Evil Koch Brothers At It Again


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Know what they did this time?

Those inconsiderate Right Wingers went and donated $100 Million Dollars to a Hospital in New York!!

How incredibly inconsiderate of them.

In fact, it was so inconsiderate that some resident lefties decided it had to be -- You know -- Protested

Koch Brother Donates Money to Hospital, Liberals Protest
(Not a Parody)

Koch Brother Donates Money to Hospital, Liberals Protest (Not a Parody) | Washington Free Beacon


The Koch brothers are at it again. Their right-wing political Panzer Division descended on a New York City hospital over the weekend to protest (!) the addition of a new ambulatory care center. What the hell, Koch bros? Why not pro-America?

Sorry. That’s not quite right. In fact, it was the New York State Nurses’ Association, the NAACP New York State Conference, and SEIU Local 1199, among others, who marched on the soon-to-be-built David H. Koch Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, which was funded in part by a $100 million donation from the man one prominent liberal recently predicted would go down in history as a “famously evil person.”

The donation was the largest in the hospital’s history, and will presumably create a fair number of new nursing jobs. So why are the usual suspects up in arms? Well, the agitators were apparently agitated because this particular hospital didn’t need all the money. Oh yeah, and because it was International Women’s Day, and the Kochs are the primary funders of the “war on women’s reproductive rights … and many other issues of concern to American women.” They’re also behind “the effort to defeat and repeal healthcare to all Americans,” whatever that means.

Ben Kallos, the local New York City Council representative, was on hand to shout compelling applause lines such as:


Just to be clear: Kallos is a sitting city council member who attended a protest against the addition of a new hospital care center in the neighborhood he represents because … Koch brothers!


You gotta go to the link.

I mean.... Just go.

dimocraps are what I have always said they are.....
Old dirty Harry is losing it big time

but, they can't use Bush very much anymore so they had to find another boogeyman villain to scare their low information base of voters with...

so now they are resorting to attacking YOU and any citizen of this country

how anyone can belong to this hostile against you (the people in this country) ugly party is beyond me
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I have to wonder about the mentality of those who hate a donor--not an ax murderer or serial killer or international con artist or anything but just some guys blessed with money who use it for as much good as they can but happen to be conservative--but they hate them so much that they would deny a wonderful benefit to the people?
I have to wonder about the mentality of those who hate a donor--not an ax murderer or serial killer or international con artist or anything but just some guys blessed with money who use it for as much good as they can but happen to be conservative--but they hate them so much that they would deny a wonderful benefit to the people?

In fairness, liberals don't grasp the concept. They are used to Obama saying he should pay more taxes then not paying more taxes, Buffett saying he should pay more taxes then hiring an army of accountants to evade paying them by taking his pay as capital gains, Bill Gates saying he should pay more taxes then setting up trust funds to not pay them.

When someone just gives money, they don't object to it so much as they don't grasp the concept.
I have to wonder about the mentality of those who hate a donor--not an ax murderer or serial killer or international con artist or anything but just some guys blessed with money who use it for as much good as they can but happen to be conservative--but they hate them so much that they would deny a wonderful benefit to the people?

I know this was in the book, but when I was in Viet Nam, there was a Village, a Montagnard Village, where we went in and vaccinated a bunch of little kids for small pox. Well, I didn't, the Medics did. I kinda stood around, watching.

And the communists really did come in a few weeks later and chop off a bunch of their arms. Every one they could catch. They killed the Chief and his wife, too. Horribly.

That is a No-Shit story. I saw it. Bunch of little kids running around missing their left arms.

I didn't come by my hatred of leftists by accident. It is well founded.

And they're all the same.
And the communists really did come in a few weeks later and chop off a bunch of their arms. Every one they could catch. They killed the Chief and his wife, too. Horribly.

Are you sure it wasn't John Kerry's unit?
And the communists really did come in a few weeks later and chop off a bunch of their arms. Every one they could catch. They killed the Chief and his wife, too. Horribly.

Are you sure it wasn't John Kerry's unit?

No, he just shot young teenagers in the back and put himself in for Silver Stars for doing it
Careful guys. Admittedly they are in a distinct minority, but we all know some liberals who do actually think and who don't make all decisions based on prejudice, hate, and idiotic partisanship. So don't lump them in with the moonbats. Otherwise we're no better than those who hate the Koch Brothers for absolutely no other reason than they are conservative.
Careful guys. Admittedly they are in a distinct minority, but we all know some liberals who do actually think and who don't make all decisions based on prejudice, hate, and idiotic partisanship. So don't lump them in with the moonbats. Otherwise we're no better than those who hate the Koch Brothers for absolutely no other reason than they are conservative.

I don't.
Liberals would rather people die than take his money.

They want true Americans like Greek billionaires to give money, not fake American billionaires from Kansas.

Well, we all know that Koch Brothers money is tainted and cannot be accepted for the public good! While Soros's money is imbued with goodness and purity so any way it's spent benefits the public!
Careful guys. Admittedly they are in a distinct minority, but we all know some liberals who do actually think and who don't make all decisions based on prejudice, hate, and idiotic partisanship. So don't lump them in with the moonbats. Otherwise we're no better than those who hate the Koch Brothers for absolutely no other reason than they are conservative.

I don't.

Then you haven't read William Raspberry or Michael Kinsley or Camille Paglia or Molly Ivans or any number of thoughtful, intelligent leftwingers who don't buy into the leftwing hatefulness and rhetorical nonsense. And I could introduce you to three or four or so folks who, however misguided because they ARE liberal :), are bright, intelligent, caring, people.
Careful guys. Admittedly they are in a distinct minority, but we all know some liberals who do actually think and who don't make all decisions based on prejudice, hate, and idiotic partisanship. So don't lump them in with the moonbats. Otherwise we're no better than those who hate the Koch Brothers for absolutely no other reason than they are conservative.

I don't.

Then you haven't read William Raspberry or Michael Kinsley or Camille Paglia or Molly Ivans or any number of thoughtful, intelligent leftwingers who don't buy into the leftwing hatefulness and rhetorical nonsense. And I could introduce you to three or four or so folks who, however misguided because they ARE liberal :), are bright, intelligent, caring, people.

I read Bushwhacked because I'd heard that about Molly Ivans. I just found it to be the same typical liberal lack of critical thinking, ad hominem attacks of her opponents and vacuous sweeping statements that the rest of them make.

There is a fundamental difference between my views and liberals. If I get my way, they still get to make their own choices...

Then you haven't read William Raspberry or Michael Kinsley or Camille Paglia or Molly Ivans or any number of thoughtful, intelligent leftwingers who don't buy into the leftwing hatefulness and rhetorical nonsense. And I could introduce you to three or four or so folks who, however misguided because they ARE liberal :), are bright, intelligent, caring, people.

I read Bushwhacked because I'd heard that about Molly Ivans. I just found it to be the same typical liberal lack of critical thinking, ad hominem attacks of her opponents and vacuous sweeping statements that the rest of them make.

There is a fundamental difference between my views and liberals. If I get my way, they still get to make their own choices...

Bushwhacked was to sell a book and it had to be written to appeal to a majority of liberals. So it did. But Molly was also capable of critical thinking and analysis though probably not to the extent of others I mentioned.
Then you haven't read William Raspberry or Michael Kinsley or Camille Paglia or Molly Ivans or any number of thoughtful, intelligent leftwingers who don't buy into the leftwing hatefulness and rhetorical nonsense. And I could introduce you to three or four or so folks who, however misguided because they ARE liberal :), are bright, intelligent, caring, people.

I read Bushwhacked because I'd heard that about Molly Ivans. I just found it to be the same typical liberal lack of critical thinking, ad hominem attacks of her opponents and vacuous sweeping statements that the rest of them make.

There is a fundamental difference between my views and liberals. If I get my way, they still get to make their own choices...

Bushwhacked was to sell a book and it had to be written to appeal to a majority of liberals. So it did. But Molly was also capable of critical thinking and analysis though probably not to the extent of others I mentioned.

Fair enough Fyrefox, that was the only experience I had with the group you mentioned.

A couple of good William Raspberry quotes I found.

“Education is the one best hope black Americans have for a decent future,The civil rights leadership, for all its emphasis on desegregating schools, has done very little to improve them.”

“It’s not racism that’s keeping our children from learning, it’s something much nearer home than that, We need to remember that the most influential resource a child can have is a parent who cares. And we need to admit that sometimes parents are the missing ingredient.”
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Know what they did this time?

Those inconsiderate Right Wingers went and donated $100 Million Dollars to a Hospital in New York!!

How incredibly inconsiderate of them.

In fact, it was so inconsiderate that some resident lefties decided it had to be -- You know -- Protested

Koch Brother Donates Money to Hospital, Liberals Protest
(Not a Parody)

Koch Brother Donates Money to Hospital, Liberals Protest (Not a Parody) | Washington Free Beacon


The Koch brothers are at it again. Their right-wing political Panzer Division descended on a New York City hospital over the weekend to protest (!) the addition of a new ambulatory care center. What the hell, Koch bros? Why not pro-America?

Sorry. That’s not quite right. In fact, it was the New York State Nurses’ Association, the NAACP New York State Conference, and SEIU Local 1199, among others, who marched on the soon-to-be-built David H. Koch Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, which was funded in part by a $100 million donation from the man one prominent liberal recently predicted would go down in history as a “famously evil person.”

The donation was the largest in the hospital’s history, and will presumably create a fair number of new nursing jobs. So why are the usual suspects up in arms? Well, the agitators were apparently agitated because this particular hospital didn’t need all the money. Oh yeah, and because it was International Women’s Day, and the Kochs are the primary funders of the “war on women’s reproductive rights … and many other issues of concern to American women.” They’re also behind “the effort to defeat and repeal healthcare to all Americans,” whatever that means.

Ben Kallos, the local New York City Council representative, was on hand to shout compelling applause lines such as:


Just to be clear: Kallos is a sitting city council member who attended a protest against the addition of a new hospital care center in the neighborhood he represents because … Koch brothers!


You gotta go to the link.

I mean.... Just go.

dimocraps are what I have always said they are.....

The dumbo Democrats never miss a chance to make fools of themselves!

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