EVIDENCE: Official Monitor in Machine-Hack Michigan Saw 130,000, 100% Biden Votes Arrive in Van


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Anytime the media starts in unison with one word MUH MUH MUH NO EVIDENCE you can bet there is plenty of evidence. They are just programming their sheep with what they are supposed to say. Start every post you make now with the word EVIDENCE.

EVIDENCE: Official Monitor in Machine-Hack Michigan Saw 130,000, 100% Biden Votes Arrive in Van at 4 a.m.


It is no longer about Biden or Trump, folks. It is about our democracy. Forget Biden. Forget Trump. What is taking place should be terrifying to every American.
Machine-Hack Michigan back in the news. The media’s settled buzzwords are “Trump no evidence.” But you would need to be blind not to see evidence of major election theft.
The interesting thing about the following witness is she corroborates the allegation made by others, being furiously “debunked” by the media which has crowned Biden, that over 130,000 votes were added to Biden’s Michigan (also Wisconsin) totals at around 4 a.m. Wednesday morning.

Even in the most liberal cities, there are always red voters, even if they are vastly outnumbered. In 2016 in the bluest part of deep blue Philadelphia, Hillary got 85% of the vote to Trump’s 15%. 100% of all votes for one person is simply mathematically impossible. In 2016 in Detroit Trump still pulled about a quarter of the vote.

People like myself who were up at that time remember clearly Trump’s lead suddenly erased, and the insomniac blogosphere going wild.

The New York Times “debunk” lectures the dumb hillbillies in “No, Joe Biden Wasn’t Suddenly Awarded 138,000 Votes in Michigan.”:

“In reality, Mr. Biden didn’t receive those votes. They were briefly added to his unofficial totals on an election map because of a typo in a small Michigan county that was caught and corrected in roughly half an hour.”

Do they mean Antrim County? Where an erroneous 60%- 40% flip to Biden was caught, and had to be flipped back to Trump when the ballots were counted by hand? What’s that got to do with anything?

Note, one of the vehicles arriving with the van was a Ferrari. Who are these people?

Original story at Gateway Pundit. Click here if video censored below.
Ghetto areas cannot dictate our destiny as a country. Fake News DNC/MSM is one thing. Fake elections is something totally different. American citizens died for freedom and democracy and individuals tampering with our liberty are domestic terrorists.
Ghetto areas cannot dictate our destiny as a country. Fake News DNC/MSM is one thing. Fake elections is something totally different. American citizens died for freedom and democracy and individuals tampering with our liberty are domestic terrorists.
Perhaps it's time for another shipment of COVID 19 infected 40oz malt liquor bottles to Detroit?
USA is a banana republic
This is a fake nation and we must break this mother F up into 50 nations
Millions of fake ballots just appear out of thin air and all for Biden lol
F this nation
Burn it down
The media actually believes it is some type of ministry of truth.

That is not so, they are professional liars and nothing more. They haven't reported a single thing regarding the election honestly. Once this is over they need to be held accountable.
USA is a banana republic
This is a fake nation and we must break this mother F up into 50 nations
Don't panic here! The problem lays within the DEEP STATE/bureaucrats. Government bureaucrats are for the most part lefties. That's WHY you are seeing corruption within the *USPS*, courts, legislature like all of it. Just stay married up with the constitutionalists & we do the best we can to prevent the Republic from collapsing. This is a religious war. Statists/communalists/lefties/social liberals, fascists/marxists(all the same) what ever you want to call them, statist left RELIGION = belief as belief = RELIGION = believer.
You/me are of a different religion called the constitutionally based right. You MAY identify as Conservative? I identify as a Classical Liberal as did brother Tom Jefferson & Ron Paul. You/me are fighting for the same religion = belief system of CONSTITUTIONALLY BASED INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY along with millions of other Americans. I mean you & me are far from being alone in this fight. Remember prez Trump WON as I have been predicting for months. The ballot tampering was an attempt to give the ILLUSION that prez Trump lost which everyone in the country knows he didn't.
Anytime the media starts in unison with one word MUH MUH MUH NO EVIDENCE you can bet there is plenty of evidence. They are just programming their sheep with what they are supposed to say. Start every post you make now with the word EVIDENCE.

EVIDENCE: Official Monitor in Machine-Hack Michigan Saw 130,000, 100% Biden Votes Arrive in Van at 4 a.m.


It is no longer about Biden or Trump, folks. It is about our democracy. Forget Biden. Forget Trump. What is taking place should be terrifying to every American.
Machine-Hack Michigan back in the news. The media’s settled buzzwords are “Trump no evidence.” But you would need to be blind not to see evidence of major election theft.
The interesting thing about the following witness is she corroborates the allegation made by others, being furiously “debunked” by the media which has crowned Biden, that over 130,000 votes were added to Biden’s Michigan (also Wisconsin) totals at around 4 a.m. Wednesday morning.

Even in the most liberal cities, there are always red voters, even if they are vastly outnumbered. In 2016 in the bluest part of deep blue Philadelphia, Hillary got 85% of the vote to Trump’s 15%. 100% of all votes for one person is simply mathematically impossible. In 2016 in Detroit Trump still pulled about a quarter of the vote.

People like myself who were up at that time remember clearly Trump’s lead suddenly erased, and the insomniac blogosphere going wild.

The New York Times “debunk” lectures the dumb hillbillies in “No, Joe Biden Wasn’t Suddenly Awarded 138,000 Votes in Michigan.”:

“In reality, Mr. Biden didn’t receive those votes. They were briefly added to his unofficial totals on an election map because of a typo in a small Michigan county that was caught and corrected in roughly half an hour.”​
Do they mean Antrim County? Where an erroneous 60%- 40% flip to Biden was caught, and had to be flipped back to Trump when the ballots were counted by hand? What’s that got to do with anything?

Note, one of the vehicles arriving with the van was a Ferrari. Who are these people?

Original story at Gateway Pundit. Click here if video censored below.

How Democrats cheated in the Presidential Election

When the Presidential Election started, the very first thing the media did was block all of Donald Trump’s tweets. Blocking Donald Trump’s tweets is taking President Trump’s first amendment right away, the freedom of speech. President Trump is unable to defend himself against the media and unable to change the United States people’s prescription about him. On election day, Tuesday November 3, President Trump was winning the popular vote and looked like he was going to take the election. However, overnight when everyone was sleeping Joe Biden received around 200 thousand votes and President Trump received 0 votes. It is not possible that. Joe Biden revived this many votes and President Trump did not even get one vote and this is a sign of voter fraud. These 200 thousand votes gave Joe Biden the lead over President Trump.
Other signs of voter fraud were seen in the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and some other states. In Wisconsin and Michigan, both states that President Trump were winning, There was a complete vertical line seen in the graph of both states. This is hundreds of thousands votes happening in a one second period at the exact same time. These vertical lines gave Joe Biden the lead of President Trump in both these states. This is a sign of voter fraud because it is impossible to have this many votes counted at the exact same time (the graph is shown down below). Michigan and Wisconsin also had more votes that were counted then people were registered to vote. This is more evidence of voter fraud and why these two states are going to be recounted.
In Pennsylvania people were spotted throwing ballets in the garbage can, and all of these votes were for President Trump. Also in Pennsylvania and a few other states voters were given. a sharpie marker to fill out their ballet. Democrats knew that most Democrats would fill their vote out by mail and most Republicans would fill it out in person and that the sharpie marker would ruin the ballet. Markers are not supposed to be used to fill out the ballet and cause more voter fraud to happen. Because of this Pennsylvania turned blue for Joe Biden with only one percent of the votes remaining to count.
The media is manipulating the United States people into thinking that Trump is a terrible person. For example, on CNN News John King said, “Trump was terrible during the virus.” However, CNN is gatekeeping information about Trump immediately stopping global trade after finding out about the pandemic. Through this whole week CNN was constantly talking about Joe Biden and how he was going to win the election and constantly bring down President Trump. CNN and other media sources call Donald Trump a racist and the media does this to get the black vote. However, the media gatekeeps information about how President Trump helped the black community by having the lowest African American unemployment, poverty, and crime rate in history during Donald Trump’s four years of presidency.
During the presidential election the media also shows a picture of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. In Joe Biden’s picture they make him look all happy, positive, bright and suit for presidency. President Trump’s picture makes him look dark, menacing, and evil (the picture is shown down below). The media is trying to make Joe Biden look presidential and want the people who have not voted yet to vote for Joe Biden.

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