Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe: The DOJ Should Refuse to Cooperate with House GOP’s Biden Documents Investigation (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Just goes to show how corrupt the culture of the FBI has become. This traitor is a prime example. He's all about obstruction.

I think we should raid the FBI...kick down their doors......make em do the frog-walk.


Proven traitor Comey, his boss, threw his criminal ass under rhe bus, testifying that it was McCabe illegally leaking classified. Of course this shitbag would be telling 'Johnny Appleseed' not to cooperate. McCabe knows just how fucked Biden is ... or would be if the law was actually followed and criminal politicians were ever punished.
Here's the thing. The Committee is not telling the FBI to manufacture evidence, only to provide what they have. Let the results fall where they may. The fact that they are obstructing tells you all you need to know.

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