Everytown Calls for More Gun Control Following Charlottesville CAR Attack


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Everytown Calls for More Gun Control Following Charlottesville Car Attack - Breitbart

'On August 12, Everytown for Gun Safety pushed for more gun control in connection with the Charlottesville, Virginia, rally where attendees were attacked with a CAR.

Again, one person was killed and 19 injured in a CAR attack in Charlottesville. Guns were not used. But Everytown is using the violence to push gun control.'

...makes perfect sense....TO A SNOWFLAKE.

perhaps a good guy (unlikely one there that day) with a gun could have stopped the bad guy with a car
Proof of how mindless liberals are: guns had nothing to do with Heather Heifer getting a much needed appetite suppressant; I'm fairly certain she won't be eating anymore.
This is what you call liberal logic. A goof ball took a gun and killed several members of a black church. So the left went after confederate flags.

And you want these people in charge of your healthcare????
I still believe the car name "Dodge" is legally false advertising because it was something the Antifa Hungry Hippo was incapable of doing.

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