Zone1 Examples of things NOT racist

No actually it clearly shows that per capita blacks are the most offenders. I realize you are too stupid to understand percentages and per capita but that's the reality.
Yup. Amazing that someone “smart” enough to earn a college degree can’t grasp the concept of per-capita. So one of three things:

1) He never went to college and is lying.
2) He did go to college, benefitting from Affirmative Action, because someone who doesn’t understand basic 6th grade math concepts wouldn’t get in otherwise.
3) He knows very well what per-capita is, but it doesn’t fit his narrative of blacks being much less likely to commit violent crimes than whites, so he’s pretending not to know.

My vote is for #3.
Bullshit!!! You enacted legislation designed to dienfranchise people of color. These are racist policies brought about from the fact that the country has stopped voting for Republicans, THE RACIST PARTY!
HA HA HA. Wow, are you ignorant. The truth is the exact OPPOSITE of what you are saying. The party that the country has stopped voting for, is Democrats, and everyone knows that, except you apparently.

And the RACIST PARTY is the Democrats, supporters of Affirmative Action discrimination (like how Biden picked his VP and Supreme Court justice), CRT, and Biden's RACIST "American Rescue Plan" that the courts have been knocking down, because of its anti-white racism against whites.

You are a liberal media DUPE.
Just between us, I am sick of these arrogant leftists who keep saying that the GOP is where the racists and antisemites reside. True, there are some fringe bigots on the edges of either side, but it’s much more pervasive on the left - in the public school system (against whites), on college campuses (against Jews), and among the elected Democrats themselves.
I bought my first house at 25 so I waited two more years while I lived in an apartment, I hate apartments and I hate renting. One can get a hedge on inflation by buying.
I bought my first property at 27, so I waited four years while I saved up. Does that make you better than me? Or what about people who never bought a place? I have a long-term friend who, now in her 60s, never bought.

Bur really, it was an odd deflection for you to make.
Yup. Amazing that someone “smart” enough to earn a college degree can’t grasp the concept of per-capita. So one of three things:

1) He never went to college and is lying.
2) He did go to college, benefitting from Affirmative Action, because someone who doesn’t understand basic 6th grade math concepts wouldn’t get in otherwise.
3) He knows very well what per-capita is, but it doesn’t fit his narrative of blacks being much less likely to commit violent crimes than whites, so he’s pretending not to know.

My vote is for #3.
Mine as well. I've seen him use per capita when it suited his argument more than once.
What about the handicapped who have no ability to get to the DMV? Don't they have a right to vote?
I'm a handicapped person. I'm able to go anywhere. In fact, handicapped people have more ability to get to the DMV (or anywhere else) that able-bodied people do. From my disability, I have HART plus in Tampa, which is a small bus that picks me up at my door, and takes me straight to the door of wherever I'm going. I used to pay $4 per ride to anywhere in Hillsborough County (much better than a taxi), but now (again because of my disability) I get voucher tickets for FREE rides (up to 20/month).

PS- I have an electric scooter that I ride on my bad walking days, and the HART plus busses have a lift to accomodate the scooter.

And all this, is in a red state.

"have no ability to get to the DMV?" BULLSHIT!
I just told you! The voter ID laws are designed to disenfranchise people of color. There is no such thing as widespread voter fraud, so why are these laws being enacted? To stop blacks from voting!
There is tons of voter fraud, employed by Democrats in 2020, and I posted PAGES & PAGES of it in this forum repeatedly, so much it would take a week to read all of it, including the links & sub-links.
That doesn't change the fact these are racist laws and the whole country knows it! Funny how you are willing to take away a person's right to vote, yet draw the line at profanity.
Funny how you crab about a non-existent idea about taking away a person's right to vote, while simultaneously, you support taking awy millions of Americans votes by allowing illegal aliens to enter the country and vote.

Do you support a requirement for proof of citizenship ID to vote ? I'll bet you don't, because you know Democrats need these illegal votes to win elections. That's why Biden has opened up the border, is letting millions of illegal aliens stream in, and is airlifting them into red states like Florida & Texas, to try to turn these red states blue.
Nobody is taking away anyone’s right to vote. We just want to know that people are who they say they are. Same reason you need ID for a myriad of things.
And that isn't even as much as SHOULD be required. In addition to showing that you are who you say you are, you should have to prove that you are a US CITIZEN, thereby eligible to vote.
Jesse Jackson would not agree. The UCR shows that whites are the most likely to victimize someone.
That is preposterous Everybody knows violent crime among blacks is 8 times as much as among whites.
Normal people say this.

“The most common example of the harm wrought by imprecise and inflated claims of ‘voter fraud’ is the call for in-person photo identification requirements. Such photo ID laws are effective only in preventing individuals from impersonating other voters at the polls — an occurrence more rare than getting struck by lightning.

By throwing all sorts of election anomalies under the ‘voter fraud’ umbrella, however, advocates for such laws artificially inflate the apparent need for these restrictions and undermine the urgency of other reforms. Moreover, as with all restrictions on voters, photo identification requirements have a predictable detrimental impact on eligible citizens. Such laws are only potentially worthwhile if they clearly prevent more problems than they create. If policymakers distinguished real voter fraud from the more common election irregularities erroneously labeled as voter fraud, it would become apparent that the limited benefits of laws like photo ID requirements are simply not worth the cost.”

The Brennan Center for Justice report: “The Truth About Voter Fraud.”

Nothing has been overplayed but right wing gaslighting.
FALSE! A CITIZENSHIP ID would show that a person is eligible to vote, and has nothing to do with anyone impersonating anyone else.

And the Brennan Center is a laughingstock mouthpiece for the left, which supports and relies on illegal voting by illegal aliens.
What was scary to me was being lost in a Democrat city, at midnight, when five black youths approached me.

I‘m lucky to be alive. I’ll spare you the details.
I wouldn't set foot in a Democrat city, because I wouldn't be able to carry my gun there, and even if they made it legal, if I shot some back guy in self-defense (like Travis McMichael), they would accuse me of murder.
I don't need to do that. I'm black and have faced white racism for 61 years.
If that were true, there would be no such thing as Affirmative Action, but there has been for 57 years. And now to compound it, we have Biden's various anti-white,, pro-black racisms.
Actually there are non discrimination laws and you do know what needs to be done to stop racism. There is only one reason why some white fake being helpless to end racism.
The non-discrimination laws are the 1964 US Civil Right law, which have been broken every day since then by liberals in the use of Affirmative Action programs, and the Biden ARP.
I know exactly what to do. Get feedback from the victims and pass the laws that they suggest. That’s what I am doing.

What is a law that you would propose that would minimize racism?
Abolish Affirmative Action nationwide. Currently only 9 states ban it.
The non-discrimination laws are the 1964 US Civil Right law, which have been broken every day since then by liberals in the use of Affirmative Action programs, and the Biden ARP.
The SCOTUS is going to hear the case against Harvard this month for rejecting high-scoring Asians with excellent GPAs on the grounds that Asians are unlikeable. Blatant racism.

It seems that leftists like racism as long as it goes against whites and Asians, and in favor of blacks. The SCOTUS ruling will reverse all that.

P.S. The Black female justice that Biden nominated due to her being the “correct” color and gender has recused herself due to an obvious conflict. Not only is she a Harvard grad who probably benefitted from AA, she is on the Board. That leaves 4 constitutionalists, the 2 women liberals, and Roberts - not sure where he fits - to make the ruling.

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