mess with their schtick.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.

Silly guy. You just responded to a post about RW extremist violence by saying that extremists from all sides need to be reigned in. You might as well be Trump's speech writer.
seems to be a "regressive" tactic.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.

Silly guy. You just responded to a post about RW extremist violence by saying that extremists from all sides need to be reigned in. You might as well be Trump's speech writer.

Antifa WAS or WAS NOT there?

Hint: Antifa was there.

The cognitive dissonance is again, without parallels.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.

Silly guy. You just responded to a post about RW extremist violence by saying that extremists from all sides need to be reigned in. You might as well be Trump's speech writer.
seems to be a "regressive" tactic.
No, I'm Hitler. And Trump's speechwriter. I admit it. I needed the work.

It appears I wrote something with which you disagree.

Please identify it.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.

Silly guy. You just responded to a post about RW extremist violence by saying that extremists from all sides need to be reigned in. You might as well be Trump's speech writer.
Nope, I'm Hitler.

I didn't die that day in Germany.

The Regressives don't like it when you mess with their schtick.
imagine the OP with "muslim" replacing "right wing". then imagine someone immediately jumping on it to claim that all religious people need to rein in their extremists.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.

Silly guy. You just responded to a post about RW extremist violence by saying that extremists from all sides need to be reigned in. You might as well be Trump's speech writer.
seems to be a "regressive" tactic.
No, I'm Hitler. And Trump's speechwriter. I admit it. I needed the work.

It appears I wrote something with which you disagree.

Please identify it.
you are a silly little fellow. you made my point. i wuv me. i should get my autograph.
Extremists across the spectrum need to be challenged & culturally marginalized relentlessly, and most importantly, by those who have been spinning and deflecting for them.

Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.

Silly guy. You just responded to a post about RW extremist violence by saying that extremists from all sides need to be reigned in. You might as well be Trump's speech writer.
Nope, I'm Hitler.

I didn't die that day in Germany.

The Regressives don't like it when you mess with their schtick.
imagine the OP with "muslim" replacing "right wing". then imagine someone immediately jumping on it to claim that all religious people need to rein in their extremists.
That doesn't answer my question.

Please tell me where you disagree with my post.
Looking at the terrorist attack in a wider context.

This was one of a number of cowardly attacks by right wing nutters. In fact the body count on this one could have been a lot worse. I was shocked at the sight of heavily armed crazies who are avowed haters of non white people. They were marching through the streets in broad daylight intimidating local people. It was a shocking sight.

It was clear that the local police had not got control of the situation and tragedy ensued.

I think that the right has a duty to sort out its own. Although the perps are few they are seemingly backed up by a silent majority of folk who are nodding quietly with a grim satisfaction.

Their leaders reactions range from approval,to weasel words condemning all violence.

The right wing needs to prove that they belong in the US by rooting out these crazies and reporting them to the proper authorities.

They also need to ditch their religion of hate and embrace secular, modern, western values.

Its the only way they can ever belong.

I thought it was bigoted to expect, for instance, Muslims to sort out the violent jihadis, or for BLM to sort out the "fry 'em like bacon" types. I thought that I wasn't allowed to blame "the left" for the actions of only a few hundred, maybe a few thousand ANTIFA members who show up at every other pro-anything-right-of-Karl Marx rally and start attacking people for having the bad thoughts. Are we doing away with this set of rules, now? Or is guilt by association only reserved for those people of which you personally disapprove?

Also, if we're looking for causal issues to solve, maybe you should cast your gaze away from the fringe assholes like the KKK who've been utterly irrelevant for like 40 years, and check on our mainstream culture pushing racial divisiveness in the name of anti-racism. We yell about how race is a social construct that was invented by slave owners to justify the tiered legal treatment of people of different colors, but then we insist on continuing to classify everybody by this same set of slave owner categories and treat the world like it's all one big power struggle between the resulting tribes, and then we act like it's someone else's fault when the tribes we encourage start acting tribally. It's fucking mind boggling.

Our mainstream culture, by falling more and more into line with this social justice, intersectionality insanity is creating Hotel Rwanda right here in the US. We're not all Americans, or all humans, no no no. . . We're actually all members of either tribe Whitey or tribe PoC, and you can tell who's in what tribe based on their skin color. And tribe Whitey did bad stuff back in the day, whereas tribe PoC was the victim of tribe Whitey, and then the narrative spins out into proposing various degrees of punitive action against the individual members of tribe Whitey. But we don't call it punitive, we just say we're balancing the privilege equation, because most of the super rich are part of tribe Whitey. Now, mind you, that doesn't mean that Elon Musk is handing out checks to Joe Six-Pack who lives in a trailer park. But, if Elon Musk WAS going to give all of his wealth away to either Joe Six-Pack or Jose Cerveza, he'd be statistically more likely to give it to Joe Six-Pack. So even if that tribal affiliation doesn't -actually- help Joe Six Pack, it does in hypothetical thought experiments, and that's why Joe Six Pack needs to shut his privileged mouth when we're discussing tribal issues. Which is all issues. The problem is, tribe Whitey is still the tribe with the numbers on this continent. Once you convince the tribe with the numerical and economical advantage that they are, in fact, part of a tribe in a contest for control of resources with the other tribe(s), and you do so by taking fat rhetorical and legal shits all over their tribe, who do you suppose will play the part of the machete wielding Hutu tribesmen?

Honestly, you Intersectionalists and Social Justice advocates should look at the sheer number of white supremacists who showed up for this rally (probably the largest such gathering on this continent in decades!) and pat yourselves on your shortsighted backs. The growing ranks of identitarians ready to violently prove their tribe's superiority over all the other tribes are evidence that the tenets of your whacked out ideology are really starting to take root! Congratulations, assholes.
Of course. You didn't just deflect for right wing extremists. No way. You'd never do that.

Too easy.
^^^ Good example of my point.

Silly guy. You just responded to a post about RW extremist violence by saying that extremists from all sides need to be reigned in. You might as well be Trump's speech writer.
seems to be a "regressive" tactic.
No, I'm Hitler. And Trump's speechwriter. I admit it. I needed the work.

It appears I wrote something with which you disagree.

Please identify it.
you are a silly little fellow. you made my point. i wuv me. i should get my autograph.
Wow, you really pay attention to my posts, holy crap. Thanks.

So what did I say that triggered you?

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