Expelled Oklahoma U fraternity to sue university, possibly President Boren

The content is irrelevant. The relevance to this conversation is do YOU think the school has the right to ban the flag from being displayed inside a student's dorm room?

If it's on school property, and it's creating a hostile educational environment for others, then yes, absolutely.

How is a flag creating a hostile education environment? Could a Bible on a desk do the same thing? What about a Rastafarian flag?

Oh, I forget, only people on YOUR side of the political spectrum have the right to be offended, and to be coddled by the State when their FEEWINGS are hurt.

You people are some of the most sissy-mary pansies on the planet. Get a fucking spine.

Student Handbook

Student Conduct Office - Welcome

Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

What if one of those rules is the student must attend Christian services twice a week?
The content is irrelevant. The relevance to this conversation is do YOU think the school has the right to ban the flag from being displayed inside a student's dorm room?

If it's on school property, and it's creating a hostile educational environment for others, then yes, absolutely.

How is a flag creating a hostile education environment? Could a Bible on a desk do the same thing? What about a Rastafarian flag?

Oh, I forget, only people on YOUR side of the political spectrum have the right to be offended, and to be coddled by the State when their FEEWINGS are hurt.

You people are some of the most sissy-mary pansies on the planet. Get a fucking spine.

Student Handbook

Student Conduct Office - Welcome

Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

An apology is not an admission of guilt. One can be sorry and not give up ones rights. And while attending a university is indeed a privilege, a public university cannot revoke said privilege for unconstitutional reasons.
The funny thing about this is, if a rapper said the same thing in a rap at an award show. Liberals would fall over each other praising him. Such hypocrites.

Is the rap singer a student at OU? Sorry, you're lost in this conversation.
No, rappers make millions spewing hateful racist and sexist comments. These kids were raised listening to this shit. Then you don't expect them to do the same?
If it's on school property, and it's creating a hostile educational environment for others, then yes, absolutely.

How is a flag creating a hostile education environment? Could a Bible on a desk do the same thing? What about a Rastafarian flag?

Oh, I forget, only people on YOUR side of the political spectrum have the right to be offended, and to be coddled by the State when their FEEWINGS are hurt.

You people are some of the most sissy-mary pansies on the planet. Get a fucking spine.

Student Handbook

Student Conduct Office - Welcome

Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

What if one of those rules is the student must attend Christian services twice a week?

Now you are engaging in mental masturbation.
The funny thing about this is, if a rapper said the same thing in a rap at an award show. Liberals would fall over each other praising him. Such hypocrites.

Is the rap singer a student at OU? Sorry, you're lost in this conversation.
No, rappers make millions spewing hateful racist and sexist comments. These kids were raised listening to this shit. Then you don't expect them to do the same?

So much for personal responsibility. Their parents should have taught them a thing or two.

How is a flag creating a hostile education environment? Could a Bible on a desk do the same thing? What about a Rastafarian flag?

Oh, I forget, only people on YOUR side of the political spectrum have the right to be offended, and to be coddled by the State when their FEEWINGS are hurt.

You people are some of the most sissy-mary pansies on the planet. Get a fucking spine.

Student Handbook

Student Conduct Office - Welcome

Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

What if one of those rules is the student must attend Christian services twice a week?

Now you are engaging in mental masturbation.

Lol, you don't have an answer for that one, eh? In fact you seem to ignore every point made by myself or Pratchett that doesn't agree with your sad little world-view.
The funny thing about this is, if a rapper said the same thing in a rap at an award show. Liberals would fall over each other praising him. Such hypocrites.

Is the rap singer a student at OU? Sorry, you're lost in this conversation.
No, rappers make millions spewing hateful racist and sexist comments. These kids were raised listening to this shit. Then you don't expect them to do the same?

So much for personal responsibility. Their parents should have taught them a thing or two.

Rappers are put on a pedestal, especially by liberals who say they have the freedom to spew their hatred, but when one of their young fans spews the same garbage. You want them crucified. Can I say hypocrite?
Its called being in favor of due process.

There is a statement out there. If you only support speech YOU agree with, you are a hack. If you only support speech that everyone agrees with, then you are a coward"

It isn't a free speech issue. Just like the Duck Dynasty guy or that Fat chick who liked to cook with butter, whatever her name was. It's not a free speech issue if my boss fires me after I call him an asshole.

This is a transaction between parties. There's no due process issue here. These guys were caught on tape chanting racist epitaths, which violates the universities code of conduct. Therefore the university was well within its rights to expell the little racist fucks.

you are over simplifying, IF a court rules that because they are a public institution they can't limit free speech, the code of conduct clause regarding speech is null and void. The law is quite clear, a contract that contains illegal clauses that favor the person who wrote the contract is unenforceable regardless of whether a person agreed to it or not.
How is a flag creating a hostile education environment? Could a Bible on a desk do the same thing? What about a Rastafarian flag?

Oh, I forget, only people on YOUR side of the political spectrum have the right to be offended, and to be coddled by the State when their FEEWINGS are hurt.

You people are some of the most sissy-mary pansies on the planet. Get a fucking spine.

Student Handbook

Student Conduct Office - Welcome

Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

What if one of those rules is the student must attend Christian services twice a week?

Now you are engaging in mental masturbation.

Uh huh. Of course that wouldn't be allowed because you don't agree with it.

Sorry. The Constitution guarantees you the right to freedom of speech. It does not guarantee you the right not to be offended. If you don't like someone's speech you are free to shout them down. You are not free to shut them up.
The funny thing about this is, if a rapper said the same thing in a rap at an award show. Liberals would fall over each other praising him. Such hypocrites.

Is the rap singer a student at OU? Sorry, you're lost in this conversation.
No, rappers make millions spewing hateful racist and sexist comments. These kids were raised listening to this shit. Then you don't expect them to do the same?

So much for personal responsibility. Their parents should have taught them a thing or two.

Rappers are put on a pedestal, especially by liberals who say they have the freedom to spew their hatred, but when one of their young fans spews the same garbage. You want them crucified. Can I say hypocrite?

You don't know WTF you're talking about. I don't listen to rap...never have.

I took responsibility for my own children. They didn't get life lessons from popular music.

You can't blame the actions of these frat boys on music, anymore than you can blame gun deaths on video games.


Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

What if one of those rules is the student must attend Christian services twice a week?

Now you are engaging in mental masturbation.

Uh huh. Of course that wouldn't be allowed because you don't agree with it.

Sorry. The Constitution guarantees you the right to freedom of speech. It does not guarantee you the right not to be offended. If you don't like someone's speech you are free to shout them down. You are not free to shut them up.

That's not entirely correct. You are not free to use the government to shut them down, that would be a correct statement.

And certainly expelling them from a public university COULD be construed as using the government to shut them down.
The funny thing about this is, if a rapper said the same thing in a rap at an award show. Liberals would fall over each other praising him. Such hypocrites.

Is the rap singer a student at OU? Sorry, you're lost in this conversation.
No, rappers make millions spewing hateful racist and sexist comments. These kids were raised listening to this shit. Then you don't expect them to do the same?
Are the rappers spewing this shit any different than Limbaugh and his ilk?

Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

What if one of those rules is the student must attend Christian services twice a week?

Now you are engaging in mental masturbation.

Uh huh. Of course that wouldn't be allowed because you don't agree with it.

Sorry. The Constitution guarantees you the right to freedom of speech. It does not guarantee you the right not to be offended. If you don't like someone's speech you are free to shout them down. You are not free to shut them up.

They are free to say anything they like. Freedom of speech does not protect you from getting consequences for breaking a contract. And it's ridiculous of you to think the University has no right to enforce a code of conduct.
The funny thing about this is, if a rapper said the same thing in a rap at an award show. Liberals would fall over each other praising him. Such hypocrites.

Is the rap singer a student at OU? Sorry, you're lost in this conversation.
No, rappers make millions spewing hateful racist and sexist comments. These kids were raised listening to this shit. Then you don't expect them to do the same?

So much for personal responsibility. Their parents should have taught them a thing or two.

Rappers are put on a pedestal, especially by liberals who say they have the freedom to spew their hatred, but when one of their young fans spews the same garbage. You want them crucified. Can I say hypocrite?

You don't know WTF you're talking about. I don't listen to rap...never have.

I took responsibility for my own children. They didn't get life lessons from popular music.

You can't blame the actions of these frat boys on music, anymore than you can blame gun deaths on video games.


You're loss. There is a great deal to be gained from listening to rap. Of course, to get anything out of it you do have to listen. It's almost entirely linguistically driven with a beat. It won't ever be elevator music.
Is the rap singer a student at OU? Sorry, you're lost in this conversation.
No, rappers make millions spewing hateful racist and sexist comments. These kids were raised listening to this shit. Then you don't expect them to do the same?

So much for personal responsibility. Their parents should have taught them a thing or two.

Rappers are put on a pedestal, especially by liberals who say they have the freedom to spew their hatred, but when one of their young fans spews the same garbage. You want them crucified. Can I say hypocrite?

You don't know WTF you're talking about. I don't listen to rap...never have.

I took responsibility for my own children. They didn't get life lessons from popular music.

You can't blame the actions of these frat boys on music, anymore than you can blame gun deaths on video games.


You're loss. There is a great deal to be gained from listening to rap. Of course, to get anything out of it you do have to listen. It's almost entirely linguistically driven with a beat. It won't ever be elevator music.

I prefer Blues...
The funny thing about this is, if a rapper said the same thing in a rap at an award show. Liberals would fall over each other praising him. Such hypocrites.

Is the rap singer a student at OU? Sorry, you're lost in this conversation.
No, rappers make millions spewing hateful racist and sexist comments. These kids were raised listening to this shit. Then you don't expect them to do the same?
Are the rappers spewing this shit any different than Limbaugh and his ilk?
What is Limbaugh spewing? Besides the truth?
The funny thing about this is, if a rapper said the same thing in a rap at an award show. Liberals would fall over each other praising him. Such hypocrites.

Is the rap singer a student at OU? Sorry, you're lost in this conversation.
No, rappers make millions spewing hateful racist and sexist comments. These kids were raised listening to this shit. Then you don't expect them to do the same?

So much for personal responsibility. Their parents should have taught them a thing or two.

Rappers are put on a pedestal, especially by liberals who say they have the freedom to spew their hatred, but when one of their young fans spews the same garbage. You want them crucified. Can I say hypocrite?

You don't know WTF you're talking about. I don't listen to rap...never have.

I took responsibility for my own children. They didn't get life lessons from popular music.

You can't blame the actions of these frat boys on music, anymore than you can blame gun deaths on video games.


It's today's culture, kids are gonna react the same as the rappers. I can't stand rap myself, always have.
Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

What if one of those rules is the student must attend Christian services twice a week?

Now you are engaging in mental masturbation.

Uh huh. Of course that wouldn't be allowed because you don't agree with it.

Sorry. The Constitution guarantees you the right to freedom of speech. It does not guarantee you the right not to be offended. If you don't like someone's speech you are free to shout them down. You are not free to shut them up.

They are free to say anything they like. Freedom of speech does not protect you from getting consequences for breaking a contract. And it's ridiculous of you to think the University has no right to enforce a code of conduct.

When it is with the government, yes it does and a governmental agency cannot enforce a code of conduct that violates the Constitution. Constitutional rights apply to everyone - even the people you don't approve of.

If that video had been of a group of young people spewing out anti-Christian sentiments and the university had expelled them for it, would you hold the same position?
Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

What if one of those rules is the student must attend Christian services twice a week?

Now you are engaging in mental masturbation.

Uh huh. Of course that wouldn't be allowed because you don't agree with it.

Sorry. The Constitution guarantees you the right to freedom of speech. It does not guarantee you the right not to be offended. If you don't like someone's speech you are free to shout them down. You are not free to shut them up.

They are free to say anything they like. Freedom of speech does not protect you from getting consequences for breaking a contract. And it's ridiculous of you to think the University has no right to enforce a code of conduct.

carla, I believe the students will win

There is already court precedence that says a public college can not restrict a student's free speech unless it actively harms another student.

Victory for Free Speech on Campus Federal Court Strikes Down Gun Rights Protest Restrictions at Tarrant County College - FIRE

The fact that you don't like what was said really has no bearing on the case.
Again, handbook rules cannot overrule constitutional rights. F.I.R.E has gotten many handbooks re-written due to unconstitutional issues.

Attending the University is not a 'right', it is a privilege, for which they applied and pay tuition. That comes with responsibilities, such as 'I agree to follow the rules and code of conduct'.

Break the rules and you are subject to disciplinary action.

So let them take it to court. It's going to be a tough case, since everyone has already issued apologies, including the SAE.

OU SAE Board Racist chant has been going on for years issues apology KFOR.com

What if one of those rules is the student must attend Christian services twice a week?

Now you are engaging in mental masturbation.

Uh huh. Of course that wouldn't be allowed because you don't agree with it.

Sorry. The Constitution guarantees you the right to freedom of speech. It does not guarantee you the right not to be offended. If you don't like someone's speech you are free to shout them down. You are not free to shut them up.

They are free to say anything they like. Freedom of speech does not protect you from getting consequences for breaking a contract. And it's ridiculous of you to think the University has no right to enforce a code of conduct.

They have no right to enforce if the code of conduct violates a person's constitutional rights in the first place.

If you want there to be consequences for speech you don't like, stop being lazy and do the leg work yourself. Don't use government to do it for you.

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