Ex-Proud Boy Testifies Group Sought ‘All-Out Revolution’ in Capitol Riot

If this gets more violent, if we see more attacks, any blood will be on the hands of MAGA media and GQP politicians for enabling this rather than calling it out.
Fuck you, you little piece of shit.

Let's talk about the leftard mayors who not only ALLOWED 40 racial murders, but encouraged them.

Fucking leftard idiot.

(I'm talking about YOU, Mac).
"Proud Boys" "All-out revolution" :auiqs.jpg:

Those goobers don't know how to do anything like that.
Is it that hard to believe that most Americans didn’t like Trump?
I have election results and a perfect record of victory in court for my side. I have over 1000 indictments for your ilk on their attack in the capitol. I have multiple convictions for sedition for crimes committed by your ilk, among many, many other crimes.

You have a 'whistleblower' who vanished and had jackshit to back their allegations, despite claiming to 'have proof'.

Our sources are not equal.

You know what's hard to believe? If Biden got 7 million more votes than Trump, why couldn't a decisive victory be declared the day of or within 2 days after the election? Clearly if that was the case he would have had a decisive victory declared within two days.

7 million more and they couldn't tell? Sum Ting Wong.
I'm reminded of when conservatives declared COVID to be fake overhype but wound up killing 1 million Americans.
Leftard governor's did that, asswipe.

Cuomo killed 6000 of them in NY alone.

That piece of leftard pond scum is a MURDERER, brainless one.
I'm trying to imagine if I was a MAGA-Q and had earnest poster's such as quoted below supporting our agenda. Personally, I'd start wondering about that agenda if it couldn't attract a better constituency. You too?

  • Leftard liars are a dime a dozen. Cucked leftard liars are only two cents more.
  • Liberals are lying pond scum.
  • ".....you dumbass fucking leftard LIAR.
  • BULLSHIT. The cops will stand around jerking off
  • Fuck you, you little piece of shit.
  • Fucking leftard idiot.
  • Stupid leftard.
  • You're terminally stupid
Not in the volume seen during COVID.

Again, you don't care because you got the result you wanted. See no evil, find no evil.
Complaining about volume is just an excuse. The magin of victory in 2016 was razor thin but you didn't see the left trying to eliminate Trump votes after the election.

I care that our votes are count. Don't you?
Complaining about volume is just an excuse. The magin of victory in 2016 was razor thin but you didn't see the left trying to eliminate Trump votes after the election.

I care that our votes are count. Don't you?

I want all VALID votes counted, your side doesn't seem to care about the Valid thing.
Those mass harvested votes counted without a Republican witness?
In a few counties he asked for every absentee ballot to be thrown out (but only in democratic counties, not Republican counties despite the fact that his complaint applied statewide, which is just so obvious that he’s engaging in corrupt legal maneuvering). It’s absurd to claim that every absentee voter in a county voted fraudulently. No one actually thinks that.

By asking for new electors to be appointed by the legislature, he asked for everyone’s vote to be thrown out.

You have no problem with throwing out valid votes.
In a few counties he asked for every absentee ballot to be thrown out (but only in democratic counties, not Republican counties despite the fact that his complaint applied statewide, which is just so obvious that he’s engaging in corrupt legal maneuvering). It’s absurd to claim that every absentee voter in a county voted fraudulently. No one actually thinks that.

By asking for new electors to be appointed by the legislature, he asked for everyone’s vote to be thrown out.

You have no problem with throwing out valid votes.

Invalid ballots are hard to find in the situation created by the COVID panic, and denigrate all valid ballots.
Invalid ballots are hard to find in the situation created by the COVID panic, and denigrate all valid ballots.
And throwing out all valid ballots doesn’t denigrate valid ballots?

Jesus Christ. The mental gymnastics.
Who cares.

Liberals are lying pond scum.

They can go suck eggs.

How does it feel to be a member in good standing of the PARTY OF LIARS?
Yawn...thanks for taking the time to say nothing.

Lies! Eggs! Scum! Derp!

Good grief.
The invalid or questionable ballots poison the whole process.

But you got what you wanted, so in the ostrich hole your head goes.
So we are back to your feelings about ballots. You feel like they’re questionable so we just abandon the democratic process.

Is that accurate?
So we are back to your feelings about ballots. You feel like they’re questionable so we just abandon the democratic process.

Is that accurate?

No, we should go to 1 day of voting, 24 hours, and in person unless you are an invalid or out of State.

It should also be a mandated national holiday.

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