Everybody can see what's coming, right?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
The handwriting was on the wall when Dear Leader banished Mick Mulvaney to Ireland in favor of Mark Meadows, he of Freedom Caucus fame. The group of ideological extremists in the House responsible for, among other things, burning down the bipartisan compromise bill on immigration reform that passed in the Senate.

Meadows is just the guy Crazy Donald (he's been acting particularly odd lately) needs to facilitate (Billy the Bagman too) something President Flim Flam has been wanting to do ever since sine he took office. Namely, corrupt the DOJ so completely he can use it to investigate his political enemies.

After all, it's what authoritarian leaders all around the world do. And we know what an affinity he has for them.

Never mind that when asked to give details about the thinly veiled threats he has made under the heading of the amorphous term "Obamagate," the Conman-in-Chief has been unable to do so. Perhaps because the Bagman has been busy orchestrating a fabricated pile of shit to justify letting the confessed, convicted felon Mike Flynn walk away Scot-free.

Can it possibly be a coincidence that the Orange Messiah wants to embark on an exercise in political Kabuki theater now? Now, when he is in desperate need of a huge distraction from his completely failed leadership in planning for and then reacting to the COVID outbreak he was so vigorously warned about in the early part of 2020?

The depths of depravity Don has already taken us to are horrific. They are so self-evident as to not require delineation. Using influence over the DOJ to give special treatment to convicted felons with which he has a personal relationship is bad enough. If he does what is threatening to do he will have violated one of the last, vital, core principles that separates democracies from dictatorships.

Personally, I think it's a bluff. I think he just wants to blow enough smoke to create a diversion of attention away from COVID. Goodness knows he has every reason to believe it will work. The Following believes every lie coming out of his mouth and in his support he has the greatest propaganda machine the world has ever since headed by Faux, conservative talk radio, and a plethora of websites spewing copious amounts of horseshit 24/7.
The handwriting was on the wall when Dear Leader banished Mick Mulvaney to Ireland in favor of Mark Meadows, he of Freedom Caucus fame. The group of ideological extremists in the House responsible for, among other things, burning down the bipartisan compromise bill on immigration reform that passed in the Senate.

Meadows is just the guy Crazy Donald (he's been acting particularly odd lately) needs to facilitate (Billy the Bagman too) something President Flim Flam has been wanting to do ever since sine he took office. Namely, corrupt the DOJ so completely he can use it to investigate his political enemies.

After all, it's what authoritarian leaders all around the world do. And we know what an affinity he has for them.

Never mind that when asked to give details about the thinly veiled threats he has made under the heading of the amorphous term "Obamagate," the Conman-in-Chief has been unable to do so. Perhaps because the Bagman has been busy orchestrating a fabricated pile of shit to justify letting the confessed, convicted felon Mike Flynn walk away Scot-free.

Can it possibly be a coincidence that the Orange Messiah wants to embark on an exercise in political Kabuki theater now? Now, when he is in desperate need of a huge distraction from his completely failed leadership in planning for and then reacting to the COVID outbreak he was so vigorously warned about in the early part of 2020?

The depths of depravity Don has already taken us to are horrific. They are so self-evident as to not require delineation. Using influence over the DOJ to give special treatment to convicted felons with which he has a personal relationship is bad enough. If he does what is threatening to do he will have violated one of the last, vital, core principles that separates democracies from dictatorships.

Personally, I think it's a bluff. I think he just wants to blow enough smoke to create a diversion of attention away from COVID. Goodness knows he has every reason to believe it will work. The Following believes every lie coming out of his mouth and in his support he has the greatest propaganda machine the world has ever since headed by Faux, conservative talk radio, and a plethora of websites spewing copious amounts of horseshit 24/7.

The handwriting was on the wall when Dear Leader banished Mick Mulvaney to Ireland in favor of Mark Meadows, he of Freedom Caucus fame. The group of ideological extremists in the House responsible for, among other things, burning down the bipartisan compromise bill on immigration reform that passed in the Senate.

Meadows is just the guy Crazy Donald (he's been acting particularly odd lately) needs to facilitate (Billy the Bagman too) something President Flim Flam has been wanting to do ever since sine he took office. Namely, corrupt the DOJ so completely he can use it to investigate his political enemies.

After all, it's what authoritarian leaders all around the world do. And we know what an affinity he has for them.

Never mind that when asked to give details about the thinly veiled threats he has made under the heading of the amorphous term "Obamagate," the Conman-in-Chief has been unable to do so. Perhaps because the Bagman has been busy orchestrating a fabricated pile of shit to justify letting the confessed, convicted felon Mike Flynn walk away Scot-free.

Can it possibly be a coincidence that the Orange Messiah wants to embark on an exercise in political Kabuki theater now? Now, when he is in desperate need of a huge distraction from his completely failed leadership in planning for and then reacting to the COVID outbreak he was so vigorously warned about in the early part of 2020?

The depths of depravity Don has already taken us to are horrific. They are so self-evident as to not require delineation. Using influence over the DOJ to give special treatment to convicted felons with which he has a personal relationship is bad enough. If he does what is threatening to do he will have violated one of the last, vital, core principles that separates democracies from dictatorships.

Personally, I think it's a bluff. I think he just wants to blow enough smoke to create a diversion of attention away from COVID. Goodness knows he has every reason to believe it will work. The Following believes every lie coming out of his mouth and in his support he has the greatest propaganda machine the world has ever since headed by Faux, conservative talk radio, and a plethora of websites spewing copious amounts of horseshit 24/7.
As big a heap of incomprehensible word salad as anything ever posted by mascale....I don't think that even a moonbat-to-English decoder ring could make sense of it.
The handwriting was on the wall when Dear Leader banished Mick Mulvaney to Ireland in favor of Mark Meadows, he of Freedom Caucus fame. The group of ideological extremists in the House responsible for, among other things, burning down the bipartisan compromise bill on immigration reform that passed in the Senate.

Meadows is just the guy Crazy Donald (he's been acting particularly odd lately) needs to facilitate (Billy the Bagman too) something President Flim Flam has been wanting to do ever since sine he took office. Namely, corrupt the DOJ so completely he can use it to investigate his political enemies.

After all, it's what authoritarian leaders all around the world do. And we know what an affinity he has for them.

Never mind that when asked to give details about the thinly veiled threats he has made under the heading of the amorphous term "Obamagate," the Conman-in-Chief has been unable to do so. Perhaps because the Bagman has been busy orchestrating a fabricated pile of shit to justify letting the confessed, convicted felon Mike Flynn walk away Scot-free.

Can it possibly be a coincidence that the Orange Messiah wants to embark on an exercise in political Kabuki theater now? Now, when he is in desperate need of a huge distraction from his completely failed leadership in planning for and then reacting to the COVID outbreak he was so vigorously warned about in the early part of 2020?

The depths of depravity Don has already taken us to are horrific. They are so self-evident as to not require delineation. Using influence over the DOJ to give special treatment to convicted felons with which he has a personal relationship is bad enough. If he does what is threatening to do he will have violated one of the last, vital, core principles that separates democracies from dictatorships.

Personally, I think it's a bluff. I think he just wants to blow enough smoke to create a diversion of attention away from COVID. Goodness knows he has every reason to believe it will work. The Following believes every lie coming out of his mouth and in his support he has the greatest propaganda machine the world has ever since headed by Faux, conservative talk radio, and a plethora of websites spewing copious amounts of horseshit 24/7.
They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.
They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.

Lib please the left celebrate the arrival of the China virus and everyone knows it.
They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.
So far, all the usual suspects have replied with classic, Trumpian, mealy mouthed garbage meant to obfuscate from the subject matter.

Would any of you like to try writing something pertaining to the thread? Are you capable of writing something pertaining to the thread?
They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.
That was the Democrat plan when they took delivery of the Chinese virus. It looks more like the backfire heard around the world.
They are pulling out all the stops both literally and figuratively. They are throwing every piece of feces against the wall right now in a desperate attempt to see what if anything will stick. Just looking for any sliver of daylight in a sea of bad news. Which is a little bit puzzling. Why wouldn't you save some of this ammo for the fall when it would get more mindshare? People are likely to forget it by then. All they will remember is his lousy response to the virus, the high body count, and the economic carnage. And he'll get blamed for it.
That was the Democrat plan when they took delivery of the Chinese virus. It looks more like the backfire heard around the world.
Please go back and read what you wrote. I mean..........that shit is nuts even for you.
So far, all the usual suspects have replied with classic, Trumpian, mealy mouthed garbage meant to obfuscate from the subject matter.

Would any of you like to try writing something pertaining to the thread? Are you capable of writing something pertaining to the thread?
Some of us can't figure out what the "subject matter" in your rambling, twaddling OP was, other than TRUUUUUMP SUUUUCKS! , and are accordingly just laughing and pointing as the forum's leading TDS circus clown.


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