Et tu, Stephen Hawking???

Here is your remedial:

"Using Quotation Marks

The primary function of quotation marks is to set off and represent exact language (either spoken or written) that has come from somebody else."
Purdue OWL: Quotation Marks

You're welcome.

I notice however that you did not answer any of my questions, Regarding quotation marks if something is left out isn't it proper to note that by three dots ???

1. I gave you the link....that's all that's necessary.

2. Your real problem is the subject and direction, not the way the OP was produced.

3. I've seen a few of your're the first pustule I've seen postulate.

The following speaks volumes about the absurdity of your cartoon, Jos.

1. "Whatever declension of tropes were offered, they centered on some definition of Zionism that presented it as other than a program of national self-determination for Jews.

a. Zionism is racism, and held up in comparison with the white Republic of South Africa, both practitioners of apartheid. For this one, one must overlook the non-European Jews, and pretend that Israel’s European Jews were colonial settlers rather than refugees.

b. Yet, this trope fails to explain suicide terror in the trope, as even the worst white racism in South Africa, resistance never slipped into this lowest level of nihilism.

2. It became necessary, then, to move to an angrier trope: Israel, a Nazi entity, so devoted to evil that suicide murder becomes an understandable reaction. Of course, one must overlook the fact that Arab nationalism favored Nazism well into the ‘60’s.

a. It was even more difficult to see the Israelis as Nazis given the relatively civilized military tactics of house-to-house fighting, in Jenin in 2002, for example, which cost 23 Israeli lives, vs. 52 Palestinians. (Second Intifada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia).

Certainly not a Russian-style Grozny battle. “The 1999–2000 battle of Grozny was the siege and assault of the Chechen capital Grozny by Russian forces, lasting from late 1999 to early 2000. The siege and fighting left the capital devastated. In 2003 the United Nations called Grozny the most destroyed city on Earth.”–2000)

b. And, with the alacrity of a firehouse dog responding to a bell, there were folks all around the world leaping to conflate Jenin and Auschwitz, and the like. I just tried the terms together and got 17,500 hits on google. How difficult to believe that a rational logic governs the world."
Berman, "Terror and Liberalism," chapter six.
Boycott is very violent, you basically judging an un-limited amount of people based on something well defined.

What's the students fault, that they have to suffer? or civilians?

There is no violence in a Boycott and the people need to know there are consequences for the human rights abuses and violations of intl law and war crimes of their country.

So, that means 9-11 was justified?

9-11 was not a boycott. And all nations do reap what they have sown.
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Zionism is an ideology rooted in the Torah.

You cannot part the two.

Trying to is like trying to part C from the O and insisting you still have water.

Satan fathered Zionism, and it was born in the 1800s, nothing to do with God Iin Zionism. People of conscience like Stephen Hawking see the evil in Zionism and embrace academic boycotts of Israel as a response to it.
Didn't Moses lead the people from Egypt to Zion to have a permanent land of their own? I remember reading that somewhere.

Moses the original Zionist leader:cool:
In that case, the people of Gaza should have known there are "consequences for the human rights abuses and violations of intl law and war crimes" of Hamas- their government.

Which makes everything Israel does- justified.

So how you logic fails one time after the other?
The economic blockade of Gaza is not about "consequences for the human rights abuses and violations of intl law and war crimes" of Hamas", it is to punish Gazan's for voting for Hamas in a legally held, democratic election. Israel didn't like who they chose to represent them, so they're (Israel) making them (Gazan's) pay for those votes.

That's the reason for the blockade and it's also the reason why I say, "Fuck Israel!" It's none of their god-damn business who Gazan's vote for! The Israeli government is just pure evil.
In that case, the people of Gaza should have known there are "consequences for the human rights abuses and violations of intl law and war crimes" of Hamas- their government.

Which makes everything Israel does- justified.

So how you logic fails one time after the other?
The economic blockade of Gaza is not about "consequences for the human rights abuses and violations of intl law and war crimes" of Hamas", it is to punish Gazan's for voting for Hamas in a legally held, democratic election. Israel didn't like who they chose to represent them, so they're (Israel) making them (Gazan's) pay for those votes.

That's the reason for the blockade and it's also the reason why I say, "Fuck Israel!" It's none of their god-damn business who Gazan's vote for! The Israeli government is just pure evil.

And this punishment of civilians is called collective punishment and it is a war crime.
Wouldn't you say both are legal?
No. In regards to the boycott, there is no law that say's I have to by Israeli products. As a consumer, it is completely my choice, my decision, to make. There is nothing illegal about that.

Collective punishment, on the other hand, is extremely illegal in the fact that it is considered a war crime. The blockade punishes all 1.5 million Gazan's. And a basic rule of international law is that "no one should be punished for a crime they did not commit".

I'll tell you what, just to be fair, if you can name the 1.5 million crimes Gazan's have committed, then I'll say there is no collective punishment and the blockade is legal.
Nations in conflict blockade each other customarily----
the UN has declared the blockade of Gaza legal

According to several of the isa-worshipping slugs on
this board --the sinking of the BIZMARCK----was a
WAR CRIME-----well---I admit---for them it was
1. I think PC should be permabanned because she broke a cardinal rule, namely not noticing that there was already a thread on this topic (I'm only semi-serious with #1).

2. I think Hawking has lost his mind.

3. I think it is a shame that PC is using Israelis as tools to further her political agenda. It saddens me.

4. I think if the Palis want to stop being viewed as terrorists they should stop acting like terrorists.
In that case, the people of Gaza should have known there are "consequences for the human rights abuses and violations of intl law and war crimes" of Hamas- their government.

Which makes everything Israel does- justified.

So how you logic fails one time after the other?
The economic blockade of Gaza is not about "consequences for the human rights abuses and violations of intl law and war crimes" of Hamas", it is to punish Gazan's for voting for Hamas in a legally held, democratic election. Israel didn't like who they chose to represent them, so they're (Israel) making them (Gazan's) pay for those votes.

That's the reason for the blockade and it's also the reason why I say, "Fuck Israel!" It's none of their god-damn business who Gazan's vote for! The Israeli government is just pure evil.

Another hissy fit for Loiney. Is everyday that time of the month for you? Geez, get a grip of yourself.

As for the blockade, well all know what its put there for. To stop Hamas from getting advanced weapons. Terrorist + modern weapons = TERRIBLE IDEA. Until Hamas puts down their weapons, and recognizes Israel, the blockade will remain ... What the fuck don't you understand about that ?????
No recognition of Israel= no lift of the blockade !! Would you like me to repeat it in another language???

And you can say whatever you want about Gaza's government being Israels business or not. If Israel wants to make it their business, they will !

Now, how bout them apples loinboy ????
Wouldn't you say both are legal?
No. In regards to the boycott, there is no law that say's I have to by Israeli products. As a consumer, it is completely my choice, my decision, to make. There is nothing illegal about that.

Collective punishment, on the other hand, is extremely illegal in the fact that it is considered a war crime. The blockade punishes all 1.5 million Gazan's. And a basic rule of international law is that "no one should be punished for a crime they did not commit".

I'll tell you what, just to be fair, if you can name the 1.5 million crimes Gazan's have committed, then I'll say there is no collective punishment and the blockade is legal.

Collective punishment is a result of Hamas aggression. The Palestinians need to realize sooner or later that blaming Israel for all their problems isn't going to solve anything !
1. I think PC should be permabanned because she broke a cardinal rule, namely not noticing that there was already a thread on this topic (I'm only semi-serious with #1).

2. I think Hawking has lost his mind.

3. I think it is a shame that PC is using Israelis as tools to further her political agenda. It saddens me.

4. I think if the Palis want to stop being viewed as terrorists they should stop acting like terrorists.

I'm gonna need a lock of your hair for this doll I'm making......

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