Every Classroom Should Have Heavily Armed Teachers In It

If you had an honest argument to offer you would not have to constantly resort to such dishonesty.

Nobody has ever even suggested such a guarantee is even possible.

What is certainly possible is to have enough trained faculty and staff on campus to give them at least a chance to stop a would be mass shooter before they can rack up huge numbers of dead and wounded by being able to respond immediately should such an incident occur.
Wonderful! I'm glad that you can finally admit that this isn't a solution to lowering or stopping the indents of school shootings and instead a way to mitigate them once they happen. Unlike you I would prefer not to leave the safety of my daughter, nieces, nephews, God children and grandson up to chance. I'd prefer we do what every other nation does to lower the incidents of gun violence by lowering and eliminating the availability of guns.
I know a great many Israelis that disagree. They've been arming faculty and staff for decades and Israel has very restrictive gun laws as well. They just realize that no law is going to prevent bad people from getting their hands on guns and doing bad things with them.
I'm willing to comprise. If you want do bring firearm ownership back under the restrictions of a well regulated militia while having very restrictive gun laws then sold! Where do we sign that law? I'll take that win.
Nasty troll? He just accurately described your advice to me should I be faced with a home invader. Your advice is to . . . what? Call 911? Assume they mean no harm to me and my children and just let them be them?

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I'm willing to comprise. If you want do bring firearm ownership back under the restrictions of a well regulated militia while having very restrictive gun laws then sold! Where do we sign that law? I'll take that win.
Firearms ownership was never limited to those serving in any formal, informal, active, or reserve capacity.
It says it right there in the Constitution.
No it doesn't and never has. You can't raise a ready militia in times of immediate need unless, "The People" to whom the right is reserved, are free to arm and equip themselves sufficiently as to provide an immediate response.

"Hours after Texas’ deadliest school shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, state Republicans called for efforts to harden schools and arm more teachers. “We can’t stop bad people from doing bad things,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said on Fox News. “We can potentially arm and prepare and train teachers and other administrators to respond quickly. That, in my opinion, is the best answer.” There’s no assurance that an employee with a handgun can halt a school shooting.

For instance, during the 2018 school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, an armed school resource officer never went inside the high school or attempted to engage the gunman during the attack. Reports are circulating that a school police officer was on campus at Robb Elementary on Tuesday. The officer exchanged gunfire with the shooter and was shot and injured."

Fact of the matter is, arming teachers is the most effective way at stopping the next school shooter....Yea, yea, I know...we have been busy demonizing public schools and teachers and accusing them of indoctrinating our kids and forcing kids to be trans and teaching them CRT -- but that was just political hyperbole, so put that aside for now.... Truth is, we can't trust teachers to not force our kids to be gay -- but we can totally trust them to carry a Glock 9mm on their hip during finger paints time.. Matter of fact, hand guns aren't enough....we need them to be armed to the T -- so it is vital they have either AR's or AK's in order to more effectively stop a mass shooter...that is why the officers that first engaged with the Uvalde shooter failed...Not enough firepower....They had a chance to stop the shooter before he even started -- and they failed....if they were armed with a grenade launcher, they could have blown up the truck the shooter was in a long time ago...

Which brings me to another point....why aren't we training these so-called professional law enforcement officers better? As more information has come out, we are hearing that the police waited over 40 minutes before they entered the school...that is 40 mins of time for this demon to murder 21 people....with a weapon that does so much damage that parents had to submit DNA samples and wait the longest fucking wait of their lives --- just to find out if it was their child or not.....

“Go in there! Go in there!” nearby women shouted at the officers soon after the attack began, said Juan Carranza, 24, Javier Cazares, whose fourth grade daughter, Jacklyn Cazares, was killed in the attack, said “Let’s just rush in because the cops aren’t doing anything like they are supposed to -- “They were unprepared,” he added."

Apparently, police waited up to 40 minutes or more before entering the school because they were waiting on a tactical team to show up....why waste SWAT's time when you could have an armed teacher in the classroom instead? That armed teacher and other armed teachers from other classrooms could have done a far better job than well-trained tactical SWAT units....as long as you are willing to overlook the fact they are teaching our kids to have gay sex orgies in the class and indoctrinating them with CRT and stuff...
It's worked for Israel but it takes leadership which we have none.
No it doesn't and never has. You can't raise a ready militia in times of immediate need unless, "The People" to whom the right is reserved, are free to arm and equip themselves sufficiently as to provide an immediate response.
The second amendment, as with every other law, has been interpreted in whatever way is necessary for the government to justify doing what it wants to do. It's just words on a paper my guy.

You can't deny that other countries don't have to have armed teacher ninjas ready to go at a moments notice. We should try doing that instead of being beholden to a law written by slavers most concerned with raising a militia to deal with slave revolts and do what needs to be done to stop these school shootings from happening.
That was another poster's analogy.

It didn't work.
The actual solution to that would be taking the stick away and beating his little ass with it before sending him home to mommy in tears.

Today that would get you arrested though.
The second amendment as every other law has been interpreted in whatever way is necessary for the government to justify doing what it wants to do. It's just words on a paper my guy.
You are just admitting that the gov't abuses our rights by "interpreting" them away.

Glad you're finally on board.

I don't give a shit what other countries do, you can't compare us to a similar nation because there isn't one.
More guns in the right hands is pretty much always the answer to violent criminals with murderous intent or at least a very big part of the overall solution.
In my county, we have an armed sheriffs deputy, in uniform, living on campus, in a trailer.
Never had an issue except fights.
NOT mistaken for a teacher, faculty member, janitor or kitchen help.
I have no issue with that.
As I've said from the beginning, the first step is to secure the campus to prevent them from gaining entry in the first place.
What if the shooter is a student?

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