Expensive EV's and Expensive fuel prices, a hard sell by democrats

I have purchased and used many of the better bulbs that were supposed to last for up to ten years. One year for a lot of them is doing good. Suckers purchasing American cars is out of loyalty and from the Deplorables for the most part. The Chinese will be exporting and building the EV vehicles for us and even build a vehicle plant or two here.
Didn't cost $10 did it?
The US woyld have to pay off approx $30 TRILLION in debt just to be 'BROKE'; yet, biden & Democrats are spendong like drunken sailors (billions for charging syation infrastructure, etc...), destroying the economy, forcing a painful, unnecessary yransdition from fossil fuels to an alternative energy source that has not been invented yet...

...and all the questions I posed have no answers yet because no one has thought them yhrough yet...
Sure there are answers to all your questions . The main one is "You goofy - make up your mind what you want to whine about and stick to that." Nobody is gonna take you seriously if you keep bouncing from subject to subject like hannity.
Read the f*ing links I provided you with to get your answer, dumbass. Put in a little effort to at least make it seem you are actually interested in this than just being a troll.
Which of those links points to a real EO that bans IC engines in 2030?
Sure there are answers to all your questions . The main one is "You goofy - make up your mind what you want to whine about and stick to that." Nobody is gonna take you seriously if you keep bouncing from subject to subject like hannity.
You are dancing around the topic of discussion, proving yoi haven't read articles / links provided, and trying to make me the focus. If you have nothing to sunstantially contribute, stfu & go away.

$65,000+ EV
$20,000+ replacenent battery
$0.35 (min) per minute to charge, 9hr charge = over $200 per 'fill-up'

Does this sound 'inexpensive' for lower / middle class Americans?

Billions of tax / deficit dollars for charging stations...

China making the EVs, the batteries...

As gas-powered cars are weeded out, what will happen to the Used Car market (especially after seeng how Obama's 'Cash for Clunkers' program killed Used Car sales because all used cars turned in had to be destroyed, not re-sold)?

What is the plan to dispose of millions of gas-powered American cars being made useless by the govt?
- Not enough landfill space - Dump em in the ocean?
- Sell em to other nations not stupid enough to render a wealth of resources / energy useless?

Luckily the American people and the Republicans have a plan '

1. Red Wave
Win back the House & Senate in Nov

2. Render Biden a Lame Duck President or Impeach / 25th Amendment his dain branaged criminal ass
- It would be nice to put him & Hunter in the same cell

3. Unfuck this disaster Biden & Democrats created
No shit - Hillary, Obama, Biden, Democrats, the fake news media, snowflakes ... they have all been doing so for decades.
Really ? Covid will be gone two springs ago.
The US woyld have to pay off approx $30 TRILLION in debt just to be 'BROKE'; yet, biden & Democrats are spendong like drunken sailors (billions for charging syation infrastructure, etc...), destroying the economy, forcing a painful, unnecessary yransdition from fossil fuels to an alternative energy source that has not been invented yet...

...and all the questions I posed have no answers yet because no one has thought them yhrough yet...
Really ? No one increased the debt more then Trump. No one ever increases The yearly deficit more then GOP budgets. No one has as many recessions or weakens the economy more then repugs.
You are dancing around the topic of discussion, proving yoi haven't read articles / links provided, and trying to make me the focus. If you have nothing to sunstantially contribute, stfu & go away.
You should focus if possible. You claimed Biden's EO banned internal combustion engines in 2030. That was a lie. Admit it, and we can go on to another subject.

But they are going to have to stop blaming Putin and begin to make their case, and that is, driving is only for the rich folks like themselves.

Yep...solar and wind are not about giving people more, cheap, efficient energy...it is about reducing the energy supply, forcing people in the future to accept lower standards of living, fewer children, fewer options on where to live....and more control by geniuses who think all of the above should be the goal of our energy policies....

This speaks volumes as to how clueless and inept the DNC really is.

That was a great exchange with that doofus buttgage.......powering your electric car will cost a fortune, and since they are planning on reducing our energy production even more.....you won't be able to afford to drive it......all part of the plan.
$67,000 cars

$20,000+ Replacement Batteries

$0.35 a minute charging stations (already being seen), full charge requiring 9 hours - that's over $200 for a 'fill up'

THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS lost out-of-pocket when internal combustion engines are outlawed in 2030
- No trade-in value except pennies on the dollar for scraps / parts

Used Car market wiped out

1. What is the govt going to do with millions of useless cars? Dump them in the ovean like Qatar does?
- Sell them to all the other nations NOT stupid enough to do this?

What are the antique and muscle car collectors going to do?

Does anyone even make electric Harley Davidsons / motorcycles? What are the Bikers going to do?

Internal combustion engines gone by 2030...

So we will be transitioning to solar powered airplanes, trains, ships, and busses...or ones us8ng that alternative energy source that DOES NOT EXIST YET?

Will international flights using internal combustion engines be allowed to land in the US, becauae we won't have jet fuel to fill the planes so they can leave?

Have the Democrats figured out an alternative to petroleum to use to make toothbrushes, tires, etc...., products by the thousand we use every day ... or are we just going to rely in China, Russia, & Iran for tjose products?

Have Democrats even tried to think any of this through?

These people are insane and evil.....we need to stop them...
Really ? Covid will be gone two springs ago.

Really ? No one increased the debt more then Trump. No one ever increases The yearly deficit more then GOP budgets. No one has as many recessions or weakens the economy more then repugs.

'B....b...but TRUUUUUJJUUMP!'

Never fails....snowflakes can't EVER stick to a subject topic without screaming, 'B...b...but Truuuump!'

$67,000 cars

$20,000+ Replacement Batteries

$0.35 a minute charging stations (already being seen), full charge requiring 9 hours - that's over $200 for a 'fill up'

THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS lost out-of-pocket when internal combustion engines are outlawed in 2030
- No trade-in value except pennies on the dollar for scraps / parts

Used Car market wiped out

1. What is the govt going to do with millions of useless cars? Dump them in the ovean like Qatar does?
- Sell them to all the other nations NOT stupid enough to do this?

What are the antique and muscle car collectors going to do?

Does anyone even make electric Harley Davidsons / motorcycles? What are the Bikers going to do?

Internal combustion engines gone by 2030...

So we will be transitioning to solar powered airplanes, trains, ships, and busses...or ones us8ng that alternative energy source that DOES NOT EXIST YET?

Will international flights using internal combustion engines be allowed to land in the US, becauae we won't have jet fuel to fill the planes so they can leave?

Have the Democrats figured out an alternative to petroleum to use to make toothbrushes, tires, etc...., products by the thousand we use every day ... or are we just going to rely in China, Russia, & Iran for tjose products?

Have Democrats even tried to think any of this through?
We just need to elect as president someone - a Republican of course - who will allow us to ramp oil production back up, and gas prices will drop. We are just 2.5 years away from defeating the anti-Americans, and there’s no way our enemies within can destroy the gas-powered car market.

Think of it. What do Americans have after 1.5 years of Biden? We have seen our retirement funds evaporate. We can’t afford rent. We can’t afford groceries. No way can they turn our cars into valueless assets, as well.
You should focus if possible. You claimed Biden's EO banned internal combustion engines in 2030. That was a lie. Admit it, and we can go on to another subject.
You continue to prove you don't read shit or your reading comprehension is lower than your double-digit IQ...

I already posted a correction on that long ago....keep up, snowflake.

Stupid, inabity to read, and slow - you have the trifecta of snowflake disabities


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