Europe now has so much natural gas that prices just dipped below zero


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2017
you know guys, i see the massive pain coming from Kremlin basement ) LOL

The only problem is the supply glut is with LIQUIFIED natural gas, which the EU has minimal storage capacity for. So they have tankers just sitting in harbors playing storage tank, which is expensive, and after a time can just leave.

Europe has done quite frankly a good job of getting off load facilities up and running to take LNG and add it to their system, what is taking longer is the infrastructure to STORE LNG as opposed to natural gas at operating pressures.

That is due to LNG storage having to be far more robust than operating pressure storage and transfer.

The glut isn't due to on shore supply surplus, it's due to off shore surplus of LNG that can't be stored on shore.

Sooner or later less ships will show up, and the ships there will decide their contracts were broken and leave to off load somewhere else.

They did a good job of upgrading and expanding their ability to take ship based LNG to replace the Russian supplies, but it takes far longer to build LNG on shore storage due to the structural nature of such storage.
Pootin is not only losing the war he is losing market shares.
We have comforts here in America. When we lose them, we bitch and whine so loud it can be heard in space. People like yourself think that what we have is normal.

The only problem is the supply glut is with LIQUIFIED natural gas, which the EU has minimal storage capacity for. So they have tankers just sitting in harbors playing storage tank, which is expensive, and after a time can just leave.

Europe has done quite frankly a good job of getting off load facilities up and running to take LNG and add it to their system, what is taking longer is the infrastructure to STORE LNG as opposed to natural gas at operating pressures.

That is due to LNG storage having to be far more robust than operating pressure storage and transfer.
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The glut isn't due to on shore supply surplus, it's due to off shore surplus of LNG that can't be stored on shore.

Sooner or later less ships will show up, and the ships there will decide their contracts were broken and leave to off load somewhere else.

They did a good job of upgrading and expanding their ability to take ship based LNG to replace the Russian supplies, but it takes far longer to build LNG on shore storage due to the structural nature of such storage.

We have comforts here in America. When we lose them, we bitch and whine so loud it can be heard in space. People like yourself think that what we have is normal.

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