Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight! Look Toward the 'Water Jar'


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012

>> The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks overnight from Saturday (May 4) to Sunday (May 5), when the moon will be about 1% full. The full event, however, lasts until about May 28. (Some calendars put the peak at May 5-6, when there should be excellent viewing as well.)

... The Eta Aquarids come from Halley's Comet, which last passed through the inner solar system in 1986. That object is set to return in 2061. Every year beginning around mid-April, Earth passes through the dust and debris that separated from the comet hundreds of years ago. This results in the shooting stars that observers can view, as the debris hits our atmosphere and burns up, creating vibrant streaks.

Skygazers can take advantage of the meteors' slow-paced peak. ''Unlike most major annual meteor showers, there is no sharp peak for this shower, but rather a plateau of good rates that last approximately one week, centered on May 7,'' according to the American Meteor Society website.

.... Viewers standing near the equator and in the Southern Hemisphere will have the best view, while folks in northern latitudes will have to look close to the horizon to catch these meteors — setting themselves up to see fewer, but more impressive, long streaks from "Earth-grazing" meteors, according to skywatching columnist Joe Rao. Northern viewers can expect to see up to 10 meteors per hour.

Skygazers should check the skies after 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. in their local time zones, when the radiant rises. The radiant should be highest close to dawn. <<​

Best wishes for clear skies, viewers. :beer:

Thanks, Pogo. I hope the skies clear up here in Walker County, Texas. We've had a massive cloud cover with few breaks since last fall. We had years of drought, but mother nature has restored hopefully a lot of little pineconelings so we can get our Piney Woods area back. If it is a chance to clear up, I hope to go out and look. Thanks for the call out. :thup:
Thanks, Pogo. I hope the skies clear up here in Walker County, Texas. We've had a massive cloud cover with few breaks since last fall. We had years of drought, but mother nature has restored hopefully a lot of little pineconelings so we can get our Piney Woods area back. If it is a chance to clear up, I hope to go out and look. Thanks for the call out. :thup:

Ah knowed yew wur in the waaaad open spaces Becki so you're the first one I thought of. :)

It should go on for quite a while so if you have clouds, pick a night that works before the moon comes back.
Time for an overnight bike run to Mojave....

When the skies are agreeable I can drive about five miles to the Blue Ridge Parkway and perch at an observation turnout from the top of the Appalachian ridge. Oughta be so cool.

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