Exposing the worst progressive lies


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Progressives have a long and ugly history of lying. But even by their repulsive standards, some of their lies just reach inconceivable new lows. Here is one of many that will be documented in this thread:

So much for the false narrative of "unprecedented obstruction"


Obama Tops Bush on Judicial Confirmations
Living in a third world shit hole and milking your own cow is the only truth you believe. The taliban almost seems sane next to you.
Oh, I get it now. You're one of those republican prop players, who goes out of his way to make progressives look like total blithering moonbat imbeciles.

I have to admit, you're very convincing. Great job! :2up:
Progressives have a long and ugly history of lying. But even by their repulsive standards, some of their lies just reach inconceivable new lows. Here is one of many that will be documented in this thread:

So much for the false narrative of "unprecedented obstruction"

View attachment 104414

Obama Tops Bush on Judicial Confirmations
Have the Democrats ever increased or reduced the size of the Court so that the president was able or unable to fill a vacancy? 1801 860 and for Grant.
Living in a third world shit hole and milking your own cow is the only truth you believe. The taliban almost seems sane next to you.
I love when reality smacks you in your stupid face and causes you to completely lose your shit... :lol:
I've enjoyed Obama making good on his promise for transparency. That was a good lie.
Progressives have a long and ugly history of lying. But even by their repulsive standards, some of their lies just reach inconceivable new lows. Here is one of many that will be documented in this thread:

So much for the false narrative of "unprecedented obstruction"

View attachment 104414

Obama Tops Bush on Judicial Confirmations
The only way to compare is to also know how many openings did Bush have to fill vs how many openings did Obama have to fill?
Progressives have a long and ugly history of lying. But even by their repulsive standards, some of their lies just reach inconceivable new lows. Here is one of many that will be documented in this thread:

So much for the false narrative of "unprecedented obstruction"

View attachment 104414

Obama Tops Bush on Judicial Confirmations
The only way to compare is to also know how many openings did Bush have to fill vs how many openings did Obama have to fill?
It doesn't matter. How much "obstruction" could there have been if he made that many appointments which were ultimately approved?
Another egregious progressive lie:

"Democracy is now in crisis. Even the US, the world’s leading democracy, elected a con artist and would-be dictator as its president. Although Trump has toned down his rhetoric since he was elected, he has changed neither his behavior nor his advisers. His cabinet comprises incompetent extremists and retired generals.

But the US will be preoccupied with internal struggles in the near future, and targeted minorities will suffer. The US will be unable to protect and promote democracy in the rest of the world. On the contrary, Trump will have greater affinity with dictators. That will allow some of them to reach an accommodation with the US, and others to carry on without interference. Trump will prefer making deals to defending principles. Unfortunately, that will be popular with his core constituency."

When Barack Obama took office he immediately rejected our allies and reached out to every oppressive dictator in the world (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Vladimir Putin, Fidel Castro). And George Soros applauded. Loudly.

After that, Barack Obama acted like a dictator - proudly declaring that he had bypassed Congress over and over with his "pen and phone". And George Soros applauded. Loudly.

Pretending Donald Trump is a "dictator" and pretending to fear dictators when the left in fact adores them is one of the most repulsive of progressive lies.

Open Society Needs Defending
Progressives have a long and ugly history of lying. But even by their repulsive standards, some of their lies just reach inconceivable new lows. Here is one of many that will be documented in this thread:

So much for the false narrative of "unprecedented obstruction"

View attachment 104414

Obama Tops Bush on Judicial Confirmations
The only way to compare is to also know how many openings did Bush have to fill vs how many openings did Obama have to fill?
It doesn't matter. How much "obstruction" could there have been if he made that many appointments which were ultimately approved?
not true, it does matter...AND ALSO, how long it took to confirm the appointments matters and should be compared....ALL of that could show obstruction.

But it does not matter anyway....

your numbers in your chart are wrong

ONLY 22 judges were approved by the 114th congress NOT the 54 your chart claims!!!

OOPS, that was for hearings not nominations?

This table lists judges confirmed by the current Congress. The table contains the name of the judge, the nomination date, the confirmation date, the court location, the incumbent - the judge who previously held the position, the vacancy reason, and the vacancy date.

Judicial Confirmations

114th Congress

Last updated on12/29/2016

Total Confirmations:22

Confirmation Listing
FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies! FOX News lies!
The fact some people are willing to more readily to trust some graphic with no cited source over ones with sources right there on it is sad, and telling.
The biggest and most profound lie was probably claiming thousands of Muslim Americans were seen on TV celebrating 9-11 on the streets of New Jersey. That was just plain malicious. The next biggest would probably be that Trump won a landslide election with one of the widest Electoral College Votes in history. Both these lies are easy to prove as lies.
Trump has shamed Progressive Republicans more than any Republican, progressive or regressive in history with his pathological lying.

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