Explain Something To Me


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Donald Trump now says that the "way we left Iraq" led to the rise of ISIS.

Yet, in 2007, when Trump was a registered Democrat, when President Bush was calling for a surge in Iraq, Donald Trump wanted to cut-and-run!

Trump: "Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

Blitzer: How does the United States get out of this situation?

Trump: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

"Declare victory, and leave." Cut-and-run.

A lot of the same type of people today who support Trump are the type of people who supported the surge. They also strongly supported President Bush. And they especially hated cut-and-run Democrats like Donald Trump.

In 2008, Trump was demanding Bush be impeached! Trump liked and admired Nancy Pelosi back then, when the Right vehemently hated her.

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

So here is what I need Trump's Chumps to explain to me: How were Donald Trump's demands for impeachment and his demand we cut-and-run from Iraq any different from what Cindy Sheehan wanted?

Explain to me how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run.

Now...I know your programmed response is, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!", but spare us that crock of shit. It's a red herring handed to retards to chuck about when they can't explain Trump, and it doesn't answer the question.

Besides, not even Clinton called for Bush to be impeached. Only far left loons like Sheehan and Trump did.

So explain the difference between Trump and Sheehan. And explain Trump's whining about "the way we left Iraq" in the context of his demand we cut-and-run.
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Trump: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

Dems Can Cut and Run, But They Can't Hide

Newscasters and pundits keep talking about the dilemma the Democrats are facing in legislatively opposing President Bush's troop surge. But this is hardly anything new.

The Democrats have never had any answers on Iraq or the larger war on terror. It's just that now, they're going to have a harder time avoiding that fact.

We all know what the Democrats oppose in the war, but after all this time, do we know what they are for?
Yeah, well we all evolve, don't we?
He'd be better served coming up with a plan of his own, instead of Monday morning quarterbacking the mess in the Middle East. He has to keep deflecting because he hasn't got a clue.
Trump: It just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing.

: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies."

Dems Can Cut and Run, But They Can't Hide

Their "Bush lied" mantra gave them cover through the November elections, but their acquisition of congressional control resulted in pressure to come up with a plan of their own.
Because Donnie Two Tone lies at every question. America is going to have to get past Hillary's use of a private server to satisfy her need to control any information or we'll end up with a guy who not only has no regard for what he said yesterday, but who most likely cannot recall what he said because he just doesn't give a fck, because he's only interesting in getting his ego stroked.
Why do people bother making these threads anymore? Isn't it obvious at this point that Trump supporters really don't give a fuck? They've given up pretending that they ever believed in anything other than supporting their guy no matter who he is or what he says.
Explain to me how Scott Walker and Ben Carson and Ted Cruz are the RINOs and how Donald Trump is a real conservative so we can all have a huge fucking belly laugh.
Why do people bother making these threads anymore? Isn't it obvious at this point that Trump supporters really don't give a fuck? They've given up pretending that they ever believed in anything other than supporting their guy no matter who he is or what he says.
Yeah, but G is really good at saying WHY they shouldn't support him. I love it when he gets all wound up.
Trump outlined Obama's Iraq incorrect strategy: Declare victory and leave.

I think the consequences of that are pretty obvious
Explain Something To Me

All this time and you still haven't figured it out???!!!!! Or you don't want to......... :eusa_whistle:
The only explanation for Trump is that he is a total fake. A huckster. A con man. He totally took in the pseudocon rubes and made them into turnips.

It is downright Orwellian.

During the Bush regime, the pseudocons tore into the Democratic cut-and-run pukes opposed to the surge. And they detested Nancy Pelosi. And they especially hated the ones calling for Bush's impeachment.

Who would have bleeved so many of them today would be dropped to their knees, sucking off a Democratic, Pelosi-loving, impeach Bush, cut-and-runner?
Explain Something To Me

the man is a piece of shit.
Donald Trump now says that the "way we left Iraq" led to the rise of ISIS.

Yet, in 2007, when Trump was a registered Democrat, when President Bush was calling for a surge in Iraq, Donald Trump wanted to cut-and-run!

Trump: "Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

Blitzer: How does the United States get out of this situation?

Trump: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

"Declare victory, and leave." Cut-and-run.

A lot of the same type of people today who support Trump are the type of people who supported the surge. They also strongly supported President Bush. And they especially hated cut-and-run Democrats like Donald Trump.

In 2008, Trump was demanding Bush be impeached! Trump liked and admired Nancy Pelosi back then, when the Right vehemently hated her.

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

So here is what I need Trump's Chumps to explain to me: How were Donald Trump's demands for impeachment and his demand we cut-and-run from Iraq any different from what Cindy Sheehan wanted?

Explain to me how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run.

Now...I know your programmed response is, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!", but spare us that crock of shit. It's a red herring handed to retards to chuck about when they can't explain Trump, and it doesn't answer the question.

Besides, not even Clinton called for Bush to be impeached. Only far left loons like Sheehan and Trump did.

So explain the difference between Trump and Sheehan. And explain Trump's whining about "the way we left Iraq" in the context of his demand we cut-and-run.

To me, The answer is so simple it's easy to miss. He is playing politics just like any politician does. Name the politician who hasn't spoke out of both sides of their mouth. How many flip flops has Hellary or BO made? It's what politicians do. Don't over think it.
Explain to me how Scott Walker and Ben Carson and Ted Cruz are the RINOs and how Donald Trump is a real conservative so we can all have a huge fucking belly laugh.

Who are you voting for, which perfect canidate do you see on the ballot? Explain that to me.
It is downright Orwellian.

During the Bush regime, the pseudocons tore into the Democratic cut-and-run pukes opposed to the surge. And they detested Nancy Pelosi. And they especially hated the ones calling for Bush's impeachment.

Who would have bleeved so many of them today would be dropped to their knees, sucking off a Democratic, Pelosi-loving, impeach Bush, cut-and-runner?
I thought it was All Things Considered, but maybe not cause I can't find a link. But I heard an interview with Phil Ruffin. Trump will say what's good for Trump. If people go along with it, the gop will flock to it, because professional politicians only care about staying in power.
Donald Trump now says that the "way we left Iraq" led to the rise of ISIS.

Yet, in 2007, when Trump was a registered Democrat, when President Bush was calling for a surge in Iraq, Donald Trump wanted to cut-and-run!

Trump: "Well, I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States, and I just don't understand how they could have lost that election."

"The rest of the world hates us."

Blitzer: How does the United States get out of this situation?

Trump: You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

"Declare victory, and leave." Cut-and-run.

A lot of the same type of people today who support Trump are the type of people who supported the surge. They also strongly supported President Bush. And they especially hated cut-and-run Democrats like Donald Trump.

In 2008, Trump was demanding Bush be impeached! Trump liked and admired Nancy Pelosi back then, when the Right vehemently hated her.

Trump: "I was surprised that she (Nancy Pelosi) didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost -- it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."

Blitzer: "Impeaching him?"

Trump: "Absolutely, for the war, for the war."

Blitzer: "Because of the conduct of the war."

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

So here is what I need Trump's Chumps to explain to me: How were Donald Trump's demands for impeachment and his demand we cut-and-run from Iraq any different from what Cindy Sheehan wanted?

Explain to me how Trump can whine today about "the way we left Iraq" when he was one of the people who wanted to cut-and-run.

Now...I know your programmed response is, "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!", but spare us that crock of shit. It's a red herring handed to retards to chuck about when they can't explain Trump, and it doesn't answer the question.

Besides, not even Clinton called for Bush to be impeached. Only far left loons like Sheehan and Trump did.

So explain the difference between Trump and Sheehan. And explain Trump's whining about "the way we left Iraq" in the context of his demand we cut-and-run.

It's part of Trump's pathological dishonesty. He changes his story after the fact whenever it suits him, whenever he thinks it works to his advantage.

Not unlike most of the RW'ers around here.

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