expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

this applies to the raiders and chargers of course but not the rams because there was this article written sometime back that i have to believe is accurate that the raiders and chargers unlike the rams,have a legitmate shot as keeping their teams.

just as National Football League owners meet in Chicago to sketch a game plan for moving at least one team to Los Angeles in time for the 2016 season. While owners aren't likely to vote on it next month, the league is expected to allow teams to apply for relocation earlier than Jan. 1.

It's a tight timeline that favors the Raiders, San Diego Chargers and St. Louis Rams — teams looking to move to the nation's second-largest media market. The more officials in Oakland, San Diego and St. Louis are squeezed by the teams' possible moves to Los Angeles, the more likely the franchises can win public financial support and concessions for new stadiums in their current hometowns.
Just negotiate baby Clock winding down for new Raiders stadium - San Francisco Business Times

Oakland and San Diego is doing things smart to avoid law suits. Carson has avoided to develop a EIR and it is questionable why.?.?.?

Both Cities are offering their football teams more control of land than a shared stadium would offer in Carson.

I know in Oakland our Mayor Libby Schaff said last week on CSN she will invest the money (public funding) into infrastructure for the surrounding areas of Coliseum City.

This funding was approved by Oakland residence to pay for in the 2014 election under the Measure BB initiative.

Meanwhile, Carson Mayor Albert Robles continuously stated that NO PUBLIC FUNDING will be part of anything involving a shared stadium for the Raiders and Chargers.

The reason why? They are going to build a shopping center instead. -Autumn Wind Williams
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Fred Roggin said and confirmed the other day what i been saying as well as everyone in LA that inglewood is so much further ahead than carson and they are set to break ground in december.

an SD fan had the funniest tweet for roggin saying-we cant pass an EIR in SD for a new stadium because we want to move to a toxic landfill in carson.classic.:up:
911 hand job stated the Lambs would be in Los Angeles in 2015, it was a flat out lie!

Now, tries to cover his lies. :lmao:

Now he lies about me PMing someone.

The guy can't tell the truth.
Jan Goldsmith on why Mark Fabiani is wrong about the EIR Mighty1090AM

Kudo's to SD city attorney jan goldsmith for telling it like it is that piece of shit A hole mark fabiani is wrong about EIR.:thup:

in fact they have the support from the city and county.

Oakland officials to discuss new Raiders stadium with developer - SFGate

Jones said,via Jon Machota of the Dallas Morning News. "And so one of the reasons that it was attractive to us to work against them is because they have that good flavor. It is certainly not a reach at all to say that fans remember the Los Angeles Rams, and that is not a reach. So that makes them a good partner to practice with in the Los Angeles area."

With Missouri Governor Jay Nixon'sproposed plan to build a new downtown stadium for the Ramsin the hopes of keeping the team in St. Louis coming under fire via a suit from lawmakers for its proposed use - or misuse - of taxpayer funds, the chances of Ram relocation seems to have increased exponentially this offseason.:biggrin:
NFL RUMORS St. Louis Rams Training Camp Practices With Dallas Cowboys A Precursor To Los Angeles Relocation Sports Headlines Global News

ONLY team returning back to Los Angeles....Carson deal is nothing but a scam! Owner of Rams has so much $$$, he makes Spanos & Davis look like welfare recipients, plus he already owns the land in Hollywood Park as is essentially ready to go.


Well the end is near for the stl rams this is gunna be a lame duck season rather people show up or not stan the man kroenke made up his mind a long time ago 2015 is the farewell season for the stl rams last but not least stl enjoy the rams while you could still see them because after 2015 stl rams are history & the rebirth of the los angeles rams begins

Chargers and Raiders are both broke teams.they have no money you're not going anywhere.:biggrin:

On a different note, it looks like San Diego is moving forward to expedite the EIR at the urging of the NFL. There are also released renderings of the stadium created by MEIS architecture design firm.... This might be the NFL's way of telling Spanos we don't think you can come up with the $300 million relocation fee, and SK isnt gonna let you move in to his Inglewood pad... Lol:thup:

@JimRome @CoachJeffFisher: "I think it's very important that L.A. gets a football team... It's a great fanbase and a great place to live... and a great market."

its actually only a great fanbase and great market for an NFL team if it is the Rams.the Raiders failed in LA and so did the Chargers.the NFL seems to have forgotten that though.sheesh.
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http://www.latimes.com/…/la-sp-sn-san-diego-funding-charger…1) If the city of San Diego doesn't need a city vote on a new Chargers Stadium, then why are they having one then 2) IMHO is seems hypocritical for Spanos to say after all these years he wants team to stay in San Diego but wants to blow off the EIR saying it won't stand up to the legal challenges . . . Isn't that the same risk he is taking in Carson ? ? ? ?

So if the Chargers are rebuffed in the Los Angeles market by other NFL owners, they may return to the negotiating table pressing for a downtown stadium, with the city determined to put them in Mission Valley amid a nascent campaign to declare the plan illegal.
Mayor s 2.1M bet on Chargers stadium just the beginning SanDiegoUnionTribune.com

Its almost comical. With predictability Mark Fabiani poor mouths another move by the City of San Diego to keep the team. People say its obvious Stan Kroenke wants to be in LA. Well, I'd say the same can be said for the Chargers and their paid mouth piece. BTW we have heard nothing from Carmen Policy since the Carson townhall fiasco a month ago. One can only hope that the league understands that Kroenke is the best solution to the LA situation. At least Kroenke has shown class in this whole soap opera. Fabiani comes off as ridiculous.

All "momentum" has stopped in Carson. Haven't heard a damn thing in a month.:biggrin::happy-1:
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Like what fred roggins had to say on the beast.he went on to say that carson is not even remotely close to being ready.that if you go by what the mainstream media says it is,that they are lying to everyone.:rock:

that inglewood site is ready,has permits,infrastructure,and architural designs.Its not even close.they are so far ahead on all things needed to get done.

then went on to say that spanos wants to stop kroneke to got to LA and does not want to be the second tenant like he would have to be to move there.

that the delay in SD is because they dont want the rams to go to LA.that piece of shit fabiano has called the mayor a liar.the city of sd has said they would like the negotiations to continue without fabiani.the sd attorney said.

the mayor says they have the framework and timeline to get a ballot for chargers. and has a deal in SD that will work for the NFL.They have an effort he knows will be successful if f they work together.

they can will get it done with a willing partner,the chargers have not been willing though.

it worked with the padres for a new stadium but that a hole fabiani is not even listening.

roggin then said for the rams to have a new stadium in st louis,kroneke would have to pay 250 million for it to happen.kroneke isnt going to pay it,he has put all his money into inglewood.:up:
here is what is overlooked with all this "good faith" bylaw nonsense when st louis rams fans talk about kroneke has not negotiated in good faith with st louis as per required by NFL bylaws to relocate when they bring up that he is not returning phone calls by the governor.here is the problem with that.

"st louis native georgia frontiere at the time." agreed to come to st louis in a stadium that st louis CVC would keep the stadium elite in the league.

st louis broke the lease agreement.now they want the Rams and league to pay for 2/3rds of a stadium that the city will own? thats not why the Rams went to st louis and its not what they were promised.

st louis is trying pulling a bait and switch.stan isnt having any of that though.He can tell the league he was promised an upper tier stadium and didnt recieve it.

that is what makes the Rams much easier to relocate to LA than it does the chargers.

the chargers have not negotiated in good faith and exhausted all options as required by NFL bylaw rules.the Rams have.they honored everything that was asked of them in the agreement,the city of st louis did not honor the agreement and now are back peddling trying to make kroneke look like the bad guy here.
The city is just going to prove to the NFL that they are willing and able to build a stadium so that the NFL does not allow the Chargers to move, thus forcing them to work with the city on a deal.

hope this turns out to be correct.^:thup:
the proof is in the pudding that fred roggin on his sports show in LA isnt blowing smoke when he says that Inglewood is light years ahead of carson for a stadium that will be ready by 2018. the NFL has said they will only choose one site not both,gee wonder who that will be? lol

Hollywood Park Land Company officials said a $1.86-billion Inglewood stadium backed by Rams owner Stan Kroenke would be ready for the 2018 season. The Chargers and Raiders said a new stadium would entail 28 to 32 months of construction once the league approves a relocation request. The NFL could approve one or two teams relocating as early as December, according to league officials.

Any relocation requires the approval of three-quarters of the NFL's 32 owners. By the NFL handling negotiations to secure a temporary venue or venues, NFL officials said, it removes a potential impediment for teams in their negotiations in their current home markets.

carson will NEVER be ready by the 2020 season when the superbowl is scheduled to be played in LA.:biggrin:

Rams won t play in Anaheim even on temporary basis but Coliseum is possible - The Orange County Register

Notice how the article is hinting its a done deal the RAMS will be in LA next year? that they said the name RAMS,but did not include Chargers or Raiders?:biggrin:

Step by step, little by little, the pieces are falling into place. The Rams are coming to the Coliseum for 2016, it's just a matter of time now.

The big thing here is that they identify the Rams as the team hat won't play... Meaning THE RAMS. Up to this point most media sources have been saying the NFL this the NFL that. None naming a team that would move.

"Using Angel Stadium in such a capacity would be “very difficult” because of potential scheduling conflicts, a spokesman for the Angels said Thursday."http://www.latimes.com/.../la-sp-nfl-angel-stadium...

I knew the Rams were going to the Coliseum from the start. That was their original home and we had season tickets there until they moved in 1980. The Coliseum is a MUCH better place to watch a football game than the Rose Bowl. And for all this talk about where the 2nd team (Chargers) will play.....Who gives a fuck. They probably aren't coming anyways. Even if they do, I don't give a fuck. It's all about the Rams in this household

Its interesting how the second stadium is not available for the 2nd team ?? The Rams have the Colisieum locked and that 2nd team can't buy a rental right now.
amen to that.:beer:

Angel stadium and Dodger Stadium are fixed baseball stadiums anyways. Dont think they have removable seats. Endzones would be pushed to the walls and the safety issue is there. Only place now would be the LA Coliseum since the rose bowl said no.

very true.

They have said they are not interested in housing the NFL. They are working on a long term agreement with another event. It would be a 20 year deal, and that group has said that the deal is off if the NFL is using the stadium. Rose Bowl is not a potential site anymore.

which of course rules out the chargers being in LA in 2016.^:biggrin:
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carson is as dead as st louis's new stadium is. :lmao: .

They still haven't procured the land, haven't nailed down the financing, the market report was lousy, there are still lawsuits pending, but "things are progressing fine"? And the deadline is next month? No worries.:biggrin:

Mark Fabiani says that it would be impossible for the City of San Diego to conduct a complete Environmental Impact Report in such a short amount of time for the stadium proposal in Mission Valley. This is the same Mark Fabiani that wants people to believe that the Carson proposal can go through entitlement, architectural planning, blueprinting, and remediation in roughly the same amount of time.


Carson just completed the entitlement stage (and even that leaves questions). They still have to go through architectural planning, blueprinting, getting permits, etc, to even begin construction...just like Inglewood. Unlike Inglewood, they still have to remediate the land, which will take even more time.:biggrin:
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Hey hand job, the Rams won't be in LA in 2015 like you told everyone, you are still trying to cover up you lies!

You can pretend to ignore me, but everyone else on this board knows you lied!
I love it,that piece of shit mark fabiani caught in a lie.

STADIUM TALK Mark Fabiani finally caught in a lie - Bolts From The Blue

I have to believe these comments from a chargers fan below is correct as well.:thup:

The NFL wont let the Chargers leave base on their actions/intentions.

I’m going to laugh up and down this site when they have to come crawling back to negotiate with the city.:beer::haha::lmao::rofl::up::up:

If the NFL does let the chargers leave,then they indeed will show how corrupt they REALLY are,what liars and hypocrites they are because they will have allowed the chargers to have violated NFL relocation bylaws they have in place if they did allow the chargers to leave.

if they follow their guildline rules though,it will be only the Rams coming back as it should be because its been established,the raiders will never be allowed to come back to LA.the city just like USC AND UCLA,they dont want them there.

so if they follow correct protocol as they should,it will be only the Rams.The Raiders have nowhere else to go so they have to stay in oakland and the chargers might have nowhere else to go either IF the NFL does not violate their relocation rules they have in place..:biggrin:

however the NFL is so corrupt so i am still not ruling out the chargers joining the Rams in 2018 as a second tenant with kroneke.
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I love it,that piece of shit mark fabiani caught in a lie.

STADIUM TALK Mark Fabiani finally caught in a lie - Bolts From The Blue

I have to believe these comments from a chargers fan below is correct as well.:thup:

The NFL wont let the Chargers leave base on their actions/intentions.

I’m going to laugh up and down this site when they have to come crawling back to negotiate with the city.:beer::haha::lmao::rofl::up::up:

If the NFL does let the chargers leave,then they indeed will show how corrupt they REALLY are,what liars and hypocrites they are because they will have allowed the chargers to have violated NFL relocation bylaws they have in place if they did allow the chargers to leave.

if they follow their guildline rules though,it will be only the Rams coming back as it should be because its been established,the raiders will never be allowed to come back to LA.the city just like USC AND UCLA,they dont want them there.

so if they follow correct protocol as they should,it will be only the Rams.The Raiders have nowhere else to go so they have to stay in oakland and the chargers might have nowhere else to go either IF the NFL does not violate their relocation rules they have in place..:biggrin:

however the NFL is so corrupt so i am still not ruling out the chargers joining the Rams in 2018 as a second tenant with kroneke.

commenting further on this fabiani calls the SD plan a half baked plan.yeah like the carson project is not a half baked plan?:lmao::rofl:

also good news,roggin reported that since the chargers have not negotiated in good faith as required by NFL relocation rules,it wont take all owners to block spanos move to LA,just NINE.just nine have to be upset about it and they willl tell him that the chargers will have to go back to SD and negitiate with them.:laugh:

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