Everybody Needs To Know What A POS Bloomberg Is


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women
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He undid all the great things that Giuliani did, who reduced crime rates, cleaned up Times Square, and that's just for beginners, and he brought back great pride to the NYPD.
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Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

I can’t understand why he would ever pick Hellary. She wouldn’t help him on the ticket. Buttigieg or Booker would be better picks if he wants to attract voters that don’t already support him. Hellary adds nothing to the ticket.

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

I can’t understand why he would ever pick Hellary. She wouldn’t help him on the ticket. Buttigieg or Booker would be better picks if he wants to attract voters that don’t already support him. Hellary adds nothing to the ticket.

Hillary adds scandal after scandal and suicide.

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

Bloomberg was a good mayor, he will make a great President

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

I'm sure for every fact we point out on Bloomberg, Obama, or Hillary....the corrupt media has a fake manufactured story of how Trump is just as bad. Problem with that is it's hogwash. One of the women that is filing a lawsuit against Bloomberg worked for both of them....and she said Trump was a great boss, while Bloomberg was a pig.

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

I'm sure for every fact we point out on Bloomberg, Obama, or Hillary....the corrupt media has a fake manufactured story of how Trump is just as bad. Problem with that is it's hogwash. One of the women that is filing a lawsuit against Bloomberg worked for both of them....and she said Trump was a great boss, while Bloomberg was a pig.

Oh you are one of those who really believes Trump's innocent of all he is accused of? Most of the people on your side know he's a slimeball they just don't care. You actually believe he's not a slimeball. Got it. LOL

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

Why would people who claim to stand for family values so uncritically support a thrice-married man who set up complex legal arrangements to cover up multiple affairs throughout his current marriage? Because they believe God is making America great again through an imperfect human agent. And like any true believers, they will not be moved. Think about evangelicals during slavery days. How could they call themselves good Christians at the same time they were enslaving other humans?

Trump is far from the first person to feed us this lie. In the 19th century, when black and white people built a moral movement in America to abolish slavery, plantation owners paid preachers to write theological defenses of white supremacy and the people in the bible belt swallowed it.

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

I'm sure for every fact we point out on Bloomberg, Obama, or Hillary....the corrupt media has a fake manufactured story of how Trump is just as bad. Problem with that is it's hogwash. One of the women that is filing a lawsuit against Bloomberg worked for both of them....and she said Trump was a great boss, while Bloomberg was a pig.

Oh you are one of those who really believes Trump's innocent of all he is accused of? Most of the people on your side know he's a slimeball they just don't care. You actually believe he's not a slimeball. Got it. LOL

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

Why would people who claim to stand for family values so uncritically support a thrice-married man who set up complex legal arrangements to cover up multiple affairs throughout his current marriage? Because they believe God is making America great again through an imperfect human agent. And like any true believers, they will not be moved. Think about evangelicals during slavery days. How could they call themselves good Christians at the same time they were enslaving other humans?

Trump is far from the first person to feed us this lie. In the 19th century, when black and white people built a moral movement in America to abolish slavery, plantation owners paid preachers to write theological defenses of white supremacy and the people in the bible belt swallowed it.

Details, please!!!!!!!!!

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

The downward slide began with bill clinton

Bush41 was an elitist who was out of touch with the common man

but he had high standards of conduct that succeeding presidents lacked

clinton the sex fiend

bush the reformed drunk

obama to his credit was neither of those and for the most part his private indiscretions have remained private

and now trump who often tweets the wrong thing or a president but does more for the common man that the previous 3 slugs put together

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

says the guy who sells pot illegally in a legal state.....

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

Certainly is a sucker born every minute.....:71:
We have middle class and lower class workers working until exhaustion to barely scrape by just fervently backing billionaire candidates who in no way can relate to them yet the trend continues. It's crazy.

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

I can’t understand why he would ever pick Hellary. She wouldn’t help him on the ticket. Buttigieg or Booker would be better picks if he wants to attract voters that don’t already support him. Hellary adds nothing to the ticket.

He thinks she would

Bloomberg/Hillary......that would be some ticket.

More like two peas in a pod.

I remember what Bloomberg was like when he was mayor of New York City.

Now that he's running for national office....it appears that the worst they can say about Trump pales in comparison to this guy. That seems like a stretch....but some women who have worked for Trump and Bloomberg will set us straight on who is the real pig among their former bosses.

Bloomberg would be wise not to pick Hillary if he knows what's good for him. Personally, I'm not sure he really wants to be bothered with being president. My guess is so much would come out on him, after Hillary agreed to run with him, that could destroy his candidacy that he would be forced to withdraw, which would leave Hillary as the only person left on the ticket. She wouldn't have to suicide him. She could just undermine him with her friends in the media

Here are some of the little Bloomberg idiosyncrasies that have come out so far:

  • He thinks taxes are a great way to control poor people's eating habits, thus forcing them to eat more healthy
  • He says that being a farmer in no more difficult than digging a hole, putting seed in the hole, and covering it up
  • He tells jokes to pregnant employees about killing the kid in their belly
  • He says nobody wants to take away people's guns, but then immediately says he targets specific individuals to take away their guns
  • He once suggested that a group of saleswomen should all line up and give his friend oral sex before his wedding as a wedding gift
  • Much of his wealth was dependent on his agreement not to publish any negative stories about China

BREAKING: Lawsuits Against Bloomberg Unearthed Disturbing Allegations From Women

You can't argue that Bloomberg is a pig when you are voting for Trump. This is what we meant when we said you Trumpsters have lowered the bar. Now even us liberals will take a stop and frisk womanizing billionaire. Hell, we won't even care when he breaks the law. Better than having a Republican in the white house. They're all corrupt and Trumps the most corrupt president ever.

Trump's unmatched sleaze: Grifters, women, trampling Constitution and now G-7 at Doral
We've never had a president like Donald Trump. He falls into every single sleaze category, from women to profiteering to attacking the Bill of Rights.

On corruption and sleaze, Donald Trump is first among US presidents

We’ve had presidents who were used by members of their own family for personal gain, like Ulysses S. Grant.

We’ve had presidents who stocked their Cabinet with greedy, self-serving mediocrities who took advantage of the public trust, like Warren G. Harding.

We’ve had presidents who swore to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution, only to then abuse it, like Richard Nixon.

And we’ve had presidents who, thanks to a presumptive sense of entitlement, lived slimy private lives, using countless women before tossing them aside — Harding again, plus John F. Kennedy and Bill Clinton.

President Donald Trump falls into every single sleazy category, squarely and shamelessly. Just Thursday, we learned that he'll hold next year's Group of Seven meeting (with leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom) at his own Doral golf resort in Miami.

It’s the latest example of how Trump, who never divested from his businesses, continues to make millions from them. It’s also the latest reminder that he constantly violates the Constitution’s emoluments clause, which is supposed to ban presidents from accepting money from foreign governments. This while the House is in the middle of an impeachment inquiry and there are two lawsuits pending over the emoluments clause.

Unconstitutional:G-7 at Trump's Doral resort? The original sin of this presidency is failure to divest

And the emoluments clause hasn’t stopped diplomats, representatives of government-owned businesses and other foreign visitors from buying his properties and running up big tabs at his resorts and hotels. That's stuffing cash, albeit indirectly, into Trump's pocket.

Meantime, finger-pointing at Hunter Biden diverts media attention — a time-honored Trump tactic — from his own children's brazen exploitation of their father’s office. As Bloomberg's Stephanie Baker notes, they "have continued working with foreign business partners from Dubai to Indonesia and India while their father sits in the White House." First daughter Ivanka and hubby Jared Kushner raked in an estimated $82 million in 2017 alone, records show.

“Time and again,” notes the Los Angeles Times, “Trump’s children have blurred the lines of family, nation and business — essentially the charge the president makes against the Bidens.”

I'm sure for every fact we point out on Bloomberg, Obama, or Hillary....the corrupt media has a fake manufactured story of how Trump is just as bad. Problem with that is it's hogwash. One of the women that is filing a lawsuit against Bloomberg worked for both of them....and she said Trump was a great boss, while Bloomberg was a pig.

Oh you are one of those who really believes Trump's innocent of all he is accused of? Most of the people on your side know he's a slimeball they just don't care. You actually believe he's not a slimeball. Got it. LOL

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

Why would people who claim to stand for family values so uncritically support a thrice-married man who set up complex legal arrangements to cover up multiple affairs throughout his current marriage? Because they believe God is making America great again through an imperfect human agent. And like any true believers, they will not be moved. Think about evangelicals during slavery days. How could they call themselves good Christians at the same time they were enslaving other humans?

Trump is far from the first person to feed us this lie. In the 19th century, when black and white people built a moral movement in America to abolish slavery, plantation owners paid preachers to write theological defenses of white supremacy and the people in the bible belt swallowed it.

Oh.....Stormy Daniels...lol...Michael Avanetti......
Strange....for some reason the lawyer that made that claim just got convicted of extortion that could get him 42 years in the federal pen.
He made the mistake of trying to extort millions from a company which is now a liberal favorite, Nike.

And when will you dumb-asses stop using criminal behavior of Democrats as an excuse to criticize Republicans?
You know....the party that brought us the Civil War and Jim Crow, amongst other things.

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