expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Vinnie in LA is just as delierious as Bernie in st louis is.

Raiders, back in Los Angeles?
Should we start hiding the women and Children?":biggrin::thup:
Oakland Raiders NFL believe team is mending reputation for disorderly fans

And he scares folks old enough to remember the last time the Raiders called Los Angeles home and how their games at the L.A. Memorial Coliseum sometimes became sideshows to the shenanigans going on in the stands.

The Raiders, back in Los Angeles?

Should we start hiding the women and children?

Would the NFL even contemplate going down that path again?

No vinnie,you idiot,the NFL would not contemplate letting the raiders go back to LA.the owners are sore at the davis family for suing them to move there,plus vinnie idiot forgets to mention that the city of LA doesnt want the raiders back.

the Raider fans in LA gave Oakland fans an unfair bad rap.
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Floyd Kephart, Chairman of the Board for The Renaissance Companies, the private financial and real estate advisory firm that is building Coliseum City in Oakland, talked with Fred Roggin about the latest developments in Oakland concerning a new stadium for the Raiders. He also shares insight concerning the teams involved with a possible move to Los Angeles: the St. Louis Rams, the Oakland Raiders and the San Diego Chargers.

Stadium updates with Floyd Kephardt including Oakland and LA The Beast 980

Kephart had some very interesting things to say. I liked the part where he says carson has more significant problems than oakland in going forward.:biggrin:

and especially the part on when roggin asks him that between the chargers,raiders,and rams who is the most anticipated of the three to move and how when it is played out,which one he sees moving next year that it will be the Rams.:thup:
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I imagine Dean Spanos thinking in this picture "Hmmm....What else could I do to sabotage San Diego providing us with a stadium?":up:

Know the Enemy Daily Links 7 22 San Diego s expedited Environmental Impact Report challenged - Silver And Black Pride

as i have said before in the past,if the NFL indeed lets the chargers leave SD,the one team from the AFC they would allow to move there,then the NFL will have once again prove how corrupt they are because the chargers will have violated all NFL relocation rules they have set.
The NFL wants Los Angeles but does Los Angeles want the NFL The MMQB with Peter King

SI_PeterKing: "The Los Angeles area, as polls over the years have shown, won’t be a lock to support one team through thick and thin, never mind two. And what’s the team most likely to garner support early? Probably the Rams. They have the best remaining local fan base, from the looks of it. It’s not overwhelming support, to be sure, and who knows?"

NFL Mailbag Marcus Mariota Adrian Peterson L.A. relocation more The MMQB with Peter King

It is true in my opinion Peter King (and his team) have a very cozy relationship with the NFL league office. Having placed stories on the relocation helps the NFL lesson the financial hit the league (and Rams) will take at the gate during this lame duck season..

Yeah...ask a 23 year-old model and a 20 year-old actor if they are waiting breathlessly for football to return, and comedy ensues. This is a predictably "meh" article. We natives know differently.

I feel that this article is bogus. It felt like she only interviewed the majority of people who aren't natives.

The writer is totally biased. Apparently, he interviewed a lot of old people, anti-traffic people, & jilted/bitter people. As far as I'm concerned, this article lacks validity.

so very true.they nailed it.:beer:
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Oh my god,the world must be coming to an end.Vinnie B actually dissed the article that NFL football would not do well in LA.:biggrin::clap2::bow2:

totally refuting that biased article of peter kings.amazing that vinnie has finally seen the light.

Am I worried this means L.A. won’t support one or two teams?

Not even the slightest.

There are 21 million people in the greater Los Angeles area – counting L.A., Orange, Ventura, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. I’d be shocked if 80,000 of them don’t make their way to a stadium 10 or 20 times per season.

I’m not doubting there are plenty of residents that could give a flip about the NFL – or any other sport for that matter. Same can be said for New York, where you can bump into 50 people in Central Park who have no idea who Derek Jeter is, let alone the difference between a New York Jet, Giant, Met or Knick.
Book it Los Angeles will greet NFL with open arms The NFL in L.A. with Vincent Bonsignore
Roggin told it like it is again saying -if there is two teams here in LA,it will be the chargers joining the rams.thats why LA major james butts says as well as john robinson.

roggin is about the only media source who is not biased.

matter of fact a listener tweeted him saying-i want to thank you for telling the truth about the NFL to LA.:clap:

also saying as well that if st louis somehow even came up with an incredible proposal for a stadium.thats doesnt mean stan kroneke has to put any money into it.:biggrin:

that of course is because st louis violated the lease agreement.lol
miklasz: "Los Angeles, which lacks enthusiasm for pro football, would still be awarded an NFL franchise, anyway. Just because, well, it's BIG. And the Rams probably will become that team, :biggrin:simply because the LA ambivalence and apathy is so deep, you can't even consider putting two NFL teams in the nation's second-largest market. It's risky to expect strong fan support for even one team — and so two teams are out of the question..."

Bernie If Kroenke builds it will LA come Sports

Bernie avoids putting these attendance figures into any proper context. He omits the fact that the LA Rams attendance from '83-'89 (54,776) was 99.9% of the league average (54,827) at the time. In '07-'11, the NFL average attendance was 67,769, but the average attendance in St. Louis during those years was just 57,765, which is only 85% of the NFL average.:biggrin::beer:
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“There’s six more years to pay on those bonds at $12 million a year for the state of Missouri that was signed up before I ever held public office,” says Kinder. The lawmakers vote on that every year.”:biggrin:

New Proposal for Downtown Football Stadium CBS St. Louis

Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, who sits on the board, expressed concern about Nixon's position that he can extend the bond payments on the St. Louis Ram's existing stadium, the Edward Jones Dome, and whether that position could render the tax credit request moot.:biggrin:

Task force wants 50 million in tax breaks for new St. Louis stadium St. Louis Public Radio
this is what this fellow LA RAMS fan who lives in atlanta said when he saw the dodgers play the braves the other night.

Last night at the dodgers / braves game, I met a man and his wife and they were from St louis. In short he said that st louis riverfront thing was a smokescreen and that the rams were gone. It's stuff we've heard so I just go with the flow. He was a cards football fan and said that the rams never captured the fanbase and that many in St louis still feel the rams are LA'S team. He said that there are many who wish t he cards were still there. Nothing earth shattering but when I've met st louis people it's all the same. ..THEY DONT GIVE A DAMN

HE is right that they dont give a damn alright. i was at a royals game when the cardinals came to town and i aksed about 30 people wearing cardinal jerseys how they felt about the Rams going back to LA and the majority would say-i dont care,they can have them.:biggrin::lmao:
Has the pendulum swung in favor of St. Louis for the Rams to stay The Beast 980

Bottom line Stan Kroenke would of bought or purchased his own land and built his own stadium in St. Louis if he wanted to stay. He also would of communicated with St Louis officials and his fan base if he was trying to stay. By judging his actions andthe way he conducts business by the simple facts that he has already invested heavily financially and efficiently and has allocated a lot of money and resources into the Inglewood project and I believe he sees nothing happening with the Rams remaining in St. Louis. Besides the fact that the owner has been part owner of the RAMS since 1995 the man knows all the of the business aspects of that market for the past 20 years. On top of it all he sends his COO in Kevin Demoff just rolling threw the good faith motions insted of himself speaks volumes about his long term desires in St Louis. Albeit being unnecessary with their current lease status though, while Kroenke is sidelined in St Louis he has been quietly steam rolling his new stadium in Los Angeles. The rest of the Eric Grubman jargon is more less hyperbole to create an image that all viable teams wanting to move to LA are on equal playing field. The end of 2015 will be Xmas gift us fans were trying to salvage in 1994. 2016 will be a new era for a team that should of never left.

I keep hearing if Stl builds the stadium, how can the NFL let the Rams leave? But how can they force Kroenke to have to help finance it if he could have rec'd a $700 million upgrade to the dome without contributing a penny? Sticking to the lease made the most business sense to Kroenke. Stl didn't think so and chose not to honor it. I don't see how the NFL could force the Rams to stay because of this. Why isn't this ever discussed on these radio shows? I do agree however, that if Stl does get a stadium deal done, the NFL will see somehow that a "team" will play there, down the road sometime.
Bernie Miklasz - Will fans in L.A. really support an NFL team - 101Sports.com

He doesn't mention the fact that in the same period the Raiders moved to l.a. how many fans did we lose then? They moved to our town and our crib, that ticked a lot of people off. The nfl should allow only one team here. Two or three teams will not getfull support of fans here. It just isn't economically possible. Bring the Rams back and only the Rams and watch it explode. St. Louis did not have the competition of 2 teams . Bernie just STFU.

Carroll Rosenbloom would have never allowed the Raiders to come into the market...:beer:

I personally know many ppl that converted to the Raiders, #1 they didn't like the move to Anaheim and #2 they didn't like what Georgia was doing with the team.

.hell, there are many transplanted Old LA Ram fans throughout the West Coast, Northern and Southern Nevada and Arizona........St. Louis relies on ticket sales from the Packers, Bears and Chiefs.....its a proven fact.....

Agreed, I know, grew up a LA Rams fan, moved North to Seattle then Reno, Tahoe.....both these area have many transplanted LA Ram fans, I even use to tailgate with fellow Ram fans at the old Kingdome, then Quest(Century Link), when Rams would play in Seattle....

We would support them a heck of a lot better than those pitiful St Louis fans who dont even sell out the games when tickets are $8.

Interesting that he doesn't mention they were playing in a baseball stadium with a large portion of seats with obstructed views. Why doesn't he mention the St. Louis Cardinals attendance during that era? Even the 2 years the "Cardiac Cards" won their division they averaged 46,000 per game. Much lower than the L.A. numbers at that time.

What Bernie doesn't recognize is the Anaheim location made a trip for fans from Ventura County & even northern L.A. areas challenging.The Inglewood location is so much more centrally located, support will be off the hook! Santa Barbara County Rams fans can make this trip too.

Bernie is in full panic mode LA loves the rams once they come back they be embraced & welcomed back with open arms lastly bernie's paranoid has turned from crying & complaining to angry & mad.:biggrin:
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Bob Tapia - Bob Tapia s Photos Facebook:biggrin:

Miklasz Defending St. Louis as an NFL City - 101Sports.com

"There's no such things as a bad football town. There's bad owners and there's bad teams."

My biggest point, and I always highlight it, is the hypocrisy. That statement applies just as equally to Georgia's relocation of the Rams from LA back in '94. If we should be excusing St. Louis' bad attendance figures because of a bad owner and a bad team, then the same should have been done 20 years ago.

It was not justified to move the Rams out of Los Angeles.

Indeed.Bernie is a fucking hypocrite.

My E-mail to the Fred Roggin show today.
Dear Dean,
Recently there has been a rash of articles about LA football fan-ship and will LA support a team if a team ultimately does relocated in 2016. An article by Emily Kaplan, randomly surveyed 100 angelenos just off the street and came to conclusions. Bernie Miklasz (local StL writer) used her article as a backdrop to write "if NFL comes to LA, will LA come to the NFL" he used attendance figures to compare LA Rams '83-89 with StL Rams '07-'11. Another StL writer, Shane Gray compared financial numbers (you read parts of it on your show couple days ago) for Stan Kroenke if moving vs keeping the Rams in StL. Dean, correctly if I am wrong, when did sports writers get their PhDs in economics and statistics from Oxford or MBAs and marketing degree from Stanford to be relevant here? The NFL has already invested millions, the past few years, with top notch marketing and financial companies to study current local markets and viability of the NFL in the second largest market in the country. Their result: LA can support up to two teams in LA. As far as Stan Kroenke is concerned, a successful billionaire like him, will for sure have himself surrounded with Harvard and Yale graduates in all fields necessary to protect his 2 billion dollar investment in Inglewood. My question is this: why are we entertaining hypotheticals if the outcome is already given? 1-NFL to LA is a done deal 2- Kroenke wants to move. If the NFL to LA was being considered or Kroenke's hadn't invested so much in Inglewood then such articles can have some merit and should be debatable. This is too nothing too late now! If, however, there is one thing tangible here, is our local hunger for football, we are waiting for articles to come out on this topic like we wait for players to come of the tunnel on game day, any article anything is immediately consumed; good or bad. So why these useless articles this late in the game, well like our Beast980 friend commander Adam Pendleton points out: it is part of the 5 stages of grief for losing a team. The motto to your show Fred is "let's stick to the facts" well, shall we: 1- Inglewood is building a stadium no matter what 2- NFL is coming to LA no matter what. Enjoy your bowl of sour grapes StL...... we know what it taste like.

have a good weekend Fred.

well said.:beer:
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Interesting what they had to say here when discussing LA having a football team in 2016 saying-One is likely,two is possible,three is a pipe dream.


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