Debate Now ETUFO's

Have aliens from other worlds visited Earth?

  • No way, physically impossible

    Votes: 3 11.1%
  • Ummm... I don't know

    Votes: 12 44.4%
  • Yes way, physically possible

    Votes: 12 44.4%

  • Total voters
Sorry, I meant TT in that quote. He's got an agenda, just needs to figure out what it is...
But you seem very open-minded 4eyeM, and I appreciate that. There's so much to learn, that it boggles the mind.

And one of those things is the possibility that ET's have been here for a long time and shaped our history. And have since been "mythed" away, or in modern times blatantly denied. In order to keep a secret that would shatter organized religions and disrupt modern governments, and all the money and power they generate.
It would certainly be welcome news for something to definitively put an end to childish concepts of 'God'.
The Sumerians said differently. And they were the first to write, and therefore the first to document what was going on, before anybody else started writing stories based on their writings.

And they said that these beings from the heavens came to Earth and created humans out of the apes, to use as slaves. They used their own DNA to create an intelligent being that could be trained, yet maintained. And we served as their slaves for about 200,000 years before they left, and granted us our "freedom". Including knowledge of science, math, writing, and just about everything else we take for granted today. And they wrote extensively about the Anunnaki.

Later civs changed those texts to suit their military and financial needs. But they're still firmly rooted in the original texts. Culminating in the OT, which is pure plagiarism in many parts, to change the "pagan" Anunnaki officers into a central monotheistic "God" (like Marduk or Baal, before Yahweh).

It's easy to dismiss the rewrites as "myth", but we have to take a hard look at the original writings that generated all this enthusiasm.
6000 years ago some beings that looked just like us, gave us everything.

who gave them the knowledge? probably aliens as well or gods, or maybe they figured out for themselves, like we did.

Now, why would a civilization that took the time to teach us everything we know, stop?

b/c they were never here, we figured it our for ourselves.

so what makes a shred of sense? aliens that stopped coming and teaching or we figured it out.

iknowiknow, humans dumb.
Have there been visitors from other planets buzzing the Earth throughout history?

Or is it a cultural phenomenon that started in the modern age and fed by cold-war hysteria?

First, the term "UFO" going forward will mean spacecraft piloted or controlled by extra-terrestrials, so I don't have to type "ETUFO" every time. The term "unknown flying object" can be anything. So "UFO" means an alien spacecraft in this discussion going forward.

Second, ridicule is not a means to dismiss this argument. I will use only high-level modern day witnesses, historical witnesses, and logic in my arguments.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

So since I'm in Phoenix now, I'll start with the Phoenix Lights in 1997.

#1: The Phoenix Lights
Thousands of people reported a very large V-shaped UFO that was witnessed across the state. Soon thereafter, the local Air Force base dropped a series of flares to confuse the public, and they are what most people see in the well-known circular-light videos. However, those flares were not what was reported by the eyewitnesses, including the then-Governor, Fife Symington, who has testified to what he saw. At first, he used ridicule to dismiss it to avoid public panic. But he has since been very straight-forward as to what he saw and why he ridiculed it, and is a staunch UFO-advocate.

Many other people also collaborate the huge V-shaped craft that hovered and also flew very rapidly across the state north-to-south. And it was seen in Phoenix around 8:30pm. The Air Force response was that they dropped flares as a routine exercise around Phoenix at around 10:00pm and claim that is what the eyewitnesses saw.

So, to me, it is either a UFO (meaning aliens), or a very secret government vehicle that they don't want people to know about and has never been used since.

But if they didn't want people to know about it, why did they fly it across the state and over the 6th largest city in the country, unbeknownst and to the dismay to government officials, and then cover it up by dropping flares over Phoenix? They could have easily avoided such speculation by taking a less visible route, and also not risk a malfunction over a heavily populated city by flying over non-populated areas.

So the evidence, and the government response to it, points to a technology that was not in our control and had to be covered-up to avoid public scrutiny. So if not ours, whose?
As far as the deltoid shaped craft over Arizona, that is most likely a military LAV. The DoD has been experimenting with these triangle shaped blimps since the 1970s. And like other blimps they don't make a lot of noise while in flight.
6000 years ago some beings that looked just like us, gave us everything.

who gave them the knowledge? probably aliens as well or gods, or maybe they figured out for themselves, like we did.

Now, why would a civilization that took the time to teach us everything we know, stop?

b/c they were never here, we figured it our for ourselves.

so what makes a shred of sense? aliens that stopped coming and teaching or we figured it out.

iknowiknow, humans dumb.
They were here way before 6000 years ago. It was 6000 years ago that they let the first human civ arise with a human ruler. And thus, written history began.

They got what they needed from 200k years of using humans as slaves. And that was mining the earth for rare metals. They tried to wipe us out multiple times, but we managed to survive. Eventually they let us have our own base in Sumer. And everything else today stems from there...

Who gave the Anunnaki their knowledge? I don't know... they didn't say. Probably just figured it out on their own in their own evolutionary period. Or perhaps, learned it from another civ from another place... We don't know.

But what we do know, is that things have been observed and reported in our skies non-stop from the Sumerian times to the modern times, that are not readily explainable. UFO sightings are not just a modern phenomena, as you may think. Its just that today, with our technology, we realize what our tech is capable of, what it isn't capable of, and what is obviously not "god" flying through the sky.

I have so far showed a few cases of modern witnesses that saw things that cannot be duplicated by our present technology. And since we don't automatically call them "god" anymore, we have to figure out what they are. And the government explanations have been, to be honest, laughable. Flying super-secret military aircraft in secret tests that surpass our known tech, over heavily populated cities in the US and other countries, and then denying them, is not the way any smart gov't would do it. They would fly them over isolated and protected areas like Area 51. Not over major cities in plain sight in Arizona, Connecticut, New York, and many more that I haven't touched yet...
Have there been visitors from other planets buzzing the Earth throughout history?

Or is it a cultural phenomenon that started in the modern age and fed by cold-war hysteria?

First, the term "UFO" going forward will mean spacecraft piloted or controlled by extra-terrestrials, so I don't have to type "ETUFO" every time. The term "unknown flying object" can be anything. So "UFO" means an alien spacecraft in this discussion going forward.

Second, ridicule is not a means to dismiss this argument. I will use only high-level modern day witnesses, historical witnesses, and logic in my arguments.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

So since I'm in Phoenix now, I'll start with the Phoenix Lights in 1997.

#1: The Phoenix Lights
Thousands of people reported a very large V-shaped UFO that was witnessed across the state. Soon thereafter, the local Air Force base dropped a series of flares to confuse the public, and they are what most people see in the well-known circular-light videos. However, those flares were not what was reported by the eyewitnesses, including the then-Governor, Fife Symington, who has testified to what he saw. At first, he used ridicule to dismiss it to avoid public panic. But he has since been very straight-forward as to what he saw and why he ridiculed it, and is a staunch UFO-advocate.

Many other people also collaborate the huge V-shaped craft that hovered and also flew very rapidly across the state north-to-south. And it was seen in Phoenix around 8:30pm. The Air Force response was that they dropped flares as a routine exercise around Phoenix at around 10:00pm and claim that is what the eyewitnesses saw.

So, to me, it is either a UFO (meaning aliens), or a very secret government vehicle that they don't want people to know about and has never been used since.

But if they didn't want people to know about it, why did they fly it across the state and over the 6th largest city in the country, unbeknownst and to the dismay to government officials, and then cover it up by dropping flares over Phoenix? They could have easily avoided such speculation by taking a less visible route, and also not risk a malfunction over a heavily populated city by flying over non-populated areas.

So the evidence, and the government response to it, points to a technology that was not in our control and had to be covered-up to avoid public scrutiny. So if not ours, whose?
As far as the deltoid shaped craft over Arizona, that is most likely a military LAV. The DoD has been experimenting with these triangle shaped blimps since the 1970s. And like other blimps they don't make a lot of noise while in flight.

That's not what the Governor and other people witnessed. And 40+ years later from those tests in the 70's, I really don't think it was an "LAV" flying ship as you suggested, since they're pretty much relegated to the ground.

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Have there been visitors from other planets buzzing the Earth throughout history?

Or is it a cultural phenomenon that started in the modern age and fed by cold-war hysteria?

First, the term "UFO" going forward will mean spacecraft piloted or controlled by extra-terrestrials, so I don't have to type "ETUFO" every time. The term "unknown flying object" can be anything. So "UFO" means an alien spacecraft in this discussion going forward.

Second, ridicule is not a means to dismiss this argument. I will use only high-level modern day witnesses, historical witnesses, and logic in my arguments.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

So since I'm in Phoenix now, I'll start with the Phoenix Lights in 1997.

#1: The Phoenix Lights
Thousands of people reported a very large V-shaped UFO that was witnessed across the state. Soon thereafter, the local Air Force base dropped a series of flares to confuse the public, and they are what most people see in the well-known circular-light videos. However, those flares were not what was reported by the eyewitnesses, including the then-Governor, Fife Symington, who has testified to what he saw. At first, he used ridicule to dismiss it to avoid public panic. But he has since been very straight-forward as to what he saw and why he ridiculed it, and is a staunch UFO-advocate.

Many other people also collaborate the huge V-shaped craft that hovered and also flew very rapidly across the state north-to-south. And it was seen in Phoenix around 8:30pm. The Air Force response was that they dropped flares as a routine exercise around Phoenix at around 10:00pm and claim that is what the eyewitnesses saw.

So, to me, it is either a UFO (meaning aliens), or a very secret government vehicle that they don't want people to know about and has never been used since.

But if they didn't want people to know about it, why did they fly it across the state and over the 6th largest city in the country, unbeknownst and to the dismay to government officials, and then cover it up by dropping flares over Phoenix? They could have easily avoided such speculation by taking a less visible route, and also not risk a malfunction over a heavily populated city by flying over non-populated areas.

So the evidence, and the government response to it, points to a technology that was not in our control and had to be covered-up to avoid public scrutiny. So if not ours, whose?
As far as the deltoid shaped craft over Arizona, that is most likely a military LAV. The DoD has been experimenting with these triangle shaped blimps since the 1970s. And like other blimps they don't make a lot of noise while in flight.

That's not what the Governor and other people witnessed. Unless that dirigible was capable of taking off at high speeds.

The Governor never made any mention of what he saw "taking off at high speeds". (what ever that is).

It was just another triangle as seen from ground level.

Like I've already mentioned, the military has been making them for decades.
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A "light armored vehicle" is not capable of flying silently over the sky. So I'd like to know what huge triangular blimps the military has been making for decades to our chagrin. That you seem to know about, but aren't putting forth.

And the governor and other witnesses stated it took off at high speeds. Not in that video, but in others.
And the aerodynamics of a triangular or V-shaped blimp, would make it very unsafe, especially very low to the ground, as it has been witnessed. One nice gust of air, or updraft, will tilt it and crash it to the ground. Not something the government would be secretly testing over highly populated areas close to the ground, as witnessed.
6000 years ago some beings that looked just like us, gave us everything.

who gave them the knowledge? probably aliens as well or gods, or maybe they figured out for themselves, like we did.

Now, why would a civilization that took the time to teach us everything we know, stop?

b/c they were never here, we figured it our for ourselves.

so what makes a shred of sense? aliens that stopped coming and teaching or we figured it out.

iknowiknow, humans dumb.
They were here way before 6000 years ago. It was 6000 years ago that they let the first human civ arise with a human ruler. And thus, written history began.

They got what they needed from 200k years of using humans as slaves. And that was mining the earth for rare metals. They tried to wipe us out multiple times, but we managed to survive. Eventually they let us have our own base in Sumer. And everything else today stems from there...

Who gave the Anunnaki their knowledge? I don't know... they didn't say. Probably just figured it out on their own in their own evolutionary period. Or perhaps, learned it from another civ from another place... We don't know.

But what we do know, is that things have been observed and reported in our skies non-stop from the Sumerian times to the modern times, that are not readily explainable. UFO sightings are not just a modern phenomena, as you may think. Its just that today, with our technology, we realize what our tech is capable of, what it isn't capable of, and what is obviously not "god" flying through the sky.

I have so far showed a few cases of modern witnesses that saw things that cannot be duplicated by our present technology. And since we don't automatically call them "god" anymore, we have to figure out what they are. And the government explanations have been, to be honest, laughable. Flying super-secret military aircraft in secret tests that surpass our known tech, over heavily populated cities in the US and other countries, and then denying them, is not the way any smart gov't would do it. They would fly them over isolated and protected areas like Area 51. Not over major cities in plain sight in Arizona, Connecticut, New York, and many more that I haven't touched yet...
so they were here for 200,000 years

and in ALL that time they didn't leave a single thing behind for us that we could find.

no buildings
no tools
no nuts or bolts
no foot prints of where they might of landed
no evidence at all, just some handmedown story

this gets more absurd the more I think about it.
Erosion is going to sweep things away, and cover things up. The Great Pyramids were once engulfed in sand, barely coming out in sight, and the Sphinx was covered up to the neck. And that's just 4000-6000 years ago (if you agree with the "experts").

200,000 years adds a lot to that. They also didn't have to leave anything for us to find. They left "human civilization" for us to find and figure out.

And today, we're still arguing and fighting and killing each other over "false" gods, that were based on the original Sumerian writings of the Anunnaki.

We refuse the possibility that they were aliens......... but we totally accept that they were "supernatural mythical gods" that shaped religion for millennia to come...


My argument supporting present UFO's, will eventually coincide with my argument supporting ancient UFO's. And they will meet quite nicely as I squeeze them together further. And, hopefully, make the perfect sense in the long run. So stick with me! I appreciate your input and making me think about things! And hope for more input too!

Unfortunately, I cannot post every day, so you have deal with my "weekend updates" :)

I'll try to cover everything said in the meantime.

But right here, we're at this stone-wall conclusion. Sumerian society appeared out of nowhere roughly 6000 years ago. They claimed that humans were there for a long time, and that they were created by another whole bunch of beings called the "Anunnaki". They wrote a LOT about them... and about everything they taught them.

6000 years later, we're still arguing, fighting, and killing each other about "gods" and "creation", when that is all "myth".

The true reality is very much different. The lies of religion are perpetuated to make money and power for those that control the lies in absence of the true "gods".

But they're not "gods", they're just aliens that created us, and used us up until the point that they were done, and then set us "free" and allowed us to create our first society... Sumer.

They still visit. And maybe others visit as well. There are three different types of "aliens" described today. And two of them tie back to the ancient Sumerian tales 6000 years ago...
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The Anunnaki and the Igigi were the ones they told us about a long time ago, and are still seen today.
Ok, back to modern times.

Rendelsham Forest. Brightwaters! The 1980's!

Like, modern times for 10% of us...
And on the opposite ancient times side... the Vimana!
Have there been visitors from other planets buzzing the Earth throughout history?

Or is it a cultural phenomenon that started in the modern age and fed by cold-war hysteria?

First, the term "UFO" going forward will mean spacecraft piloted or controlled by extra-terrestrials, so I don't have to type "ETUFO" every time. The term "unknown flying object" can be anything. So "UFO" means an alien spacecraft in this discussion going forward.

Second, ridicule is not a means to dismiss this argument. I will use only high-level modern day witnesses, historical witnesses, and logic in my arguments.

I look forward to an intelligent discussion.

So since I'm in Phoenix now, I'll start with the Phoenix Lights in 1997.

#1: The Phoenix Lights
Thousands of people reported a very large V-shaped UFO that was witnessed across the state. Soon thereafter, the local Air Force base dropped a series of flares to confuse the public, and they are what most people see in the well-known circular-light videos. However, those flares were not what was reported by the eyewitnesses, including the then-Governor, Fife Symington, who has testified to what he saw. At first, he used ridicule to dismiss it to avoid public panic. But he has since been very straight-forward as to what he saw and why he ridiculed it, and is a staunch UFO-advocate.

Many other people also collaborate the huge V-shaped craft that hovered and also flew very rapidly across the state north-to-south. And it was seen in Phoenix around 8:30pm. The Air Force response was that they dropped flares as a routine exercise around Phoenix at around 10:00pm and claim that is what the eyewitnesses saw.

So, to me, it is either a UFO (meaning aliens), or a very secret government vehicle that they don't want people to know about and has never been used since.

But if they didn't want people to know about it, why did they fly it across the state and over the 6th largest city in the country, unbeknownst and to the dismay to government officials, and then cover it up by dropping flares over Phoenix? They could have easily avoided such speculation by taking a less visible route, and also not risk a malfunction over a heavily populated city by flying over non-populated areas.

So the evidence, and the government response to it, points to a technology that was not in our control and had to be covered-up to avoid public scrutiny. So if not ours, whose?
As far as the deltoid shaped craft over Arizona, that is most likely a military LAV. The DoD has been experimenting with these triangle shaped blimps since the 1970s. And like other blimps they don't make a lot of noise while in flight.

That's not what the Governor and other people witnessed. Unless that dirigible was capable of taking off at high speeds.

The Governor never made any mention of what he saw "taking off at high speeds". (what ever that is).

It was just another triangle as seen from ground level.

Like I've already mentioned, the military has been making them for decades.

I still want to hear from you, you religious shill.... Are you serious?? Can you provide any evidence of V-shaped, or triangular blimps being tested over the US at any time in the last 60 years? You can't just come here and say crazy stuff and not get called out on it.

"the military has been making them for decades"

Please show me proof, and then we will have words...
Because modern eye-witnesses, who were also Air Force pilots and Astronauts, disagree. They say what they saw was something not possible with modern technology and aerodynamics...

Jus sayin...

And ground witnesses saw something cover the sky, in the phx case, and it was tracked from northern AZ to Tucson. And witnessed by the governor, who was an Air Force pilot too.

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