Et tu, Stephen Hawking???

The boycott will continue as long as people of conscience exist...The world has changed since Einstein’s days who was an atheist secular Jew who insisted on co-existence with the Arabs not the Religious Etrez Israel right wingers who dish out Wars and land expropriations’.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

I am not into your left and right way of thinking. Some people have a conscience and some do not. And people of conscience come from all ethnic backgrounds and religions and even include atheists. And fuck Einstein, his body is dust. A persons worth is not in how much he is like Einstein. Stephen Hawking is a person of conscience and his actions in boycotting Israel are proof we are not dead, we live on in this world no matter the challenges we face and we pour our lives into furthering truth and justice in this world.

I believe there was a typo in your post....

I'm certain you meant "I am not into ... thinking."

It's that the case?
Boycott makes Israelis hate more,

So basically you admit your boycotts are a crappy solution which change nothing.

Good to know we're at least on the same page, here.

It takes acting morally in response to the boycotts and ending the Occupation and Apartheid to stop the hating of Israelis. The fact is hating is always a choice, noone truly makes another hate.

Who decides what is morale and what isn't.

In other words, who died and made you judges?

Your link does not match up to the above article !!! Would you care to explain why there is a difference in the two ???

Now, see.... are as incorrect about that as you are about everything else in life.

Everything between the two quotation marks, from item #1 to #10 is from the link.


caturday is right. technically and legally, it is a copyright violation. you should go back and clean it up.
Boycotting just make the people of Israel stronger.

Hatred doesn't bring remorse, hatred brings the people together.

after 2000 years, you silly people should have learened it by now!


Boycott makes Israelis hate more, in this instance, we all see that from your posts and all the hateful posts and threats against Stephen Hawking for having a conscience wnd acting in response to his conscience. Hatred is something to behold, alright!
All that these boycotts have ever done is increase support for Israel. Please keep it up. Israel needs your help! LOL

Your link does not match up to the above article !!! Would you care to explain why there is a difference in the two ???

Now, see.... are as incorrect about that as you are about everything else in life.

Everything between the two quotation marks, from item #1 to #10 is from the link.


Why did you leave the authors name and title out ??? Did the fact that that he is a prominant Rabbi effect your decision to do so, also your lack of proper punctation ( sp )
leads the reader to think that your post is a complete rendition of the article, is that true ??? is it complete ???
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Now, see.... are as incorrect about that as you are about everything else in life.

Everything between the two quotation marks, from item #1 to #10 is from the link.


Why did you leave the authors name and title out ??? Did the fact that that he is a prominant Rabbi effect your decision to do so, also your lack of proper punctation ( sp )
leads the reader to think that your post is a complete rendition of the article, is that true ??? is it complete ???

Here is your remedial:

"Using Quotation Marks

The primary function of quotation marks is to set off and represent exact language (either spoken or written) that has come from somebody else."
Purdue OWL: Quotation Marks

You're welcome.

Why did you leave the authors name and title out ??? Did the fact that that he is a prominant Rabbi effect your decision to do so, also your lack of proper punctation ( sp )
leads the reader to think that your post is a complete rendition of the article, is that true ??? is it complete ???

Here is your remedial:

"Using Quotation Marks

The primary function of quotation marks is to set off and represent exact language (either spoken or written) that has come from somebody else."
Purdue OWL: Quotation Marks

You're welcome.

I notice however that you did not answer any of my questions, Regarding quotation marks if something is left out isn't it proper to note that by three dots ???
Your link does not match up to the above article !!! Would you care to explain why there is a difference in the two ???

Now, see.... are as incorrect about that as you are about everything else in life.

Everything between the two quotation marks, from item #1 to #10 is from the link.


.... it is a copyright violation.

Yeah, and believe Sealy, he speaks from experience.

Yes, incredible Israeli greed and plunder of an occupied unarmed indigenous population has changed Space Time itself!

When pro - Palestinians come to the realization that Palestinian aggression is the reason for the continuous military presence and checkpoints in Judea and Samaria, we can finally move on. Blaming Israel has never and will never accomplish anything.
Until the Palestinians end hostilities, there will continue to be military presence in Judea and Samaria.

The Physics Prize Committee has unanimously chosen the following two candidates to equally share the 1988 Wolf Prize in Physics:

Stephen W. Hawking
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom

Roger Penrose
University of Oxford
Oxford, United Kingdom

for their brilliant development of the theory of general relativity, in which they have shown the necessity for cosmological singularities and have elucidated the physics of black holes. In this work they have greatly enlarged our understanding of the origin and possible fate of the Universe.
The award is given on merit or on arse kissing?
Now, see.... are as incorrect about that as you are about everything else in life.

Everything between the two quotation marks, from item #1 to #10 is from the link.


.... it is a copyright violation.

Yeah, and believe Sealy, he speaks from experience.

look, it is a copyright violation and that is germaine to the topic.

however, discussing the particulars of how and why is off topic. if you or political chic or caturday wish to discuss why it is a copyright violation, i suggest thaat you start a thread in the proper forum or the badlands.

it is a violation more out of ignorance or neglect rather than intent, but that does not alter the fact that it is a violation.

as for your remark about me, are you accusing me of violating copyright or are you exercising your prerogative as one of the chosen, or is it something else. there was no need for that remark. i bet you don't even know why it is a copyright violation, smart ass, beyond caturdays assertion that the author must be acknowledged in the text of the post in this particular case.

start a new thread. stop mucking up this one. god, you are thick.
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I was trying to make a joke. You have no sense of humor. hmmf!

LOL...i keep forgetting the forum we are in and that you are an israeli and that israeli culture views stealing anything, be it intellectual property or real property, as a joke...well, unless they are the victim, of course.
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