Even Russia sees the stupidity.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013

In the statement, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova delivered a scathing assessment of the human rights situation in the United States under President Joe Biden.

Zakharova described the ongoing crackdown against Trump loyalists in the United States:

“The FBI has reportedly opened more than 400 criminal cases and applied for more than 500 search warrants and subpoenas for suspects; it has also brought charges against and detained around 200 people. Only several dozen defendants have been released on bail or placed under house arrest. The others are being subjected to harsh pressure, with members of their family and social circle being coerced into giving a ‘convenient’ testimony. Moreover, people who have not even been officially charged are losing their jobs; they are being banned from social media and publicly ostracised.”

She also questioned the “objectivity of the law enforcement agencies” involved in this campaign, noting that they were acting under orders and “in line with the narrative of the current administration who declared the events of January 6, 2021 a riot and everybody who was near the US Congress on that day all but plunderers.”

She went on to correctly note that far from being violent rioters, most of the attendees of the January 6 rally were peaceful protesters.

“In fact, the majority of those people were ordinary citizens concerned about the situation in their own country,” she said. “These were 74 million voters who voted for their president and defended their views.”

She warned that the administration’s crackdown would not solve the widespread discontent towards Biden’s rule:

Russia has never been the problem. CHINA is.
And so now we are taking the opinions of Russians on matters pertaining to our country.
Ya buttt!

I've a feeling that this only gives Trump haters ammo..
They deserve it, every one of them, whoever breached the capital.
How about John Sullivan, the leftist antifa punk, who was a ringleader and was being paid by CNN and MSNBC? That kid should be in Gitmo with no chance of release, dangerous little prick that he is. And how many more of the breachers were actually Biden supporters pretending to be Trump followers? We'll never know considering the liberally rigged FBI we have today.

In the statement, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova delivered a scathing assessment of the human rights situation in the United States under President Joe Biden.

Zakharova described the ongoing crackdown against Trump loyalists in the United States:

“The FBI has reportedly opened more than 400 criminal cases and applied for more than 500 search warrants and subpoenas for suspects; it has also brought charges against and detained around 200 people. Only several dozen defendants have been released on bail or placed under house arrest. The others are being subjected to harsh pressure, with members of their family and social circle being coerced into giving a ‘convenient’ testimony. Moreover, people who have not even been officially charged are losing their jobs; they are being banned from social media and publicly ostracised.”

She also questioned the “objectivity of the law enforcement agencies” involved in this campaign, noting that they were acting under orders and “in line with the narrative of the current administration who declared the events of January 6, 2021 a riot and everybody who was near the US Congress on that day all but plunderers.”

She went on to correctly note that far from being violent rioters, most of the attendees of the January 6 rally were peaceful protesters.

“In fact, the majority of those people were ordinary citizens concerned about the situation in their own country,” she said. “These were 74 million voters who voted for their president and defended their views.”

She warned that the administration’s crackdown would not solve the widespread discontent towards Biden’s rule:

Russia has never been the problem. CHINA is.
Spoken like a true brainwashing victim.
They deserve it, every one of them, whoever breached the capital.
How about John Sullivan, the leftist antifa punk, who was a ringleader and was being paid by CNN and MSNBC? That kid should be in Gitmo with no chance of release, dangerous little prick that he is. And how many more of the breachers were actually Biden supporters pretending to be Trump followers? We'll never know considering the liberally rigged FBI we have today.
Sullivan was not a ringleader and CNN/MSNBC paid for footage after the right wing, trump incited, American Nationalist Front Party insurrection.
Putin is upset because his man lost the presidency. Now, we have a real president that will hold Putin accountable for his acts of authoritarianism, such as poisoning his political opponents. Taking advice form Putin on human rights is like taking taking advice from Donald Trump on running a charitable foundation.

In the statement, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova delivered a scathing assessment of the human rights situation in the United States under President Joe Biden.

Zakharova described the ongoing crackdown against Trump loyalists in the United States:

“The FBI has reportedly opened more than 400 criminal cases and applied for more than 500 search warrants and subpoenas for suspects; it has also brought charges against and detained around 200 people. Only several dozen defendants have been released on bail or placed under house arrest. The others are being subjected to harsh pressure, with members of their family and social circle being coerced into giving a ‘convenient’ testimony. Moreover, people who have not even been officially charged are losing their jobs; they are being banned from social media and publicly ostracised.”

She also questioned the “objectivity of the law enforcement agencies” involved in this campaign, noting that they were acting under orders and “in line with the narrative of the current administration who declared the events of January 6, 2021 a riot and everybody who was near the US Congress on that day all but plunderers.”

She went on to correctly note that far from being violent rioters, most of the attendees of the January 6 rally were peaceful protesters.

“In fact, the majority of those people were ordinary citizens concerned about the situation in their own country,” she said. “These were 74 million voters who voted for their president and defended their views.”

She warned that the administration’s crackdown would not solve the widespread discontent towards Biden’s rule:

Russia has never been the problem. CHINA is.
Obviously, you don't follow Russian propaganda. 'Whataboutism' about police brutality in the US has been a main thing for this propaganda to justify their repressions for many years.
And so now we are taking the opinions of Russians on matters pertaining to our country.
They have been for years now.
Following that “logic” now its China’s turn.
I don't think what you're doing is logic. It's more like wishful thinking.
Well of course, partisans never see truth.
That's funny when you say it.
And so now we are taking the opinions of Russians on matters pertaining to our country.
They have been for years now.
Following that “logic” now its China’s turn.
I don't think what you're doing is logic. It's more like wishful thinking.
Well of course, partisans never see truth.
That's funny when you say it.
Another funny thing about you wingers on the left is you have claimed ad nauseam that the elections of 2000, 2004, and 2016 were stolen. You don’t get banned by social media for saying this. Now right wingers who claim 2020 was stolen are viciously attacked and banned. Yet you kooky lefties see nothing wrong or hypocritical about this.

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