Esteemed Cook Political Report Releases Its First Polling On Swing States And Hoo Boy, "Unsustainable"

That's all they have. Mud singling and anger.

Truly a joyless breed.

We tried telling y'all it was coming and now that it's here....

giphy (2).gif

And hold on to your butts folks, cause it's only May. Those polls will get worse for Biden.
Baby Reindeer Alert!

CPR is one source many people pay attention to.
The always pathetic troll, the dainty, is using his baby reindeer crap — yet again.

The poor deluded scumbag must imagine he is scoring any rhetorical points. Lol.

Anyway, back on topic:

The polling referenced in the OP sure doesn’t bode well for the demented Potato.
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The always pathetic troll, the dainty, is versing his baby reindeer crap — yet again.

The poor deluded scumbag must imagine he is scoring any rhetorical points. Lol.

Anyway, back on topic:

The polling referenced in the OP sure doesn’t bode well for the demented Potato.

As a half-Irish American, I demand you stop insulting potatoes.

But continue to insult Dainty.
The always pathetic troll, the dainty, is versing his baby reindeer crap — yet again.

The poor deluded scumbag must imagine he is scoring any rhetorical points. Lol.

Anyway, back on topic:

The polling referenced in the OP sure doesn’t bode well for the demented Potato.

Several long time posters say he's a banned poster named Dante.

It is certainly a sock as it had not posted in some 7 years and suddenly it shows up again.
Several long time posters say he's a banned poster named Dante.

If I was stuck in the inferno, I supposed I'd be a miserable bastard too.

On the other hand, he's a Biden supporter.

So....way worse.
I'll be candid here:

I believe there's already been plenty of credible polls released conveying that Biden's campaign is sinking faster than the Lusitania with a woke navy.

However, Cook Political Report is considered the creme da le creme of every pretentious latte' sipping Acela riding Leftist this side of the Atlantic.

That and Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball are (supposedly) irrefutable hallowed polling ground, exceeding the irrational reverence bestowed upon the likes of FiveThirtyEight and even Gallup.

So, with that context, that's have a look see, shall we?


My poor fwagile widdle eyes!

That smarts.

And let's also throw in the fact that Wisconsin under polls Trump even more than possibly any other state. (And they pretty much all do it.)

Speaking of "blood baths".

Dems are gonna need a bigger boat.

And a better candidate - cuz this Dark Brandon rubbish?

No one's buyin' it.

Let's not forget:

The dude calling you a troll has quite the salient point.

I won't pretend I'm some pristine example of sober propriety.

Far fuckin' from.

But you have yet to make a single substantive post even remotely related to the topic.

Good job, Crusty.

Sock. 👇

This clown didn't post here for 7 years, now he's shit-posting the board. Paid poster.

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 7.25.08 PM.png
The always pathetic troll, the dainty, is using his baby reindeer crap — yet again.

The poor deluded scumbag must imagine he is scoring any rhetorical points. Lol.

Anyway, back on topic:

The polling referenced in the OP sure doesn’t bode well for the demented Potato.
Baby Reindeer Alert!

Polls this far out are called the horse race. Nobody banks on them, but charlatans, fools, and ILARS/Liars.
Watch out Liability doesn't come after you claiming--

Wow. Another lie from the blisters.

How completely expected.

I wonder how the dainty’s latest off topic troll post relates to the thread topic?

Oh. That’s right. It doesn’t. The blister may have an exemption from that “rule.”
I see you've gone with the bold italics. Is the all caps nonsensical rant coming next?

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