Explosion In New Heart Conditions Dismissed As "Post Pandemic Stress Disorder"

A woman close to me in my family was vaccinated 3 times from the second time she was not the same she forgot the words so to make short she ended up with a meningioma in the brain and she consulted doctors after that she was told that it had nothing to do with the meningioma and she had to have a small stroke without noticing it.
But nothing about vaccines now her health declined more and more.
It’s a shame to treat people this way...her life will never be the same again.:mad:
A woman close to me in my family was vaccinated 3 times from the second time she was not the same she forgot the words so to make short she ended up with a meningioma in the brain and she consulted doctors after that she was told that it had nothing to do with the meningioma and she had to have a small stroke without noticing it.
But nothing about vaccines now her health declined more and more.
It’s a shame to treat people this way...her life will never be the same again.:mad:
Bonjour Dalia, Most meningiomas are benign (benigne) though the virus can cross into the brain. Was the vaccine mRNA vaccine?
From the Wuhan Sports University (recalling the Wuhan World Military Games of Oct 2019) to a Wuhan hospital, we pick up the precise link needed, also geographically correct, for the fact that SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier (BBB).

Oct 2021 Department of Anesthesiology, Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan / Irisin / BBB
Thusfar, the only DoD (Department of Defense) report (Post #98) we can underscore is one for ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement).
A woman close to me in my family was vaccinated 3 times from the second time she was not the same she forgot the words so to make short she ended up with a meningioma in the brain and she consulted doctors after that she was told that it had nothing to do with the meningioma and she had to have a small stroke without noticing it.
But nothing about vaccines now her health declined more and more.
It’s a shame to treat people this way...her life will never be the same again.:mad:
Mon ami, We posted to you about this on 10 Jan 2022. Looking again, we see that it was from the same Wuhan hospital we have just linked to the protein, irisin, for the blood-brain barrier (this thread, above).

Post #42
'....Zhongnan Hospital, Wuhan: 'The most common presenting symptoms were intracranial hypertension and neurological deficit....Hypertension and diabetes were the most common comorbid diseases.'
Thanks to you, it is true that she is taking medication against diabete and also against depression , she has also survived breast cancer, she was also vaccinated against the flu, all this is a lot, but the symptoms of memory loss are started after the second vaccine.

I’m worried about her, I’d like to know if this vaccine could be the cause or a other health problem could be relate to her meningiomas
Thanks to you, it is true that she is taking medication against diabete and also against depression , she has also survived breast cancer, she was also vaccinated against the flu, all this is a lot, but the symptoms of memory loss are started after the second vaccine.

I’m worried about her, I’d like to know if this vaccine could be the cause or a other health problem could be relate to her meningiomas
Mon ami, we are working on this. In post #93, we linked diabetes. Post #100 mentions irisin. We now link irisin to glucose homeostasis, a diabetes link. This next report shows why there should not have been lockdowns and why the communist virus targets obesity:

No Lockdowns, Boycott Beijing Olympics

Denmark, California, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard / Irisin / Brown Fat-White Fat
'....Exercise benefits a variety of organ systems....improvements in obesity and glucose homeostasis....modulated UCP1....'

UCP is uncoupling protein. We must first show the free fatty acids that link to UCP1. You can scroll down to "Function in Neurons" to see the graph showing the fatty acids. This is where the virus attaches to fatty acids: SARS-CoV-2 spike protein positions 408 and 410. That is the spike's target: fatty-acid binding pocket.

Uncoupling Protein
'....Functions in Neurons....'

So we have this UPC1 From the report above. But when we looked closer, the real link back to the Wuhan lab (China) and Chapel Hill lab (USA) for tampering with bat viruses is found in three other places. We have to include UPC5 protein to make the connections:

The Mexico connection to UCP5 is the primary suspected link to Wuhan lab "bat lady" Zheng-li Shi, because she wrote about a virus of shrimp in 2006, WWSV (white spot syndrome virus).

Ap 2020 Sonora and Mexico City, Mexico / UCP5 / White Shrimp

This covers the UCP connection to Wuhan lab. But the connection to Chapel Hill lab, North Carolina (where much tobacco is grown) is from Austria (major lockdowns) and Budapest, Hungary:

Aug 2017 Budapest-Graz / UCP2 / PRMT1 / Lung Carcinoma

Yes, a bat virus from China was being grown in North Carolina in lung cancer cells, Calu-3, that came from a 25-year-old (likely American) male.
Thanks to you, it is true that she is taking medication against diabete and also against depression , she has also survived breast cancer, she was also vaccinated against the flu, all this is a lot, but the symptoms of memory loss are started after the second vaccine.

I’m worried about her, I’d like to know if this vaccine could be the cause or a other health problem could be relate to her meningiomas
Bonsoir Dalia, we note post #93 of this thread for the tick hyperglycemie reports (CHH). This Lyme disease tick gives an intriguing clue to meningiomas in women:

Meningioma / Diabetes / Obesity
Paradoxicalement, l'hyperglycemie est inversement associee au meningiome chez la femme.
Paradoxically, hyperglycemia is inversely associated with meningioma in women.

Cette decouverte ne nie pas necessairement le role positif de l'obesite ou du diabete dans le developpement du meningiome.
This finding does not necessarily negate the positive role of obesity or diabetes in meningioma development;

au contraire, cela peut indiquer que leurs effets dependent du stade de developpement.
rather, it may indicate that their effects depend on the stage of development.

De plus, une tumeur prediagnostique peut diminuer lles taux de cholesterol serique.
Furthermore, the prediagnostic tumor may decrease serum cholesterol.'
Cognitive deficit links to neuroborreliosis.

Amadee Borrel

Lyme disease symptoms link to post #93 of this thread.

'....Le maladie de lyme....mem affectes le coeur et d'autres muscles....la forme la plus grave est la neuroborreliose, qui peut entrainer une variete de manifestations neurologiques....
Lyme disease....even affects the heart and other muscles....the most severe form is neuroborreliosis, which may lead to neurological manifestations....

allant de la meningoradiculite douloreuse a l'ataxie, a la confusion et meme a l'accident vasculaire cerebral ischemique....fatigue chronique, douleurs musculo-squellettiques et difficultes neurocognitives pendant plus de 6 mois apres le traitement primaire.
from painful meningoradiculitis, ataxia, confusion, and even ischemic stroke....chronic fatigue, musculo-skeletal pain and neurocognitive difficulties for ovver 6 months after the primary treatment.'
So, NATO's attempts at expansion are also SARS-CoV-2 politics, whose virus manipulation in military laboratories has effected the way Homo sapiens perceives diplomacy and protectionism between various countries.
Le Monde has sanitized its Novavax vaccine report for the French people and does not mention Pfizer or Moderna by name, though does so in the English version of that report:

27 Jan 2022

English version: 'This is intended as a response to the resistence expressed to vaccination in Guadeloupe and Martinique....Unlike those from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, this product does not rely on messenger RNA technology.'

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