Enviromental Terrorists get a taste of jail

Russian Prison Stuns Captain of Greenpeace?s Bombed Ship - Bloomberg

Russia should have held them longer. These people violate laws every day and deserve jail and incarceration at such events.

What damage did they do? Who did they harm?

They are lucky Russia did not just shoot them as they attempted to storm the platform. And that would include firing on the ship.

Or do you think it is ok and lawful to break into other peoples property?
Russian Prison Stuns Captain of Greenpeace?s Bombed Ship - Bloomberg

Russia should have held them longer. These people violate laws every day and deserve jail and incarceration at such events.

What damage did they do? Who did they harm?

They are lucky Russia did not just shoot them as they attempted to storm the platform. And that would include firing on the ship.

Or do you think it is ok and lawful to break into other peoples property?

You failed to answer either of my questions. That is likely because as we both know, the answer to them is "none" and "no one".

The oil rig is an industrial facility, not a residence or domicile. They were unarmed when they climbed on so I'm not really certain "stormed" is an appropriately descriptive verb.

They did break the law. It was civil disobedience. The big question, which Putin seems to have answered, is should they have ever been charged with piracy? That answer to that, of course, is no.

Why are you hostile towards Greenpeace? Are you hooked on the taste of blubber?
The traditional remedy for piracy should have been invoked.

Maybe next time.

And for these damn fools there WILL be a next time.

By the same token, then when it is proven beyond any doubt that the use of fossil fuel has totally screwed up the climate, we should hang all the CEO's of the energy companies? Greenpeace committed civil disobediance, for which they should get the usual.

The kind of attitude that you are displaying is the same kind of foolishness that creates intolerable situations.

We need the energy and oil until we develop substitutes for the energy, and we will continue to need the oil for industrial processes. But we need to cease to put CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere ASAP.
The traditional remedy for piracy should have been invoked.

Why? Why do they make you so angry? Are you a big friend of the Russians? Do you have stock in Gazprom? Did a Greenpeacer steal your highschool sweetheart?

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
Yah. And a few other unsavory groupings as well.

"It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners"
Albert Camus

One that confounds good and evil is an enemy to good.
Edmund Burke

The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain.
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809).
The traditional remedy for piracy should have been invoked.

Why? Why do they make you so angry? Are you a big friend of the Russians? Do you have stock in Gazprom? Did a Greenpeacer steal your highschool sweetheart?

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians

There is nothing on the planet more authoritarian than leftists with power, a plan and the guns to enforce it --- "flacaltenn -- 2013"... :eusa_whistle:
Ooooo... now people are quoting him!

What about leftists with only guns and power or only power and a plan or only guns and a plan? Are those safe?
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The traditional remedy for piracy should have been invoked.

Why? Why do they make you so angry? Are you a big friend of the Russians? Do you have stock in Gazprom? Did a Greenpeacer steal your highschool sweetheart?

While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.
Robert Altmeyer - The Authoritarians
Who know Stalin and Mao were conservatives?
FCT, do you think the Greenpeace folks that "stormed" that oil rig should have been executed? Do you believe they committed a capital offense?
FCT, do you think the Greenpeace folks that "stormed" that oil rig should have been executed? Do you believe they committed a capital offense?

EXECUTED?? no.. But there is a confrontational aspect to this civil disobedience that WILL get folks killed if it's not tempered with some common sense..

The miscalculation is that the victims would become martyrs for the cause. The 72 virgin deal -- except these virgins all have nose rings and hairier legs.. GreenPeace and I parted ways WAAAY back in the 80s when they "attacked" the US Navy on the high seas... That doesn't do the whales much good.. It's not the US Navy that is hunting them and killing them.

If sonar excersizes are damaging whales, then GreenPeace should concentrate on proving and quantifying the damage. Public opinion will do the rest. The idea of harrassing a Navy Destroyer on the seas --- is pretty juvenile and a waste of time and money.. AND --- potentially DEADLY...
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What damage did they do? Who did they harm?

They are lucky Russia did not just shoot them as they attempted to storm the platform. And that would include firing on the ship.

Or do you think it is ok and lawful to break into other peoples property?

You failed to answer either of my questions. That is likely because as we both know, the answer to them is "none" and "no one".

The oil rig is an industrial facility, not a residence or domicile. They were unarmed when they climbed on so I'm not really certain "stormed" is an appropriately descriptive verb.

They did break the law. It was civil disobedience. The big question, which Putin seems to have answered, is should they have ever been charged with piracy? That answer to that, of course, is no.

Why are you hostile towards Greenpeace? Are you hooked on the taste of blubber?

They'll jump at any to hump Putin's leg and they'll sure as hell take any and all opportunities to side against their own country.

That's the one thing I can never forgive about the right. They hate their own country and they will always side against it.

And of course, any damage they can do to their own planet is always a good thing. Its not like they have children to leave it to.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Luddly....

:lame2: :finger3:

If it wasn't for Putin -- your Dear Leader would have bombed yet ANOTHER country this year...

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