Everyone agree that crazy people should not own guns?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.
Absolutely. Crazy people should be barred the ownership of ANY weapon. And in certain cases they should be locked away because they absolutely WILL find a way to harm people.
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.

You are a moron. People taking anti depressants are not crazy. People with learning disabilities are not crazy. As for crazy it is already illegal. The requirement is that competent authority ( usually a Judge) must make such a ruling. You remember how our system works right? Innocent till proven guilty, right to face your accusers and to a day in court?
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.

'so called "crazy people" do not commit violent crimes at any higher rate than the general population..
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.

Anyone who is suspected of having a mental illness, or is being treated for one, should not be allowed to purchase a gun.
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.
Did alcohol prohibition stop people who wanted to drink from obtaining booze?

Recreational drug prohibition has been so vigorously enforced it's brought us to the doorstep of a police state, yet any drug one wishes to buy is available within ten miles of any inhabited place in the U.S.

Do you really believe laws could prevent anyone who really wants to buy a gun, and has the cash to do so, from obtaining one? The only effect a general gun ban would have is to create another black market and increase the prices. And only the outlaws will have guns.

Where guns in America are concerned, the toothpaste is out of the tube. Nothing short of gestapo-style police state tactics could disarm our population. The best approach to the gun situation is to eliminate all gun laws and let the shit hit the fan. And when the smoke clears we'll have an armed and very polite society.
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.

Anyone who is suspected of having a mental illness, or is being treated for one, should not be allowed to purchase a gun.

Thats madness...a large number of active duty soldiers are on psych meds
cops...firemen...the shit is epidemic...every things a mental illness...clearly someone in psychosis..be it buying guns or whatever warrants an intervention for their safety and others but to say.."Anyone who is suspected of having a mental illness, or is being treated for one "....is..uh..mental

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFhm-xhQocM&feature=related]Diagnostic & Statistical Manual: Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam - YouTube[/ame]
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Absolutely. Crazy people should be barred the ownership of ANY weapon. And in certain cases they should be locked away because they absolutely WILL find a way to harm people.

That sounds a little paranoid...your on the list

Far from it. However there are some personality traits that are indicative of a persons future behavior. My wife is a PhD psychologist who is very liberal and even she says that sociopaths should be locked up forever. Just as pedophiles will 100% of the time commit further acts, so too will a sociopath.
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.

Anyone who is suspected of having a mental illness, or is being treated for one, should not be allowed to purchase a gun.

Should people who are suspected of being crazy not be allowed to talk, or vote?
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.

Absolutely. Crazy people should be barred the ownership of ANY weapon. And in certain cases they should be locked away because they absolutely WILL find a way to harm people.

That sounds a little paranoid...your on the list

Far from it. However there are some personality traits that are indicative of a persons future behavior. My wife is a who is very liberal and even she says that sociopaths should be locked up forever. Just as pedophiles will 100% of the time commit further acts, so too will a sociopath.

well criminal sociopaths should be locked up according to there crimes most certainly and they are but many people who display traits indicative to a sociopaths that are celebrated ceos and in politics..failed sociopaths commit crimes like murder and end up behind bars, successfully sociopths stay free and financially and emotionally exploit people...if your wife is a
PhD psychologist..she would know this and she would also understand the problem with a generic statement like saying.. anyone suspected of having a mental illness should be banned from gun ownership
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.

Anyone who is suspected of having a mental illness, or is being treated for one, should not be allowed to purchase a gun.

Maybe that's how it works in the Dictatorship of Australia, where all the ignorant little slaveys tolerate being treated like government possessions; but in the United States, our citizens are human beings with rights, which can't just be violated because someone "suspects" they should be.

One reason I object to ignorant twits like you automatically assuming that murder = crazy is exactly this sort of stigma and discrimination against people who are sick and, by and large, completely harmless. Very few mentally ill people are actually dangerous to themselves or others, and we already have laws to deal with that. The problem here is that the people who are responsible for alerting the system to these few dangerous people often don't do their jobs.
Absolutely. Crazy people should be barred the ownership of ANY weapon. And in certain cases they should be locked away because they absolutely WILL find a way to harm people.

That sounds a little paranoid...your on the list

Far from it. However there are some personality traits that are indicative of a persons future behavior. My wife is a PhD psychologist who is very liberal and even she says that sociopaths should be locked up forever. Just as pedophiles will 100% of the time commit further acts, so too will a sociopath.

You know that there are quite a few people who meet the description of "sociopath" but never commit violent crimes, right? Your wife should know better than to make such broad, sweeping generalizations.
The Virginia Tech shooter was crazy and everyone knew it. Instead of an arrest record the local Police managed to force him in to psychiatric counseling. Through a glitch in the Va. law psychiatric counseling did not show up on the instant name check and the shooter was able to "legally" purchase guns despite the fact that the University was scared to death of him. The Batman shooter was a disturbed individual who's psychiatrist was apparently so alarmed that he warned the schools he attended that he was dangerous and yet he was apparently able to "legally" purchase weapons because the liberal establishment has set the rules so that society has no defense against nut cases. It might seem harsh but I think it is reasonable that drug prescriptions for depression or learning disabilities or behavior problems or any other mental problem be entered in a data base only accessed by Law Enforcement and those people be restricted from ever purchasing a firearm.

Anyone who is suspected of having a mental illness, or is being treated for one, should not be allowed to purchase a gun.

Should people who are suspected of being crazy not be allowed to talk, or vote?

Does voting have the potential to cause death?
Anyone who is suspected of having a mental illness, or is being treated for one, should not be allowed to purchase a gun.

According to statistics one out of four Americans has been treated for some kind of 'mental illness' as you put it. And another two out of four could benefit from psychiatric treament. So basically you're saying three quarters of the current gun owners shouldn't be allowed to own them. Yeah I can see how liberals would love that.
Anyone who is suspected of having a mental illness, or is being treated for one, should not be allowed to purchase a gun.

According to statistics one out of four Americans has been treated for some kind of 'mental illness' as you put it. And another two out of four could benefit from psychiatric treament. So basically you're saying three quarters of the current gun owners shouldn't be allowed to own them. Yeah I can see how liberals would love that.

That would be fair. Someone who has depression could use the gun to shoot themselves. Someone who has an illness causing a threat to society should not be allowed to have a gun because they have the potential to do harm to others.

You guys are truly nuts, and will see a lot more mass shootings if you allow the mentally ill to get their hands on firearms.

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