Et tu, Stephen Hawking???

Sorry to disappoint you, but the only ones making a noise out of this, are desparate leftists.

Frankly? Most of us here don't really give a sheeeeeet.

The fact you submitted this post tells all how untrue it is!
And the fact she doesn't give a shit, indicates morals are not a character trait she chooses to embrace.

Lipush is the perfect illustration of what being raised as an Occupying people produces in a human being! It has nothing to do with heredity, she is proof of that. And Stephen Hawking illustrates physical defects can be overcome, and the mind can embrace morality no matter the limitations of our bodies. We all can overcome, even Zionists can overcome Zionism and choose another path, even if that may only come as late as age 70. As long as we have life left in our bodies, we all can choose to live as a people of conscience like Stephen Hawking illustrates by his boycott of Israel.
Boycotting just make the people of Israel stronger.
Not when you act like cowards and refuse to address the reasons for the boycott.

Hatred doesn't bring remorse, hatred brings the people together.
And narcissism breaks them apart.

after 2000 years, you silly people should have learened it by now!

The "people" you are calling "silly", is the rest of the fuckin' world!

So Israel is right and the whole world is wrong?

Do you realize just how fuckin' ridiculous your position is?
i think it is hilarious that all these people who think BDS don't mean shite, are all freakin' out over nothin. if they would keep their mouths shut about these things it would be trains passing in the night.

hawking didn't make BDS work and most people would have hit the snooze control because the palestinians don't have the media infrastructure...but they got the israeli media and clowns like political chic to do their job for them.

you would think the smartest people in the world would know better and either give up steppin' on their dicks so bad or give up that snip snip on the foreskin.

You must have mistaken me for someone else....

I speak for truth and justice.
The fact you submitted this post tells all how untrue it is!
And the fact she doesn't give a shit, indicates morals are not a character trait she chooses to embrace.

Lipush is the perfect illustration of what being raised as an Occupying people produces in a human being! It has nothing to do with heredity, she is proof of that. And Stephen Hawking illustrates physical defects can be overcome, and the mind can embrace morality no matter the limitations of our bodies. We all can overcome, even Zionists can overcome Zionism and choose another path, even if that may only come as late as age 70. As long as we have life left in our bodies, we all can choose to live as a people of conscience like Stephen Hawking illustrates by his boycott of Israel.

I am proud of how I have been raised.

I have no complains. no regrets. No problems.

So why do you have them?
Strange world.
Often, there are events difficult to explain...
....the following is one.

1. "How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel

2. Has Stephen Hawking really left the company of Albert Einstein, an avowed Zionist who worked to create the State of Israel, and replaced him with the august company of Elvis Costello and other Israel boycotters?

3. In his statement embracing the boycott of the Jewish state, Hawking said, “I have received a number of emails from Palestinian academics. They are unanimous that I should respect the boycott. In view of this I must withdraw from the conference.”

4. One would think that Hawking’s response to these academics might be a call to, say, Hamas to start using the billions channeled to the Palestinians as the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid into building universities rather than buying bombs, or educating women rather than tacitly allowing the honor killings of young Palestinian women ...

5. ...Hawking decided instead to condemn the country whose scholars have won ten Nobel prizes, from a population of six million, while the entire Arab world, numbering in the hundreds of millions, have won two, outside the peace prize (another four). Clearly, a knowledge of physics is no guarantor of a knowledge of foreign affairs.

6. ...often called the Einstein of his generation, it is worth reminding him that Einstein was a committed Zionist who traveled around the United States with Chain Weizmann to raise money for the creation of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an institution that Hawking now refuses to even visit.

a. ....Einstein wrote, “On Saturday I'm off to America — not to speak at universities (though there will probably be that, too, on the side) but rather to help in the founding of the Jewish University in Jerusalem. I feel an intense need to do something for this cause.”

b. ...[and] Einstein wrote, “I am not at all eager to go to America but am doing it only in the interests of the Zionists, who must beg for dollars to build educational institutions in Jerusalem and for whom I act as high priest and decoy . . . I do what I can to help those in my tribe who are treated so badly everywhere.”

7. When in 1948 President Truman recognized the new Jewish State of Israel, Einstein declared it "the fulfillment of our dream.”

8. How unfortunate that a man as visionary as Stephen Hawking can peer so deeply into the Universe but it is so myopic as to fail to see the righteousness of Israel’s cause even as it stares him right in the face."
How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel - The New York Sun

Your link does not match up to the above article !!! Would you care to explain why there is a difference in the two ???

Now, see.... are as incorrect about that as you are about everything else in life.

Everything between the two quotation marks, from item #1 to #10 is from the link.

Boycotting just make the people of Israel stronger.
Not when you act like cowards and refuse to address the reasons for the boycott.

Hatred doesn't bring remorse, hatred brings the people together.
And narcissism breaks them apart.

after 2000 years, you silly people should have learened it by now!

The "people" you are calling "silly", is the rest of the fuckin' world!

So Israel is right and the whole world is wrong?

Do you realize just how fuckin' ridiculous your position is?

Narcissism ?

Let me tell you a true story about myself.

When I was a child, I used to be an army brat. up untill I was about 5 years old, I used to be raised by IDF soldiers, I had no interaction with other children. when reaching five I was put into daycare while my parents were in the army base. for a long time I used to be so angry with them for it. I didn't understand why. since I had no interaction with children, and being surrounded by other Ashkenazi children (most of the) when I was latina and a bit dark-skinned, my language was horrible, and I was different than everyone else. I used to get picked on, nobody really have spoken to me.

Now I look at this time and laugh, but at that time, you don't get why people are like this. You think that I thought of 'remorse', 'regret'? why should I be like them? You think someone who's being not talked to, ignored, bashed, will feel anything but contempt to the people responsible for it? No.

One who is 'boycotted' will stay even more so. Boycotting is hatred. not a punishment. boycotting, ignoring, and the other things similar is driven by egoism, wickedness, nothing more. Only thing you get out of this is your 'target' feel anger and feel more sure if its inner ways.

The "people" you are calling "silly", is the rest of the fuckin' world!

All "the rest of the fucking world" boycotts Israel?

Good to know you think so highly of yourselves.

So Israel is right and the whole world is wrong?

Of course not.

Israel is right, the boycotters are wrong.

Nothing said about the world. Pssssht
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The fact you submitted this post tells all how untrue it is!
And the fact she doesn't give a shit, indicates morals are not a character trait she chooses to embrace.

Lipush is the perfect illustration of what being raised as an Occupying people produces in a human being! It has nothing to do with heredity, she is proof of that. And Stephen Hawking illustrates physical defects can be overcome, and the mind can embrace morality no matter the limitations of our bodies. We all can overcome, even Zionists can overcome Zionism and choose another path, even if that may only come as late as age 70. As long as we have life left in our bodies, we all can choose to live as a people of conscience like Stephen Hawking illustrates by his boycott of Israel.

Why should we "overcome Zionism"?

When Christians "Overcome Christianity" and Muslims "Overcome Islam", then, we will overcome Zionism.

how dare you people tell us what to believe in?

Zionism existed since time immemorial! you people will die 10 times before we "overcome Zionism"!

How rude!
Boycotting just make the people of Israel stronger.

Hatred doesn't bring remorse, hatred brings the people together.

after 2000 years, you silly people should have learened it by now!


Boycott makes Israelis hate more,

So basically you admit your boycotts are a crappy solution which change nothing.

Good to know we're at least on the same page, here.
i think it is hilarious that all these people who think BDS don't mean shite, are all freakin' out over nothin. if they would keep their mouths shut about these things it would be trains passing in the night.

hawking didn't make BDS work and most people would have hit the snooze control because the palestinians don't have the media infrastructure...but they got the israeli media and clowns like political chic to do their job for them.

you would think the smartest people in the world would know better and either give up steppin' on their dicks so bad or give up that snip snip on the foreskin.

You must have mistaken me for someone else....

I speak for truth and justice.

lmao, what a joke that statement is, where is truth and justice in your character assassination of Stephen Hawking or your support of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine that has murdered 1500 children since 2000, the names of whom you can read on the website of B'Tselem? You and truth and justice know nothing of one another.
Strange world.
Often, there are events difficult to explain...
....the following is one.

1. "How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel

2. Has Stephen Hawking really left the company of Albert Einstein, an avowed Zionist who worked to create the State of Israel, and replaced him with the august company of Elvis Costello and other Israel boycotters?

3. In his statement embracing the boycott of the Jewish state, Hawking said, “I have received a number of emails from Palestinian academics. They are unanimous that I should respect the boycott. In view of this I must withdraw from the conference.”

4. One would think that Hawking’s response to these academics might be a call to, say, Hamas to start using the billions channeled to the Palestinians as the world’s largest per capita recipients of international foreign aid into building universities rather than buying bombs, or educating women rather than tacitly allowing the honor killings of young Palestinian women ...

5. ...Hawking decided instead to condemn the country whose scholars have won ten Nobel prizes, from a population of six million, while the entire Arab world, numbering in the hundreds of millions, have won two, outside the peace prize (another four). Clearly, a knowledge of physics is no guarantor of a knowledge of foreign affairs.

6. ...often called the Einstein of his generation, it is worth reminding him that Einstein was a committed Zionist who traveled around the United States with Chain Weizmann to raise money for the creation of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, an institution that Hawking now refuses to even visit.

a. ....Einstein wrote, “On Saturday I'm off to America — not to speak at universities (though there will probably be that, too, on the side) but rather to help in the founding of the Jewish University in Jerusalem. I feel an intense need to do something for this cause.”

b. ...[and] Einstein wrote, “I am not at all eager to go to America but am doing it only in the interests of the Zionists, who must beg for dollars to build educational institutions in Jerusalem and for whom I act as high priest and decoy . . . I do what I can to help those in my tribe who are treated so badly everywhere.”

7. When in 1948 President Truman recognized the new Jewish State of Israel, Einstein declared it "the fulfillment of our dream.”

8. How unfortunate that a man as visionary as Stephen Hawking can peer so deeply into the Universe but it is so myopic as to fail to see the righteousness of Israel’s cause even as it stares him right in the face."
How Stephen Hawking Abandoned Einstein and Turned on Israel - The New York Sun
The boycott will continue as long as people of conscience exist...The world has changed since Einstein’s days who was an atheist secular Jew who insisted on co-existence with the Arabs not the Religious Etrez Israel right wingers who dish out Wars and land expropriations’.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

I am not into your left and right way of thinking. Some people have a conscience and some do not. And people of conscience come from all ethnic backgrounds and religions and even include atheists. And fuck Einstein, his body is dust. A persons worth is not in how much he is like Einstein. Stephen Hawking is a person of conscience and his actions in boycotting Israel are proof we are not dead, we live on in this world no matter the challenges we face and we pour our lives into furthering truth and justice in this world.
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But what about all the other country's that don't give Hawkings a good meal?

How come no one is boycotting them?
Do you see people boycotting China for the horrific way they treat the Tibetans? The boycott is mainly because many people are anti-Semitic and this is the way they feel they can get at the Jews via Israel. I don't see people calling fcr the boycott of Pakistani clothes coming into this country even though the Sunni Muslims in Pakistan are busy killing other Muslims and non Muslims and the government doesn't really do anything about it. In fact, they jail non Muslims for so-called blasphemy.

this thread is about hawking's boycott of israel. it isn't abouit who does or doesn't boycott china.

playing the "anti-semite" card is weak, and particularly in this case when a man who was respected enough by israeli society to be invited to be a key speaker at a bash for shimon peres overnight becomes an "anti-semite" because he disagrees with political actions by a state in regards to the indigenous peoploe disenfranchised by that state.

why don't you show me one prior incident where hawking has shown any discrimination, bigoty, or hatred against jews as a people or religion. there are none. he doesn't even do it in his boycott.

there is a very real danger of trying to link anti-semitism to politics because it opens the door to real anti-semites. it already has. in the past, being called an anti-semite was a death knell. increasing though, it is beginning to signify people who stand up for human rights. you have hitler and mandela in the same group.

stop trying to get threads sent to the badlands.
It is so ironic that Hosshiite uses anti-Semitism as the basis for all of right wing Zionism's problems. According to posts by Lipush and Toastman hate towards Jews makes them stronger and unifies their cause.

The irony and hypocrisy is a jewel to be admired and studied by fiction writers and Psychologists in learning how hatred produces success.
Boycotting just make the people of Israel stronger.

Hatred doesn't bring remorse, hatred brings the people together.

after 2000 years, you silly people should have learened it by now!


Boycott makes Israelis hate more, in this instance, we all see that from your posts and all the hateful posts and threats against Stephen Hawking for having a conscience wnd acting in response to his conscience. Hatred is something to behold, alright!

Which part of 'Jews/ISraelis thrive on hate don't you understand?'
Oh, she understands perfectly.

It's funny how those people think. They praise boycotting on Israel, know that it brings nothing but bitterness, and then whine about how 'hateful' Israelis are, when they know its their own doing that brings it out of us....
The boycott will continue as long as people of conscience exist...The world has changed since Einstein’s days who was an atheist secular Jew who insisted on co-existence with the Arabs not the Religious Etrez Israel right wingers who dish out Wars and land expropriations’.

I believe there are several reasons:

1. It is an easy way to express one's hatred for America.

2. Israel is viewed as an outpost of colonialism , and an active practitioner of it.

3. Israel is a western nation, and hence can be judged by the left. Israel is not protected by cultural relativism, as the Arabs are.

4. Leftist Christian churches can escape any lingering guilt about the Holocaust, by turning Israel into a villain. Some leftist churches hate Israel because they think this will help protect their members in the holy land— in other words they feel threatened.

5. Ferocious Muslim hatred of Israel and the Jews reinforces the natural cowardice of many on the left who go along with the Muslims to stay out of their line of fire.

6. Jewish leftists are prominent in the anti—Israel movement. This opens the floodgates for everybody else.

7. Israel is attacked because the secular left is appalled by the influence of religious settlers and their biblical connections to the land of Israel, and by the support for Israel by evangelical Christians, and Christian Zionists."
Archived-Articles: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

I am not into your left and right way of thinking. Some people have a conscience and some do not. And people of conscience come from all ethnic backgrounds and religions and even include atheists. And fuck Einstein, his body is dust. A persons worth is not in how much he is like Einstein. Stephen Hawking is a person of conscience and his actions in boycotting Israel are proof we are not dead, we live on in this world no matter the challenges we face and we por our lives into furthering truth and justice in this world.

Someone like you, who started a thread thanking Jesus for the death of two pilots, shows that YOU have no conscience ...
It's not the Zionists fault that you're a miserable human being !
And the fact she doesn't give a shit, indicates morals are not a character trait she chooses to embrace.

Lipush is the perfect illustration of what being raised as an Occupying people produces in a human being! It has nothing to do with heredity, she is proof of that. And Stephen Hawking illustrates physical defects can be overcome, and the mind can embrace morality no matter the limitations of our bodies. We all can overcome, even Zionists can overcome Zionism and choose another path, even if that may only come as late as age 70. As long as we have life left in our bodies, we all can choose to live as a people of conscience like Stephen Hawking illustrates by his boycott of Israel.

Why should we "overcome Zionism"?

When Christians "Overcome Christianity" and Muslims "Overcome Islam", then, we will overcome Zionism.

how dare you people tell us what to believe in?

Zionism existed since time immemorial! you people will die 10 times before we "overcome Zionism"!

How rude!

Idolatry is such an ugly thing to behold! More intellectual honesty in an atheist like I believe Stephen Hawking is. He said, "Heaven is a fairytale story for people afraid of the dark." Stephen Hawking: 'Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark' | Mail Online
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Aren't some of you Christians worship Mary mother of Jesus, like she was some female God?

Not to sound rude, or anything, but isn't that Idolatry to the core?

Zionism is part of Judaism. There is no Idolatry in that
Lipush is the perfect illustration of what being raised as an Occupying people produces in a human being! It has nothing to do with heredity, she is proof of that. And Stephen Hawking illustrates physical defects can be overcome, and the mind can embrace morality no matter the limitations of our bodies. We all can overcome, even Zionists can overcome Zionism and choose another path, even if that may only come as late as age 70. As long as we have life left in our bodies, we all can choose to live as a people of conscience like Stephen Hawking illustrates by his boycott of Israel.

Why should we "overcome Zionism"?

When Christians "Overcome Christianity" and Muslims "Overcome Islam", then, we will overcome Zionism.

how dare you people tell us what to believe in?

Zionism existed since time immemorial! you people will die 10 times before we "overcome Zionism"!

How rude!

Idolatry is such an ugly thing to behold! More intellectual honesty in an atheist like I believe Stephen Hawking is.

Why do you constantly respond to post without answering the questions being asked? Why are your responses always complete jibberish that has nothing to do with what is being asked of you ? AM I talking with a child, or a woman ??
Boycotting just make the people of Israel stronger.

Hatred doesn't bring remorse, hatred brings the people together.

after 2000 years, you silly people should have learened it by now!


Boycott makes Israelis hate more,

So basically you admit your boycotts are a crappy solution which change nothing.

Good to know we're at least on the same page, here.

It takes acting morally in response to the boycotts and ending the Occupation and Apartheid to stop the hating of Israelis. The fact is hating is always a choice, noone truly makes another hate.
Boycott makes Israelis hate more,

So basically you admit your boycotts are a crappy solution which change nothing.

Good to know we're at least on the same page, here.

It takes acting morally in response to the boycotts and ending the Occupation and Apartheid to stop the hating of Israelis. The fact is hating is always a choice, noone truly makes another hate.

So you consider Israel withdrawing herself from Judea and Samaria as a moral response to boycotts? You really think Israel will surrender to the demands of boycotts? You need a reality check woman !
i think it is hilarious that all these people who think BDS don't mean shite, are all freakin' out over nothin. if they would keep their mouths shut about these things it would be trains passing in the night.

hawking didn't make BDS work and most people would have hit the snooze control because the palestinians don't have the media infrastructure...but they got the israeli media and clowns like political chic to do their job for them.

you would think the smartest people in the world would know better and either give up steppin' on their dicks so bad or give up that snip snip on the foreskin.

You must have mistaken me for someone else....

I speak for truth and justice.

lmao, what a joke that statement is, where is truth and justice in your character assassination of Stephen Hawking or your support of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine that has murdered 1500 children since 2000, the names of whom you can read on the website of B'Tselem? You and truth and justice know nothing of one another. is your first out of the 'nervous hospital'?

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