Even Obama Knows The End Is Near


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

The Obama White House is in full panic mode. Folks that normally support him are now openly second-guessing his policies and are being called onto the carpet to modify their honest opinions. Corey Booker was embarrassed personally by Barrack Obama soon after saying that his campaign against Bain Capital was nauseating. Now the White House has said "He's Dead To Me".

Sounds like a scene from the Sopranos.

Even "Bubba" has said that Mitt Romney had "Sterling Credentials" and that Obama's policies were potentially damaging to the economy. Of course he had to walk back those comments, without actually walking them back. Instead he simply apologized for being so open about his beliefs. To be honest, I don't think Obama is half the president that Bill Clinton was, so these comments carry weight.​


I've always known that it wouldn't take much for the media and Democrats to do a number on Obama. If they were all of the sudden to stop speaking in tongues and turn over a new leaf, they could destroy him practically overnight. I think the final straw was his obvious lack of support for the Wisconsin recall effort.

You see Obama hates hanging with losers. He loves rubbing elbows with the cool people. This is a leftover from his days in Harvard where everyone is cool, at least in their own minds. He loves being the center of attention even among heroes, even though he isn't one of them, being around great people to Obama is the next best thing to being great.

Obama has never been one to take on tough issues, regardless of how people claim he has. He hates losing, so much so that he avoids the possibility like the plague. This is what stops him from being great. He has this fear of failure. Well, this time it's coming back to haunt him. So many on the left were counting on Wisconsin and all he could muster was a lame tweet supporting the Democrat opposing Scott Walker. Now all of those security leaks matter and all of his criminality is starting to matter, even to Democrats.

Obama has had two things going for him. The Osama Bin Laden take down and his nice guy image. He's beginning to lose even that. The closer it gets to the election the more he's going to panic and the more his real personality will become known. His penchant for throwing others under the bus and his self-centered attitude is biting him in the ass big-time. I'm just worried about what he's capable of before leaving office. Will he let his vindictive nature get the better of him?
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Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Seems to me that one element of the "change" (ugh, that word) that Obama wanted to bring to Washington was the notion of President as facilitator, not leader. He talked a big game in front of adoring crowds, but he has clearly chosen not to get his hands dirty in the legislative process. I personally don't have any interest in being "led" per se, but I don't think the average American from either party wants just a coordinator in the Oval Office. The Democrats are pissed that he hasn't been a bright and shining leader for their causes, and the Republicans, well...

Sorry for the moment of sober analysis, I realize this thread will end up being an insult-fest from both sides, as usual.


Seems to me that one element of the "change" (ugh, that word) that Obama wanted to bring to Washington was the notion of President as facilitator, not leader. He talked a big game in front of adoring crowds, but he has clearly chosen not to get his hands dirty in the legislative process. I personally don't have any interest in being "led" per se, but I don't think the average American from either party wants just a coordinator in the Oval Office. The Democrats are pissed that he hasn't been a bright and shining leader for their causes, and the Republicans, well...

Sorry for the moment of sober analysis, I realize this thread will end up being an insult-fest from both sides, as usual.


Most of them do......
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

I'm a 'working folk', and it doesn't resonate with me.
Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Perhaps you wouldn't be laid off if you were worth a shit?

Just a thought...

Um... nope.

1996- Got laid off because the company closed it's entire Chicago Branch on the theory they could service the Chicago Area from Milwaukee where the owners lived. They couldn't. Company was out of business a year later.

2001- Got laid off because the company I worked for reorganized, eliminating our entire department. Again. Nothing to do with me personally.

2008- Got laid off because the company I worked for lost it's biggest account. Even then, they struggled to keep me around for a year as they worked to get that account back, and they had no one else who really understood it, so they had me doing "busy work".

Of four companies I've left in the last 20 years, three of them approached me to go work for them again.

So, uh, no, guy. Please stop trying to make my disdain for the way business is frequently done in this country about me.
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

I'm a 'working folk', and it doesn't resonate with me.

Of course it doesn't. Because somewhere you live with the delusion your plutocratic masters will some day recognize your value...

I used to think like that.

The last job cured me of that delusion.
Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Perhaps you wouldn't be laid off if you were worth a shit?

Just a thought...

Um... nope.

1996- Got laid off because the company closed it's entire Chicago Branch on the theory they could service the Chicago Area from Milwaukee where the owners lived. They couldn't. Company was out of business a year later.

2001- Got laid off because the company I worked for reorganized, eliminating our entire department. Again. Nothing to do with me personally.

2008- Got laid off because the company I worked for lost it's biggest account. Even then, they struggled to keep me around for a year as they worked to get that account back, and they had no one else who really understood it, so they had me doing "busy work".

Of four companies I've left in the last 20 years, three of them approached me to go work for them again.

So, uh, no, guy. Please stop trying to make my disdain for the way business is frequently done in this country about me.

Who's stopping you from being successful? Guys like Romney?

Get fucking over it loser.
Perhaps you wouldn't be laid off if you were worth a shit?

Just a thought...

Um... nope.

1996- Got laid off because the company closed it's entire Chicago Branch on the theory they could service the Chicago Area from Milwaukee where the owners lived. They couldn't. Company was out of business a year later.

2001- Got laid off because the company I worked for reorganized, eliminating our entire department. Again. Nothing to do with me personally.

2008- Got laid off because the company I worked for lost it's biggest account. Even then, they struggled to keep me around for a year as they worked to get that account back, and they had no one else who really understood it, so they had me doing "busy work".

Of four companies I've left in the last 20 years, three of them approached me to go work for them again.

So, uh, no, guy. Please stop trying to make my disdain for the way business is frequently done in this country about me.

Who's stopping you from being successful? Guys like Romney?

Get fucking over it loser.

It depends how you define "successful". I define myself as "successful", in that I'm good at my job.

It still doesn't mean that the system we have doesn't suck. I've seen so much bad conduct from people like Romeny I'd never want one in the White House.
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

I'm a 'working folk', and it doesn't resonate with me.

I'm 1%, and 'working folk'... and it resonates with me. I think it has more to do with intellect than whether one is 'working folk'. If you're smart, you want a genuinely smart President. That's Romney.
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

I'm a 'working folk', and it doesn't resonate with me.

I'm 1%, and 'working folk'... and it resonates with me. I think it has more to do with intellect than whether one is 'working folk'. If you're smart, you want a genuinely smart President. That's Romney.

I assumed that Joe was saying the Bain issues resonate in a negative way with 'working folk', meaning negative for Romney. Not for me they don't.
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Everyone who has ever Worked for a Living has been Laid Off?...

Dishonest much?


Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

I'm a 'working folk', and it doesn't resonate with me.

I'm 1%, and 'working folk'... and it resonates with me. I think it has more to do with intellect than whether one is 'working folk'. If you're smart, you want a genuinely smart President. That's Romney.

People who think they are wearing magic underwear aren't "smart".

Frankly, Romney was born on third base and thought he hit a triple.
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

Yes, the results of the November election will END nothing in America.
It still doesn't mean that the system we have doesn't suck. I've seen so much bad conduct from people like Romeny I'd never want one in the White House.

People like Romney?

During Mitt Romney's term as governor, the state unemployment rate fell from 5.6 to 4.7 percent.

That should make people of your ilk happy.

What else is he guilty of?
Wow, you're delusional.

They've focus-grouped the Bain Stuff. It doesn't play well to the wealthy, but to working folks, it resonates.

Becuase everyone who has ever worked for a living has encountered a POS in a suit like Romney who laid them off at least once.

I'm a 'working folk', and it doesn't resonate with me.

I'm 1%, and 'working folk'... and it resonates with me. I think it has more to do with intellect than whether one is 'working folk'. If you're smart, you want a genuinely smart President. That's Romney.

Well at least we know what Ronmey did in High School, college and every moment of his life. We also know that his wife has never worked a day in her life........so how much do we know about Obama?? He sure doesn't seem too smart to me but we have no way to measure since his school records are sealed. Well his Choom gang has finally been brought to light.

We know a lot more about Romney at this point than we did Obama. He can try to hide his past but his present is out in the open, we now know enough to see he's a horrible decision maker, arrogant and suffers from narcissistic personalty disorder. That's enough for me to say get him out of there ASAP!!

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