EV Tires

You stupid Bingos will believe anything. :lmao: EVs can burn through your tires quicker but only because they can produce more torque at more constant rate. If you're burning through your tires every 7,000 miles it's because you're launching at every light.

And what is the first thing EV owners show you and brag about? How it can throw you back in your seat.
So, since energy pollutes, charging EV's with electricity doesn't pollute?
  • The generation of electricity pollutes no matter how you do it.
  • The transmission of electricity pollutes.
  • The storage of electricity pollutes.
EV sales are built on the lie that all there is with EVs is the final charging at the pump.
I am sure tesla does, what is obvious is you do not
I know what the Tesla website says. 44 mph is a pretty quick charge time and most people don’t even drive 44 miles in a day, so not sure where you’re getting 20 hours.
Not at all. Everyone complains that EVs generate pollution in their manufacture, but that’s true for literally anything.
It’s far more than just their manufacture. They clearly aren’t an effective means of transportation.
They are a step sideways, at best. Meanwhile, everyone pays more for the step sideways and the more government mandates we can only buy EV's, the more it hurts the poorer and contributes to income inequality.

I'm not interested in your delusions.
A step backward. Very dangerous and lethal to the environment. You would think the greenies would be all over this but no. But then again, they have no discernment nor do they do the research. Sad.

Lethal I tell you, lethal. LOL
It’s far more than just their manufacture. They clearly aren’t an effective means of transportation.

An EV car could be electronically moderated to emulate an idea power curve to maximize tire millage, but that would only add to the cost, plus, it is just one more thing to break down at the worst moment when you need the power to get out of the way of a speeding semi and the car restrains your speed due to either improper interpretation or malfunction.

Bottom line is EVs will always grind through the tires because they intrinsically have little power hysteresis. The torque at the wheel equals the pedal position with nearly zero time lag.
It’s far more than just their manufacture. They clearly aren’t an effective means of transportation.
Sure they are. They’re not ideal for every situation but work perfectly fine for the vast majority.
  • The generation of electricity pollutes no matter how you do it.
  • The transmission of electricity pollutes.
  • The storage of electricity pollutes.
EV sales are built on the lie that all there is with EVs is the final charging at the pump.
In addition:

Mining the material for production pollutes.

Manufacturing the vehicle pollutes.

Transporting the vehicles pollutes

Disposing of the vehicles pollutes.
Sure they are. They’re not ideal for every situation but work perfectly fine for the vast majority.
No, not the vast majority. EVs are very expensive. Few Americans can afford them. Their range is limited. Americans love road trips. EVs suck at road rips. They also suck in the cold and the hot. They suck in traffic jams. There are few changing stations. They are very heavy in comparison to IC vehicles and they have tendency to start on fire and once alight, are costly and difficult to extinguish.
Sure they are. They’re not ideal for every situation but work perfectly fine for the vast majority.
No, not the vast majority. EVs are very expensive. Few Americans can afford them. Their range is limited. Americans love road trips. EVs suck at road rips. They also suck in the cold and the hot. They suck in traffic jams. There are few changing stations. They are very heavy in comparison to IC vehicles and they have tendency to start on fire and once alight, are costly and difficult to extinguish.
No, not the vast majority. EVs are very expensive. Few Americans can afford them. Their range is limited. Americans love road trips. EVs suck at road rips. They also suck in the cold and the hot. They suck in traffic jams. There are few changing stations. They are very heavy in comparison to IC vehicles and they have tendency to start on fire and once alight, are costly and difficult to extinguish.
Range is several hundred miles, almost no one drives further than that on a day to day basis. They charge at home.

Most families have two cars. One for road trips and one for commuting. Most road trips are within the charge of one battery.

Theyre fine in the cold and the hot.

They’re fine in traffic jams.

They have very few fires and on the whole safer than others cars.

Lots of vehicles are heavy, including the conservative favorites of light duty trucks and full size SUVs.
Do you have a source for this claim or is it just “trust me bro”?
You seem uninformed, first get informed then come to a politics discussion. Clinton's attack on the timber industry is well documented. With money appropriated by congress to re-train the displaced timber industry workers. Clinton destroyed many timber towns that depended on the local mill for jobs and their economy. The idiots didn't save any trees, Canada just cut them down instead. As for the shift back to paper bags that's current and you should be informed on this.
No, not the vast majority. EVs are very expensive. Few Americans can afford them. Their range is limited. Americans love road trips. EVs suck at road rips. They also suck in the cold and the hot. They suck in traffic jams. There are few changing stations. They are very heavy in comparison to IC vehicles and they have tendency to start on fire and once alight, are costly and difficult to extinguish.

Marener will not accept facts.
That's just the way it is.

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