Evidence Suggests the Hillary Clinton Team Created Dossier Was Provided to Steele, then Kerry’s..


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
That wouldn't surprise me a bit. That's just the kind of dirty trick that Hillary is known for.

Former Clinton friend and advisor, Dick Morris suggested in February 2018 that the Steele dossier might have been made up by the Clintons and that Steele was only used to provide it some credibility:

“The reason Hillary hired Fusion [GPS] is because she needed someone more credible than Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer to float these charges,” Morris alleges.

Just as the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee used intermediaries in financing the Steele dossier to keep its fingerprints off a document styled as intelligence and not opposition research, Shearer allegedly used the tactic of laundering to ensure that his information looked as though coming from a clean source rather than a political dirty trickster.

In April 2018 Real Clear Politics reported that they had received a 2nd copy of the Steele dossier that came from individuals related to the Clintons.

In late September 2016, Sidney Blumenthal, a close Clinton confidant and colleague of Shearer’s, passed Shearer’s dossier on to State Department official Jonathan M. Winer, a longtime aide to John Kerry on Capitol Hill and at Foggy Bottom.

According to Winer’s account in a Feb. 8, 2018 Washington Post op-ed, he shared the contents of the Shearer dossier with the author of the first dossier, ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who submitted part of it to the FBI to further substantiate his own investigation into the Trump campaign.
You guys are really fighting a really worn old battle of propaganda. POTUS thanks you for your support!
That wouldn't surprise me a bit. That's just the kind of dirty trick that Hillary is known for.

Former Clinton friend and advisor, Dick Morris suggested in February 2018 that the Steele dossier might have been made up by the Clintons and that Steele was only used to provide it some credibility:

“The reason Hillary hired Fusion [GPS] is because she needed someone more credible than Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer to float these charges,” Morris alleges.

Just as the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee used intermediaries in financing the Steele dossier to keep its fingerprints off a document styled as intelligence and not opposition research, Shearer allegedly used the tactic of laundering to ensure that his information looked as though coming from a clean source rather than a political dirty trickster.

In April 2018 Real Clear Politics reported that they had received a 2nd copy of the Steele dossier that came from individuals related to the Clintons.

In late September 2016, Sidney Blumenthal, a close Clinton confidant and colleague of Shearer’s, passed Shearer’s dossier on to State Department official Jonathan M. Winer, a longtime aide to John Kerry on Capitol Hill and at Foggy Bottom.

According to Winer’s account in a Feb. 8, 2018 Washington Post op-ed, he shared the contents of the Shearer dossier with the author of the first dossier, ex-British spy Christopher Steele, who submitted part of it to the FBI to further substantiate his own investigation into the Trump campaign.
She is a dirty old fraud, but so is the US Intelligence Community heads that pushed this fraud on FISC in order to spy on American Political Opponents.

The Dossier claims that Millian is some sort of a Trump Insider, but, according to Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, there was just one meeting, a photo op of the kind Trump, a global celebrity, had done thousands of times. Cohen denied Millian’s claims of a personal and professional relationship with Trump as well as a working relationship with him. (Cohen says he never met Millian but did email him warnings to stop exaggerating his ties to the Trump Organization.) No, Cohen is not the world’s most reliable source, convicted as he is of fraud and false statements. But he was right to contend that no publicly known evidence supports Millian’s claims of close Trump ties. Further, Millian’s representations have been contradictory. When challenged on his purported work as a Trump real-estate agent, he admitted to never actually having represented Trump. Significantly, Millian acknowledges that he was not with Trump during the 2013 Moscow trip. And upon being exposed as an indirect Steele source, Millian dismissed the dossier as “fake news (created by sick minds).”

So Millian denies the pee-tape story, and it seems evident that he was not a “close associate” of Trump’s. No investigator who had interviewed Millian, or who had even questioned Steele in any depth about him, would have dared to rely on information Steele had sourced to him. And the night-and-day difference between Steele’s description of Millian’s connection to Trump and the reality of it would have induced any qualified FBI agent to pause until all of Steele’s allegations — not just the ones about Millian — could be carefully investigated. But it gets worse — much worse. Millian was not just a key source on the pee tape. He appears to be the source of Steele’s core claim:

There was a well-developed conspiracy of cooperation between [Trump] and the Russian leadership. This was managed on the Trump side by the Republican candidate’s manager, Paul Manafort, who was using foreign policy advisor Carter Page and others as intermediaries.

Mind you, it’s not just that Steele was not in direct contact with Millian, or that Millian lacked the kind of relationship with Trump that would have enabled him to know of such a conspiratorial arrangement. Both Manafort and Page were available for interview by the FBI. In fact, they had both been interviewed on a number of occasions — Manafort in connection with his work for a Ukrainian political party; Page when he cooperated with the government’s prosecution of Russian spies (and while Manafort has now been convicted of fraud, the FBI has never accused Page of lying). Upon questioning them, an agent could easily have learned that they say they do not know each other, and that there was no evidence to the contrary. They were both on Trump’s campaign, but their roles did not intersect: Manafort, the chairman, focused on GOP convention delegates; Page was a tangential, low-level foreign-policy adviser.

Steele’s Shoddy Dossier | National Review
You guys are really fighting a really worn old battle of propaganda. POTUS thanks you for your support!
Do you think they actually believe this crap?
Yeah, they do. Multiply by 10, the Trump Tribe.
Don't you have to screech about TRUMP RUSSIAN COLLUSION!!!! now?
Right now we're discussing the gullibility of tarump supporters. Well get to Russian collusion later.
You guys are really fighting a really worn old battle of propaganda. POTUS thanks you for your support!
Do you think they actually believe this crap?
Yeah, they do. Multiply by 10, the Trump Tribe.
Don't you have to screech about TRUMP RUSSIAN COLLUSION!!!! now?
Right now we're discussing the gullibility of tarump supporters. Well get to Russian collusion later.
I am gullible, in a way. I'm swayed by reality.

Your mileage may -- and unquestionably does -- vary.
You guys are really fighting a really worn old battle of propaganda. POTUS thanks you for your support!
Do you think they actually believe this crap?
Yeah, they do. Multiply by 10, the Trump Tribe.
Don't you have to screech about TRUMP RUSSIAN COLLUSION!!!! now?
Right now we're discussing the gullibility of tarump supporters. Well get to Russian collusion later.
I am gullible, in a way. I'm swayed by reality.

Your mileage may -- and unquestionably does -- vary.
You have, at best, a tenuous grip on reality.

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