Exploring Muslim Culture

9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

Sorry....this was your third chance to find any errors or incorrect statements in the four posts from Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

And...your third attempt to change the subject from your failure.

But....I can understand how you must feel...kinda like the carnival clown who gets dumped in the water by a good baseball thrown at the target over his head.

I dumped you in the drink in that clever set up.....quoting Jennings.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

Sorry....this was your third chance to find any errors or incorrect statements in the four posts from Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

And...your third attempt to change the subject from your failure.

But....I can understand how you must feel...kinda like the carnival clown who gets dumped in the water by a good baseball thrown at the target over his head.

I dumped you in the drink in that clever set up.....quoting Jennings.

you claimed that the book's dialog about promises of sex with young boys was proof of something. the book is fiction, the dialog made up. it never happened. it is proof of nothing.

do you have actual proof to support your claims, or will you be relying solely on poor translations, ridiculous interpretations, and novels?
What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

Sorry....this was your third chance to find any errors or incorrect statements in the four posts from Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

And...your third attempt to change the subject from your failure.

But....I can understand how you must feel...kinda like the carnival clown who gets dumped in the water by a good baseball thrown at the target over his head.

I dumped you in the drink in that clever set up.....quoting Jennings.

you claimed that the book's dialog about promises of sex with young boys was proof of something. the book is fiction, the dialog made up. it never happened. it is proof of nothing.

do you have actual proof to support your claims, or will you be relying solely on poor translations, ridiculous interpretations, and novels?

"....do you have actual proof to support your claims,..."

I sure do.

Post #69 proceeds from the Q'ran's suggestion that young boys well be part of the rewards for the faithful in paradise....

to examples in the contemporary culture...

Bacha Bazi: The Tragedy of Afghanistan’s Dancing Boys

Afghanistan’s rich and powerful flaunt ‘dancing boy’ companions

‘Cultural Sensitivity’ Doesn’t Excuse Child Rape

I have to chuckle at how you fell into the trap.

Jeeezzzz, I'm good!
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

Sorry....this was your third chance to find any errors or incorrect statements in the four posts from Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

And...your third attempt to change the subject from your failure.

But....I can understand how you must feel...kinda like the carnival clown who gets dumped in the water by a good baseball thrown at the target over his head.

I dumped you in the drink in that clever set up.....quoting Jennings.

you claimed that the book's dialog about promises of sex with young boys was proof of something. the book is fiction, the dialog made up. it never happened. it is proof of nothing.

do you have actual proof to support your claims, or will you be relying solely on poor translations, ridiculous interpretations, and novels?

"....do you have actual proof to support your claims,..."

I sure do.

Post #69 proceeds from the Q'ran's suggestion that young boys well be part of the rewards for the faithful in paradise....

to examples in the contemporary culture...

Bacha Bazi: The Tragedy of Afghanistan’s Dancing Boys

Afghanistan’s rich and powerful flaunt ‘dancing boy’ companions

‘Cultural Sensitivity’ Doesn’t Excuse Child Rape

I have to chuckle at how you fell into the trap.

Jeeezzzz, I'm good!

Im amazed you have the gumption to call your attempt to use fiction as fact a 'trap'

As has been pointed out to you, your translation is suspect and really does not support your position.

And you still fail to connect the behavior to the religion
Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

Sorry....this was your third chance to find any errors or incorrect statements in the four posts from Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

And...your third attempt to change the subject from your failure.

But....I can understand how you must feel...kinda like the carnival clown who gets dumped in the water by a good baseball thrown at the target over his head.

I dumped you in the drink in that clever set up.....quoting Jennings.

you claimed that the book's dialog about promises of sex with young boys was proof of something. the book is fiction, the dialog made up. it never happened. it is proof of nothing.

do you have actual proof to support your claims, or will you be relying solely on poor translations, ridiculous interpretations, and novels?

"....do you have actual proof to support your claims,..."

I sure do.

Post #69 proceeds from the Q'ran's suggestion that young boys well be part of the rewards for the faithful in paradise....

to examples in the contemporary culture...

Bacha Bazi: The Tragedy of Afghanistan’s Dancing Boys

Afghanistan’s rich and powerful flaunt ‘dancing boy’ companions

‘Cultural Sensitivity’ Doesn’t Excuse Child Rape

I have to chuckle at how you fell into the trap.

Jeeezzzz, I'm good!

Im amazed you have the gumption to call your attempt to use fiction as fact a 'trap'

As has been pointed out to you, your translation is suspect and really does not support your position.

And you still fail to connect the behavior to the religion

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

your grasp of historical 'fiction" is childish
Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

Sorry....this was your third chance to find any errors or incorrect statements in the four posts from Jenning's novel, "The Journeyer."

And...your third attempt to change the subject from your failure.

But....I can understand how you must feel...kinda like the carnival clown who gets dumped in the water by a good baseball thrown at the target over his head.

I dumped you in the drink in that clever set up.....quoting Jennings.

you claimed that the book's dialog about promises of sex with young boys was proof of something. the book is fiction, the dialog made up. it never happened. it is proof of nothing.

do you have actual proof to support your claims, or will you be relying solely on poor translations, ridiculous interpretations, and novels?

"....do you have actual proof to support your claims,..."

I sure do.

Post #69 proceeds from the Q'ran's suggestion that young boys well be part of the rewards for the faithful in paradise....

to examples in the contemporary culture...

Bacha Bazi: The Tragedy of Afghanistan’s Dancing Boys

Afghanistan’s rich and powerful flaunt ‘dancing boy’ companions

‘Cultural Sensitivity’ Doesn’t Excuse Child Rape

I have to chuckle at how you fell into the trap.

Jeeezzzz, I'm good!

Im amazed you have the gumption to call your attempt to use fiction as fact a 'trap'

As has been pointed out to you, your translation is suspect and really does not support your position.

And you still fail to connect the behavior to the religion

check it out in a nice medical library
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.
What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.

It does not work in a DISSERTATION------but it is a fine way to learn. As an example-----RABINDRANATH TAGORE-----from india----short story writer and
poet provides his readers with excellent glimpses into the culture of india, Taylor
Caldwell wrote excellent and VERY well researched historical fictions.
For information on female "circumcision"-----go to a medical library-----the stuff
so far presented is absolutely accurate----incomplete---but accurate
What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.

Og, is there something you want to say about female circumcision in islam?----
or know? there is lots and lots of stuff on that subject in the medical literature---
actually reported from Islamic cesspits by Islamic doctors. Most of it comes out
of Egypt-----but there is some even out of Saudi arabia
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.

Og, is there something you want to say about female circumcision in islam?----
or know? there is lots and lots of stuff on that subject in the medical literature---
actually reported from Islamic cesspits by Islamic doctors. Most of it comes out
of Egypt-----but there is some even out of Saudi arabia
Sure. Female circumcision is not a part of islam
Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.

Og, is there something you want to say about female circumcision in islam?----
or know? there is lots and lots of stuff on that subject in the medical literature---
actually reported from Islamic cesspits by Islamic doctors. Most of it comes out
of Egypt-----but there is some even out of Saudi arabia
Sure. Female circumcision is not a part of islam

Kinda like saying that the holiday CHANUKAH is not part of Judaism. In fact----
circumcision exists as a practice by muslims ----more or less----in every land invaded by muslims. Chanukah is not mentioned in the "tanach" <<< that's the jewish bible-------but female circumcision is mentioned in the "koran/hadiths" Why do you lie? Female circumcision is ALSO practiced by non muslims in parts
of Africa-------but the overwhelming majority of female circumcisions are done by
muslims who do believe that they are doing it for their "DEEN"
Are you a muslim?
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.

Og, is there something you want to say about female circumcision in islam?----
or know? there is lots and lots of stuff on that subject in the medical literature---
actually reported from Islamic cesspits by Islamic doctors. Most of it comes out
of Egypt-----but there is some even out of Saudi arabia
Sure. Female circumcision is not a part of islam

Kinda like saying that the holiday CHANUKAH is not part of Judaism. In fact----
circumcision exists as a practice by muslims ----more or less----in every land invaded by muslims. Chanukah is not mentioned in the "tanach" <<< that's the jewish bible-------but female circumcision is mentioned in the "koran/hadiths" Why do you lie? Female circumcision is ALSO practiced by non muslims in parts
of Africa-------but the overwhelming majority of female circumcisions are done by
muslims who do believe that they are doing it for their "DEEN"
Are you a muslim?
I'd like to see your source
9. The sexual repression in Muslim culture, that which encourages same-sex intercourse, takes its most gruesome inception in the sexual mutilation of female babies.

Jennings describes same in this chapter:

a. “Toutes les bonnes femmes—tabzir de leurs zambur,” they repeated over and over. They said that the tabzir, whatever that was, was done to divest a baby girl of her zambur, whatever that was, so that when she was grown to womanhood she would be devoid of unseemly yearnings, hence disinclined to adultery. She would be forever chaste and above suspicion, as every bonne femme of Islam should be: a passive pulp with no function but to dribble out as many male children as possible in her bleak lifetime. No doubt that was a commendable end result, but I still did not understand the boys’ attempted explication of the tabzir means that effected it. p. 103-105

And :

b. "But I have been informed that Muslim women are somehow deprived of—of their enthusiasm for zina(intercourse). I have been told that they are, well, somehow circumcised, though I cannot imagine how.”

“Oh, yes, tabzir, (the ritual removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade or razor (with or without anaesthesia),” she said casually. “That is done to the general run of women, yes, when they are infants.

“Are you much acquainted with the anatomy of a female person? Then you know that here”—she pointed at the top of the arch—“toward the front of her mihrab(vagina) opening, a woman has a tender buttonlike protrusion. It is called the zambur (clitoris).”

“In every woman, that is her most sensitive place, the very nub of her sexual excitability. Without the arousal of her zambur, she is unresponsive in the sexual embrace. And lacking any enjoyment of that act, she does not yearn for it. That of course is the reason for the tabzir—the circumcision, as you called it. In a grown woman, until she is very much aroused, the zambur is modestly hidden between the closed lips of her mihrab. But in an infant female, that zambur protrudes beyond the little baby lips. An attending hakim can very easily snip it off with just a scissors.”

“Dear God!” I exclaimed, my own arousal going instantly limp from horror. “That is not circumcision. That is the making of a female eunuch!”

“Very like it,” she agreed, as if it were not horrible at all. “The child grows up to be a woman virtuously cold and devoid of sexual response, or even any desire for it. The perfect Muslim wife.” p. 170-171

....making her the perfect Muslim wife.
Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source? Tell us, how do you feel about the fremen and the harkonnens? What's your take on atticus's defense of tom robinson? How do you feel about abraham lincoln using the civil war as a cover to fight vampires?

your grasp of historical 'fiction" is childish

I suspect that he knows he has his foot in his mouth....but is trying to shed the dunce cap.
often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.

Og, is there something you want to say about female circumcision in islam?----
or know? there is lots and lots of stuff on that subject in the medical literature---
actually reported from Islamic cesspits by Islamic doctors. Most of it comes out
of Egypt-----but there is some even out of Saudi arabia
Sure. Female circumcision is not a part of islam

Kinda like saying that the holiday CHANUKAH is not part of Judaism. In fact----
circumcision exists as a practice by muslims ----more or less----in every land invaded by muslims. Chanukah is not mentioned in the "tanach" <<< that's the jewish bible-------but female circumcision is mentioned in the "koran/hadiths" Why do you lie? Female circumcision is ALSO practiced by non muslims in parts
of Africa-------but the overwhelming majority of female circumcisions are done by
muslims who do believe that they are doing it for their "DEEN"
Are you a muslim?
I'd like to see your source

for the issue of female circumcision------any large medical school library----the kind
associated with a university-----OF LONG STANDING. Those are the ones that
contain just about any medical journal of value printed in the universe. Are you a
What the heck took you so long????

Gads....I set that trap ages ago.....

It was not without purpose that I quoted a novel, "The Journeyer," by Gary Jennings, in the hope that someone, searching either for a way to score points against me, or to burnish their Liberal credentials by attempting to defend the indefensible.....the aspects of Muslim culture outlined in the thread....

....and who should pop up to volunteer to be "idiot of the day"???


Now watch as I spring the guillotine...

You wrote: "Now you aren't even trying. Fiction as a source?"

OK.....all you have to do to shed the dunce cap is find examples of anything false in the Jennings quotes I carefully selected.

Shall I wait....or would you like to begin monogramming "IMBECILE" on all of your outfits?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.

Then....by all means: prove it to be less than legitimate:

Show any errors in the four posts that use Jennings' as a reference.

Here they are: #34, 56, 71 and 72.

Either that or admit you're a dunce.
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.

Og, is there something you want to say about female circumcision in islam?----
or know? there is lots and lots of stuff on that subject in the medical literature---
actually reported from Islamic cesspits by Islamic doctors. Most of it comes out
of Egypt-----but there is some even out of Saudi arabia
Sure. Female circumcision is not a part of islam

Kinda like saying that the holiday CHANUKAH is not part of Judaism. In fact----
circumcision exists as a practice by muslims ----more or less----in every land invaded by muslims. Chanukah is not mentioned in the "tanach" <<< that's the jewish bible-------but female circumcision is mentioned in the "koran/hadiths" Why do you lie? Female circumcision is ALSO practiced by non muslims in parts
of Africa-------but the overwhelming majority of female circumcisions are done by
muslims who do believe that they are doing it for their "DEEN"
Are you a muslim?
I'd like to see your source

for the issue of female circumcision------any large medical school library----the kind
associated with a university-----OF LONG STANDING. Those are the ones that
contain just about any medical journal of value printed in the universe. Are you a
I understand that the practice exists. However, it is neither unique to islam, required by uslam, or originating from islam.

How then do you make the claim that it is caused by islam?
anything false... they are by definition made up. you're using made-up dialog to prove a point. if you don't understand why that fails i can't help you. it's been obvious for a while that you have difficulty determining fact from fiction, but i didn't realize it was this bad

Ooooo.....look who's trying to save face!!!

Why? You can't save what you never had.

So....we have found that you incorrectly used the term fiction with respect to the FACTS found in the quotes.

Sure you wouldn't like to try again???

Check posts #34, 56, 71 and 72.

They are from a novel.......and every fact about Muslim culture/religion is correct.

As is this: you were caught like a rat in a trap......with my apologies to rats.
seriously? you're going to double down and claim that fictional dialog in a novel is a legitimate source?

often one of the best sources------one has to have the ability to discern
No. Historical fiction is never a legitimate source.

Then....by all means: prove it to be less than legitimate:

Show any errors in the four posts that use Jennings' as a reference.

Here they are: #34, 56, 71 and 72.

Either that or admit you're a dunce.
Here's the error - those conversations never happened

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