Eric Garner: Nothing Good Here


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The video of Eric Garner's death is one of those two or three minutes that leaves it's impact forever.

"I can't breathe...." ....eleven times.

There is nothing good here, not for anyone. No one will say 'I'm glad that happened...' because no one is.

Radio host Sandy Boyer, from the communist radio voice in NYC, WBAI, wrote the following for the Socialist Worker, Will there be justice for Eric Garner

1. "IN NEW York City, like in Ferguson, African Americans aren't safe walking down the street.

2. Eric Garner was strangled to death by Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo in broad daylight on Staten Island .....

3. His killing might have gone almost unnoticed if a friend hadn't videotaped it--only to be arrested in retaliation for recording a police murder.

4. .... Pantaleo can be seen holding Eric Garner in an illegal chokehold as he wrestles him to the ground. Garner can be heard crying out, "I can't breathe." The video shows Pantaleo pushing Garner's face into the sidewalk. Garner died a few minutes later--but police waited seven minutes before trying to resuscitate him.

5. New York City Medical Examiner Barbara Sampson has ruled the Garner's death was a homicide. She found that it was the chokehold, ... that killed him.

6. Garner's "crime" was underselling local merchants by selling "loosies"--single, untaxed cigarettes--on the street for 50 cents apiece.

7. Cops routinely hassled Garner. He was out on bail for selling untaxed cigarettes the day they killed him.

When the cops came after him, Garner threw his arms in the air and yelled, "I was just minding my own business. Every time you see me, you want to mess with me. I'm tired of it. It stops today." Will there be justice for Eric Garner

FULL Black Man KILLED After NYPD Cop Puts Him In CHOKEHOLD For Breaking Up a FIGHT - YouTube
A cop will never be indicted on Staten Island, however he should never be a police officer again. Being a law enforcement officer is something you are only allowed to screw up once, with great power comes great responsibility.

That being said firing his ass will be next to impossible, and you have public unions to thank for that.
The video of Eric Garner's death is one of those two or three minutes that leaves it's impact forever.
"I can't breathe...." ....eleven times.
There is nothing good here, not for anyone. No one will say 'I'm glad that happened...' because no one is.
Just a point of interest:
If you can talk, you’re not choking.
If you can talk you re not choking. Infinity Direct Blog
Don't believe it Google it for yourself!

A choke hold is not a true "choking", as usually that implies an interior blockage. But it does restrict blood flow to the brain, and since it is a restriction and not a blockage, a person could speak while being unable to get enough air into their system.

This was a big man, and any trauma that restricts oxygen flow can have consequences that a more fit person would be subject to.

The video does appear to show the cop using a "choke" hold, and those are supposed to be against procedure.
The video of Eric Garner's death is one of those two or three minutes that leaves it's impact forever.

"I can't breathe...." ....eleven times.

There is nothing good here, not for anyone. No one will say 'I'm glad that happened...' because no one is.

Radio host Sandy Boyer, from the communist radio voice in NYC, WBAI, wrote the following for the Socialist Worker, Will there be justice for Eric Garner

1. "IN NEW York City, like in Ferguson, African Americans aren't safe walking down the street.

2. Eric Garner was strangled to death by Patrolman Daniel Pantaleo in broad daylight on Staten Island .....

3. His killing might have gone almost unnoticed if a friend hadn't videotaped it--only to be arrested in retaliation for recording a police murder.

4. .... Pantaleo can be seen holding Eric Garner in an illegal chokehold as he wrestles him to the ground. Garner can be heard crying out, "I can't breathe." The video shows Pantaleo pushing Garner's face into the sidewalk. Garner died a few minutes later--but police waited seven minutes before trying to resuscitate him.

5. New York City Medical Examiner Barbara Sampson has ruled the Garner's death was a homicide. She found that it was the chokehold, ... that killed him.

6. Garner's "crime" was underselling local merchants by selling "loosies"--single, untaxed cigarettes--on the street for 50 cents apiece.

7. Cops routinely hassled Garner. He was out on bail for selling untaxed cigarettes the day they killed him.

When the cops came after him, Garner threw his arms in the air and yelled, "I was just minding my own business. Every time you see me, you want to mess with me. I'm tired of it. It stops today." Will there be justice for Eric Garner

FULL Black Man KILLED After NYPD Cop Puts Him In CHOKEHOLD For Breaking Up a FIGHT - YouTube

It finally stopped, didn't it.
What underlines all of these cases is the fact that our liar in chief doesn't believe in following our laws. He's setting a terrible example for everyone else. Why should some guy selling cigarettes on the street follow the law when our president refuses to?
What underlines all of these cases is the fact that our liar in chief doesn't believe in following our laws. He's setting a terrible example for everyone else. Why should some guy selling cigarettes on the street follow the law when our president refuses to?
That may be the most idiotic post of the year.
What underlines all of these cases is the fact that our liar in chief doesn't believe in following our laws. He's setting a terrible example for everyone else. Why should some guy selling cigarettes on the street follow the law when our president refuses to?
That may be the most idiotic post of the year.

You've said that so often it's lost its meaning over the years.
The video of Eric Garner's death is one of those two or three minutes that leaves it's impact forever.
"I can't breathe...." ....eleven times.
There is nothing good here, not for anyone. No one will say 'I'm glad that happened...' because no one is.
Just a point of interest:
If you can talk, you’re not choking.
If you can talk you re not choking. Infinity Direct Blog
Don't believe it Google it for yourself!

This is not the time to look for exonerations.
The video of Eric Garner's death is one of those two or three minutes that leaves it's impact forever.
"I can't breathe...." ....eleven times.
There is nothing good here, not for anyone. No one will say 'I'm glad that happened...' because no one is.
Just a point of interest:
If you can talk, you’re not choking.
If you can talk you re not choking. Infinity Direct Blog
Don't believe it Google it for yourself!

So. Should I listen to Cletus the swamp savage on this? Or the coroners report?
What underlines all of these cases is the fact that our liar in chief doesn't believe in following our laws. He's setting a terrible example for everyone else. Why should some guy selling cigarettes on the street follow the law when our president refuses to?
Jebus Christo Mud, you are one sick and demented human being... Life exists without Obama....why is HE your Messiah and ALL revolves around him?

Who pays you to constantly say this kind of SHIT? sheesh... Brain Damaged sucker, that you are...
The video of Eric Garner's death is one of those two or three minutes that leaves it's impact forever.
"I can't breathe...." ....eleven times.
There is nothing good here, not for anyone. No one will say 'I'm glad that happened...' because no one is.
Just a point of interest:
If you can talk, you’re not choking.
If you can talk you re not choking. Infinity Direct Blog
Don't believe it Google it for yourself!

So. Should I listen to Cletus the swamp savage on this? Or the coroners report?

Listen to the hired protesters holding signs.
If the guy had not resisted arrest in the first place things would not have gone a far as it did.
As soon as he said don't touch me is when they had to take him down.
There was a black woman officer who was in charge there at the scene and she did not stop them because she knew they were not chocking him.
The video of Eric Garner's death is one of those two or three minutes that leaves it's impact forever.
"I can't breathe...." ....eleven times.
There is nothing good here, not for anyone. No one will say 'I'm glad that happened...' because no one is.
Just a point of interest:
If you can talk, you’re not choking.
If you can talk you re not choking. Infinity Direct Blog
Don't believe it Google it for yourself!

So. Should I listen to Cletus the swamp savage on this? Or the coroners report?

Listen to the hired protesters holding signs.


Now for some Cletus conspiracy bullshit???

Take your tinfoil hat and piss of to your fellow Cletus Alex Jones, you savage!
If the guy had not resisted arrest in the first place things would not have gone a far as it did.
As soon as he said don't touch me is when they had to take him down.
There was a black woman officer who was in charge there at the scene and she did not stop them because she knew they were not chocking him.


Didn`t you savage consistantly post the coroners report as evidence to support your outlandish claims in the michael bron case?

Well. The coroners report this time clearly underlines that the victim died due to choking.

Now go fuck some animals and play with mud Cletus.
What underlines all of these cases is the fact that our liar in chief doesn't believe in following our laws. He's setting a terrible example for everyone else. Why should some guy selling cigarettes on the street follow the law when our president refuses to?
Jebus Christo Mud, you are one sick and demented human being... Life exists without Obama....why is HE your Messiah and ALL revolves around him?

Who pays you to constantly say this kind of SHIT? sheesh... Brain Damaged sucker, that you are...

Sorry if I'm not one of the idiots Gruber spoke of. If our leaders set a poor example for us don't you think some idiot is going to want to imitate it? You've never heard of copy-cat crimes before? This isn't exactly a copy-cat crime but it's a general attitude of lawlessness and exhibits a lack of respect for authority. Why do you think Obama does it in the first place if not to set this sort of thing in motion. Why does he release thousands of criminals from jail if he's not trying to increase lawlessness.

Jesus, what a dumb-ass!!!
If the guy had not resisted arrest in the first place things would not have gone a far as it did.
As soon as he said don't touch me is when they had to take him down.
There was a black woman officer who was in charge there at the scene and she did not stop them because she knew they were not chocking him.
It was a terrible accident. Those wanting to make it more are a pathetic bunch
The very first time I visited an aikido class, sensei who was about the same size as the Staten Island officer, called one of his students up to attack. The student, Joe, was a Corrections Officer at Rikers and only slightly smaller than Garner. Joe attacked sensei and literally a fraction of a second later Joe was flat on his back. The point being that there are many way Garner could have been subdued short of lethal force. And, once again, these same cops now are in body armor armed with AR-15's in Grand Central Station and I don't feel safe
The video of Eric Garner's death is one of those two or three minutes that leaves it's impact forever.
"I can't breathe...." ....eleven times.
There is nothing good here, not for anyone. No one will say 'I'm glad that happened...' because no one is.
Just a point of interest:
If you can talk, you’re not choking.
If you can talk you re not choking. Infinity Direct Blog
Don't believe it Google it for yourself!

So. Should I listen to Cletus the swamp savage on this? Or the coroners report?

Listen to the hired protesters holding signs.


Now for some Cletus conspiracy bullshit???

Take your tinfoil hat and piss of to your fellow Cletus Alex Jones, you savage!

Gehen Sie Sex mit der Nachbarschaft Collie.
The very first time I visited an aikido class, sensei who was about the same size as the Staten Island officer, called one of his students up to attack. The student, Joe, was a Corrections Officer at Rikers and only slightly smaller than Garner. Joe attacked sensei and literally a fraction of a second later Joe was flat on his back. The point being that there are many way Garner could have been subdued short of lethal force. And, once again, these same cops now are in body armor armed with AR-15's in Grand Central Station and I don't feel safe

They didn't use lethal force. The problem is Gardner was in poor health and he was mouthing off. He didn't deserve even being cuffed and stuffed but the law is the law. Fighting cops is always a losing proposition.

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