Extortion & the separation of power

Since Trump refused to sign the clean CR?
He has not.

Hmmm...so now we get back to doing your own homework...dumbass.
Democrats would be crazy to reject Trump's DACA deal

That's from January of 18, dope.

Obviously I'm talking about right now. The deal in you link is not what the House just passed.

Yup, I'm not seeing a link embedded in your gibberish.

You need to either change your nom de plume, or get more tools than the logical fallacies which seem to be your forte. Thinkers actually put some thought into a post,
EXTORTION, the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Considering the flip flops Trump has made which Shut the Government Down, his efforts to force Democrats to give him Billions of Dollars to fulfill a campaign promise, it seems this machination is a high crime. A high crime which impacts nearly a million federal employees and repudiates the Constitution's genius, the Separation of Power.

Leaders seeks compromise, criminals make threats.

EXTORTION? What the heck happened to COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION?

They are still there, collusion came first, obstruction next and extortion this week. Keep in mind, Trump is a very busy law breaker. BTW, collusion is Trump's word, for what he has done the proper legal term is conspiracy.

No kidding, certainly doesn't seem to be Trump's word.
Collusion Trump Song - Bing video

Collusion Trump Song - Bing video

Of course it's not Trump's word, it is a euphemism for conspiracy in most cases. Conspiracy is not always a crime, only when two or more people conspire to break the law is it a law offense.

If my sons and I conspire to buy their mom / my wife a brand new BMW for a birthday surprise, it is not a criminal offense. If we conspire to steal a brand new BMW for her birthday, it is.
Do you mean like the criminals that will not protect our Southern Border?

The border is protected, and has been for years.
it has?....

It has! Is it porous? Yep. But so are the seaports, our coasts and airports. Building a wall is a waste of money, we have drones, copters and fixed wing aircraft; technology and other means to limit the entry of people, drugs and dirty bombs if men and women of good will stop pointing fingers and seek solutions.
all those things havent done much have they?...at least in S.Cal,in that area they havent done jack.....

No, most have not been employed, but most are developed. It comes down to wedge issues. Guns, gays, God, Taxes, Immigration, energy, etc.
they can be the most developed things ever,if they are not employed,what good are they?.......
Since Trump refused to sign the clean CR?
He has not.

Hmmm...so now we get back to doing your own homework...dumbass.
Democrats would be crazy to reject Trump's DACA deal

That's from January of 18, dope.

Obviously I'm talking about right now. The deal in you link is not what the House just passed.

Yup, I'm not seeing a link embedded in your gibberish.

You need to either change your nom de plume, or get more tools than the logical fallacies which seem to be your forte. Thinkers actually put some thought into a post,
EXTORTION, the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Considering the flip flops Trump has made which Shut the Government Down, his efforts to force Democrats to give him Billions of Dollars to fulfill a campaign promise, it seems this machination is a high crime. A high crime which impacts nearly a million federal employees and repudiates the Constitution's genius, the Separation of Power.

Leaders seeks compromise, criminals make threats.

EXTORTION? What the heck happened to COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION?

They are still there, collusion came first, obstruction next and extortion this week. Keep in mind, Trump is a very busy law breaker. BTW, collusion is Trump's word, for what he has done the proper legal term is conspiracy.

Non thinkers denigrate those who don't exactly as they do. Why don't you show the proof of collusion. For the record, politics is a game and a stage, nothing more. Having said that Mueller has yet to show ANYTHING on Trump, nothing.

Have you ever been a member of a team doing a criminal investigation? Of course not, since you have no clue as to what transpires during the process.

An investigation breeds investigations.

An interview breeds interrogations, and both breed new areas to investigate. New trails to follow and many new branches off these trails. Sometimes they are worthless, and sometimes they are the bonanza.
Hmmm...so now we get back to doing your own homework...dumbass.
Democrats would be crazy to reject Trump's DACA deal

That's from January of 18, dope.

Obviously I'm talking about right now. The deal in you link is not what the House just passed.

Yup, I'm not seeing a link embedded in your gibberish.

You need to either change your nom de plume, or get more tools than the logical fallacies which seem to be your forte. Thinkers actually put some thought into a post,
EXTORTION, the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Considering the flip flops Trump has made which Shut the Government Down, his efforts to force Democrats to give him Billions of Dollars to fulfill a campaign promise, it seems this machination is a high crime. A high crime which impacts nearly a million federal employees and repudiates the Constitution's genius, the Separation of Power.

Leaders seeks compromise, criminals make threats.

EXTORTION? What the heck happened to COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION?

They are still there, collusion came first, obstruction next and extortion this week. Keep in mind, Trump is a very busy law breaker. BTW, collusion is Trump's word, for what he has done the proper legal term is conspiracy.

Non thinkers denigrate those who don't exactly as they do. Why don't you show the proof of collusion. For the record, politics is a game and a stage, nothing more. Having said that Mueller has yet to show ANYTHING on Trump, nothing.

Have you ever been a member of a team doing a criminal investigation? Of course not, since you have no clue as to what transpires during the process.

An investigation breeds investigations.

An interview breeds interrogations, and both breed new areas to investigate. New trails to follow and many new branches off these trails. Sometimes they are worthless, and sometimes they are the bonanza.

Meaning you don't have shit.
Got it.
Since Trump refused to sign the clean CR?
He has not.

Hmmm...so now we get back to doing your own homework...dumbass.
Democrats would be crazy to reject Trump's DACA deal

That's from January of 18, dope.

Obviously I'm talking about right now. The deal in you link is not what the House just passed.

Yup, I'm not seeing a link embedded in your gibberish.

You need to either change your nom de plume, or get more tools than the logical fallacies which seem to be your forte. Thinkers actually put some thought into a post,
EXTORTION, the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Considering the flip flops Trump has made which Shut the Government Down, his efforts to force Democrats to give him Billions of Dollars to fulfill a campaign promise, it seems this machination is a high crime. A high crime which impacts nearly a million federal employees and repudiates the Constitution's genius, the Separation of Power.

Leaders seeks compromise, criminals make threats.

EXTORTION? What the heck happened to COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION?

They are still there, collusion came first, obstruction next and extortion this week. Keep in mind, Trump is a very busy law breaker. BTW, collusion is Trump's word, for what he has done the proper legal term is conspiracy.

Oops, sorry, didn't realize you were learning a new word every week.

Everyday Dictionary.com posts a word of the day. I did when I was employed and posted the word of the day for my staff. Most were words I knew and/or had seen in my readings. The one's I'd never seen, I added to a list which I left in the office when I retired.

See: turtledove Word of the Day | Dictionary.com
That's from January of 18, dope.

Obviously I'm talking about right now. The deal in you link is not what the House just passed.

Yup, I'm not seeing a link embedded in your gibberish.

You need to either change your nom de plume, or get more tools than the logical fallacies which seem to be your forte. Thinkers actually put some thought into a post,
EXTORTION, the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Considering the flip flops Trump has made which Shut the Government Down, his efforts to force Democrats to give him Billions of Dollars to fulfill a campaign promise, it seems this machination is a high crime. A high crime which impacts nearly a million federal employees and repudiates the Constitution's genius, the Separation of Power.

Leaders seeks compromise, criminals make threats.

EXTORTION? What the heck happened to COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION?

They are still there, collusion came first, obstruction next and extortion this week. Keep in mind, Trump is a very busy law breaker. BTW, collusion is Trump's word, for what he has done the proper legal term is conspiracy.

Non thinkers denigrate those who don't exactly as they do. Why don't you show the proof of collusion. For the record, politics is a game and a stage, nothing more. Having said that Mueller has yet to show ANYTHING on Trump, nothing.

Have you ever been a member of a team doing a criminal investigation? Of course not, since you have no clue as to what transpires during the process.

An investigation breeds investigations.

An interview breeds interrogations, and both breed new areas to investigate. New trails to follow and many new branches off these trails. Sometimes they are worthless, and sometimes they are the bonanza.

Meaning you don't have shit.
Got it.

No you don't "got it", it was too abstract for you to comprehend, in that I'm not surprised.
Yup, I'm not seeing a link embedded in your gibberish.

You need to either change your nom de plume, or get more tools than the logical fallacies which seem to be your forte. Thinkers actually put some thought into a post,
EXTORTION? What the heck happened to COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION?

They are still there, collusion came first, obstruction next and extortion this week. Keep in mind, Trump is a very busy law breaker. BTW, collusion is Trump's word, for what he has done the proper legal term is conspiracy.

Non thinkers denigrate those who don't exactly as they do. Why don't you show the proof of collusion. For the record, politics is a game and a stage, nothing more. Having said that Mueller has yet to show ANYTHING on Trump, nothing.

Have you ever been a member of a team doing a criminal investigation? Of course not, since you have no clue as to what transpires during the process.

An investigation breeds investigations.

An interview breeds interrogations, and both breed new areas to investigate. New trails to follow and many new branches off these trails. Sometimes they are worthless, and sometimes they are the bonanza.

Meaning you don't have shit.
Got it.

No you don't "got it", it was too abstract for you to comprehend, in that I'm not surprised.

Son you aren't shit. You don't know shit about legal matters. Me?
I've been a part of shit I can't even talk about and done shit you can't even imagine. You live in a theoretical world.
I live in a world where people bled and died.
You need to either change your nom de plume, or get more tools than the logical fallacies which seem to be your forte. Thinkers actually put some thought into a post,
They are still there, collusion came first, obstruction next and extortion this week. Keep in mind, Trump is a very busy law breaker. BTW, collusion is Trump's word, for what he has done the proper legal term is conspiracy.

Non thinkers denigrate those who don't exactly as they do. Why don't you show the proof of collusion. For the record, politics is a game and a stage, nothing more. Having said that Mueller has yet to show ANYTHING on Trump, nothing.

Have you ever been a member of a team doing a criminal investigation? Of course not, since you have no clue as to what transpires during the process.

An investigation breeds investigations.

An interview breeds interrogations, and both breed new areas to investigate. New trails to follow and many new branches off these trails. Sometimes they are worthless, and sometimes they are the bonanza.

Meaning you don't have shit.
Got it.

No you don't "got it", it was too abstract for you to comprehend, in that I'm not surprised.

Son you aren't shit. You don't know shit about legal matters. Me?
I've been a part of shit I can't even talk about and done shit you can't even imagine. You live in a theoretical world.
I live in a world where people bled and died.

Gee a real bad ass, at least on the Internet. I encountered many a bad ass punk during my 32-year career in law enforcement.
Non thinkers denigrate those who don't exactly as they do. Why don't you show the proof of collusion. For the record, politics is a game and a stage, nothing more. Having said that Mueller has yet to show ANYTHING on Trump, nothing.

Have you ever been a member of a team doing a criminal investigation? Of course not, since you have no clue as to what transpires during the process.

An investigation breeds investigations.

An interview breeds interrogations, and both breed new areas to investigate. New trails to follow and many new branches off these trails. Sometimes they are worthless, and sometimes they are the bonanza.

Meaning you don't have shit.
Got it.

No you don't "got it", it was too abstract for you to comprehend, in that I'm not surprised.

Son you aren't shit. You don't know shit about legal matters. Me?
I've been a part of shit I can't even talk about and done shit you can't even imagine. You live in a theoretical world.
I live in a world where people bled and died.

Gee a real bad ass, at least on the Internet. I encountered many a bad ass punk during my 32-year career in law enforcement.

No, not a bad ass at all.
Just a guy who did what was asked of him. Nothing more.
Hmmm...so now we get back to doing your own homework...dumbass.
Democrats would be crazy to reject Trump's DACA deal

That's from January of 18, dope.

Obviously I'm talking about right now. The deal in you link is not what the House just passed.

Yup, I'm not seeing a link embedded in your gibberish.

You need to either change your nom de plume, or get more tools than the logical fallacies which seem to be your forte. Thinkers actually put some thought into a post,
EXTORTION, the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.

Considering the flip flops Trump has made which Shut the Government Down, his efforts to force Democrats to give him Billions of Dollars to fulfill a campaign promise, it seems this machination is a high crime. A high crime which impacts nearly a million federal employees and repudiates the Constitution's genius, the Separation of Power.

Leaders seeks compromise, criminals make threats.

EXTORTION? What the heck happened to COLLUSION and OBSTRUCTION?

They are still there, collusion came first, obstruction next and extortion this week. Keep in mind, Trump is a very busy law breaker. BTW, collusion is Trump's word, for what he has done the proper legal term is conspiracy.

No kidding, certainly doesn't seem to be Trump's word.
Collusion Trump Song - Bing video

Collusion Trump Song - Bing video

Of course it's not Trump's word, it is a euphemism for conspiracy in most cases. Conspiracy is not always a crime, only when two or more people conspire to break the law is it a law offense.

If my sons and I conspire to buy their mom / my wife a brand new BMW for a birthday surprise, it is not a criminal offense. If we conspire to steal a brand new BMW for her birthday, it is.

I see...but if I recall, some idiot said it was Trump's word.
Non thinkers denigrate those who don't exactly as they do. Why don't you show the proof of collusion. For the record, politics is a game and a stage, nothing more. Having said that Mueller has yet to show ANYTHING on Trump, nothing.

Have you ever been a member of a team doing a criminal investigation? Of course not, since you have no clue as to what transpires during the process.

An investigation breeds investigations.

An interview breeds interrogations, and both breed new areas to investigate. New trails to follow and many new branches off these trails. Sometimes they are worthless, and sometimes they are the bonanza.

Meaning you don't have shit.
Got it.

No you don't "got it", it was too abstract for you to comprehend, in that I'm not surprised.

Son you aren't shit. You don't know shit about legal matters. Me?
I've been a part of shit I can't even talk about and done shit you can't even imagine. You live in a theoretical world.
I live in a world where people bled and died.

Gee a real bad ass, at least on the Internet. I encountered many a bad ass punk during my 32-year career in law enforcement.

Hmm, let me guess...meter maid?
Have you ever been a member of a team doing a criminal investigation? Of course not, since you have no clue as to what transpires during the process.

An investigation breeds investigations.

An interview breeds interrogations, and both breed new areas to investigate. New trails to follow and many new branches off these trails. Sometimes they are worthless, and sometimes they are the bonanza.

Meaning you don't have shit.
Got it.

No you don't "got it", it was too abstract for you to comprehend, in that I'm not surprised.

Son you aren't shit. You don't know shit about legal matters. Me?
I've been a part of shit I can't even talk about and done shit you can't even imagine. You live in a theoretical world.
I live in a world where people bled and died.

Gee a real bad ass, at least on the Internet. I encountered many a bad ass punk during my 32-year career in law enforcement.

Hmm, let me guess...meter maid?

I don't need to guess you're fool, your posts all defy that you're a thinker.

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