Even if emissions stop, carbon dioxide could warm Earth for centuries

There are lots of things that have not been built yet. Now that there is bad experience with nuclear that we did build, other ideas will be developed.
Do they involve excluding accurate bird deaths caused by monster blades rotating madly on tall pillars and accurate fish death counts and sea mammal sonar malfunctions causing their deaths from merciless underwater turbines? Hint: ornithologists and oceanographers already know the grim answers to those questions.

How inconvenient it must be to the leprechaun greenies. :rolleyes:

How many birds and fish died in one oil platform spill in the Gulf?

Big oil has killed fewer critters in all of its history than your wind companies killed last year. You might want to do a little research before you stick your foot in your mouth.

Man, you are one stupid person.
Do they involve excluding accurate bird deaths caused by monster blades rotating madly on tall pillars and accurate fish death counts and sea mammal sonar malfunctions causing their deaths from merciless underwater turbines? Hint: ornithologists and oceanographers already know the grim answers to those questions.

How inconvenient it must be to the leprechaun greenies. :rolleyes:

How many birds and fish died in one oil platform spill in the Gulf?

Big oil has killed fewer critters in all of its history than your wind companies killed last year. You might want to do a little research before you stick your foot in your mouth.

Man, you are one stupid person.

I don't see any evidence.
Our roads kill hundreds of millions of animals. Are we going to give up our ability to drive? The answer is fuck no.

Thank god. This is about the quality of health for humans.

Hundreds of millions? Not hardly. 253,000 animal-vehicle accidents per year. That for 23
TRILLION miles travelled, on 4 million miles of roads by 226 million vehicles registered in the USA.

Compared to how many thousand windmills? You're beginning to annoy me with your poorly thought out arguments Matt.

Roadkill statistics ? High Country News
Our roads kill hundreds of millions of animals. Are we going to give up our ability to drive? The answer is fuck no.

Thank god. This is about the quality of health for humans.

Hundreds of millions? Not hardly. 253,000 animal-vehicle accidents per year. That for 23
TRILLION miles travelled, on 4 million miles of roads by 226 million vehicles registered in the USA.

Compared to how many thousand windmills? You're beginning to annoy me with your poorly thought out arguments Matt.

Roadkill statistics ? High Country News

I doubt that statistic has any value within reality. You're annoying shell that can't accept that fussil fuels are bad for human health.

If there's only 250k creatures slaughtered then I'll run down the street naked screaming the end is near.
How many birds and fish died in one oil platform spill in the Gulf?

Big oil has killed fewer critters in all of its history than your wind companies killed last year. You might want to do a little research before you stick your foot in your mouth.

Man, you are one stupid person.

I don't see any evidence.

Of course not. You're too dim to do research. I used wiki as one source so you can understand. 139 oil spills since the beginning that have been noteworthy. I picked the BP spill because that's the one that has your panties in a bunch. Most spills have far fewer critter kills than that one so it's a good liberal estimate for you.

So, 139 times 4500 equals 625,000.

That's since the beginning. The US windmills kill over 400,000 birds and 1.5 million bats PER YEAR!

Add the European death toll and is even more ridiculous.

4,500 Animals Killed in BP Spill ... And Counting : TreeHugger

List of oil spills - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Our roads kill hundreds of millions of animals. Are we going to give up our ability to drive? The answer is fuck no.

Thank god. This is about the quality of health for humans.

Hundreds of millions? Not hardly. 253,000 animal-vehicle accidents per year. That for 23
TRILLION miles travelled, on 4 million miles of roads by 226 million vehicles registered in the USA.

Compared to how many thousand windmills? You're beginning to annoy me with your poorly thought out arguments Matt.

Roadkill statistics ? High Country News

I doubt that statistic has any value within reality. You're annoying shell that can't accept that fussil fuels are bad for human health.

If there's only 250k creatures slaughtered then I'll run down the street naked screaming the end is near.

Sounds great. I look forward to your streak!
Do they involve excluding accurate bird deaths caused by monster blades rotating madly on tall pillars and accurate fish death counts and sea mammal sonar malfunctions causing their deaths from merciless underwater turbines? Hint: ornithologists and oceanographers already know the grim answers to those questions.

How inconvenient it must be to the leprechaun greenies. :rolleyes:

How many birds and fish died in one oil platform spill in the Gulf?

Big oil has killed fewer critters in all of its history than your wind companies killed last year. You might want to do a little research before you stick your foot in your mouth.

Man, you are one stupid person.
Save us the research and show the data that proves your assertion. Please.
How many birds and fish died in one oil platform spill in the Gulf?

Big oil has killed fewer critters in all of its history than your wind companies killed last year. You might want to do a little research before you stick your foot in your mouth.

Man, you are one stupid person.
Save us the research and show the data that proves your assertion. Please.

I just did. Can't you read?
Point me out a national government that doesn't work with industry ;)

I like the private sector as it can do things right and the government is the guy with the power to choose where the resources go.

You don't POWER your way to choosing the best engineering solutions and technology.

The govt needs to stay the fuck out of picking particular winners and losers. By screwing with the subsidies and promotion of particular companies and ideas, it ruins the "natural selection" of the process. And they notoriously SUCK AT IT..

Govt should be limited to PROCUREMENT of their particular tech needs and the funding of ONLY the most fundamental and vanilla science research.. Research SOOOO generic that it benefits ALL companies in the field. Not just their political favorites and donors..

You have this view that Nancy Pelosi and Michelle Bachman are gonna create the future in a better image.. They are not. POWER is only important to future technology in places like CHINA where dictates come from the top.. ((and the bottom is too intimidated to think for themselves)).. This works for awhile.. But in short order, you create a nation that can only copy, steal or borrow ideas from others. And China already knows this..

And it beats the hell out of me why YOU and other Big Govt statists want to TRY THIS OUT at this late stage of the game for the USA...
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Obama has been in office for almost 5 years, but he thanks you for following your programming and not holding him responsible for anything.

Apparatchiks can't speak anything but the Union Lines. They have no idea how many pork barrels went down under Pelosi, so they can blame the GOP who has done all they can do to hold the line on Obama's load up the armored cars at Fort Knox headed directly to his big money supporters' spendathon sat Taxpayer's expense like Solyndra.

I know that you're trained to not hold Republicans accountable for anything, ever. Not surprising since the propaganda that you choose to immerse yourself in comes from the GOP.

The other thing that it trains you to do is to spin every possible circumstance into Obama's fault. Why? Bring Democrats down to Republican incompetence.

It's failing the only place that it counts. At the polls.

But, there is no other redemption possible for the GOP. So, your orders are to keep on spinning.

I get it. I know how important the freedom to goose step is to you.
Look, boy, just because you have to have your opinions handed to you doesn't mean no one else is able to think for themselves.

Did you notice the similiarity in the last 2 posts??

Me talking with Matthew..
POWER is only important to future technology in places like CHINA where dictates come from the top.. ((and the bottom is too intimidated to think for themselves))..

You whooping on the troll..
just because you have to have your opinions handed to you doesn't mean no one else is able to think for themselves.

Could this be a sign that we're about to reach a new level of interspecies communications? :lol:
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How many birds and fish died in one oil platform spill in the Gulf?

Big oil has killed fewer critters in all of its history than your wind companies killed last year. You might want to do a little research before you stick your foot in your mouth.

Man, you are one stupid person.

I don't see any evidence.
And if he'd linked any, you wouldn't see it anyway.
There's a reason we elect people to office ;)
But what you don't want to accept is that they're still accountable, even after they've been elected.

You vote for a guy, then just expect him to take care of you and look out for your interests. You believe, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that government is benevolent.

At best government is neutral. At worst it's murderously evil. History proves this again and again.

But then, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to vote Democrat.

Did you notice the similiarity in the last 2 posts??

Me talking with Matthew..
POWER is only important to future technology in places like CHINA where dictates come from the top.. ((and the bottom is too intimidated to think for themselves))..

You whooping on the troll..
just because you have to have your opinions handed to you doesn't mean no one else is able to think for themselves.

Could this be a sign that we're about to reach a new level of interspecies communications? :lol:
I doubt it, honestly. I don't think we can throttle back our brains to their level. At least not without recreational pharmaceuticals. :cool:

Did you notice the similiarity in the last 2 posts??

Me talking with Matthew..
POWER is only important to future technology in places like CHINA where dictates come from the top.. ((and the bottom is too intimidated to think for themselves))..

You whooping on the troll..
just because you have to have your opinions handed to you doesn't mean no one else is able to think for themselves.

Could this be a sign that we're about to reach a new level of interspecies communications? :lol:
I doubt it, honestly. I don't think we can throttle back our brains to their level. At least not without recreational pharmaceuticals. :cool:

Whatever you do --- Don't attempt a Vulcan Mind Meld with the troll.. Its a long recovery period..

Did you notice the similiarity in the last 2 posts??

Me talking with Matthew..

You whooping on the troll..

Could this be a sign that we're about to reach a new level of interspecies communications? :lol:
I doubt it, honestly. I don't think we can throttle back our brains to their level. At least not without recreational pharmaceuticals. :cool:

Whatever you do --- Don't attempt a Vulcan Mind Meld with the troll.. Its a long recovery period..
"My mind to your mind. My thoughts to your...what the fuck is that?!"

Did you notice the similiarity in the last 2 posts??

Me talking with Matthew..
POWER is only important to future technology in places like CHINA where dictates come from the top.. ((and the bottom is too intimidated to think for themselves))..

You whooping on the troll..
just because you have to have your opinions handed to you doesn't mean no one else is able to think for themselves.

Could this be a sign that we're about to reach a new level of interspecies communications? :lol:
I doubt it, honestly. I don't think we can throttle back our brains to their level. At least not without recreational pharmaceuticals. :cool:
I like the "boy in the bubble" avatar.

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