expect Rams to be back in LA next year.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
man when they left they should have changed their name to st least SAINT LOUIS "LAMBS" that at LEAST has a ring to it.saint luis rams is the most retarded name for a football team.arizona cardinals is right up there with them the facts they dont even migrate there.:cuckoo:

I will be constanty updating this thread with new information,this has been known since 2012 it was going to happen so for now,I'll just post a few videos form the past to get everyone started with for the weekend,football can FINALLY be fun for me again.I lost interest in the NFL when my team,the TREU rams,the LA RAMS,moved away.

I think you'll find all these videos interesting.

man when they left they should have changed their name to st least SAINT LOUIS "LAMBS" that at LEAST has a ring to it.saint luis rams is the most retarded name for a football team.arizona cardinals is right up there with them the facts they dont even migrate there.:cuckoo:

I will be constanty updating this thread with new information,this has been known since 2012 it was going to happen so for now,I'll just post a few videos form the past to get everyone started with for the weekend,football can FINALLY be fun for me again.I lost interest in the NFL when my team,the TREU rams,the LA RAMS,moved away.

I think you'll find all these videos interesting.

i was their Mailman the last 5 years they were in Anaheim.....used to get a lot of free stuff....
this isnt proof positive they will be back in LA next year" im saving the best for the last." but this has been well known starting back in 2012 two years ago that after this season they will leave saint louis for LA and since saint louis has not even come close to giving them the stadium they want and stan isnt even returning phone calls from them,the writing is all over the wall they are leaving after this year.:banana::dance: they are getting scared in saint louis,they are in denial mode about it there the few that support them there and it is VERY few,that place is always half empty all the time with much more fans from the opposing team at their games then rams fans.:biggrin: that all changes with the return to LA where they have HUGE following,they have no following there at all.

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I just wanna know how one gets to be a paid shill for the internet.

theres a bunch of them that have penetrated this site,rightwinger happens to be one of them.ask him. although he would only lie to you and not tell you the truth and never give you an honest answer.He has no interest in facts or truth so it would be a miracle if any of these government paid shills like him ever actually spilled the beans and told you the truth about it.lol.

btw,sticking to the topic here,loyal bush dupe antiquity,if i didnt know any better,i would think that HE actually lives in saint louis and is a rams fan the way he posts because his behaviour I would expect out of a fan in saint louis in denial that they are going to lose their team.I run into THEM all the time at this LA RAM site i post at.

they have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER WHY the Rams left LA in the first place.the majority of them.:cuckoo: When you point out to them the facts that attendance at the dome in saint louis is ranked almost dead last in attendance there ranking 31st out of the 32 teams they evade those facts either accusing you of being a liar or when they acknowledge it,they quickly change the subject saying the rams moving back to LA would be a bad idea saying they moved out of LA in the first place because of poor attendance.:lmao::lmao::rolleyes-41:

Huggy even YOU as a seahawk fan,know thats not true,that attendance had nothing to do with it.that attendance was not an issue there.i know that for a fact,i have many aquintances that live in LA who were season ticket holders there all the way up till their final season there till they left.

those games were ALWAYS packed there. You know as well as I do that the ONLY reason they left LA was that evil bitch owner was a showgirl from saint louis who did not respect her husbands wishes to keep them in LA. you point out those facts to that troll seahawk fan and instead of admitting he is wrong and cluless,he'll go and say some stupid shit like-LA has been trying to get a team forever,its not going to happen,stop being negative.:rolleyes-41:

you shouldl be embarrassed to have him as a fellow seahawk fan.:rofl: I know i would. not only that,he is ALSO clueless about WHY the raiders and chargers left LA in the first place as well.

the chargers were there for one year and left for san diego because they could not compete with the rams to have quality attendance numbers that one year they were there so they BOLTED,no pun intended.

the faiders when they left,it was no surprise to LA folks because everybody knew al davis was just going to be there briefly till he got the stadium deal he wanted in oakland so when he moved them back,it was no surprise to LA folks at all.the older ones anyways.

where when the Rams left it was a major shocker to everybody.Nobody believed that was going to happen because they had been there forever with a long history of over 50 years.everybody figured the NFL would never allow that for them to leave the second biggest market in the NFL for some second rate has been city.:mad: the NFL owners initially voted against the move but then caved in and approved it only AFTER the bitch threatened to move them.:mad:

I bring up to him cold hard FACTS that the rams in LA have a HUGE following there which guarantees it will be packed so its a win /win situation for stan if he moves them back where its nothing but a lose/ lose situation if he stays in the least valued stadium in america.i even spelled it out to him dummies style the NFL has been trying to get a team back in LA for at LEAST 10 YEARS NOW.

Logic and common sense doesnt seem to register with him though even though i mentioned as well that the rams will be free agents free to leave saint louis after this season if they so desire.:rolleyes:

Lets see,stan makes the purchase of that land near the lakers stadium,the rams can leave saint louis after this year,they are ranked 31st out of 32 teams in attendance which changes instantly if they move back to LA,the value of an NFL franchise is four times what its worth in LA than in saint louis,the owners have been trying to get a team back in LA for at least 10 years now,yet he actually believes Stan Kronke will stay in saint louis and lose out on billions of dollars he could make from the move to LA next year deciding NOT to move there next year to stay in that dump in saint louis.comedy gold.you got to love it.what a troll who cant think for himself.:rofl::lmao::lmao:
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I just wanna know how one gets to be a paid shill for the internet.

theres a bunch of them that have penetrated this site,rightwinger happens to be one of them.ask him. although he would only lie to you and not tell you the truth and never give you an honest answer.He has no interest in facts or truth so it would be a miracle if any of these government paid shills like him ever actually spilled the beans and told you the truth about it.lol.

btw,sticking to the topic here,loyal bush dupe antiquity,if i didnt know any better,i would think that HE actually lives in saint louis and is a rams fan the way he posts because his behaviour I would expect out of a fan in saint louis in denial that they are going to lose their team.I run into THEM all the time at this LA RAM site i post at.

they have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER WHY the Rams left LA in the first place.the majority of them.:cuckoo: When you point out to them the facts that attendance at the dome in saint louis is ranked almost dead last in attendance there ranking 31st out of the 32 teams they evade those facts either accusing you of being a liar or when they acknowledge it,they quickly change the subject saying the rams moving back to LA would be a bad idea saying they moved out of LA in the first place because of poor attendance.:lmao::lmao::rolleyes-41:

Huggy even YOU as a seahawk fan,know thats not true,that attendance had nothing to do with it.that attendance was not an issue there.i know that for a fact,i have many aquintances that live in LA who were season ticket holders there all the way up till their final season there till they left.

those games were ALWAYS packed there. You know as well as I do that the ONLY reason they left LA was that evil bitch owner was a showgirl from saint louis who did not respect her husbands wishes to keep them in LA. you point out those facts to that troll seahawk fan and instead of admitting he is wrong and cluless,he'll go and say some stupid shit like-LA has been trying to get a team forever,its not going to happen,stop being negative.:rolleyes-41:

you shouldl be embarrassed to have him as a fellow seahawk fan.:rofl: I know i would. not only that,he is ALSO clueless about WHY the raiders and chargers left LA in the first place as well.

the chargers were there for one year and left for san diego because they could not compete with the rams to have quality attendance numbers that one year they were there so they BOLTED,no pun intended.

the faiders when they left,it was no surprise to LA folks because everybody knew al davis was just going to be there briefly till he got the stadium deal he wanted in oakland so when he moved them back,it was no surprise to LA folks at all.the older ones anyways.

where when the Rams left it was a major shocker to everybody.Nobody believed that was going to happen because they had been there forever with a long history of over 50 years.everybody figured the NFL would never allow that for them to leave the second biggest market in the NFL for some second rate has been city.:mad: the NFL owners initially voted against the move but then caved in and approved it only AFTER the bitch threatened to move them.:mad:

I bring up to him cold hard FACTS that the rams in LA have a HUGE following there which guarantees it will be packed so its a win /win situation for stan if he moves them back where its nothing but a lose/ lose situation if he stays in the least valued stadium in america.i even spelled it out to him dummies style the NFL has been trying to get a team back in LA for at LEAST 10 YEARS NOW.

Logic and common sense doesnt seem to register with him though even though i mentioned as well that the rams will be free agents free to leave saint louis after this season if they so desire.:rolleyes:

Lets see,stan makes the purchase of that land near the lakers stadium,the rams can leave saint louis after this year,they are ranked 31st out of 32 teams in attendance which changes instantly if they move back to LA,the value of an NFL franchise is four times what its worth in LA than in saint louis,the owners have been trying to get a team back in LA for at least 10 years now,yet he actually believes Stan Kronke will stay in saint louis and lose out on billions of dollars he could make from the move to LA next year deciding NOT to move there next year to stay in that dump in saint louis.comedy gold.you got to love it.what a troll who cant think for himself.:rofl::lmao::lmao:
something you sports fans have to remember.....when the Rams left Cal for ST Louis.....they were not in LA....they were in OC a whole different world than LA.....
I was asked by the OP to comment in this thread. Though I don't really care for sports in general anymore I think I may be able to provide a little insight as to why you see a lot of reports about L.A. getting a football team. Reason being I was born and raised in SoCal so I grew up immersed in Rams/Raider/Charger/Laker/Dodger/Angel/Clipper propaganda and bullsh*t.

I'll try to keep my posts short and sweet.
First off: No one in L.A. wants an NFL Team. L.A. is over run with Illegal Aliens from Central and South America who watch Soccer (Futbol). They don't really care for the NFL.

So when the talking heads on ESPN or any other sports show say that there is fan support for team, they're full of sh*t.
Why don't people want a team? Because of Al Davis.

Al Davis is piece of sh*t.

Al Davis said fvck you to his loyal fans in Oakland by moving to L.A. who stupidly gave him a guaranteed contract. Yes. A guaranteed contract.

Al Davis got guaranteed money no matter what the ticket sales were. The Raiders hardly ever sold out because The Coliseum is way too big for football. It has a running track around the field so the players look real small.

Olympics? Great! Football? It sucks.

My Dad is USC class of 1965 so we got Trojan season tickets for 1973 and 1974. College teams can fill up the stadium. Pro teams can't. It's just a fact.
Every year or two the owner of the San Diego Chargers puts fake stories in all the local LA newspapers and TV shows claiming that "The People, The Fans" want an NFL team in L.A.

The Chargers first season was played in L.A. so Alex Spanos some kind of connection there. Believe me, hardly anyone knows of that. Or cares. Or reads English good enough to find it out.

The other B.S. "moving to L.A." story concerns the Vikings. Every so often the Owner of the Vikes will put fake stories saying that there is interest in them moving to L.A. You know, the Lakers moved from there and what do you know, the Vikes have the same colors too! Woo hoo! So what?

Next post is about Stadium locations and deals.
When Al Davis was threatening to move back to Oakland he demanded a new Stadium with Luxury Boxes and all the money making stuff they have these days. Forget the fact that his team sucks, you better build him a new stadium or he's outta' here! Someday, Americans might learn to tell the NFL to fvck off but that's another thread.

So I know they looked at two locations. Carson and Irwindale. I used to go to Irwindale Raceway as a kid so I as familiar with it's location, there was a rock quarry and a Miller Brewing facility right there. Would have been perfect. Plenty of space.

Carson. I lived in Long Beach and for one summer I worked at an Oil Refinery right next door to Carson in Wilmington. The whole place smells like rotten sulfur eggs. Freeway access was good but parking would have been a nightmare and the smell...

Next. Stadium Negotiations.
After reading up on the history involved with L A and the NFL I am inclined to believe that an NFL team in L A let alone a return of the Rams is unlikely.

History of the National Football League in Los Angeles - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I understand the desperation and dissappointment of 9/11 but I think he is grasping at straws.

There are certainly a small hard core element of fans that would like to see the Rams return to the L A area. There just doesn't seem to be enough of them to justify the relocation.

The NFL seems to be bent on new stadiums in new cities for expansion not just relocation.

Too much history of failed attempts to fill the seats in L A.
Every time this comes up, LA screws it up

Been doing it for 20 years. I don't expect things to change
Ok then came the time to renew the Raiders Stadium deal. Naturally Al Davis wanted more but for the first (and maybe ONLY) time in it's existence, the L.A. Board of Supervisors and the Stadium Commission fought back.

From all the stories I've read, the negotiations went like this:

Al Davis: I want MORE guaranteed money and a new stadium.
Sane People: Al, that's a lot of money for a team that doesn't sell out and gets blacked out locally. Can't you come down on yer numbers some?
Al Davis: I want MORE guaranteed money and a new stadium or I'm moving back to Oakland.
Sane People: Well ok then. Bye!

As far as the Rams went. I believe Georgia Frattiarri (sp) the Widower Owner of the Rams moved as soon as he inherited the team? I can't remember.

We all said at the time: "Yeah they're all happy now but just wait until a few 4-12 seasons go by then see how they feel".

Then the won the Super Bowl! So ultimately, it was a good thing they got out of L.A. They shouldn't come back.
what exactly does OC stand for?

not ocean city?
are you serious?.....and you say you know the Rams?....
First off: No one in L.A. wants an NFL Team. L.A. is over run with Illegal Aliens from Central and South America who watch Soccer (Futbol). They don't really care for the NFL.

So when the talking heads on ESPN or any other sports show say that there is fan support for team, they're full of sh*t.
you have been away to long.....
The NFL Owners and the Lawyers that feed them bullsh*t all day think that because L.A. has a lot of people then naturally there is room for a team.

The NFL in it's infinite stupidity call this "An Untapped Market" never once asking themselves WHY it's been untapped for so long.

Being here on the East coast it's different. There's a fanbase here. All the Redskin, Steeler, Raven and Eagles games get broadcast locally and rarely get blacked out.

So you get all those teams and all the division games against (usually) good teams.

What did you get in L.A. when the Rams or the Raiders were blacked out?

Cleveland @ Tampa Bay
NY Giants @ Houston

Who the fvck wants to watch thatstupid sh*t?
Why don't people want a team? Because of Al Davis.

Al Davis is piece of sh*t.

Al Davis said fvck you to his loyal fans in Oakland by moving to L.A. who stupidly gave him a guaranteed contract. Yes. A guaranteed contract.

Al Davis got guaranteed money no matter what the ticket sales were. The Raiders hardly ever sold out because The Coliseum is way too big for football. It has a running track around the field so the players look real small.

Olympics? Great! Football? It sucks.

My Dad is USC class of 1965 so we got Trojan season tickets for 1973 and 1974. College teams can fill up the stadium. Pro teams can't. It's just a fact.
first off....Al is dead.....second off....they wont be playing in the Coliseum.....they are building a Football Stadium....

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