Zone1 Examples of things NOT racist

People in the country illegally do not vote! They limit their exposure to government as much as possible.

BTW, there is no proof the election was fixed.
HA HA HA HA. I spoke to illegal aliens (in Spanish). They brag about voting, and doing many other things illegally. Thye have no fear of exposure. Nobody knows they are here illegally.

Every black person I know is anti racist. But a common meme among radicalized white extremists is that whites aren't racists but most blacks are.

We identify racism all the time and people like you deny it.

Stop pretending you don't know what to do to end racism.
YOU are not anti-racist. You support Affirmative Action.
Can you do it one more time in this thread below?

I’m working on a project to end racism. I could use your help. If you identify racism all the time then it should be easy for you to do. There should be no need for you to pawn that responsibility off on me. If you tell me the secret I will totally use it to my advantage, run for governor and end racism in my home state. So far there is no yes votes in that thread. I have already admitted to you. I do know how to end racism or at least reduce it. All I have to do is ask victims of racism to give me examples of racism and then write laws that will remedy it. I do know how to do it and I have been doing this since 2020. I will continue doing it.

I am an elected official in my county since 2020. There has been zero racism in my county this whole time. How did I accomplish it? Easy. I asked for feedback from the victims of racism. Every time I got an example I acted on it extremely fast. Now I want to continue my efforts and expand it to the state level.

I don’t know where you live but where I live all the white people passionately hate racism with every fiber of their being. All I need is the information on how to stop it and bam. It’s gone. If you share the information with me then who knows? Maybe it will catch on in your state.

Granted racist thoughts and racist words can’t be eradicated. Racist actions can most certainly be eliminated. All we need to do is find it. I’m willing to search long and hard until I find an example of racism. Believe me. It will get fixed quick. I don’t mess around with this stuff. Racism has to end. It’s making us all puke constantly.

A lot of white people think racism doesn’t exist. I tell them, “Yes it does. We just haven’t found examples of it yet.” This BS racism crap has to go and I know exactly who has the solution. The trick is getting those who know where racism is occurring to speak up. That’s the hard part. Otherwise there aren’t many white people that believe in racism. They aren’t going to look for it and the white people who do believe in racism are having a hard time finding examples of it. That’s why we keep asking for feedback. We need help finding it. People like you just cause us to lose faith in the possibility of ever having a solution. You are like a road block. Come on man. Build a bridge. Don’t block the way. Let’s work together. We both want the same thing.
Again, you know when whites are being racists. The whites who think racism doesn't exist are usually the racists. The whites who pretend they don't know how to stop racism are generally the ones practicing it. You see examples every day and deny it. I suppose you're still looking for the "No blacks allowed" signs and segregated water foundations. That's like looking for a Model T then claiming cars don't exist because you didn't find one.

Whites do have the responsibility to end the racism they started. Don't ask me to do your work for you. And stop lying to yourself about not being able to see racism.
When have white lives not mattered?
When Affirmative Action was created , and every day since, in 41 states.

+ now Biden's "American Rescue Plan" + Kamala Harris saying that "people of color" should get preference in hurricane rescue efforts.
When Affirmative Action was created , and every day since, in 41 states.

+ now Biden's "American Rescue Plan" + Kamala Harris saying that "people of color" should get preference in hurricane rescue efforts.

Affirmative Action mostly helped white women
Now what's truly scary would be a truck with two white men following me around. Or perhaps a white female sitting on a park bench with a cellphone as I walk by. Or to be in a stalled car late night in a rural all white town. Or driving down the street breaking no laws and a police car pulls up behind me with a white driver. Or to be the only black in a camp out in the country.....
That is truly scary as fuck mate.
Stop pretending you don't know when whites are being racist.

I will pretend for all of eternity. You can’t stop me but you can give examples of racism so that we can stop racism. You don’t have to but it would be helpful. In the meantime I will pretend like a mo fo.

I accept your premise. Now, do you have examples of racism or not? I’m guessing you don’t.
What was scary to me was being lost in a Democrat city, at midnight, when five black youths approached me.

I‘m lucky to be alive. I’ll spare you the details.
I believe you that is scary but i have no such experiences but i had a few scary experiences with white men for example late at evening i went to a food shop in a nearby village to eat a grilled fish they serve i parked my car and a few white guys were drinking there and started shouting racist things at me i then went back into my car and drove home that was scary
Black men are Skeery
You have every right to ridicule the fear that many people have about those gentlemen.

But for many people (including many African Americans themselves), they are "Skeery."

Even the Rev. Jesse Jackson once admitted that if he were walking down the street at night and turned around to see that a young African American was behind him, he would feel concerned.
Now what's truly scary would be a truck with two white men following me around. Or perhaps a white female sitting on a park bench with a cellphone as I walk by. Or to be in a stalled car late night in a rural all white town. Or driving down the street breaking no laws and a police car pulls up behind me with a white driver. Or to be the only black in a camp out in the country.....
Not as scary as being a white woman lost at midnight in an all-black section of Detroit, Baltimore, St. Louise, Washington DC, Newark, or Atlantic City. The odds of a white being attacked by a black are far higher than a black being attacked by a white.

Your first key to reducing racism is doing something about the high illegitimacy and crime rates among urban blacks. There’s nothing whites can do about that, and Dems are making it worse by rewarding it or going soft on it.
I believe you that is scary but i have no such experiences but i had a few scary experiences with white men for example late at evening i went to a food shop in a nearby village to eat a grilled fish they serve i parked my car and a few white guys were drinking there and started shouting racist things at me i then went back into my car and drove home that was scary
I am sparing you the details, but what happened to me by those five black youths was far worse than having things yelled at me. I was lucky I wasn’t killed.

Every black person I know is anti racist. But a common meme among radicalized white extremists is that whites aren't racists but most blacks are.

We identify racism all the time and people like you deny it.

Stop pretending you don't know what to do to end racism.
You are not “anti-racist”, you are anti-white, anti-red, anti-yellow and anti-brown. A short description of your mindset is that you are anti-everyone who doesn’t agree with you. You immediately label anyone who dares to disagree with you on any subject as a racist. You even label people who support you as racists as soon as the disagree with even one of your opinions.
You are not “anti-racist”, you are anti-white, anti-red, anti-yellow and anti-brown. A short description of your mindset is that you are anti-everyone who doesn’t agree with you. You immediately label anyone who dares to disagree with you on any subject as a racist. You even label people who support you as racists as soon as the disagree with even one of your opinions.
That’s what I’ve noticed about leftists in general. They demand 100% agreement on 100% of the issues, or they call you alt-right, racist, whatever.
Too late. I proved it 2 years ago. It's all here in the forum, for anyone who wants to see it. You can't just say "not true" and get away with it.
Now this is an example of racism, claiming something is true when you have no evidence it is. And just saying you already proved your point, is not proving your point.
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